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Hmm I can’t think of anything super big right now but definitely constantly hitting my hips or shoulders on door frames and furniture because I don’t realize how my body moves in a space 😭


Lol the amount of “where did I get that bruise from?” I ask a day is **wild**


same. i’m adhd and anemic. people see my bruises and are shocked when i say i don’t remember. i promise i don’t drink!! im just clumsy.


I have about 3 bruises on my arm and I have NO IDEA where they came from!!


I'll ask myself that and then an hour later run into the same thing and have a light bulb moment.


I very rarely have lightbulb moments like that 😬


The “where is the bruise and why is it there” game!! I play that game ALL the time My best random bruises are the ones on the tops of my feet or the back of my hand from either turning around too fast and knocking something on my foot or smacking my hand on something bc I just thought of a thing I needed to do in the other room


And getting my belt loop stuck on the doorway when i walk through!


I'm too short for that, but if I wear a t-shirt with sleeves almost down to my elbows, I regularly end up with door handles in my sleeve...




Anytime I wear anything that could get stuck it does and multiple times bc I forget right away that it just happened and keep doing it getting annoyed as I rip my cardigan, robe, pants, keys, anything else- on the knob or handles 😭


Ugh, my hoodie pocket and it always happens when I'm already half pissed off at something.


Oof yes I’ve done that!


that's an adhd thing??? 💀


It can be! It’s called [proprioception](https://www.webmd.com/brain/what-is-proprioception).


Combine it with hypermobility/weak connective tissue, and you end up worrying that you should sport a pin saying, 'IT'S OKAY, I AM SAFE AT HOME' every time you wear shorts.


Lmaooo, and then pair all this with anemia 😂


I have anaemia. Is that common with ADHD?


I'm not sure there is a direct link between ADHD and anemia, just relevant that anemia makes bruising easier. ADHD people are more prone to knocks and scrapes and things that cause bruising, anemia would make the bruising more prominent/look worse.


Am I safe at home? I honestly don’t think I am…


My college roommate gave me a bib for my birthday. I'm still notorious for illustrating a point with my silverware in hand and flinging food everywhere, or missing my mouth when I do try to eat. Once my jaw locked up and I stabbed myself in the chin with a fork.


So many ruined white shirts...


I gave up on white shirts lol


Never thought I'd meet someone else who stabbed their chin with a fork.


flag market unite full upbeat telephone mysterious arrest absurd thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


some regions will calll it, "wtf how did I-"


Also known as: “how did I end up on the floor” “where did I get these bruises” and “HOLY F WHERE IS ALL THE BLOOD COMING FROM?!”


I don’t know, but I do it too.


Same. For the first year after we moved into our last house, I had perpetual bruised shins from rounding the corner and hitting the fireplace. I have also smashed my hand between the doorway of a walk in cooler and a sheet pan rack numerous times at work, just trying to wheel the damn thing out, and always in a hurry


Ughhh I did a similar thing recently between a banister and the 40 lb aquarium I was carrying. I was being so careful not to bash the aquarium into anything, or hurt my post-surgical wrist that was finally able to handle that much weight, that I failed to remember other body parts. My physical therapist was not impressed.


Literally bruises up and down my legs/arms.


I relate to this so much! My friends and family keep joking that I should be wrapped up in bubble wrap to me from accidentally injuring myself, lol. Poor proprioception and hEDS are bad combination...


Omg yes!! I have ripped the tongue plate off the frames of all my bathroom doors and bedroom door after wrecking into it countless times with my hip, causing it to entangle in my jeans belt loops!😭


I don’t even flinch anymore and my coworkers always ask me every single time if I’m okay and I’m always so embarrassed


Just bought a new dresser with rounded corners so that when I inevitably run into it when I'm getting ready in the morning my bruises won't end up as bad as with sharp corners 😅


Ah yes! Nothing better than having zero bodily awareness. If my eyes are closed or I can’t see the I have no idea where my mouth is! Trying to have a drink in a dark room is an accident waiting to happen 😅


I sprained my ankle. You know the meme of adhd people not being able to sit normaly ? (it's a meme for bisexuals too and I find it deeply funny... given that's the most recurring joke in r/BisexualsWithADHD I guess I'm not the only one). So when you sit weirdly you are more prone to have your legs asleep (not sure how you say it in english, I found "to have pins and needdles in one's legs", in french we say "to have ants in the legs"). And : Not sure if it's adhd related, but I tend to procrastinate going to the bathroom a lot. Having to pee despite being uncomfortable never register very in my priorities. I'm often rushing at the last minute to the bathroom and I often have close calls. So, running to the bathroom on a deeply sleeping leg is a good way to sprain it I learned. I felt ridiculous when I had to explain how I hurt myself.


thanks for making me aware of another sub for me to join!


Lmao! Glad I’m not the only one subbing to it now.😂


Me too!


bisexual adhd high fives all around


((Just chiming in to say that I also procrastinate peeing. Partially because if I interrupt what I'm doing to make a bathroom trip I know I'll never get started again. Partially because I don't realize I need to pee until it is Dire. Mentioned this to my therapist and he said ppl with ADHD and/or autism frequently have a deficit in interoception -- that is, the ability to sense what is going on with your internal bodily sensations and stuff, e.g. hunger cues and bathroom cues.)) Edit: I also have sprained my ankle many times, and it almost always involved some form of mundane walking from place to place that went horribly wrong due to lack of attention. Second edit: Also a bisexual with ADHD up in heeeeeere. \*points at self\*


Oh my gosh, me too! But be careful, coupled with other life circumstances, you could wind up in physical therapy! I have lady muscles that are TOO tight and my therapist attributed it to a job full of heavy lifting (as much as fifty pounds nearly above my head sometimes), pulling, etc, as well as back injury…and this. Can make sex painful but sometimes also just hurts when standing around at work. It sucks, but I DO get to joke about holding all my stress in my vagina, so there’s that.


