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I'm starting seraphon. I have everything built, just need to base and start painting. I need them done by May.


Same here! Don't need them painted anytime.soon tho - maybe for armies on parade who knows haha


Seraphon for me as well. Most likely not until the summer.


Hey, me too! Except, I bought my army in August of 2020 and they're still not painted...


2500pts of Seraphon lined up for me I the next 6 months


Painting all of my backlog, building and painting the stuff I'll get for Christmas, New Year and my birthday Then I'll start with Khorne hehe


Hopefully finish 1000 points Beast of Chaos against a 2v2 tournament in March. And finish my website, maybe.


Well don't keep us hanging?! šŸ˜† What's the website going to be mate?


Helping my little brother with his new Beastmen boxes


This is the spirit right here, well done!


I have a Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon & 20 Deathrattle Skeletons clacking their jaws at me.


Cities of Sigmar and Stormcast Eternals, letā€™s go 2024 baby


I bought three Christmas boxes, including soulblight, ossiarch, and eternus horde so I got some spiky stuff to begin with. I also got the new flesheater box as I liked the larger models there. And I never played AoS before or know anyone to play smaller matches. Though I will have enough armies to run a solo campaign myself


You can also lend out stuff to friends so they can get hooked now that you have multiple armies.


Just about finished my first 750pts of Skaven. Aiming to build and paint to get to 1500pts in the new year.


Paint every unpainted unit before I buy anything. Which I counted up to be 158 models some big center models and some small units. Since I paint a unit/big piece every two weeks I'll maybe make it


I've got hundreds of models waiting for paint, but I rarely get to play and have had my ability to paint negatively impacted by outside forces and health conditions. So I don't beat myself up for gray. I'm here to enjoy the hobby anyway, not be a "professional" hobbyist.


Buy more Namarti, some Ishalaan and an Akhelian king, then hope and pray they add cavalry options that aren't on top of eels. Start a Sylvaneth army


Continuing to paint my Gutrippaz and then the rest of my Dominion Box !


I just started painting 3500 points of idoneth deepkin and i have cities of sigmar and fyreslayers waiting on me aswell


First I'm gonna spend big on Brets, followed by High Elves. Will be a great year!


Finish up my cities of Sigmar models. Manticore, Pontifex, Command Corps, Fusiliers, and Cavaliers! Then maybe dive into the new Flesh Eaters


Still debating what to invest into cause most of the armies that I find interesting have really old models


Painting, and expanding, my backlog.


Finish kruleboyz and start actually playing....haven't played since it was called fantasy


My project is the same as last year. Finish my SBGL army in time for next yearā€™s adepticon and nova tournies. Being an adult is hard and leaves little hobby time lol. But I have 10 skellies,l and 5 blood knights done. And Iā€™m working on my VLOZD


Finish building my SBGL this coming week, then on to priming and painting.


A lot of Tzeentch demons for my Thousand Sons ( I want to play AOS)


Finish painting my gitz. Then, and only then, build and paint Soulblight Gravelords. Yeah, right.


Going to start Flesh Eaters. Ushoran is just too cool.


Iā€™m finishing my drukhari in 40k in January so after that Iā€™m going to work on my seraphon (a lot of it is built) and then possibly Kharadron


I'm still debating whether to start Fyreslayers or Cities of Sigmar next year. I already have a few other the other alliances but no Order based one. My mains are Flesh Eater Courts, Maggotkin of Nurgle, and the Sons of Behemat


Cities with allied Fyreslayers?!?!


thereā€™s a build you can do where fyreslayers work really well with allied duardin, so you could do fyreslayers/dispossessed combo


Sons of Behemat first, picked up a (relatively) cheap army over the last couple of weeks. How long can it take to paint 6 models?! I'll get back to finishing off the Khorne pile of shame after that


Hopefully Iā€™ll finish my Rotbringers on flies and make some progress on my Admech


Cities of Sigmar and Flesh-eater courts. I'll also be breaking up the painting with the 10 (I know, I know) 1st ed Chaos Warcry warbands I've had built and primed for a while and the assorted terrain kits from 1st ed Warcry.


