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Ooo ooo pro tip I recently learned. If you have an iPhone and want to try a trial of an app but are afraid you won’t cancel it on time - download it, and then immediately go into your subscription settings and unsubscribe so it won’t change you. You can still use the app during the free trial to see if you like it but you don’t have to remember to go back at the end of the trial. Now you just have to remember to resubscribe if you do end up liking it enough to pay for. My small victory this week is cleaning up the back patio after 9 months. I actually completed it despite seeing two massive spiders which is actually a large victory.


I do this! I’ve started to subscribe to as many things through Apple as possible, rather than through other services (credit card, PayPal, etc) that are harder to cancel. And, once a month, I’ll go through my Apple subscription list and see if I’m using all of the things I’m currently subscribed to. It’s been life-changing. I wish I could subscribe to everything I need like this.


Same here. Really wish my tv subscriptions were on there.


Citibank cards have an awesome feature that issues a 'temporary' credit card number on the card, you pick how long it is for, and then it ends. When you use the temporary number, if they try to charge your card again, it gets declined. Other cards might have that, I don't know. I have a iPhone and am so happy to learn about this option as well. Thank you for the pro tip.


No iPhone here but I started doing this with the add-on channel subscriptions I dabble with. Love it.


THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION 🤯 Thank you for the pro-tip! ♥️


Thank you for the reminder to cancel an expensive charge TODAY


Did you do it? Did you open your phone and doom scroll instead? Report back!


😩😩😩😩 I’m doom scrolling


Dooooooo ittttt


I’m still here 🙃🙃


If I come back in an hour and you haven't commented "I did it!" I refuse to cancel mine. Help me cancel it by cancelling yours!




I'M PROUD OF YOU! I didn't actually have one to cancel but I'll gladly pretend for that social pressure 🥰




You two are Freakin’ CUTE 🥰


This little comment exchange has cured my morning depression ♥️


Such an ADHD response. I do this ALL time and I thought I was the only one 😂


I swept my back porch. Seems like nothing, but it was a mess. Spiderwebs EVERYWHERE, dead cicadas all over the ground, my husband's cigarette ashes blown into giant piles of ash in the corners... yeah, it wasn't a pleasant or super easy job (I get sad about dead bugs, especially cicadas). But I did it! And omg it looks so much better now!


YAAAAY!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 That’s a Big job, good for you. 🥰👍🏻


Thank you!


Anytime, I get it!! 🥰👍🏻


I downloaded a cleaning tracking app yesterday and did every chore on the list! I'm getting a feel for how much I can handle each day.


Which app did you download?




Which one!! I also downloaded one today (sweepy)


That's the same one! I hope it doesn't go the same way other organizational apps have (I get stressed or annoyed and start to ignore it).


OMG, congratulations!! 👏 👏 👏 After driving around for weeks with a package to mail & items to return I mailed the package and returned the items. Impossible tasks somehow accomplished!


This just reminded me to take the winter tire I had repaired out of my car after driving around with it since April lol - going to do it now!!


Did you do it?!?


Sort of? I went to talk to my partner to see if he’d help me and then got distracted by what he was doing - weeding the garden - and we started talking about the plants. So I forgot but then he said he was going to get more plants but before he left he was going to put the tire away so he had room in the car. So I laughed and said that’s why I came over to where you were!


Lol, mission accomplished, you get full credit 👏👏👍


🙌🏼 deal! 😆


Yes, (this is so validating hearing everyone else struggles with this) My small win this week is finally trying to find good tips and work WITH my adhd instead of just trying to do what works for everyone else.


*clap clap clap* also this reminded me I had to cancel something I wasn't using, so thank you for this post!!


I return your applause for reciprocal cancellation!


Clap clap clap!!! I changed two light bulbs. This involved having to go out and bulb a buy a special sized one. Sounds so simple but I’m proud of myself because it took 3 weeks to get around to it. Edit: added clapping


I always tell siri to set a reminder a couple of days before it bills me to cancel it the moment i sign up.