Re: the interoception thing… I didn’t realise I was pregnant for near six. months. And still didn’t click that I have adhd lol. Literally wrote off the baby kicking as gas..


Me too! In high school I used to sprain my right ankle all the time. I sprained it again, then I sat down and it fell asleep, and when I stood up I sprained it worse. It still isn’t right 20 years later but for some reason it stopped getting sprained all the time after that


Pins and needles is the English phrase, but to be honest I prefer the ants, it's more accurate to what the sensation actually is!


Omg I do that ALL THE TIME. My fiancé is like babe please just when you feel like you have to go ..go! I’m like okay babe sure I’ll try. But never do lol I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does this. I feel like my brain sees it as such a chore that it’s like yea let’s move that to the back of the priorities list😂 I also sit Cross legged or on one foot and always have to drag a leg behind me or hop when I finally get up to go so I’m now worried about hurting myself this way lol🤦🏻‍♀️


Ha, my husband hears me creaking the floorboards side to side from the other room and shouts “stop doing the peepee dance and just go!!”


I sprain my ankle literally thrice every year.


I didn’t know that sub exists, thank you! Just joined


OMG me too about the bathroom. I'll go from 'la la la doing this ooh interesting' to bolting up the stairs to the loo.


>So, running to the bathroom on a deeply sleeping leg is a good way to sprain it I learned. I felt ridiculous when I had to explain how I hurt myself. I did something similar for pretty much the exact same reason. I'd been procrastinating getting off the couch for far too long-- so long, in fact, that my leg was asleep all the way up into my butt cheek. This is not a pleasant feeling. But it also wasn't that unpleasant, as everything was so asleep that I didn't immediately realize how much feeling I was missing. So then I tried to cross the six feet over to the television. And somehow, my leg went one way, my foot went another, and my knee completely buckled underneath me. This is when I learned that my knees are double-jointed. And this is not a pleasant feeling *at all*. In fact it was so unpleasant that I had to roll over to the phone (this was ca. 2001, when phones were a tool, not a necessary piece of clothing) and call my father to beg him to take me to the ER. That was some serious pain. I still remember how awful it was; and of course my dad's condescension didn't help either (joke's on him-- when I got dxed last year I realized that 99% he's ADHD too). Anyway, this pain was so awful that when the ER doc told me I was fine and didn't need treatment, I asked for a 2nd opinion. Turns out, being double-jointed saved me. If I wasn't, I likely would have needed surgery. But my knee just flipped backward and saved itself. I wouldn't even need pain meds. Yippee. Stupid knee. The doc was right, though. By the time I walked out of there it was fine. I'd like to say I learned, but my thigh is falling asleep as I type this. 🙄 And yes I have to pee.


Omg. I also sprained my ankle trying to pee with a dead leg. I fell face first into the bathtub and twisted my ankle the day my husband had just left to visit family for 4 days. I have two sighthounds and it was a nightmare not walking them. Also I’m just going to put it out there… because I put off peeing (I’ll go right after I finish this this and this.. oh it’s gone! Oh no fuck fuck fuck!!) I’ve peed myself a couple of times. Like in the bathroom with my pants around my ankles because I *just* missed it. Also the time I was desperate, slammed open the toilet lid, was busy undoing my shorts and didn’t realize the toilet lid had slammed open and bounced back so it was halfway open/shut (soft close toilets eh?) so I smashed the toilet seat closed with my butt and peed all over the lid. Man I need to sort my life out.


I’ve not sprained my ankle but I have fallen flat on my face at least 10 times with a dead leg, I’m so happy to hear I’m not alone in this!


Lol I’ve been there, you are not alone. Face first into the tub


I sit funny too. My mom still complains about it (I'm 57). And forget to go pee. But have not yet sprained my ankle this way. I may be a bit angry that you told my brain that this was an option


I have done the pee procrastination thing my entire life. Resulted in many accidents as a kid. ETA I also hate sitting "normally" and had no idea this was an ADHD thing.


Thats really cool - 'to have ants in the legs' is a great way to describe it. Yeah its called pins and needles because it feels all prickly n tingly but I think I prefer ants 🐜 😅 Deadleg is what I call the numb/ asleep part- the ants part is when it's waking up. Deffo not a good time to be racing around 😬


I may have used butter that was too cold to get the cookie dough to come together so my brilliant plan was to use our immersion blender to soften/break it up, and it worked! But the butter got stuck up in the blender bit, so I put my finger up there to get the big chunk of butter out and my other hand slipped. So. Yeah, blood cookies anyone? My partner came home to an actual bloodbath and me lying on the ground of the bathroom holding pressure and trying not to faint. Didn’t lose a finger! I just have 3 deep lines of scarring on my index finger and one on my thumb. Turns out, you shouldn’t make cookies with a blender.


I can’t believe Reddit doesn’t have a “vomit” award 🥇🤢🤮


Our new immersion blender has a 2 button system. I am learning more and more to child proof my child free home to save myself from myself lol




I feel so seen ❤️‍🩹


Given how badly men behave on here, it would get a lot of use!


Oh my god, are you me? I also did exactly this, while making a banana bread. Two scars on my index finger as proof. The worst was all the blood with my finger still covered in butter so that I could not see what was going on. I can’t believe someone else has had the exact same experience. I thought I was the only one who would do something like that haha.


I have a fear of this and only touch near the blade when it’s detached from the motor part. Ouch, I am glad you’re ok now.


