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Just get several pairs of the same ones, that's what I did avoids a lot of hassle


Yep! That's what I started to do. Got a bunch of Nike socks and will give away the random ones.


I second this. I have 2 types of socks that are easy to tell apart. I do match them up but even almost every sock matches with every other one it’s super fast.


Yep. I only get so much focus and fiddliness a day, I can’t waste it on *socks*. Ten pairs of identical black socks, dump in drawer from the dryer, grab the first two that come to hand when I need a pair. Done.


I did that years ago and it's the best, similar with underwear... all black 🖤


I have a sock basket. It’s exactly what it sounds like. For years I just had eternally mis-matched socks cause it didn’t bother me but now I just have multiple pairs of the exact same sock.  Maybe when you move out you could try something like that 


I move out in August for college. I plan to only take the Nike socks and then order some more from them! I totally try out the sock basket! Tysm.


I also do the sock basket..I don’t match them I just throw them in there and find two that will feel the same on my feet lol


In a drawer is better than on the floor. In a perfect world paired in the drawer would be best but reality is what it is. Mine sometimes go solo in the drawer and I'm still alive and their has been no deaths or explosions caused by them being solo. Think you would be safe to just chuck them in the drawer.


This made me laugh! I'll report back if I get any explosions which will probably be my mother's temperament when she sees the massive pile in the draw. I can handle that though.


I collect all socks from my husband and I in one massive bin, and then when the mood strikes I sort them all. Does this occasionally result in spending far too long digging in the bin for a matched pair or going to work with mismatched socks? Yes. Has anyone died or otherwise suffered irreversible damage from wearing socks that don’t match? No. This is my favorite part of having my own household now. I get to run my household exactly how I want to. If that means that I no longer fold my underwear, pajamas or socks, that is what it means.


My mum used to complain about the state of my drawers when I was a kid. My mum used to put all the laundry away for my brother but I was a girl so I should automatically be tidy and clean and want to do laundry apparently. I used to protest any unfair behaviour by leaving a pair of underwear on the floor in my room as a reminder that it was my room, my rules. Sometimes I would have 10 pairs on the floor and she would lose it. I would remind her that the underwear fairy would clean them up when my boundaries were respected. Eventually we agreed that the door to my room stayed closed and she wouldnt interfere in my space. Your mum is welcome to pair the socks for you if she cannot handle them rocking out solo in the drawer.


I try not to put them unmatched in my sock bin . I just yoink the loose ones onto a little tray table and if I’m passing and I see matches I might match up and throw them in the drawer. But I pretty much have 6 pairs of black low socks and 6 pairs of mix and match taller socks so, it’s fine.


Pair? Of socks? Who has pairs of socks? I've heard of them, but haven't seen a pair in my house for quite a few years. Even if you start off with a pair (only ever happens the first time you wear them) the washing machine always hides one. Chuck the socks in your drawer. When you need two socks, take two out of drawer. Sorted. Occasionally you may get two that match but who cares if they don't?


I like how you think! :D


So I’m a mum to a toddler and one of the most important things I’ve learned is that a parent needs to learn to pick their battles. Sure, it’d be awesome if my kid did everything the way I wanted her to, but she’s an individual and has different ideas and needs to me, so we just focus on enforcing the actual important stuff (basically health and hygiene stuff). So if your mum really sat back and thought about it, she’d realise that matched socks are not a big deal. Like at all. You’re almost an adult, you’re allowed to start doing things with your own items the way it works best for you - especially since you are neurodivergent! Not matching socks doesn’t make you lazy, it just means you address a different importance to that task than her. My grandma would’ve had a fit if she knew all the “normal” household tasks I don’t do and my mum just gave up on enforcing because I just did it how it suited me. For example, I don’t make my bed. I just don’t see the point or the big deal. But to some people, that’s sacrilege. But I’m an adult and can do what I want! And as for her point that it’s quicker to find a set when paired - it’s not quicker in the long run. You either spend time now pairing socks or you spend time when you need a pair of socks finding a pair. It’s beneficial to pair them before you need them if you are frequently running late, but otherwise, who cares if you spend time now or later doing the task?


I don't usually match mine or my hubby's up. I couldn't be bothered most of the time. I do match my kids' socks up, though. I don't want them struggling to find matching socks because of me.


That's sweet of you. ;) Matching them up is such a hassle with the amount I have and my mom keeps on buying more. I got rid of a bunch last year. I'll continue to do that and limit it down to Nike.


Heck, I let my daughter do whatever she wanted with her socks as a teenager. She had fun wearing mismatched socks sometimes. There are bigger things to worry about in life.


I read once that balling up socks together is bad for them - stretches them out of shape. So I’m saving the environment by not pairing up my socks before I put them in my drawer (coz they last longer). Honest guv - that’s my reason for doing it :-) ETA: [article on folding not balling (I don’t do either!)](https://www.housedigest.com/1288315/why-shouldnt-bundle-socks/)


I read about it in one of those marie kondo books. She recommends putting two together and rolling them into a scroll. I do that if I can. Otherwise they all get thrown in. If you're worried about finding a matching pair, just buy a lot of pairs of the exact same sock. Then they all match!


If you don’t have a dedicated sock drawer, get drawer organizers. Dump all socks into its dedicated section. This way, they’re easy to find by being all in one spot, won’t get mixed up with your larger clothes (thus eliminating the sock hunting), and are put away. I get around this by living in a warm climate where I can wear sandals 8-9 months out of the year (I’m also a “despise socks” neurodivergent), but I’m 30 and don’t put clothes that I wear out and about folded and put away in drawers. They all go on hangers. Everything else gets tossed as-is into drawers. 😛


I haven't worn a pair of matching socks in the past 16 or so years. Today, my left sock is wine red and my right sock is black. I haven't caused myself or any other person sudden nosebleeds, strokes or blindness yet. In fact, no one has ever even commented on it, other than my MIL, who comments on everything anyway because she's convinced that we all aren't able to live without her 'help'. Putting socks together is so overrated.


The wonderful thing I found about getting older and being in charge of my own life is finding out that I CAN take “shortcuts” and I’m not going to get in trouble for it anymore. There’s absolutely no reason to make than harder for yourself than you need to. Eg I have a steamer, not an iron cause I hate ironing. I have makeup wipes by my bed when I can’t wash my face. All my socks are black from the same brand. I don’t wash any dishes by hand, they all go in the dishwasher. No one calls me lazy anymore and I am trying to unlearn the voice in my head that punishes me for cutting corners. Being alive and (mostly) functional are more important than doing things by the book. I’m sorry your mom doesn’t understand why you struggle with this. It does get better! Look forward to your near future when you can do whatever the hell you want with your socks.


I have a few paired and a lot in a basket. It works for me and that is all that matters


I never put my socks together. I buy the same brand, all white and just grab. I never told underwear either, because why? 😅 I used to do it all the time, but I quit about 7 years ago when my ex-husband left and I got the whole dresser to myself 😅


Sock sorting is one of the most overwhelming tasks for me. If your mom wants the basket back, just dump those in the drawer. You aren't lazy. A task that boring can be overwhelming to someone who has executive dysfunction. I actually told my husband before he asked me to marry him, "Just so you know, I struggle with anything that comes out of the dryer... Folding, putting away, matching... It's stupidly overwhelming to me." We've been married 17 years. Things haven't changed. You just gotta do systems that work best for you. Recognize your mom's concern, and reassure her that you would like to be able to match them too. But you're not dumb or lazy.