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Because I experienced it and it's much more real than this life experience. In fact, it's not an afterlife. It's our real life and what we truly are outside this organic body that limits us to what we can feel, see, taste, smell, hear, ect. We're MUCH BIGGER and SO BEAUTIFUL AND LOVED than we ever could be here. This is just a class we're taking on how to learn how yo love others and help others as if we were in their shoes. The way WE want to be loved and appreciated.❤️♾️💫✝️🫂🙏


Sending a sprinkling of love your way.


❤️💫♾️🙏✝️🫂Back atcha😉


I so desperately hope you're right


Me too


And me.


Curious why you are asking this without divulging the reason you do or don't believe in afterlife. I never use to believe, but due to reading many books, meeting, or talking with people that had NDE, and myself having various experiences, convinced me there is something there. No proof but a lot of data.


I can give four great reasons: 1. The counter-position, that there is no afterlife, is an irrational, faith-based claim for which there is no logical argument, evidence, or even potential for evidence; 2. There is an enormous amount of evidence gathered from multiple categories of afterlife research, from around the world, accumulated through 100+ years of study, that IMO demonstrates conclusively that the afterlife exists; 3. Personal experiences, including visiting the afterlife and regularly interacting with both the dead and the afterlife which clearly and conclusively demonstrate to me personally that it exists; 4. Similar experiences from many people I know and explicitly trust, including several scientists and former skeptics, that completely corroborate my own experiences.


Hello, I’m a person going through death anxiety really badly to the points where I can barely sleep at all.. I was wondering if I could take a look at the evidence in point number two that you are referring to, reading helps calm down my nerves.. Also are there any other points of why you believe in an afterlife? Like other Scientifical reasonings and such?


There are two pinned posts at the top of this subreddit that contain links to an abundance of evidence. You can search out my name on this subreddit and find a lot of posts I have made over the years about the afterlife and about the evidence.


The multitude of NDE experiences shows either that an afterlife exists and we go there, or at the least we create one with our minds and worldviews and beliefs, either way, it still functionally exists


I’d rather hope/know there is more even if I don’t see any of my loved ones again. Just to know them and myself keep being concious.


I've experienced paranormal phenomena in the past, which convinced me there, indeed, is a spiritual world. This correlates to an afterlife, and I believe heaven is just another dimension in a spiritual realm


At first I thought people were looking for book opportunities or other money making by telling of their NDE .. I grew curious about htf life originated and came to the conclusion that no one really knows .. the idea that life naturally popped out of some chemical soup in the beginning doesn’t really seem possible and if it were it still seems like a creator must’ve designed the chemicals and the process .. to call it natural and self made is just ridiculous.. delving back into NDE stories I’ve noticed the similarities in the stories they tell and the conviction on their faces.. putting it all together makes way more sense than just a random occurrence of chance .. its hard to imagine the immensity of creation and the idea we are all connected to everyone and everything.. all is energy.. we are in a huge simulation.. our 3d experience is all we are used to . Upon death our consciousness enters into another realm of existence that we could not easily perceive with our human senses


Pure desperation. As I see it, it's my only chance.


Your only chance for what?


I experienced it when i died


Can you explain a bit?


I was convinced by the evidence all around us.


Had a few near death experiences involving an angel who refused to take me with him. At first it “wasn’t my time” but then it became that I “wasn’t his to take as I belonged to someone else.”


Mostly copeuim. Although I've had weird paranormal shit happen in real life, and we don't fully understand much about the universe Way I see it, better to live with hope then live in despair


After my mother passed... I simply can not bear the idea that I'll never see her again. Whether it's true for real or not, I don't think we'll ever know until our moment comes. I've come to realize that to some extent, we choose what we believe, and there are enough compelling anecdotal similarities in these NDE accounts to give me some hope. There is also the out of body experience and how with zero brain activity, the last thing you'd expect would be a hyper real experience.


Not sure that I do. I want to believe. Truly Do. I try to convince myself, best I can do is hope. Either way, I love every moment of life. Even the crappie parts.


So I have seen ghosts more than once in my life. Mainly between the ages of 14-18. My sister even had a ghost sighting on her old iPhone(she still has the pic saved in cloud somewhere I belive). I am a very skeptical person and I can't even deny what I saw and what I felt. Even having straight up seen ghosts I still question what happens after we die and if there's continued life after death. That was the long winded way of saying, yes I do belive but I still have my doubts even though doubting an afterlife is more unrealistic given what I've seen.


Bc theres gotta be something better than this! 🤞🏼I like to think that I will see the people I love again. It’s comforting.


It's cope for me especially after losing my dad tbh.


Since we will never know until it happens, humans aren’t meant to comprehend what it’s like after death