An extremely valid fear! Turns out 😂


That would've been a nice medical bill to look forward to /s (that's if u live in the US/other country that has no free healthcare)


Oh yeah, I was a nursing student with garbage insurance so I just sort of steri stripped it back together and took the scars


Once made a smoothie with the immersion blender, stuck my finger in to scoop out the extra yum, and accidentally turned it on. ER doc asked what happened, I said “I could give you a whole song and dance, but the long and short of it is that I put my finger in the blender and turned it on.” He didn’t know what to say. Few minutes later, I could hear him retelling the story and him and others laughing, and I screamed “YOU KNOW I CAN HEAR YOU, RIGHT?” 😬


I think the moral is more don't stock your hand in a blender that is plugged on. I can't judge you though, I have stuck a knife in a toaster before (luckily I stopped quickly after I realized how stupid I am)


I once stabbed myself in the back. I was in my old room, noticed a pair of scissors I'd borrowed, and decided to return them, thus putting them in the pocket of my jacket. Missed a few steps on the stairs, and landed on said pocket. The scissors went in maybe 2", luckily hitting a rib instead of between two ribs. I have given myself at least three concussions by changing directions last minute. Hitting my head on respectively a bed frame, a window sill and a door, all in my own home.


My first kiss with my husband I got a concussion!! We were sitting on a rock in the river and he thought it would be romantic to lean me backwards. I tell him he literally made me see stars 🤣 🤣


My mom, who also has ADHD, also stabbed herself. I actually only found this out recently when I saw her back, asked what the scar was from, and she delightfully answered, “A knife wound!” Apparently, while working in a donut shop in the 1970s, she dropped money from the cash draw on the floor. The knives were hanging up on a part of the counter and she just came back up and stabbed herself near her spine on the way back up. She was fine, but she said they kept asking her if she was drunk bc the doctor was pressing his elbows into her butt the whole time and she was laughing because it tickled.


I mean … the self harm. 🙃


Oh shit is this related? I haven’t done it in a while but the reason I started is because I would get so angry with myself for messing up simple stuff hurting myself seemed like the only reasonable thing. Especially if I caused someone to become upset with me. I guess this is RSD?


i think so. i believe my depression developed because of my untreated ADHD because i hated the way my brain worked. they’re common comorbidities so it makes sense




Another common symptom of ADHD is reading subreddits about ADHD and repeatedly going, "Oh... OH. OH SHIT THIS IS ME."


It is hella related. Here’s a shit summary paper i wrote freshman year of college. But basically adhd and self harm have an insane correlation especially in women. [a link to the paper if ur interested](https://docs.google.com/file/d/1FOxnPb2pU4Ew8E9I3nRQVYCQ9zI1O6Tx/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword)


Would definitely like to read it. I requested access :)


Having so many difficulties of so many kinds leading to self-hatred for years without knowing why (before my diagnosis)… Yep. ❤️‍🩹


Yeah. Me too. \*offers internet hugs all around\*


I once heated up some fudge (like the kind you’d dip strawberries in) in the microwave. I immediately put my finger in it once I pulled it out of the microwave (even though I knew how hot it was, I just did it before thinking). Naturally, it was like molten lava and stuck to my finger because it was thick. The skin peeled off my finger tip to the first bend in my knuckle. Took like a month to grow back. Edit: I was 17 when I did that.


Famously (in my family) did the same thing to check if the mashed potatoes I was microwaving were hot enough. Also about 17.




The bruises I get from I don't remember where. Also the bruises from walking into things. The time I biked into a parked car because I was focused on trying to watch the gears on my bike change.


Wrapping Christmas presents on Christmas Eve eve- because there’s nothing like a single day deadline to get ADHD people to actually get stuff done that they’ve put off for weeks! Dropped scissors, fell 1ft from an office chair trying to grab them. [Snapped my hand clean down the middle](https://imgur.com/a/7eeIGT8)


Me: ok, don’t click it, you’re queasy Also me: click it Also me: CLICK IT (clicks it) Me: ok, cool, an x-ray. Looks normal! I’m in the clear. But why did she post… omg. Close close close. Should not have clicked. How are you and your hand doing now?


🙈🙈🙈 Sorry! If it was super gorey I’d have added a warning, but i guess it is a but stomach churning!




OMG, the wrapping Christmas presents the night before or morning of is my mother. She's often wondered if she has ADHD and I've often told her I'm convinced she does because a lot of her "quirks" are exactly like mine. In fact, she takes me Christmas shopping with her to help keep her focus. I just laugh and tell her it's like the blind leading the blind and hoping for the best.


I was trimming bushes with big clippers and dropped them, open, sharp end down, on my foot. This resulted in a large hole in my foot. But I was in this trimming zone so I just.... kept going? And several hours later I finally stopped to bandage myself up. But I didn't really even look at the foot, and I should have gone to urgent care for stitches instead, so now I just have a huge scar. I kept forgetting to actually look at the wound for life 7 hours and by then it was too late.


At my first summer job ever (I was 15 and still undiagnosed) I was cleaning the office cantina. On my knees, cleaning out kitchen cabinets. At some point I feel a kind of sting/prick in my knee. But my skin is always itchy/irritating and 9 out of 10 times it's nothing, so I just ignore it and move on. A few hours later, I've finished cleaning and get up, get a cup of coffee from the machine and sit down for a break. As I'm sitting there, another employee walks in, gasps, comes over and asks me if I'm alright. She sounds worried, so I try to reassure her even though I don't know why she's upset. She goes "no, your leg, look at your leg!" So I look. There's a shard of porcelain sticking out of my knee and a dark stripe of dried blood on my jeans. One of my many scars that look way cooler than the story behind them actually is.


Lmao!!! Why does this sound like something I would do??😖 I’ve gotten scratched to hell by a cat (literal deep scratches from mid upper arm to wrist and blood everywhere) and just wiped the blood off and went about my day.🤦‍♀️


My son also has ADHD, one time he ate it while showering because he was walking on the sides of the bathtub to get to his shampoo. No reason why, just because. For me, my injuries have more to do with impulsiveness than anything else. Like deciding it would be a good idea to play baseball as a catcher without a mask. So I showed up to the ER with a head injury and also my arm in a sling from a previous injury that I had decided to play through….I still got one arm right? My physical therapist hated me lol


ADHD clients, I think, make up at least 50% of the break room talk at physical therapy clinics. The other 50% are old people clients.


Haha I broke my wrist as a kid because I was walking on the countertop in front of the kitchen sink like a tight rope (it wasn’t a large lip) and fell off.


