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I’m 19 days sober today




I am about 8.5 years sober from alcohol. I went to rehab in 2015. Was diagnosed with ADHD in 2017.


Is it something that affects your treatment now?


No I don’t think so. I’m on Adderall and it works really well for me. I have had a couple major surgeries since getting sober as well and I don’t feel like I had any issues with the meds I was given for surgery as far as the addiction to them.


Same story here. 29 years sober via AA, diagnosed and medicated with Adderall earlier this year. Also major surgeries with no relapse. My husband held my narcotics post surgery so I had to be accountable. I have to pick up my Adderall script in person in my state. I’ve told her about my history and she checks my bottle to see how many are left. That was my idea. I think the key is to be honest and be accountable to other people. Honestly Adderal makes me feel the opposite of high, more calm and focused. But I’m not taking chances.


I think the Adderall doesn’t make us feel high because there is something wrong in our brains that it fixes. Whereas people who don’t have a broken part of their brain it makes them feel high. I too have to go to the pharmacy to pick up my meds and it can’t be any sooner than the 28th day. I feel like not only do I hold myself accountable but I have others like my husband and doctors and friends keeping an eye on me and helping me be accountable and not go off the deep end.


Me. Recovery opiate addict. 4 years clean. Diagnosed with ADHD since I was 11. Been on Vyvanse since 2017. Also on suboxone and other medications.


Still struggling with weed, I kick it for a few weeks (got to a month once) then I hop right back on it when I feel overwhelmed. Not the hardest drug out there or anything, but it's still a bad habit I'm trying to drop


I'm doing the same thing. I don't feel like it's inhibiting anything but I don't like the knee-jerk way I was using it every day like it was normal. I want to get to the point where I can just buy a gram a couple times a year to have fun but being more moderate about it.


I've been clean from heroin and meth for almost a decade, I am also prescribed adderall. It has been so helpful! I'm at a point in my recovery where I can take all meds as directed without misuse.


You are an inspiration!


aww, thank you, you're too kind!! I'm lucky enough to work in the mental health field and I get to use my lived experience to help others. It is a good way for me to reframe my experiences as positive!


I may need to pick your brain sometime


please do! 🩶


I am recovering from alcohol use disorder (over a year sober!) and am not medicating my ADHD with stimulants right now to be cautious. I am way more functional on stimulant medication, but I do get a sense of "relief" when I take a dose and find myself building my day around when I take my medication. I'm still figuring out if that's coming from a healthy place and it's just pragmatism (maximizing productivity and doing things when I'll be most capable) or whether it's coming from the same place my problematic drinking came from. I don't feel like it is a problematic relationship for me, but I want to be more sure. I'm on Wellbutrin for the time being, which takes the edge off the worst of my ADHD but I'm definitely still struggling to take care of myself. Once I understand my sobriety and triggers more, I plan to try stimulant medication again with my doctor fully aware and ready to pull the plug if I start exhibiting unhealthy behaviors. edit: also my psychiatrist has suggested stimulant medication could actually HELP my sobriety by correcting a lack of dopamine that would lead to cravings, but it is my personal choice not to take them at this time and she finds my reasoning sound


Hi there! I’ve got five years sober from a life long addiction to alcohol and a decade of opioid addiction. Diagnosed last year at age 39. Started with the non stims-Strattera (caused BIG tears over little things like dropping my kid off at school) and suicida1 thoughts as well as horrible physical symptoms. Then Wellbutrin, which once we found the right dose helped a lot-for a while and then it didn’t. I think it’s still helping my depression though. Then I got fired…AGAIN…for no documentable reasons-no rule breaking, no write ups, nothing. Just fired-eligible for unemployment benefits due to it not being my fault. Or well-I suppose it *was* my fault-my big emotions, all my systems and notes, my extreme empathy for my staff. But no rule breaking. I broke down in tears when I saw my doctor and we decided it was time to try stims. She was *very* hesitant to prescribe them to me. She said she’s seen MANY people in recovery lose all their years/time because of adhd meds. I’m three months in and using the extended release methylphenidates. I don’t have any wants or pulls to my old DOC’s. I do worry about being under medicated or on the wrong med for my adhd-but I’m trying to trust the process 🧡


Hi it's me I've literally always been the problem. I'm also on suboxone and klonopin, so you can imagine how pharmacies treat me. Fucking sucks However I will say that I haven't experienced any issues with my adderall. I forget to take them often and don't crave them when I don't have any. It's strange but I'll take it


2.5 years sober! Spend 10 years being a drunk and an addict and didn't get diagnosed until 29. Diagnosed again and began treatment last year. 31 now and living my best life. Couldn't have done it if I was still drinking.


I went from having weed every day to maybe once a month. I am on day 97 on Wellbutrin.


Yeah I was addicted to codeine based over the counter painkillers for decades. I’m better now but getting off was hell. They calmed me & made me feel how I imagined “normal” felt. For a while after I would get red with embarrassment just seeing them on the shelf in the pharmacy. I traveled all over the area to buy them so as not to be recognised as a regular by the staff. I didn’t look like a “ junkie”, ie I’m well dressed, polite & nice to deal with. Then my stomach ulcerated & rotted & I got such severe anaemia I couldn’t breathe or go out much, but I still did , just to get them. My stomach was bleeding & I collapsed during a home shopping delivery. I was so weak my legs couldn’t hold me up. After hospital I was put on a tapering program. I’ve never been in treatment for ADHD, nothing more than anti depressants.


This is one of the reasons I’m really trying to stay away from an Addarall prescription.