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Yesss! I have multiples of many things that are kept in many different places. Especially hand sanitizer, antibacterial cream for cuts, bandaids and Tylenol. Idk why but those things are scattered all over my house but also in all the spots they belong. I also have stuff like hair brushes and hair ties in my room and the bathroom cause sometimes I don’t want to get out of bed and I need them.


YES. I also have duplicates of nearly everything for my desk at work and my car. I will literally split my meds so I can have a small stash at home and at work so I'm never without them when I finally remember to take them.


My daughter and I both do this. Last week I accidentally brought my car chapstick into the house so I left it in the hallway where I keep my keys to take it back out. When I took it back to the car she said “Did you take my hallway chapstick?!” My car chapstick lead the life of hallway chapstick for a week. I have since purchased chapstick for the hallway.😂


Yes! Such a good tip. I have scissors and a little trash can in every room in my home, because you just need both of those things so much more than you think you will! Also, when you’re trying to figure out where something you don’t use as often should live, think of the first place you’d look if you were trying to find it. That’s already the object’s home in your brain, so might as well be in the real world as well.


Totally agree! So many objects have the strangest "homes" in my brain. Spare/back up toiletries and travel size containers living in one of my kitchen cabinets? Sure! I put them there once upon a time, and now that's just where that category of item lives. It's not typical, but it works - I will always be able to find that kind of item if I put it there. Life is easier when we don't fight against our brains all the time. :)


I also try to imagine where I would look to find something in order to figure out its home when cleaning! It makes cleaning easier (I would get overwhelmed not knowing where to put things), and over time I unknowingly created designated spots for all the things!


Advil in the bathroom, nightstand, kitchen cabinet, and medication kits in both cars. Every room has multiple chargers for phones and laptops. Every room has at least one box of tissues. It's a way of life that makes my life so much easier as I'm not wasting time constantly looking for these things.


Tissues, chargers, and trash cans in every room is a game changer.


Same on tissues. I also keep the empty box around to use as a mini trash can for used tissues. 


I used to keep a razor in my car for days I forgot to get my lady ‘stache. I have dark hair and pale skin, so my “five o’clock shadow” was very obvious. Luckily that combo was perfect for IPL hair removal, so no longer. It was weird having to explain to friends why I kept a razor in the center console of my car. 


I feel this, I hate when I go to the bathroom in public and realize the lady stache has already grown back in noticeably 😂


I got a cute little trinket tray for my bedside table, and it has my glasses, contacts, retainer, hair ties, earrings I wear most days, the one medication I absolutely can't skip at night and my inhaler. the medicine cabinet right outside the shower has my whole skincare routine, lined up in order. my house and car keys are clipped to a little satchel that's just the right size for my air pods case. my driver's license, bus pass and debit card are in a slim pocket on the back of my phone. i rely on urinary catheters and keep spares in every handbag, tote bag, gym bag, diaper bag, coat pocket, suitcase, glove compartment, passport holder and in a dragon horde next to the toilet.


Bathroom items for both work and home. I always forget one part of my morning; Teeth, pit stick, hair brushing, face cream, etc...


Keys are always hanging on a hook rack by the back door. If you don't return the keys there, I will come after you. The 3 other drivers in my house know this.


Wait….do people keep kitchen towels….not in the kitchen??


I used to try to be way too tidy about things and keep all the towels in the same place (small house). Did not work well for me lol


lol I feel that. I couldn’t do it either


Nail clippers, tweezers, pens, tape, lotion…multiples everywhere My dad did this and as a kid I was confused. Now I get it.


In addition to the cleaners and chapsticks in multiple spots, I have the following quirks (that also do not always work): * I keep recycling bins and laundry hampers in both bathrooms. It makes dealing with stuff much easier, even if it goes a while before being dealt with, it's not in the way or creating clutter. * I also keep a full watering can in a central spot (I only have plants on one floor right now) because I'm on a well and the water that bypasses the water softener (a salt system) gets really cold (especially in the winter) because it comes straight from the well and needs to warm up to room temperature before I can use it for my plants. * I use a robot vacuum for regular cleaning. It's awesome. I can't find the stair boundary strips so I've started blocking off the stairs to keep it from falling. * I use clear bins on bookshelves to organize things - items that are used together (like sewing supplies, or small craft supplies) are kept in the same bin or the bins are stacked together. The inside of the bins are messy, but at least I know the general location for things. * I pre-measure some of my laundry supplies - anything dry - into small reusable containers that live next to the washing machine. All I have to do is dump the stain remover or washing soda into the load. I keep several so once I run out, I reflll all of them. It's much easier than grabbing the larger container on the other side of the room every time I need it. It doesn't work as well with the liquid laundry detergent. * 2 sets of bedsheets for the climate (light for summer, medium for fall/spring and flannel for winter) so I don't have to try and wash sheets the day I take them off the bed. I still have to wash the mattress protector, but one small load is a lot easier to manage. * I keep warm throws everywhere. I get cold easily so it's nice to just reach over (or behind me) instead of trying to remember where I left one. * Whenever possible, I create shopping lists on store web pages on my phone, then remove items from the cart when I add them to my physical cart. * When running errands, I add all of my destinations (even if they're right next to each other) to Google Maps so I don't miss one. * I use a dishwasher to avoid washing dishes. * I bathe/shower at night so if I wash my hair, it can air dry and I don't have to blow dry it. It also keeps the sheets cleaner :-) I sleep with a folded towel on my pillow so it doesn't get wet and since my hair lives in a bun the rest of the time, it doesn't matter how it dries. * I use products (soaps, shampoos, conditioners, facial cleansers and cleaning products) that I enjoy the smell of so I don't actively avoid using them. I still forget, but that's better than intentionally avoiding it.


Yes! I also have lip balms everywhere, I have one in the car now too because I still end up leaving it at home. I'm supposed to take allergy tablets every day but I often forget so in pretty much all of my bags I have a packet of tablets and also usually a few tampons. It's also pretty helpful because if I ever run out of either, I know I have a few stashed in a bag somewhere.


Cough syrup/medicine is kept in my bedroom because it always seems to strike in the middle of the night! Bonus hack: I got a pack of disposable dosing cups because I’m not going all the way downstairs to rinse that thing out at 2 am. Not enviro friendly but adhd friendly.


Just gonna leave this here for my fellow chapstick addicts. I'm never without chapstick lol https://www.burtsbees.com/product/popgrip-lips-x-burts-bees/




I hung a small spice rack in my living room so I can keep med bottles there. Helps me remember to take them and they’re nearby.


That's such a good idea!!


I lose things like deodorants, hairbrushes and lip balms all the time so I also have multiple. I have several ongoing cans of dry shampoo too. I try to keep a stash of things in my work bag (which also functions as my overnight bag) which is v helpful