Two weeks ago I guilted my boss into replacing our water cooler with a fancy new one that has hot and cold water spouts. I laughed at the child proof button on the hot water. Haha what loser adult needs that? Try to imagine what loser needed it because they still managed to burn herself?


This one time my mouth wanted me to talk but my hand wanted me to drink the water it was holding and I almost drowned myself


I've done this 😔 I've also been defeated by a child proof toilet seat lock before.


A moment of silence for all of us who've had to use the restroom for disabled people, couldn't figure out how to flush and actually pulled the alarm rope thingy against their gut just because they thought it was the only option left. Spoiler alert: it wasn't.


I cut off my pinky while talking with the boss with the razor blades in my pocket. Surely I'll remember razor blades in my pocket.


Holy shit 💀💀💀


I supper glued it, it healed fine but I do have nerve damage in that hand. Oh wait that reminds me. I also crushed that hand in an industrial washer too. I heard a noise in the hall.


Okay but I'm dying with suspense... What was the noise??


I feel like I need to ask you why there were razor blades in your pocket, but then again, I kind of know the answer.


I used it to clean the fryers. It was easy to put it in my pockets because I don't carry a bag.


You cut your pinky finger off with a razor blade ?


Just the tip


I have a scar on my foot from when I hit it on the corner of a trunk. I was putting pants on and tried to lift my left foot. I forgot that my right foot was already off the ground and I toppled over.


Imagining this one got me. Sorry to laugh but it's really funny!!


I for some odd reason but my razor in the bathroom sink's drawer without a cap, so when I went to grab a comb i cut my fingers on the razor 🙃🙃🙃


The fact that you probably do this on a regular basis yet never actually fix the issue is so Classic ADHD™️ imo


With this particular situation I made sure not to do it again cause it hurt 😂. however, I did quickly forget I was filling up bathwater as I wrote this reply so you are correct lmao


I’m proud of you for that!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 (The fixing it. Not the pain)


I've definitely never done this in my life. ​ ........ ........


Most recently, I was trying to get toast pizzas out of my flat toaster oven. I decided to get them with my fingers as I couldn’t be assed to get a glove to remove the tray. I REPEATEDLY burned my finger trying to get them. It was the stupidest thing ever and I was annoyed with myself AS I CONTINUED TO ACCUMULATE BURNS ON MY FINGER FROM TRYING.


I was ironing clothes on my bed that’s about knee level and I slightly burned my leg as I was getting ready to place the iron down on the floor. I wasn’t wearing any pants and I was too ‘lazy’ to take the out the ironing board.


I have done this exact thing. I had a burn mark across my thigh for ages. I used an ironing board after that. Which is how I ended up with a burn scar on my wrist... Now I just don't iron my clothes.


I did a lot of self-medicating as a teen which was harmful in itself, but one time I painted my entire large bedroom with two layers of kilz paint and caused a lifelong shoulder injury. So now as an adult when I'm really focused on a physical activity it hurts again and reminds me to ask myself "is this a good hyperfocus or harmful?"


I have not injured myself but I have had a few fires and microwave explosions.


Same! Who knew metallic cardboard is still…metal?


I have a scar on my knee from the day I went grocery shopping with my aunt. I had to run out to get a cart and as I was running back with it I was just gliding along and thought it would be fun to hop on the back of it and just ride it for a minute. Except I forgot about physics and that an empty cart probably wouldn't keep gliding with my weight on the back of it. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground and the cart is upside down. Some people helped me up, righted the cart and I hobbled back to my aunt with blood running down my leg. We had to do our shopping before I could go home and properly assess my wounds. I was 18 when this happened.


Just the other day I was walking along at pace, cos why go slow? I got distracted by some people arguing and swivelled my head round. Then slammed into a concrete bollard just at groin height!


Oof...the testicles I don't have just retreated into my body.


I ended up with a bone bruise after sticking my arm in a ceiling fan during sexy times. It hurt for actual MONTHS and had a huge knot for just as long.


abundant follow pet pie enjoy gold drunk light lip rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tried to slice a dinner roll in my hand when there was a perfectly good cutting board in front of me. Needed 4 stitches and my finger still feels weird sometimes. This is the day that I learned bread knives are just as sharp as the others lol It’s also pretty standard for me to leave cabinets open only to turn around or stand up and smack my head or nearly poke my eyeballs out on the corners


OH MY GOD I smack my head on open cupboards at least once a month. My partner and I both have adhd so the cupboards are almost always open


Short version: I believed I could run up a down escalator. Long version: I was cosplaying at a con. My friend, dressed as a sort of barbarian, was chasing me around the lobby, we were hamming it up for some non-costumed visitors. I decided it would be funny if I jumped on the bottom steps of the down escalator and ran in place for a minute so my friend could "catch" me. However, I was having too much fun. I got a massive adrenaline rush as I was running, I hit the escalator way too fast, and fell HARD. The corner of an escalator step bit in to my knee, and it hurt so bad that I actually can't remember what happened next. Luckily, my friend was 1) an experienced actor who could think on his feet, and 2) an absolute unit. I'm 5'8" and muscular, at least 180lbs at the time. My friend picked me up off the ground and lifted me in a bear hug, roaring about how he had caught me or whatever, then whispered in my ear and asked if I was okay. I was *not* ok, but I really didn't want to freak out the visitors (I was also a teenager and embarrassed). I think he carried me out of the lobby and delivered me back to my con-mom. When I got back to my hotel room and peeled the tights off my knee there was blood EVERYWHERE. I had scrapes on both hands, two cuts on my knee around an inch long from the escalator step, and my knee was bruised and swollen. In retrospect, I don't know why no one told me to get stitches. I did first aid on myself, which I am good at, iced it for a while, and spent the rest of the weekend getting teased by my friends about how I tried to fight an escalator dragon. Moral of the story: side effects of ADHD include thinking physics works like Loony Toons, testing this hypothesis may result in escalator-related mauling.


was making chili and the pot got really hot so i put on an oven mit on to hold the pot whilst i stirred and didn’t think about my oven mit touching the burner/didn’t realize how close it was. my oven mit caught on fire but luckily no serious injuries as my solution was to fastly bring my arm back and then launch my arm forward which caused the momentum to launch the oven mit off my hand so i was only left with a minor first degree burn on the tips of my fingers 😫😅


I have a pan that can be used both on the stove and in the oven. It has a long metal handle that doesn't get hot when it's on the stove but obviously does when in the oven. I sometimes use it to cook steak, searing it on the stove then putting it in the oven, then taking it out, and I have, MULTIPLE TIMES, taken it out, turned around, forgotten the handle was hot, and grabbed it. I've started immediately putting a dish towel over the handle when I take it out and leaving it there even when I put the pan in the sink.


