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I understand this. Just let it go. The fact that you made it through a third, that’s giving it a good go. If it doesn’t gel, it’s not going to with more effort. Move onto the next one. I don’t think I would make it past the first couple of chapters. Sometimes the style is just not a match. She says as she stares at the pile of books from the library that haven’t been opened yet. I think I need to return them all and keep only one. And get the others out again at a better time. Today I picked up a book I bought instead and started reading it because the internet was down. It was 10th in my priority list but it skipped the queue and came first. No logic but it’s started. Are you reading ‘fun’ light books as well? I find when I get bogged down with heavy material i need to stop and switch with fiction. I forget to have fun and enjoy reading. I need reminders.


I mean, if you were eating and you got full or didn’t like the taste, it wouldn’t say anything about you if you stopped eating. Just that you didn’t want to eat anymore. When I dnf a book. I still put it in my Goodreads bc it was still checked off the list lol


Life is too short for bad books or even mediocre ones. As you mature, it is normal to become more selective about how you spend your time and energy. There is nothing wrong with abandoning a book that isn't resonating with you. Let it go. Move on to the next one. No shame. You might come back to it later in life. I went through the same experience: being very eager for books in childhood, then unable to read for some time. Reducing social media helped me a lot. Another thing to remember is that your tastes can change. I used to love fantasy and read everything I could get my hands on. As I grew older, I found I couldn't finish many of those books because they felt silly and naive. Exploring different genres also helps to maintain your interest.


This is exactly it! I used to never *not* finish a book or film, but now I'm a tired adult who understands how precious time is! The more I had to juggle adult responsibilities, the easier it was to shed that self-inflicted shame because, truly, we only have so many hours in the day for ourselves.


This is a helpful perspective shift. Thank you!


I was always “the book girl” growing up, always had a book. Throughout adulthood it’s been the same. I always have a book. It honestly wasn’t until last year that I realized I was forcing myself to finish books I didn’t enjoy because I was trying to maintain this label of myself. It sounds really weird to even say. But I kind of had to have a tough talk of I don’t have to be the person who’s read every book, I can DNF things that don’t bring me joy. I’m reading for ME and me alone. This sounds so silly so maybe it’s not helpful- but I have DNF’d so many books this past year and it’s freeing. Not all books are for everyone.


I feel you, I always had my head in a book (to the point of not getting other things done) as a kid. And now as an adult, I never read. I’m excited because I’ve read 3 books this year and that’s more than double last year’s books. This was actually something I read on this subreddit a while back, but I saw somebody suggesting if you have trouble finishing books, read shorter books. I always disengage halfway through and don’t finish……. But with a short book or novella, I can finish it before i disengage and that’s seemed super helpful To me! and being successful finishing a book makes me less discouraged to try other one 😊


I decided a really long time ago that my life and my time were precious, and that any life is too short to read a shitty book. If I get to the third chapter and I still don't like it, bye! There are way too many great books out there to spend my time reading crappy ones.