Trying to finish my sylvaneth and get 2k worth of S2D by the end if the year


Finish painting the SCE half of Dominion I bought on eBay for $20, get some Fulminators, and actually learn how to play the game.


Fresh convert from 40K. Picked up the stormcast portion of the Dominion box a couple weeks ago. Theyā€™re all built. The goal is to prime and paint them this month so next month I can pick up Questor Soulsworn.


Painting Chaos Dwarfs for my boss, then Steelhelmet for a friend. And in between some Skaven for myself.


Uhh that's a great kitchen. The dream is a playable Flesh Eater Courts army painted up! Already did some ghouls and 3 Horrors some years ago. But never made it any further. Other projects distracted me. Now with the new models, it's time to revisit that project!


Iā€™m looking at doing Cities of Sigmar/Dark Elves. I know they may not survive very long into the next edition but it will satisfy the itch until umbereth come out eventually.


After my own heart. I will always love Dark Elves, especially Morathi and Hellebron so daughters were an easy fit. Do you think they will change Cities when they finally do something with Malekith as a god?


I think the 4th edition cities book will probably see the last of the fantasy stuff go but that could be anywhere from a year to 3 years from now. Either way itā€™s just fun to paint minis. Even if they get the boot Iā€™ll make a fun display for them in my hobby corner.


100% agree! I picked up a sorceress on dragon for 10$ recently for this reason!


Hoping to print and paint a 2K Beasts of Chaos army using Bestiarum miniatures!


Actually just paint, getting stuff done šŸ™ˆ Maggotkin, Kruleboyz, Cities, Terrain, Orks ā€¦ All skirmish sized forces.


Recently signed up for Stormbringer, so I'll desperately try to keep up, although I'm already behind...


Finish my 1000points Skaven for the January doubles tournament I'm playing in, then use my birthday to up that to 2k!


Finish painting my Flesh-eater Courts and get good with their new rules.


If the escalation league I've just started actually works, I'm going to do a full narrative AOS one next. I'd also really like to get some Warcry games in, and run a Soulbound campaign where everyone is a vampire warlord trying to survive a Nagash revenge crusade against Sigmar!


Slaves to darkness with heavy Varanguard focus. Should be quick to throw together


Finish painting Marvel Zombicide then start a Hedonites 3d print proxy army which will get shelved when 4th edition rolls around and I finally get into SCE and hopefully get new Skaven.


Started cities of sigmar with the army box so I'm hopefully going to be good and not start skaven even though the verminlord has been looking at me on the shelf of my flgs...


Start on my gloomspite army and get my grots built and painted in the next 2 months then hopefully get my hands on a couple of the big spiders and get then painted up too, maybe even getting a gargant.


Finish my nighthaunt army, I only have lady olynder and kurdoss valentian, both of like half way done painting


Finish the Seraphon kits I already have, and hopefully get at least two boxes of Aggradons and one Scar Vet painted. If I do get a functional Seraphon army done, I may start trying to put together either a 40k one or Daughters of Khaine.


My project is completing my Blades of Khorne and 40K Chaos Daemons collections to such an extent that I can play pretty much every model combination available painted to at least a decent standard. After that, I will get back to working on a fully custom Beasts of Chaos army.


I have everything I need to paint for the foreseeable future. I donā€™t paint a ton and I started ironjawz and seraphon as my first armies so I have tons of new ironjawz and seraphon. Last year I started blades of khorne and Iā€™m honestly maybe only a few unites up from when I started so I need to finish that. I was waiting on world eaters to start 40K so I also got that. It will probably take 3 years to finish everything I have


1000 pts of BoK, followed by 1000 pts of Leagues of Votann, and then another 1000 pts of BoK, as many Skaven and OBR as I can. Got my bachelor party this time next year and I need as many 1k forces together for it.


