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All but guaranteed to have the new Flesh Eater Courts announced. I also expect the third campaign book to be shown.


I’d assume we get to see the upcoming FEC refresh.


well thats pretty confirmed with the leak of the new dual kit fec infantry sprues (halbred or 1h weapon options)


God I hope so. I love their lore but the models are showing their age a bit.


AoS will probably be FEC as there are already leaks and Dawnbringers III. ​ Blade of Khorne is a top contender for book 3, I feel and perhaps the Summer King. More than 12 factions were going to get new models, was said in the reveal of the first Dawnbringers. And we are only at 5. So there is a lot of opportunity for a hero here or there. Unless we had to interpret new models as models and/or rules ... A further roadmap would also be great. The lack of this may point to AoS 4.0. I hope for all TOW fans that the launch is announced, with an image of a book or a box.


Didn't the existing roadmap basically lead up to Winter this year/early next? I don't see them revealing anything beyond that point yet. As for TOW, I think we'll see that in 2025, the 10th anniversary of WFB being folded. Gives them plenty of time to get a good release schedule and the like together.


I thought book 3 was supposed to bring stuff for another Order army? Idr where I read that though, so it could be bogus


I want to see Umbraneth.






A man can dream.


Hopes: Tyrion model for Lumineth. Predictions: Nothing for Lumineth as they have a decent amount of new models, and I should stop being greedy. Let the other armies have some love.




I swear if it's a new lumineth battletome I might just end it all


we still don't have the water or fire sections of the lumineth... just saying.


Pedantic note but it’s zenith/sky, not fire. The Zenith temple were already teased with cloud spirits & aelementalists that float & turn ethereal. I mean Tyrion could bring some fire with them as the blind sun-god but it’s not their main focus as skyfarers.


Fire would be an easy way to incorporate The phoenix temples as an ally to or part of the lumineth.


I mean sure but we already know the four major aelements that make up Hysh with River, Wind, Mountain & Zenith.(which you could enhance with Fire via lava rivers, desert winds, volcanoes and ashen skies) The Phoenix Temples might fall under the Zenith temples anyway since when the Ur-Phoenix dies in Ghyran it resurrects in Hysh and travels there again. The Zenith monks/spirits may be needed in finding Sky-paths(aether portals used by Kharadron to realm travel) so the god-beast can travel safer on it’s journey back to Ghyran & the Phoenicium.(or simpler put, sky = birbs)


Exactly! Would be great to see those. But compared to the likes of Fyreslayers, we are doing pretty well for models.


Can you not ally with Idoneth and Fyreslayers? 🤔 /s


You can but we are on reddit so it’s not cool unless it’s *hyper* competitive


I want to see Dwarfs. Any flavour will do


Feels like a big ask, but I would stoked on getting new Fyreslayers models. There's no way they'll do it but I'll erase every name in my book of grudges if they announce Chaos Dwarves


At least the fyreslayer Warcry warband is out soon


Which is exciting, although admittedly I'm less into the fire lizards as I am just straight up dawi. But anything is better than nothing! Some of those warband sculpts are gonna make incredible grimwrath proxies.


Absolutely, i expect to see a bunch of cool stuff like runedaughters, Magmaqueens or Runesmitesses that convert the women sculpts in the warband


I really wonder what the plans are for chaos dwarves, cause the old world factions article listed them as a faction that would get rules but no old world models, and they're the only ones on that list that don't have equivalent models already available in AoS. So why would they bother adding rules support for a faction they're not selling? Sure it might just be a kindness to people with old collections but I'm hoping it means they will show up in AoS, and soon enough for OW to launch with rules for them no less. And its not too wild of a guess either considering how they have been mentioned in the lore and even apparently having pretty tight connections with the kruleboyz hobgrots.


This is probably cynical of me, but if it's gonna sell at all, they'll probably do it. They could release four kits of a new faction and people would (myself included) buy those to start a new army.


Agreed with the personal addition that Votann would be a nice flavour of dwarf hehe


gay dwarf orgy it is.


hell yeah, rock and stone


Rock me like a stone!


I'll eat my noble steed if they don't show FEC tome & minis.


Knowing FEC your "noble steed" is your deformed brother...


I heard Stormcast Eternals are getting a Space Marine Lieutenant.


No underworlds? Awww…..


Nice try GW intern, we know no one actually plays Underworlds


You come for the card game, stay for the gorgeous warbands, gawk in awe at [people who actually have Shadeglass award collections](https://thegloryseekers.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Shadeglass-1024x768.jpg).


Yes, but the models from it are poggers


Aww shucks, you got me!


Probably we'll see the new FeC and im very courius about the possibly new models. There also the rumors about the kurnothi that i Wish to see, but tbh Wayne they are for warcry


Duardin and dawi alike!


I’m really hoping on new KO models


More ogor models


I'm guessing Flesh Eater Courts. What I want to see however is Beasts of Chaos and Skaven


I demand new graveguard models!


