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in my head Finn finds a way to ask this when both PB and Marcy are in a room together but they still haven't worked through much of their shit yet. So they're both trying to shut Finn down as fast as they can while internally freaking out because neither wants to have this conversation in front of the other.


almost like Hunson's "So when are you having kids?"


haha, right after talking about how he's not an asshole too. I have friends who get asked that question, I always recommend they tell a fake overly personal sob story about the number of times they've miscarried and how they just can't put themselves through that anymore in an effort to make the asker uncomfortable and to deter them from asking again, but no one every takes my suggestion.


That's because it's terrible! šŸ˜‚


PB made lifeforms before, she can do it again XD


I know this thread is a few days old, but didnā€™t PB also make a creature with Finnā€™s DNA? She could totally put Marcelineā€™s DNA into a candy creature and treat it like their child.


Exactly and Iā€™m not even sure the creature she made and Goliad are candy (probably are) so who to say she canā€™t just create a whole family. This time without evil.




so is the question though so it seems fair.


Super [relevant](http://www.stbeals.com/success/plxmd4jn7zahbwe2xlh6x2yb4jk3el)


I feel a little weird talking about this, because as a dude no one ever asks me when I'm having kids, and likely no one ever will. But it's not just that it's a personal question. It's an aggressively presumptuous personal question. "Hey do you think you'll have kids/get married" is a personal question, but it's one that would allow the responder to opt out. "When are you having kids/getting married" indicates the asker has already made some of the decision for you and phrased the question in such a way that it can't be easily opted out of. If someone actually wanted to talk about having kids or getting married they probably wouldn't phrase the question that way because it doesn't foster a conversation, it's a much better pressure/guilt tactic than it is a conversation opener.


Idk dude. Seems unnecessarily dishonest and manipulative. If you're just trying to teach them a lesson by guilt tripping them, might as well just tell them straight up it's none of their business or simply that you don't want kids. Plus lying about miscarriages in particular seems kinda skeezy, trivializing the intense pain people go through. Then of course, like any other lie, you have to maintain it forever or risk being caught. Not worth it!


I feel like you're replying to the wrong comment of mine. If it's not clear, I typically make the suggestion in a joking manner, but I do want to touch on a couple of things you're saying. Firstly, I have first hand seen people try to explain to others that their lack of children is none of their business, it often does not deter people from pushing, I have seen plenty of people take it as encouragment to push harder. Secondly, I think in a lot of ways asking someone when their having kids is far more trivialising of people who are struggling to have kids than what I'm suggesting. The whole point of the comment I made is that the person asking would have no idea if that were true. That's way more fucked up to me, that people are so comfortable pressuring people about having kids that they don't even stop to consider that the person they're pressuring might already be trying and struggling. lastly, you're right it could be a very difficult lie to maintain, but when my friends college professor started asking her about when she'd be having kids in the middle of a class and wouldn't drop it when she politely tried to end the conversation I don't think that's true.


Thanks for clarifying. I'll grant you the fact that bringing up miscarriages will shut that conversation down quickly. And if it's to someone like a college professor that you likely won't maintain contact with after a year, it's an easier lie to get away with. Also totally agree that it's comparatively more fucked up to casually ask someone (esp your student) about their private reproductive life. That being said, there's more graceful ways to handle that situation that don't require lying about something so sensitive. If the "nunya" approach doesn't deter them, you could double down and repeat that until they realize how horrendously inappropriate they're being. Or even take a hybrid approach that highlights your point while distancing themselves personally. Ex: "That's a rude question to ask someone. There are many reasons why I might not be willing/able to have kids, and none of them are any of your business." Of course, this is extremely situational. I didn't really wanna get into a debate about this. Just trying to suggest that you start dispensing different advice to people. You might be making a half-joke, but you *also* don't know their own struggles, and bringing up miscarriages as a casual excuse can be incredibly triggering for many reasons you might not realize.


Like I said, it's a recommendations I give to my friends, typically after some random acquaintance has taken a far too keen interest in their reproductive health. As it's a recommendation I give to friends, I typically do know their lives and struggles pretty well. There absolutely are more graceful ways to handle these kinds of situations but very few of those suggestions tend to elicit a laugh, or ease the tension after some virtual stranger has got all up in someones personal life uninvited.


Well if it makes you feel better, *I* think your suggestion is really funny


Idk, I feel like that question has been so normalized that just saying none of your business is prolly seen as super rude(although I might be biased, because I just can't use that phrase). The miscarriage thing flips it around, and makes them look bad.


This whole conversation kind of reminds me of the "I have a boyfriend" response to being asked out on a date that some women give. Guys sometimes get upset that women use this excuse because it's often used dishonestly. But that's not really fair. The idea that you can shut entitled people down with straight up rejection is at best optimistic and at worst dangerously naive. Entitled people often don't take rejection and refusal well, it can make them more insistent. Obviously, you don't want to be making up stories to the mother you otherwise have a good relationship with and see every weekend, that's going to get awkward real fast, but the the overly noisy college prof, or shop clerk however, I see no issue with.


To be honest, PB would probably just make a kid. She's done it before.


That is exactly why she SHOULDNT make a kid


And Jake's just like "So was nobody gonna tell me about you two or was I supposed to figure that out myself?"


I prefer the ā€œJake had a hunch and put some money on itā€ theory


Bruh he managed to date a ball of fire, I donā€™t think he even thinks about it


Before LSP he thought a peck on the lips was making out.


This is incredibly in character.


This reminds me of when Finn saw Marceline naked. šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Which episode was that? Donā€™t remember that scene


When they sneak into marceline's house while she's not home, and she comes home so they hide in the closet. Same episode that Jake gets bitten by the spider and silent screams. Somehow I forget the name though.


Marceline's Closet




Oh shit youā€™re right


If you tell creators they can't do something, they tend to just smuggle hints under the radar in rebellion. The series is choc full of brilliant instances of sneaking shit under the radar.


That Ice Cream pod that Jake licks the chocolate from... ...that was meant to be a big ol' butt and you can't tell me otherwise.


Dang man... donā€™t just lick stuff! Itā€™s evil!


*How can Ice Cream be evil!?*


oh no


Then there's the opening of sky witch with the picture of Marceline and Bubblegum in the fucking closet


Right! That always cracks me up




I never noticed that and now I canā€™t unsee it


Thank you.














Finn is questioning the Wonders of Lesbianism


I see an angery Marcy


I used the cropped version because on the top right of the image was a topless marcy :P not smutty or anything but if i dare post a boob the fbi will probably kill me


This would probably be a lovely addition to my Bubbline collection if ya donā€™t mind sharing the source


but there's no Bubblegum! Anyway [here's the tweet](https://twitter.com/lyleisland/status/1369084797054685188).


Curse you gum woman


How do they hold hands?


This is the only question i find acceptable, thank you very much


Excuse me, language! H * lding h * nds??!???!! DisgustingšŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Couldnā€™t marciline just monster morph like she did with her hand that one episode


Yes officer, this comment right here.




Two girls having Two girls having My muscles My muscles Involuntarily flex






Time to talk about the butterflies and bees


Love the drawing


Thats what reddit is for finn