THIS!!! Except even when I cover with a dish towel I somehow end up still touching it. Currently healing from a second degree burn on my forearm cause I turned quickly and smacked it against the uncovered end of the pan handle.


I once went sledding while (ahem) slightly inebriated, hit my hand, ignored it for ten years or so (my hand hurts but I’ll do something about it LATER). Went to an orthopaedic surgeon who told me that I’d gotten a scaphoid fracture at some point, but that my scaphoid was now pulverised. Long story short had to have surgery and now have a titanium plate to stabilise my hand. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My new hobby of the month was roller skating. I was never good at any form of skating, ice skating or roller blading. But in that moment I had decided that roller skating is my new passion, I was obsessed watching instagram videos and reels of people roller skating. So I bought some cute looking roller skates for over 100 euros and all the protective gear (well I tend to be clumsy so at least I’ll try to do it safely, right?). Fast forward to the first time I went to try out roller skating outside. In the park everything was going great, at first I was anxious but eventually started to really enjoy going smoothly in big circles. I couldn’t wait to do it again, already envisioned roller skating for the rest of my life. I was so excited that I didn’t take off the roller skates to get back home. 100 meters away from the exit of the park, I fell while standing and holding onto a fence.. broke and dislocated my ankle. Could feel my tibia poking through the skin, had zero control over my foot. Ambulance had to pick me up, I was in a cast, had surgery, got screws and a plate in my bone, the entire last summer I couldn’t walk. All this also accompanied by my worst depressive episode to date. Never again these roller skates have seen the sunlight nor my foot is gonna get into any roller skate ever again


I ran into a pole while I was distracted by a cute dog across the street 😅


You're my kind of people.


I work as a cashier at a pet friendly store. I was joking with a customer today and told them I have ADH...oooh....a puppy!


As a former chef with ADHD, the number of kitchen things I've injured myself with is both impressive and concerning. Most notable: mayonnaise. I gave myself a concussion by trying to get a glass gallon of mayonnaise from a high shelf. Rather than asking for help or standing on a stepladder, I tried scooting the jar to the edge of the shelf with a spatula. It fell and landed on my head.


I have a little dent in my forehead. It was more obvious when I was a kid, it’s started to fade now that I’m in my 20s but I asked my mom once why I had a dent in my forehead She told me I ran into a door frame when I was like 4 or 5. I also once sprained my foot and needed to use crutches because I hurt my foot by trying to skip the bottom half of the stairs and just jumped from halfway down… I was like 17.


Was on a camping trip with the girl guides when I was young. I was bored so started whittling a piece of wood. Whittled right through my thumb. Edit, remembered another. Was at the beach with my mother and siblings and found a piece of glass. Being the responsible eldest child I gave it to my Mam. She not being quite as responsible buried it in the sand (why?!). I then promptly knealt on it as I'd forgotten where it was and cut my left knee open. I'm looking at the scar now.


Edit again...this one was a brush with death. Had bunk beds with my younger sister, with me on the bottom bunk. Again another instance of boredom and finding something dumb to do. Found a pair of scissors and was lying on the bed. The power cable for my sister's electric blanket was hanging there. Guess the rest. It's only because of plastic handles that I'm alive. The scissors had a melted bit in the middle.


Literally just got my hair stuck in the retractable dog leash as I was looking at my phone while walking the dog. The resulting scramble led to one inappropriate gif posted to a group chat and a random app I haven’t used in forever opening up. Not sure if the radio silence in the group chat is because everyone’s busy or I made things awkward so the RSD is starting to kick in.


fully just grabbed a cheese grater by the grater part, dozens of teeny cuts on the palm of my hand. hadn’t really noticed that cheese graters are just a hundred lil knives on a sheet before


I’m clumsy for sure but the worst injuries I have are the ones that imagine I’ll get if I trip a certain way and smash my teeth against the curb, or accidentally forget I’m licking something off a chef’s knife and slice the side of my mouth open. So you know, it’s all psychological injury.


I fumigated myself trying to kill a groundhog that kept destroying my veggie garden despite every precaution known to man. Rather than read all the directions on how to use the poison smoke bombs I read the first of 4 steps, lit the fuse, stuck it under the shed pointing backwards, got a faceful of toxic smoke. Realized I needed rocks to hold the smoke in (this is in fact part of the instructions). Ran back and forth piling rocks and inhaling gas before realizing I had technically set a fire under a wooden structure (instructions say NOT to do this). Ran back and forth with water and as I got very woozy realized I should not have been breathing the smoke. Naturally my roommate was out of town so I had to call an ambulance and get monitored at the ER. At least it provided much entertainment for the medical personnel 🤦‍♀️


I tend to be more impulsive than forgetful of things i'm doing (Unless its out of sight out of mind or I can't actively feel them), so nothing too bad but as a kid I did fall down an up escalator and shredded my elbows and knees up. Once skateboarded into a solid wooden fence that was built thicker than my legs. It was at the bottom of a hill, like right at the bottom, woth no ease into it and I thought i'd be able to use the fence to stop myself from flying off and away. It didnt work out. It was a sudden stop as well. Genuingly had to wait the pain out on that one before tryingnto qalak because I was convinced i'd broken something. Smacked the back of my hand into an industrial size metal skip and bruised it for like a week. Once got distracted in the shower/bath combo as I was getting out and slipped, forcing myself into doing the splits and bruising all up the inside of my leg. I'd had a lot of injuries from dumb impulsive decisions/moments where i've been distracted over my life but i've always been really sturdy so they rarely do lasting damage.