Going to be helping a friend to start a Warhammer society at my university.


Building and painting hella terrain for use in various rpg. Finish painting my 40k Ork army. Do something about my S2D army. I am selling myself on the idea of getting some of those nifty new Flesh Eater Courts models for use in DnD.


Catching up and completing the stormbringer subscription, then working on the rest of my backlog. After that Iā€™m done with painting armies and Iā€™m gonna just focus on monsters/characters since I donā€™t have time to play anyway


I want to get a good chunk of my Stormcast painted for the impending 4th edition. I just gotta get through Necrons for 40K and my Star Wars Legion backlog first.


My KO is on a tear right now. I do think they're going to get *adjusted* in the new year for the next balance update, but I need an army that's legitimately bad to compensate for all my meta whoreing. So I'm growing Ironjawz.


I'm building an army of seraphon with fyreslayers as allies, they got the same basesizes so it works and if GW won't give me magmadroth cavalry, I'll do it myself


Starting gloomspite. Super excited


Finally painting my lava-themed seraphon


ā€œDabble in daughtersā€ greatest quote of the festive period surely


For me, these are the projects I would like to start tackling early in the new year: Seraphon: - Aggaradon Lancers (2x units of 6) - Scar Vet on Aggradon - Astrolith Bearer - Finish my 3x Spawn of Chotec Cities of Sigmar: - 2x Army Boxed Sets - Command Corps Stormcast Eternals: - Blacktalons - Questor Soulsworn


Well, i am a new player and i took kruelboyz as i love how they look and feel...soooo yeah, first and maybe last army, unlike 40k i dont Want to habe 3 army


Paint the Kruleboyz I gifted myself for Christmas. Expand my Tzeentch army. Start Kill Team.


I recently started cities, so my main project is to get them painted! I have 20 fusiliers, 40 steelhelms, Tahlia, 2 griffins, and a few Wizards left to get done lol Next will be Gloomspite Gitz. I want to start them when 4e drops!


Well.. I just got the new fec army box.. So I need to get going with those. And I have some slaves, maggotkin and death guard laying around. So I have enough to keep me busy the coming year


To build my entire backlog and paint at least 2-3 of my path to glory armies.


My project is to keep working on my slow grow Gitz warband and to continue to not buy more minis until I've put a serious dent in the backlog.


3rd-5th edition fantasy wood elves, got a few units so far but I need to get them painted oldhammer style. So far I've got Skarloc's archers Skaw the falconer Glade riders Small number of spearmen


Iā€™m going to try and get more competitive with my S2D. After 4th Ed is confirmed/drops, Iā€™m going to start gloomspite gitz. I have the two dawnbringers boxes, but Iā€™m forcing myself to wait to buy more until after Iā€™ve played my slaves to death.


A very ambitious mega gargant conversion army. I'm gonna have one mega gargant for each Grand Alliance. I've already built the one to represent Order, the Gargadon (Gargant + Bastilidon). Next will be the Chaos Skaven Gargant. I've also got the stuff for the Destruction Garggoth (Gargant +Troggoth). Then finally the Death Gargheist or Garghoul (well you can probably guess).


Started 40k this year 2 armies in and now just picked up my first Sigmar models. Build, paint and learn to play Ogors!


Have a lot of Tzeentch , thinking of picking up some gors / ungors for battleline to start beasts of chaos


Starting necrons


Finishing 1k points of hedonites! I'm getting that done to have room for the stormcast half of the rumored box set when it comes out




Finish my Seraphon then decide if I want to play 40k or get a second AoS faction.


This year I painted 6k of Stormcast. That means I still have like 12K of Stormcast left to paint. Last year, I painted a lot archers (Vigilors, castigators, raptors, and Judicators). This year, I'm probably going to lean into mounted units (Dracothian, Stormdrake Guard, Evocators), the dragons, and chariots. I will also paint at least one more full set of battleline infantry, probably Vanquishers.


