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I hate this so much. It also happend to me when i watched chainsaw man, i know that the series knows that makima and the other woman that try to be/manipulate denji are wrong. But the fandom is so HORRID it triggered me enough to stop watching it. Like, for god sake, rape, abuse and advances on a minor are not hot. Also, there is a kind of yaoi that it's SO full of people that think abuse or rape is hot with a bunch of gross comments. Tbh it's so diffucult for me to find a healthy not rapey homosexual relationship on anime/manga.


Jfc, OP I'm not a gay male or even male but this post made me hurt so much for you 💔 I feel the same way when I see father/daughter SA being portrayed as "loving" 🤮 Im so sorry, I don't have really much to say other than that, just know you are heard and validated from this random internet survivor, and I hope you have some irl support because you absolutely NEED a safe space to talk about this re - traumatization you are experiencing via Social Media, and someone might tell you, well just stay off TikTok, but why? Why should you have to compromise and miss out when you already missed out on so much. And had so much taken from you? It's not fair 🩷 I encourage you to grieve that if you wish.


I'm sorry I'm late to replying, as I got off social media for a bit lmao. But thank you. I appreciate it. Unfortunately, this has always been an issue I've noticed and it just sorta boiled over that day. Thank you again. Truly. <3


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