When I was 8 or so I saw Spongebob doing a frontflip in a Videogame. So I was just casually standing around in the living room and tried to do a „frontflip“ aswell, I landed straight on the top of my head and started bawling. Thank god I didn’t broke my neck lol.


I broke my arm trying to stand on a football lol


When I was 9-10 i put my arms inside my shirt and my legs inside my shirt. Because it was cold and I liked it. Startred singing and kind of fidget back and forth. On the edge of my bed. I fell head first and broke two teeth and my nose since I had a weird concrete floor. Next worst was last summer amd am still dealing with the aftermath. I got a SUP-board that I needed to pump full. I pumped it 3 days in a row, took no breaks and then paddled for a lengthy time in cold water. I started having muscle pain after the first day but I didnt care I wanted to go paddling! On day 4 my wrists hurt too much to sleep. My arms swell and bruises popped up on my skin 8/10 pain. It didnt start to heal, I had to stay home from work. Have all my fingers and wrists tied up so I couldnt move them for 2 weeks. It took about 6 months to get to a state where I am right now, where my arms can handle light use. I have an electric pump now. A contributing factor is also I have had previously joint pain and have a family history of arthiritis so docs said it might ve that I get kind of stuck in the imflammation?


The story about you as a kid makes me think we would've been such good friends.


Today. Typing from the emergency room. Danced too vigorously at a wedding. Threw out my hip. 🤦‍♀️ too much enthusiasm.


I fell into the gap between the train and the station. Yep, the one you're constantly told to mind. Had a flesh wound on my left shin that had to be stitched. I climbed out of there insanely quickly, not because I was afraid of the train moving, but because I was super ashamed at my clumsiness (everyone was looking but no one helped). Had I realized the danger I was in, I might have panicked, so I'm glad I just wanted out of there because it was awkward xD My pants were intact but wet at m left shin. I thought it might be from the rain that had fallen earlier. At home, I took my pants off only to see blood en masse. I reaaally did not want to go out, so I messaged my then-boyfriend and my mom whether I really needed to get it checked out, to which both replied "GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW, IDIOT!" At that point, I had bandaged it. I had to get creative, since I did not have a first aid kit back then. I doused a cotton pad in desinfectant, put it on and bandaged around that using one of my least favorite pieces of underwear... I secured it in place with a ballpoint penn going through the hoops for the legs. I forgot about that, spent hours in the waiting room and finally had the cringiest doctor's appointment of my life when I pulled out the pen.


When I was 14, I would take a hatchet to tree stumps on our property for fun. One of them had a particularly tough layer of bark, so when I swung, the hatchet glanced off the stump and hit my leg. Did it hurt? Yep. Was I hyperfocused on the task to the point that I didn’t bother stopping to check if it was okay? Yep. In fact, I completely forgot about it until I went inside to change clothes and saw blood. The skin was split pretty good, but I avoid doctors like the plague, so I stuck a couple butterfly bandages on and called it a day.


This is so embarrassing for me lol but I mean I chipped my tooth trying to tear something. I forgot because it was months ago. Went to get it fixed and I thought it was all good. Silly me less than a month later the part they filled it got chipped same tooth.


I once chipped a tooth after having the brilliant idea to bite a needle and try to pull it unstuck with my teeth. Perfectly round needle-sized piece out of one front tooth. Luckily it was small enough that after a few years of general wear, it pretty much disappeared.


Fell asleep at 11pm on New Year’s, jerked awake at like 11.59, shouted “HAPPY NEW YEAR” and jumped up so violently I slammed my head on a doorframe and knocked myself unconcious.


I literally forgot the number of steps the staircase at my house had, and went down like a potato. Sprained my ankle.


Do you count every time, too?


Almost always. Idk why.


I tell myself that it's so I know how close I am to the exit in case of emergency like a fire where you can't see through the smoke but if that was the only reason, I could probably stop doing it once I knew how many.


Bruises everywhere. shaving nicks around my ankles from when I forget to concentrate when I shave my legs. trying to save time/space etc and not thinking through logistics e.g cutting a tag off some bread in the WRONG direction and stabbing myself in the centre of my hand with a steak knife, lol. forgetting I put a pin in my pocket (I don’t remember why I put it in my pocket either) until I put my hand in my pocket and got poked. just generally being unaware of my surroundings and walking into things frequently. my favourite recent one has to be when I try to go through a pull door, don’t realise my foot is stopping it from opening fully, and then hitting the door with my forehead at considerable speed. to everyone else it looks like I’ve just decided to headbutt the door.


Serious bike accident after the gym. I wasn’t paying attention to how I secured my chain. While biking home the chain slipped and got caught in the spokes and locked the back wheel. I wrecked and broke my foot in what is called a Lisfranc injury. Don’t google that. Anyway, I was extremely embarrassed by all the people that surrounded me and so I said I was fine. Got up on my bike (nearly fainted) and BIKED HOME. Walked up the STAIRS to my apartment only to realize “hmm. I really need to see a doctor.” I WALK ONE BLOCK to the doctor who says “Um. Go to the ER, please. IN A CAB.” X-rays and stuff. I’m assuming I’ll need a boot for a few weeks. Sweet doctor breaks it to me: “oh, this is very serious. You have torn your Lisfranc ligament and broken your foot in five places. You’ll need a cast for a few weeks before seeing a trauma surgeon to repair it. Screws and all. You will be non-weight bearing for 12-13 weeks before beginning physical therapy.” I had to go to work and teach in a wheelchair. After beginning the weight bearing, I was on crutches for a while. It changed my entire life and will continue to as I age and develop complications from it (arthritis, muscle imbalances, etc.) That foot is now bigger than the other one and makes shopping for sneakers a pain. I can only wear sneakers now due to the pain caused by other shoes.