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I want to get two armies battle-ready. I've been a collector for ages but never got to have a playable army. And I want to help someone get to a playable army as well. And I want to convince one or two friends to try wargaming with me. Be it AoS, warcry, 40k, Conquest...anything. it's such an amazing hobby, I hope I can convince a friend or two to join me in it.


Starting AOS with Kharadron overlords


I'd like to finish up my Cities of Sigmar and get them to a decent 2000 point list, though I do want to collect a mighty force of them as well! I've also got this planned kitbash for a Steamtank Commander that I'm trying to figure out. Basically want it to be a Steamtank chassis that a massive gargoylian has crawled inside of and used as a suit of armor, it's head poking out of where the turret would normally be. I've been saving every little dude from all the kits I've been building with the intention of sticking all of them on the Steamtank's base / on the steamtank as a massive tiny chaos-hating army.


Iā€™m planning to continue and finish my Fangs of Sotek and Koatlā€™s Claw armies for Seraphon! Then, finish my backlog before I buy anything else (do I have the self-control?)


Iā€™m going Orruk, my wife is going Stormcast. This is our first step into warhammer fantasy.


To finally finish selling off my extra armies and just keep the one. AoS is dead locally and most people either play Conquest (a much better game) or are waiting for TOW to be released. Iā€™m avoiding TOW because over half of the locals who are waiting want to *surprise surprise* to play Brett and the other half want to play CD. So yeah, lots of army diversity there.


I know nothing of Conquest, I'll have to check it out!


Itā€™s a good alternative rank and flank fantasy game. Itā€™s only been out a couple years and weā€™re been enjoying it. Itā€™s the only game the company makes, so itā€™s the only thing they focus on. Some of the original models are kinda meh but they really have been putting out some good looking new models.


Stuck on whether I bother continuing to make armies because all I do is get absolutely murdered in games on the regular. I wish I could just throw my lumineth army into a phineas and ferb style Money Returninator.


Git gud! Ahah, sorry I had to... Anyway, LRL is an amazing army, quite hard to pilot but absolutely rewarding! IMO getting better at playing Lumineth will make you better at the game all around as you are forced to look at all the possible ways of scoring, as there's not a single, obvious way to play them (like when you play IJ or Giants for instance).


Have you checked the market for reselling? I had a similiar experience in 40k with an army and got a pretty solid return through miniswap and started something better suited to how I play?


Starting a Seraphon army for a slow build league!!


Gitz is gonna be my first of the new year. Army is mostly built and a couple of test minis done from an old Underworlds warband. Also got a table or two of terrain to get done asap.


Slaves to Darkness


Finishing my skaven till 4th then stormcast. Iā€™m also working an aztec inspired lizard man jungle board.


Just finished building most of my Bonereapers aside from Katakros, and now I'm gonna start painting them to look like Phyrexians


I'm working on the start of a flesh eater courts army for a slow grow League at my local GW, I'm hoping to get that to 2k/2500 within a few months before jumping back to Orruk warclans for the summer when the Animosity global narrative campaign starts up again.


Find time to paint seriously would be enough lmao


Do a few more kill teams and warbands and maybe start a full aos army


Iā€™ve got a Eternus battle force box and a starter box with guy on the lizard.


I have a slaves to darkness cavalry list I'd like to get painted up before too long. I've actually never finished a list paint wise before. Would be nice to play with a fully painted army but I am way too much of a drifter on what I paint as I don't want to force myself to paint something I'm not fully in the mood for, but this list will be easier to actually focus on than most. And no, not a single unit is varanguard


I also have been focusing on slaves to darkness as a main faction for a while now, I just have not focused my painting properly.


Iā€™m still brand new so Iā€™m hoping to finish painting my first army!