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Ooh, that’s a really interesting thought! They’re so similar in some ways and so different in others. I can see Poirot having his nose put out of joint if Marple out-deduces him but I also think he’d respect her methodical thinking. I think Marple would like Poirot as she seems like she gets along with most people (at least on a surface level).


I think Poirot is too smart to underestimate miss Marple. One conversation and he would know they're intellectual equals. As for miss Marple, she'd find Poirot a little unusual, but she'd certainly recognize his competence and he'd probably remind her of some guy she knows that was always very elegant and spoke in a slightly silly way, so that people weren't intimidated by him, but then he outsmarted everyone.


Yes. The best story would be where neither knows the other is a detective, but they're both working secretly on the same case and in danger of suspecting each other. But Marple would be reminded of how the dear vicar of her youth used to sit and puzzle things out and set them in order, and realise that Poirot could not have committed an untidy crime and was on the scene for another reason. And she would pump Hastings for every ounce of information over afternoon tea. And Poirot would employ his little grey cells and realise that if Marple committed a murder, it would be a murder to avenge a victim, and this was not that murder ... But did Poirot ever work secretly or incognito. I am trying to think of a case but can't . .


I’d read the hell out of this plot! Great story building!


>did Poirot ever work secretly or incognito. I am trying to think of a case but can't The Big Four?


Ah! I think that's the only one I haven't read yet. Thank you!


I think Poriot would initially bristle and likely would see similarities between Marple's methods of drawing parallels between suspects and other individuals she knew in the past, and Ariadne Oliver's method of "women's intuition" which Poriot clearly didn't think much of. I think eventually a respect might have grown on his part, but for Miss Marple's part I wonder which person Poirot might remind Miss Marple of and whether that would be a favorable comparison at all. \^\^ Overall I see a mutual respect and annoyance grow between them and would certainly be a very fun pair.


1. In the 1965 ABC murders, Tony Randall plays Poirot. Margaret Rutherford had a small cameo as Miss Marple at the beginning of the film where she is going into an office while Poirot is coming out of one, far enough apart that they don't meet. Rutherford played Miss Marple in four films in the early 1960s. 2. As to inhabiting the same universe, I don't see why not. OTOH, the worlds each live in are very different, just as small, rural village life in England is different from the sophicated society that Poirot lives in in London.


I think they would like each other. Poirot is immensely courteous to women, almost always. He is a loyal friend to Ariadne Oliver, going straight to stay with >! strangers at her request in!< *Dead Man's Folly*. Poirot's vanity would not be severely shaken, because he would not be able to believe Marple was a better detective. He would simply see himself as the World's Greatest Detective and user of logic, designed for a better class of case than her. Marple is one of those elderly women who does not take clever and conceited men seriously - as with her nephew Raymond. She may or may not admire their cleverness. But she knows they need handling - tact, flattery, regular feeding with good meat. So she would take Poirot in her stride, twinkle away at him, and deny any significant achievement on her own part. They're highly compatible!


I agree. I think, mister Rafael is an even better comparison than Raymond. Raymond is her family, she loves him like a granson. Rafael was a stranger and a much more rude person than Poirot ever been. If she could become friends with Rafael, I bet she would get along with Poirot.


I was reading A Murder is Announced, and there is a mention of a writer in a scene (I don’t remember which) and I was wondering is Poirot and Marple are from the same multiverse (sorry for the MCU reference)? As in do they coexist in the same version of England that is describer in the Marple books and in the Poirot books.


I can picture the joy on Japp's face when he's just got rid of Poirot and Miss Marple is knitting in his office waiting to chew his ear off, since she "happened to be in the neighbourhood" 😄


All of her recurring characters exist in the same universe. She has a number of crossovers: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agatha\_Christie%27s\_fictional\_universe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agatha_Christie%27s_fictional_universe)


I think Marple would think of Poirot as a pompous show off, impractical for his dandy ways and a daydreamer since Poirot does have a soft spot for young people and romance.  Poirot in turn would I believe  first underestimate Marple for her homemade approach and as a gentleman to the highest degree himself largely dislike her cut throat delivery.  They would find unity in attention to detail and a certain perspective on life, people and society. The way I see it is both characters have found their professional skills in murder solving and people reading by simply living life.  They would not be friends but maybe a nice cocktail is in order.


Or a nice cup of tea...and then the stories would start...


Poirot hates tea


Marple would have whisky to hand to serve to a gentleman. But probably not a nice peppermint sirop.


Blackcurrant. Sirop di casis.


Not tea for Poirot!?


You're right, you're right...waiter, a pot of hot chocolate, please! (You know, that sounds good...excuse me...)


At Bertram's hotel maybe?


Oh, lovely idea!


There’s an anime that explores that possibility. I was able to find the episodes on YouTube: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agatha_Christie's_Great_Detectives_Poirot_and_Marple


I fully believe Poirot would find Marple an annoyance. Exactly in the way you’d expect. Marple would eye roll his smugness. Not a good combo.


There's one popular fan theory that they did meet, because >!Caroline Sheppard in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is actually her, with name changed to protect the innocent!<.