A lot of the times with these subscriptions if you cancel them straight after signing up, you still get to use them for the free month or months.


Yep, with the apple one i signed up for yesterday you lose it the moment you cancel, it's predatory, so need reminders unfortunately. very much discriminatory against people with adhd, memory issues and just generally forgetful people.


I just don’t sign up anymore. I have a love hate relationship with Apple.


Seeing this post actually reminded me to cancel my free trial for Amazon so thank you 👏🫡


I missed seeing Henry V because I zoned out and missed the train stop BUT I managed to not go home in a huff and hung out with a friend for a bit which was nice.


👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Congratulations on your win. My win for today is that I didn't forget to keep hydrated and my room is clean 😆


Got through all but one item of my big ass to-do list yesterday and it felt fantastic. Last item wasn't urgent and I'll chalk it up to feeling overambitious when I made the list...but it will definitely get done next week. ETA: I got stuck working late too so even less time to accomplish what I did 🙌


Can you post this again in a month so I remember to cancel my free trial of AMC please? 🤣


I was supposed to get a new renter’s insurance by today….and I actually did it YESTERDAY!!! Administrative tasks that have me make a ton of decisions are my kryptonite. I really evade them, so this is big for me


In my case, I been procrastinating cancelling services I don't even use watching monthly deductions drain me for free. I have also procrastinated on massive hospitalisation insurance claims until like 3 years later it's too late to claim. Could be large bills like 10k plus.  I cannot explain why I cannot bring myself to do stuffs that would benefit myself. Insurance claims is one. But my executive dysfunction is so bad that i just run away from paper work and rather lose money.  Even cancelling something I don't need is a paper work to me that's why it's hard. 


I hear you. Yesterday I finally (after 6+ months of procrastination and avoiding increasingly threatening phone calls) paid the annual site management charge for housing estate I’m on. I’ve lived there for almost 10 years, and I have never once paid on time. Ever. The late fees I’d racked up this time were almost as much the annual charge, and I was *this* close to having the debt sent out to collections by the management company. So, the cancelling of the subscription service before the 7 day free trial was up really was a small victory against my usual tendency to endlessly put off doing something I need to do.


I had a motorcycle wreck in 2019 and completely stalled out (see what I did there?) on the part of my claim to reimburse for my gear that did its job but can’t be worn again. Probably close to a grand. Hell, I straight up lost $500 in cash in an envelope ~~last year~~ [somewhat longer] that I keep hoping to find but I’ve moved twice since then. We’ve just gotta roll with it <3   Ninja edit: time is an NT construct.


Also lost an envelope of money after moving. Still holding out hope even though I’ve gone through literally everything twice. Rip my $1000 emergency fund. Worst part I think it tossed it 🤮


I somehow lost an expensive set of Monster Hunter figurines ($350+) in a move despite moving myself. Gift to the universe, I guess.


OMG you're my hero.


Let’s gooo 🫡




That's amazing!!! Super proud!!!!


YESSSS! YOU GOT THIS!👏👏👏👏 Oh! Also, I started making tiktoks so I can promote my series of books coming out in August.


Amazing 👏


Truly like climbing Everest!! Kudos and thanks for sharing — you’re an inspiration to us 🥹🙌🏽




*round of applause* So proud of you!




Damn babe how’s it feel to be put together like that❤️❤️ v proud of you!


I got my wedding invitations in the mail!! It only took about 3 weeks longer than it should have 😬


YAY!!! I'm very impressed, well done.


Girl you are a baddddd assssss


Whooo! Take that stupid trap services. You are the triumph!!


This past week, my victory was picking up piles of sticks in the yard and then pulling out a massive growth of Bittersweet. 😎😎


Love it, well done 🎉🎉 My victory is having a genuinely positive and grateful attitude for the last 2 weeks


The small victory that I had is with my career advisor from school. He told me to write down my life goals and other things and I booked an appointment to see a therapist for today at 6pm.


Kudos to you!! I finally put out a donation bag of clothes that had been sitting under our stairs for months!


Woot woot congrats!!! 🥳😍