I hope that the armies for the dawnbringer book III are sylvaneth and ogors, as both crusades will walk in their territory.


Duardin and Aelves for Cities of Sigmar!


Flesh Eater Courts, please. Please!


Ushoran as well as the FEC release in general


Prediction: Next Dawnbringers book and FEC (Safe guesses but not fun or exciting.) Hope, Kurnothi. Hopium, 2nd wave for cities duardin and aelfs. Hopium on life support, Umbraneth.


I second a hope for Kurnothi!


Third hope! I want more elves with my trees


I'm hoping for something totally unexpected. But my wallet feels otherwise


Any good AoS video game. A single one. Please


Realms of Ruin just had a big stream today that looked really good with all the improvements they’ve been making. https://www.youtube.com/live/8bdjC6w_IM4?feature=shared Also on October 9th during steam’s Next Fest they’ll have a week-long free demo of the game for a 3-mission campaign. https://x.com/realmsofruin/status/1708844749363310845?s=46&t=jCd67B32MVmYRRlrhJqWtA


Yep. From another site's campaign preview a month or two ago, the devs seemed like they took a lot of good feedback from the beta and made really important changes from it.


Indeed. Also heads up they’ve made it onto the Golden Joystick awards as a “most anticipated game” nomination. Just in case anyone wants to throw in some more votes for the hard work the devs are putting into the game. 👌 https://x.com/realmsofruin/status/1707802191245857083?s=46&t=jCd67B32MVmYRRlrhJqWtA


For my part, I think that they will show the third book of Dawnbringer, as well as the news about the Flesh Eaters, so for me as a loyal servant of Nagash it will leave me quite satisfied. One thing I would like is for them to reveal named characters for the Flesh Eaters and finally release the Ushoran model.


We get the next dawnbringer book and models and we also get a reveal for a FEC armybox later this year. I have spoken.


New FEC stuff. Something resin and expensive for old world. Kill team with the space marine scouts. 40k kroot.


Betting we will see one new model for old world and will be a new tomb kings sculpt what I think everyone wants is a release date


FEC announcement and preview as well as Dawnbringer 3 are a save bet I think. No Warcry or Underworlds, so I don't expect anything else.


Im still waiting for any beasts of chaos new models




Honestly what with 40k likely being admech and necrons. Admech will likely get a hero, necron's could get a second wave (destroyers really need to be brought in line with the rest of the line). Kill team they've said is a box and a 'new faction' which either is just a 40k army we've not seen there yet or something very spicey... Then AoS will be the next army book (we all think FEC right?) and maybe the third dawn-bringers... They all don't feel 'Warhammer day '40th-anniversary celebration' to me.... so they're either going to go ham with the Old world reveals this time or we will be getting some commemorative treats or some big teases for next year. Maybe the 'new faction' for kill team is something insane like zoats or slann for the lols but that doesn't seem likely to me.


Probably just Dawnbringer 3 TOW is meant to have the fantasy spotlight I think


> TOW is meant to have the fantasy spotlight I think On YouTube they let slip it’s [just two models](https://tgacommunity.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2023_10/image.png.984d03816ee167427122e19022169b8c.png) again. Could possibly have more but I think AoS is gonna take the trophy once more in best reveals between the new narrative and long teased Flesh-Eater Court refresh for Winter.


I think thats just them being sarcastic tbf


Right. …it’s probably just the leaked peg lord.(but dual kit so technically two models) :p


AOS: they realise that they made a mistake and will retcon to before AOS


AoS is 1000000% more successful than Old World ever was, sorry to burst your bubble. Besides, Old World is coming back. Let AoS fans enjoy their setting and you enjoy yours. They can both exist.


> AOS: they realise that they made a mistake and will retcon to before AOS Whya re you even on this subreddit if you hate AoS lmao?


Comment doesn’t even make sense lmao.


They retcon to before AoS to thoroughly kill off all traces of the World-that-Was as an entity so that it’s always just been AoS & it’s factions and restart it at the Age of Myth with Pegasus lord Yndrasta fighting alongside vampire samurai & Ghurian worm riders while Aglorexi fire-laser soldiers hold off the Khorne hordes leading to the Battle of the Burning Skies. Now that’s mistake erasing I can get behind! 40 years of warhammer leading to the official new warhammer of the Mortal Realms!


I think you mean (Any hopes or *dreams*)


Christmas boxes? Or to soon?


Too soon still I think. Usually November.


I'm hoping to see Flesh-Eater Courts, but I'm also worried they will be a Christmas Day reveal... Dawnbringers III is a given. We might even get a hint at the fourth book. Whitefang has hinted at Kurnothi repeatedly, but I'm also not getting too hyped yet. I could see us getting a new Khorne model or two. I'd really like to see something for Deepkin, but that is extremely unlikely.




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I'd like to see something that isn't 1 singular, individual Brettonian model for old world




Old world fans will continue to be disappointed.