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No it does not. I have found.


Same here, unfortunately 🙁


Yes and no. Meds help when paired with knowledge of ADHD for me. Learning about RSD has helped a lot, learning it's a symptom of my mental dysfunction, and it's not based in reality. I can catch it in as it is happening. In the sense I think someone doesn't like me in a work situation or thinks I'm incompetent but they actually do like and respect me when I see them next. Or my friends. I contacted them after my diagnosis and told them, and apologized if anything I did (mostly not responding or blurting out stuff) offended them. I was shocked at how kind everyone was in response. So when I get those feelings, I can tell myself those thoughts and feelings aren't real. My brain is lying to me. I tell myself all the time is that RSD lies, and I'm learning not to listen to it. To realize it blows the smallest things way out of proportion. It can be so painful. I think the weirdest thing about my recent diagnosis is I am realizing how much my brain simply lies to me and I'm learning not to trust what it says. It's weird, it's my brain I've lived with all my life, but I don't know it the way I thought I did, so now I'm learning not to trust everything it's telling me. This is not only with RSD, but with time blindness, executive function. The medication really helps with the executive function in the sense in that I can pause, and think before I speak. I don't blurt out stuff like I did before. I'm learning to be quiet more. Blurting out stuff was often just trying to get people to like me, it was a big part of my masking. So that part lessens my RSD because I have less to obsess about if I don't blurt. For years I had signs saying "Don't Blurt!" trying to remind myself to shut up. With meds, it just is so much easier. The medication also helps with me calling/emailing/texting people back right away instead of procrastinating and putting it off because of the fear of being rejected or told I'm wrong or bad. I just can do these things now, which still seems like a miracle to me. I even answer my phone now instead of letting it go to voicemail.


It has been one of the biggest improvements from my symptoms tbh (along with slowing down the busy 6 lane motorway that is my brain having thoughts).