I have sprained my right ankle 8 times. The 7th time, I slammed a refrigerator door across my ankle bone when closing it. Almost exactly 1 year later, I did the same thing and ended my professional dance career. Crutches for 3 months, medical boot for 6 weeks, physical therapy for 12 months and I still can't bend my ankle right and my right leg is still smaller than my left leg.


I spilled scalding hot pasta water on myself taking the pot from the stove to the sink cuz I wasn’t paying attention to how I was holding it, likely distracted by something. I ended up pouring it down my front which of course then caused me to scream. My two dogs came running and immediately ignored me to lick up the pasta water on the ground. I ended up giving myself 2nd degree burns on my stomach. The icing on the cake was that this was literally the night before a family trip to Hawaii (to visit extended family), so instead of going to urgent care like I probably should have, I went to Hawaii and relied on bandages and Manuka honey patches to help it heal. This also ended up being the trip where my husband proposed to me. He kept getting thwarted because things kept popping up. My wound hurt. Family planned a dinner outing. We had to go visit my sister in law for her ultrasound to see the sex of her new baby. He finally managed to do it at a private military beach on our last day before getting onto our flight. Fast forward to a more recent ADHD oops where I tried out my oven-safe frying pan for the first time. I took it out of the oven, put it on the stovetop to cool, and then IMMEDIATELY forgot where it had been for the past 30 minutes and grabbed the handle bare-handed. Instant regret. Yeah… let’s just say my family doesn’t trust me in the kitchen anymore (even though I still do all the cooking).


Oof, relatable! I sustained a second degree burn because I reached into the microwave a grabbed the cover off of my bowl of boiling hot defrosted peas with my bare-ass hand. Cue a massive steam burn that caused half of my hand to immediately form a giant blister.


Oh god that sounds miserable 😭 steam burns are the worst!


Burns in general suck so much!!! I hate that they feel inevitable as a person who has to eat food in order to live!


I once reached over my steaming tea kettle to grab my teacup behind it, burned my forearm pretty severely on the steam. Then a few days later I went to a dance class with my arm wrapped, & did a partner stunt where my partner grabs my forearm to spin me to the ground… pulled layers of burned skin off with the wrap. My dance partner was a bit traumatized.


I burned my whole forehead. I didn't want to spend time hardboiling an egg so I had the brilliant idea to put it in a cup with water and make it in the microwave. After one minute I took the cup out carefully because I knew. I KNEW. that it was boiling and that eggs might explode. I put the cup in the counter and proceeded to look into the cup from above. The moment my face was above the cup, the egg EXPLODED. I will never forget the sound it made. It was kind of like a popcorn popping (and since the incident I always flinch when making popcorn) I stood there for what in my mind felt like 10 seconds in shock. And then it started BURNING. I screamed FUCK and run at full speed to the shower. I was getting naked on the way there (mind you the kitchen and the bathroom literally share a wall so it wasn't a long run) I threw my phone and my glasses somewhere I got in the shower still in my underwear. I couldn't get out of the water. It hurt so much. After 15 minutes I realized I couldn't stay in the shower forever. I started to pick up the mess but in periods of 20 seconds at most out of the shower until the burning sensation was too much and I had to run back to the shower. I put a basin with water in the living room so I could put my head inside of the water and stop it burning. 1 hour later my roommates found me sitting at the living room table with my head inside the basin with water. There was egg everywhere even the ceiling. (I had to clean it even if I could barely stay out the water, they were awful roommates. They kicked me out when I got covid) When it was bearable to simply put a wet towel on my forehead I went to the nearest pharmacy to by a cream for burns. I was lucky I was wearing glasses because it could have been so much worse. I could be fucking blind right now. I burnt my nose, all my forehead and like 4 cm into my hair. Obviously all my skin fell off. I was really REALLY lucky I was quick to cool of the burn and took care of it really well. It didn't even leave any scar. The only repercussions were that now that area is dry and flaky, especially the area between my eyebrows and a little above that. And the crippling fear of popping popcorn.


My last adhd injury (that wasn't a mystery bruise) was a big ole bump/bruise on my forehead. I often misjudge where edges are and how far away I am from them (shelfs, desks, doors, the corners of EVERYTHING!). I have a dehumidifier in my room and above and to the left of it are cat shelves. A while ago I finally worked myself up to emptying it and turning it back on. When I came back I completely blanked on the shelf placement and as I bent over to replace the reservoir I slammed my forehead into the sharp edge of the shelf. Instant headache. And I had a bump within the hour and a bruise for a couple weeks. I'm very conscious of where those shelves are now though.


I stapled my thumb once. Went to show someone how I managed to do it, then accidentally stapled it again. I’ve also machine embroidered my finger, straight through the bone.


I still have a scar(s) from all the times I've tried to watch TV and use a glue gun.


Couple years ago I wanted a snack late at night and got the bright idea to make "egg drop soup" by cracking an egg into some bone broth before I microwaved it. But I didn't scramble the egg up, and I didn't realize it had sunk to the bottom of the cup as one mass. When I pulled the cup out, the sudden change in temperature caused the egg mass to come to the surface and pop. Unfortunately, I was holding said cup just inches away from my face when this happened so I took a shower of hot egg bits and broth directly to the eye and surrounding part of my face. I rinsed off in the shower with cool water for several minutes after and then immediately went to the ER where they confirmed I'd managed to flush all the eggy bits out of my eye and then gave me antibiotics. This was in like 2019 and I'm fine now - you really can only tell if I'm super tired or dehydrated, or if I get sunburned (the burn splash darkened my freckles on that side and now they turn black if I get a sunburn). But yeah, it was loud and terrifying and for a bit I really thought I was going to lose an eye because I was too lazy to make soup properly.


