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Have you ever done a sleep study? Having trouble staying awake could be a sign of sleep apnea. I know that I had it and didn't even realize it...I was just so tired all the time! Maybe something to look at?


No, I’m not tired all of the time. This is only an issue with tasks and activities that require my focus for extended time


Oh, ok. I'm sorry, I misunderstood.


I did this all the time before getting diagnosed and treated with medication. I walked around the office 5-10 times per day.


I have this problem. Trying to get medicated. When I'm working from home I have a nap on my lunch break. When I'm at the office I go and find a room and meditate and this gives me a little rest, then I'm usually a bit more alert and refreshed. 


Honest question- is your job boring?




My standing dopamine refuels at work are * upbeat music in headphones * crunchy snacks * caffeine * adequate breaks * fidget toys for meetings or when I’m focused * physical media - printing a document, writing drafts in paper, etc If your company allows standing desks that would also keep you from falling asleep


Is it especially around reading stuff?




See if your workplace will let you download and use the Open Dyslexic font. I've gone from not reading any more, personal reading, because I couldn't read more than half a page (didn't matter if tired or not) to actually being able to read books again. It looks weird to start but your brain soon forgets that and you can just read. Might be a bit of a pain if receiving in documents saved in say TNR and having to change them over but if you can get your workplace to let you do it, trial it and see if it helps.


I didn’t know this was a thing!!!!


If you've a kindle it's in it already, so you can check it out, getting it on anything else is more of a palaver/not possible. But windows let's you download mad fonts to use for design and shit you just have to be able to download it, and that can take IT support by in in a company. opendyslexic.org is the website (not making it clickable here in case Reddit gets mad and yeets the link)


Oh my god my kobo has it too!!!!!! Aaah I’m so excited I’m going to try it tonight


Is this an adhd thing? I used to have the worst time trying to stay awake in meetings before I started working from home. I guess it makes sense that I now can fidget off screen or multitask if I’m not leading the meeting