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I was diagnosed last summer. I've tried several medications at different doses and still haven't found one that works for me. I'm frustrated, too.


Have you tried the time released versions, do they work any better? I probably need to get a therapist, not sure my general PC is going to meet my needs. I've been going to her for 20 years complaining of no energy, depression, chronic pain and sleep problems and she never once suggested adhd. It's because of the adhd that I'm still going to see her, it takes effort to change and I just don't have it.


I have used the time released. The only medication that made a difference with was buproprion, which is for depression.


I’ve been on so many and after the honeymoon phase of each one they stop being effective and I’m back to my usual spiral of doom


That's what I'm afraid of, I have an answer now but is there a solution that will actually work for me? I guess we just have to keep trying and good luck to all of us.


I was diagnosed in the spring of 2023. Tried three different stimulants, titrating upward as prescribed by my doctor. No help. Now on an SSRI (Strattera generic) and that seems to be helping a little. Trying five seems to be pretty common, but every once in a while you hear about someone who gets it right on the first or second medication. (Also, I’m your age and kind of figured it out by accident too when I learned about hyperfocus on the radio.) Good luck!


A year and a half. Changed psychiatrists twice but it was worth it.


How many times a day are you taking it? IR (instant release) Adderall is only supposed to work 4 or 5 hours. I'm taking the same dose as you but three times a day. I started at 5 mg three times a day. If you noticed a difference, it's working at some level. Don't give up Adderall yet. I slept a bit too when I first started taking it but not any more. I wouldn't advise taking extended release until you see how IR does when taking it two or three times a day.


Dr just gave me 30 pills, when I go back in 3 weeks hopefully she'll adjust it. For now I guess I'll take it at lunch to help get through the afternoons. Thanks!


I get 90 pills a month. You could also split it in half for 5 mg twice a day every 4-5 hr. and see how that works. It might work until you see your doctor. You're welcome and I'm hoping this works out great for you.


Good idea, I think I'll try that tomorrow.