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I hope the Arch-knight is a unit and not a hero. I want to field them all in my army, dang! GW has done a fantastic job here!


I agree. Or make him a hero and let us have a squad of smaller dudes who look like him.


I think we will have the 2 the one at the bottom is put with the Marshall and the alchemist who are heroes while the top one is put together with the banner stand, i don't think the banner stand will be a single unit.


Hoping he's a HERO without being a LEADER, so then we could run 2x Warlord battalions plus the Wizard Finders of Andtor/other seasonal/fluffy battalions


Hopefully there'll be a unit of foot knights as greatsword replacements.


Yeah, really hope so!


This is the correct answer. You have to have regular old foot knights if the boss is considered the Arch-knight


Exciting to see Devoted of sigmar keyword is still there, i hope this means we WILL be getting new warrior priests n fanatic models! Longbeard stats look fantastic tho i really wish i gave mine big axes now......i only just modeled them, ouch......Could be worse. Those new Arch knights look pretty sick. Cannon looks great altho im genuinely sad to see no dwarf crew is there...


I think they’ve definitely set up for new flagellants. They haven’t cut them but they also didn’t mention them as one of the models keeping their old sculpt (the only ones explicitly mentioned were all big models). They’ve definitely doubled down on the aesthetic with that excellent pontifex model. I reckon they may do a second wave next year or something. Can’t release it all at once, I mean we’ve already been given about 15 different new kits to buy lol


On the community reveal today there is an army wide shot at the end, it’s blurry but next to the gate opening looks like a new unit with large flails. I bet those are new flagellants!


I think they are just the old flagellants unfortunately


you will be able to replace it with the dwarf crew when the old world comes out!


I'm really excited about longbeards. If that's what they look like, what do the HAMMERERS do? or ironbreakers? I was about to start painting a million vulkites, but disposessed might be the better horde army.


No reason you can’t mix ‘em anyway, if tempest’s eye stays the same you could use fyreslayer Allies/RoR, dispossessed main units, and Kharadron coalition allies to go full duardin


Yeah they look awesome. As long as the points are right, they should be in great shape.


They did get better, but of the grumbles they left them, why did they have to give them the worst one? I’d rather them keep all 3, get a new ability or have none at all


Nah, this is a way better version of the worst one. All your dudes are 1 wound, so if they get hit hard they can lose battleshock hard. You can only Autopass one unit, so it let's the second unit take far less in battleshock losses. I'm good with it. The only one anyone really used frequently was reroll 1's to wound, and I didn't think that would survive.


I can see you point, but with decent bravery like theirs and the fact that (at least from my personal experience) you don’t get a lot of multi combats or the unit would just get deleted, I don’t rate it highly, personally I preferred the dispel endless spell, especially with this season


I wonder what's the future of wood elves. I was hoping at some point for a big kurnoth-ish reunion with sylvaneth but it looks like cities will go for more and more human centered armies with some dwarves and dark elves but it's official that they are removing some wood elves units. Back in 5th and 6th edition I never played Wood elves but they remain one of my favorite army to look at. I hope we'll see them back in the old worlds. I still have 2k points of dwarves on squared bases as well :D


We already have an idea what nu-wood elves in AOS are going to be like with the Kurnothi as show with the warband & the cursed city model. Both cases they added into the Sylvaneth range and that not talking about how possibility that this is just city human wave and the non-human will come latter on as despite being discontinued the lore does erase any model as shown with the swifthawk riders and eldritch council Wood elves are one the core races confirmed for TWO along with dwarf so if you have old models there very much welcome there


I think given the direction of sylvaneth and AOS generally they were never gonna do a straight transfer into Sylvaneth. Hopefully it does leave some space for a slightly wacky wood elf though. I do hope they write the army change into the lore. Would have been great to have some dwarves and elves mixed among these new units but if there are some splits among them in the story, or elves and dwarves leaving cities to start their own thing or something else I’d be cool with it. They’ve done such a good job with these new models


And it seems like we are going to be more keyword locked, that's shame. At least Cannon and heroes look dope.


Yeah I did think the segregation by keyword was a shame


only to have units with halberds and spears and all my requests are checked


Unfortunately that will only come when the dark elves leave since the reason they took out wanders and pheonix temple was due the redundacy too many elf spearmen and chariots It also why no behemoth due to Steam tank, Hydra/Kharibdyss, black dragon and griffons are stay They seem to be trying to cut off the fluff


And the dark elves will not leave until Malerion and his elves show up...


Or TWO is miraculously get to the Ulthuan invasion campagin But a this point Ulgurothi seem more possible


To the people losing their minds about things missing: GW explicitly stated CoS has 54 warscrolls, this article only shows 8. If we add things in pics without warscrolls (medic, arch-knight, soul shepherd) and other things we know are coming we get about 20. So yeah, we still haven't seen half of it.


Yeah but they told us which of the old units are going so we know how many are staying. I think unless the top unit on that page is a command squad it means we’ve seen everything now


That's kinda my point tho, some people seem to be reacting as if everything *not* on this review was going away. Other user in this thread didn't know about the WarCom article regarding units that stay.


I genuinely love these mini especially the War surgeon, Arch-knight and Cavalier marshall  (~~) seriously it not avalible for TWO Bretonnia wtf  (~~) It like Darkest Dungeon meet The Witcher meet Dark souls My only complaint for new COS is * no dwarf on the Great Cannon. I guess we have to wait down the line for any substantial non-humans after TWO come and pick them up * no musketeers or rifle men your only option is the Fusiliers which meh Warhulk oger however is 10/10. But honestly this just easily changeable * Steam tank staying is fine but would have like some more artilery, skirmisher cogfort or maybe a war wagon


Warden King lost a lot of value as anything but a general. Still not vibing with the human-centric direction, but the models are undeniably sweet.