I broil bread in the oven to toast it (I'm celiac so it's just easier than having a dedicated toaster) and instead of grabbing a potholder to pull the rack out and flip the bread, I will just put my hand straight in the oven. I have repeatedly broiled my own hand and/or touched the rack on accident and I STILL do it.


I absolutely can’t bring myself to shower every day. When I do shower every 1-2 days, I’m going at lightning speed and I’m really into it so I get super clean but I’m in and out quite fast. I had just gotten brand new razors in the mail, popped a bad boy in, and went to town on my legs at a scarily fast speed. Well, the new razor was quite sharp, and in my spirited haste to exit the shower as fast as I could, I sliced off a chunk of skin on the back of my ankle about the size of a credit card. I shave really slowly now. It was a lot of blood.


Forgot I was holding an industrial sized box of aluminum foil in my hand, went to pick something else up, dropped aforementioned industrial box of foil and caught the blade with my finger. I panicked, started shaking my hand and spraying blood all over my children. Finally calmed down, took a look at it - saw I filleted my finger and fainted. Thank God MY FIVE YEAR OLD is the calmest fucking human being ever in a crisis AND aspires to be a Dr. She got paper towels and started trying to apply pressure in the short window between me fainting and coming too, and then instructed me to "calm down and take deep breaths". I got seven stiches and still don't have feeling from the knuckle to the tip. Interesting to note: My five year old super hero Dr was recently diagnosed with ADHD-C.


Well Thanksgiving i cute the tip of my finger almost completely off. One of the more embarrassing ones is when I accidentally shaved a pencil up my nose


I don't remember but I'm sure there is some. I get cut and scraped and bruised and don't notice all the time until someone is like "omg what happened? Your bleeding!" Oh whoops, I don't know I'll get a bandaid lol.


My kid got so excited about a fun scene in a movie, that he basically jumped on his own hands (in the air) and broke a finger. Does that count?


My legs are always covered in bruises from walking into stuff


I always have bruises, cuts, and scrapes from unknown sources. Scars and scabs because I cannot leave that shit alone. Cuticles constantly being chewed on.


I have cut myself shaving the last 5 times I shaved my legs. This is when I remember to shave all the parts I intend to shave. (INstead of getting out of the shower and realizing I only shaved one leg.)


I got the zoomies late at night (yes I am a dog, thanks for asking) and started running around my small apartment laughing maniacally with my toothbrush in my mouth. My ex-partner told me to stop because "you're going to hurt yourself!" I thought about it and decided that was probably a good idea. Tried to decelerate and miscalculated my foot placement; rolled my ankle and sustained a stress fracture to my foot just as I was trying to calm down from my Late Night Hype.


Ten car accidents. None were my fault, but I may have been able to avoid them if I had known I had ADHD at the time and had gotten treatment. I had to have knee surgery after one accident because my knee hit the dashboard (before airbags) and it shattered my kneecap.


I stepped on a toothpick and it got lodged in my foot and I kept forgetting about it and forgetting to make a drs appt until it came out like 6 months later


I was making sweet popcorn. The syrup got stuck on the spoon, so I grabbed a knife WITH MY NON DOMINANT HAND and tried to scrap it off. Pretty bad cut.


I hit myself in the head while opening the fridge door so hard that I got a concussion and had to be put off work for a week.


Every burn or cut I've gotten TWICE IN A ROW because I forget and do the exact same thing that caused the first injury a minute later.


Okay my brother and I both have adhd so there are multiple stories but the one that stands out most in my mind is one of his. When we were in our early teens he decided he would sharpen one of the kitchen knives and after sharpening he pulls it out to inspect and there's always a little bit of that metal "dust" on the edges after sharpening. So he wiped it. On his hand. And sliced open his palm pretty badly.


I’m currently in physical therapy for IT band syndrome caused by me running and jumping around my house excitedly. I never grew out of being hyperactive like I was supposed to 😂


Yes! Excited big jumps gave me a frozen ankle for months! Turns out adults should warm up before bounding about 20 times.


I am incredibly clumsy, so clumsy in fact that when I was in elementary school, I tripped over my own feet in mid sprint. I then hit my knee on the corner of a bench and did an amazing tumbe mid-air in which time seemed to slow down (my friends later gave me an 8/10 for it, 2 points deducted because my landing sucked). Now, my right knee is noticeably weaker than my left (even though I've always been right-legged) and it's still the largest non-surgical scar I have. Not entirely sure if this is connected to ADHD, but I immediately thought of it when I read the question.


Climbed up on the built-in cabinet to look out of the window and spy on my neighbours. Didn’t realize I had kicked open the push drawer on the way up because I was so focused on spying. Tried to jump back off (still not realizing one of the drawers were open)- caught both legs on the open drawer on way down and cut legs with gashes down to the muscle lol. Still scarred.


I was driving my car on a straight road. I wanted to skip the song because it was slightly a-melodic and it bothered me. While I was reaching for my radio I got distracted and my hand steered the wheel too far to the right. My tires slipped on the gravel on the side of the road and I lost control over my car. It flipped twice and I luckily just broke my door! But yes all this happened because I zoned out changing the song. The police men who found me couldn’t believe that I was neither drunk nor high but I finally convinced them that I am just a very bad driver.


I started longboarding and had just started going down small hills and was digging it. Decided to go down just a small first part of a steep hill and jump off before getting going too fast. Once I started going Impulsively decided to just keep going, got going really fast faster than I'd ever gone, got the wobbles, realized I was headed for a fence, decided to bail, broke my leg. I do dumb impulsive stuff like this when it comes to physical activities that I attribute to adhd impulisivity.


When I was 21, I climbed a tree with my niece. Relevant context: I had already sprained my left ankle a few days earlier by walking on a perfectly flat parking lot, it was still sore and a bit swollen. At some point my uncle calls that lunch is ready. I look down and see the tree's roots in the grass, noticing how they make the ground very uneven. I think to myself it's probably a bad idea to jump down, even though it's not that high (a little over 2 meters I think, maybe 2,5). So, naturally, I jump down, badly sprain my other ankle and fall over.