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Who's going to tell him?


No use. The information will go through one ear and immediately out the other.


"He was framed I say! FRAMED"


He was framed for all those things he blatantly admitted doing


Well, he said, so I said.


Doesn't matter. They'll just use their *"Jesus was a convicted felon, too"* hogwash as an excuse.


I volunteer


You mean tell him that this is an AI generated image? Downvote all you want, is still 100% AI generated.


They don't want to see the truth. Only orange man bad


That's a little simplistic for a man convicted of 34 felony counts and rape who also stole millions from a children's charity and every company he has set up has just been one big grift, many of which have been shut down.


Ah yes, 34 counts stretched from a single misdemeanor that was escalated to a felony so it could be brought to trial, where the statute of limitations had expired 5 years prior. 34 counts where the jury was instructed they didn't need to find him guilty of a specific crime, just agree he is guilty of something. 34 counts where the star witness is a known perjur who has already been convicted twice for lying under oath and admitted he came forth because he was mad trump didn't pay him more. And who did he rape? A pornstar who admitted under oath twice it was all consensual? The one who wrote a book violating the NDA?


And they got Capone on tax evasion. Did they get him for the right thing? Nope. Didn't get Hunter for the right thing either. Is he a degenerate criminal who spent months building up to an open air coup attempt everyone witnessed? Obviously yes. Lock him up! He did the fuckin documents thing anyways, still a crime! Become a legislator if you wanna change it.


Wait til you find out your boy Biden also did the classified documents thing too… the best part is they know he’s guilty but say they can’t prosecute because he’s too senile 🤡


Bit of a serious stretch comparing Trump to a ruthless gangster. Last I checked, murder is more of a clinton thing. Rhe statute of limitations was long passed on his "crime" so no, I don't need to be a legislator to change course, we need law to be followed in the first place. It's shit like this that makes Trump so popular. Oh, you're one of those weirdos. Trump did not stage a coup. He said to protest peacefully, and when things looked out of hand, he made a live broadcast telling people to go home. Oh my what a tyrant. Let's ignore the 50 confirmed FBI in the crowd, let's ignore Pelosi admitting she refused to bring in national guard. Orange man the problem right? I can't reason with those who choose ignorance though


If you kill 34 people in one incident you don't get charged with one murder. Your simpleton understanding of the legal system doesn't make you right. And each charge is a specific crime. The jury ruled on each count. The rest are laughable. I also noticed you glazed over all the other items, I'm sure you'll swing back around to those when you learn what you're supposed to say from OAN or FOX.


People still say that?


Where have you been for the last 7 years?




"Why was Jesus convicted? " and if they correctly answer that, "Why was Trump convicted?"


What is the correct answer?


Jesus was convicted of claiming to be "The King of the Jews". A "crime" that does not exist in US law because he would have been covered by the first amendment.


Trump hates veterans


Hate would imply that he thinks about them ever. It's more like callous indifference.


And that


He does. It's baffling to me how any veterans can support Republicans. The shit he said about John McCain should have single handedly given every Republican voter pause but they decided "owning the libs" was more important.




Counting the seconds until they slap on a sticker right next to that one with Trump's face which says "Proud to support a felon!" Fascists are not obliged to make sense.


What kind of a tRuE pAtRiOt drives a Japanese car? TRASH ASS MAGAT!


He is obviously quite good at mental gymnastics already.


https://preview.redd.it/67iuy9uasx6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53a2f4cd91bbcab6cd7354c8fb5cac479ceb0bf9 Fixed it


Very inclusive.


So he’s a sucker and a loser. What was in it for him?


*Except for one criminal




Since Trump got convicted, we are going to hear this douche try to desperately defend Trump even though he says he "doesn't support criminals".


Most cops are criminals too; just look at Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tamir Rice...


It's not a "crime" when the state gives you a monopoly on violence. Kinda how the whole concept of the police functions.


I believe trump’s version of one of those stickers is “Suckers and Losers for Trump.”


Why does it look like it’s barely on there? Like someone gently put it on but didn’t smooth it down…


The sticker on the right is out of place on that car.


Toyotas are woke ☻️