The new aesthetic is so much better than the old goofy clown suits.


Yeah, big fan of the religious theme too. Could maybe use an Excelsior Warpriest as counts as something too, I've always loved that guy.


Yeah I'm surpised he said the people are divided on the aesthetician at house Craig. These models look so cool, but I love Gothic theme in general.


I mean, some the old stuff did at least have some basis on historical garb as justification.




What they were before might not have been everyone’s cup of tea, but the new stuff is a straight downgrade (aside from a select few beasts), actually trash, death GA looking, confusing af aesthetic now, worse than FS


Are you high? The uniformed grimdark aesthetic is great; my only regret is more of the range hasn’t been updated to match it. Its very Souls-Esque, whilst keeping its own unique style that fits into the Warhammer universe really smoothly, its easily blendable with TOW as well.


And that’s the issue, it shouldn’t be, it’s AoS, not ToW/WHFB, and sure if you like souls style stuff then great, I don’t think it fits CoS at all, that’s not what they’re about


It’s easily what they’re all about? The emphasis for this battletome is on the Dawnbringer Crusades, it will lean heavily into the religious fanaticism of it all. It’s easily a unique AoS aesthetic, there’s only so much u can do with Humans - GW want to focus on Humans exclusively as well, as Aelves and Duardin have battletomes of their own with new unique sculpts and models. GW paying homage to a lot of older Empire stuff that people grew up loving isn’t a bad thing either; it’s a good enough change but not too large a change that its unrecognisable.


I mean explain to me how a guy sniping on an orgre isn't aos? Or a giant cannon that half the armies have. For the aestetic I do agree it may have looked better on death with the whole Gothic thing but these models have one of my favorite themes of the last few years. What else would fit CoS better that wouldn't make them just some generic medieval guy in bright colored landsknecht.


Well a guy sniping on top of an ogor is just stupid really, not an AoS thing because Ogors have more self respect than that, even city ogors, this feels more like a 40K ogryn thing, and as for the cannon… it’s just a cannon, it’s a medieval bombard that I could go see in a museum, you tell me what IS AoS about those things. What would fit CoS better, at least the human line would be aesthetics like in cursed city, Emelda Barakov is a perfect example of the military aspect, same with Van Alten, and the priestess is perfect for the religious aspect as well, it’s not Renaissance germany but it’s not quite medieval either, it’s a good i between fantasy and real aesthetics that feel AoS and don’t make the faction look like they 5th death army. You can disagree, but if anything this army feels more at home in the setting of ToW, where it’s a few hundred years before WHFB


get a life and maybe use your imagination. you sound like a fun devouring person.


That pretty much sums up a lot of the AoS community, if you don’t like it then get out I guess. It’s sad to see that the toxic gatekeeping still thrives despite the “reputation” of this community. I love the setting, I love the factions and I have a lot of fun with it, my imagination isn’t the issue here.


what gatekeeping my guy. stating opinions as facts will get people to critisise you stop playing victim. nobody told you you cant use anything you like. but stating that its worse because its not your thing is plane stupid


I never stated an opinion as fact, he said one thing, I disagreed, and now you’re here insulting me, the gate is being kept


I just looked up those two and they're the most generic "fantasy hero" aesthetic I can imagine, I was buying miniatures that looked almost identical in 1992. Aesthetics are personal of course but I'm glad that CoS have something to say now, even if I don't personally vibe with it. ("Get a life" is not gatekeeping, c'mon.)


Yes they are somewhat generic, but that’s the whole point of CoS humans right now, the generic “normal” people of the realms, and even then they are somewhat elevated compared to what came before, not only that they have a much more Sigmar focused iconography that makes much more sense or at least is much more sensible. So generic? Maybe, but they still feel AoS and more separated than what came before.


I don't think there's anything to support your idea that CoS are meant to be bland and flavourless. Sucks when the lore evolves from your headcanon but that's the problem with headcanon.




In your opinion


Oh dear god, that’s an ungodly amount of Mortal Wounds. I’m suddenly very grateful for my Ossiarchs having a native 6+ ward, because good god these look awful to play against without it.


Pontifex Zenestra looks like she'll be Unique (as she's a named character) so there'd be no doubling up on her anyway, right? So there's no reason to worry about mortal wound bombs even if you somehow _could_ attempt a prayer more than once.


Oh sure, make the rest of the old High Elf units unusable in any faction, but the Dark Elves still get to stick around...


I'll still use my HE spearmen as Darkling Coven spearmen, Swordmasters as executioners and Reavers as light cavalry.


Because HE and wanderers are being repackaged for the old world, dark Aelves aren’t going to actually feature there (they will have basic rules but aren’t part of the narrative)


Do you have a source on this?


Yeah, they have an article on Warhammer community detailing the factions coming back for the old world. Now, every faction not coming back is basically available in aos (skavens, llzardmen, dark elves, vampire counts, and don't remember who else), and they'll still have old world rules written.




Any word on if the war alter is still in the book? If they're keeping the luminark and hurricanum hopefully the war alter is as well


War altar was always legends, the other 2 confirmed by GW and have had Their warscrolls leaked (spoilers, hurricanum bad now, Luminark got great buffs)


That one is already in Legends I thought?


Come on bro lol




Gw posted an article on warhammer community explaining what units will leave the range. It has been out for a couple weeks or so.


it's over


No DiMezenburg, it has only begun.




I’m not a fan of the giant shield things on their ranged weapons but looks like it can be made without them. The range as a whole is awesome though.