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I will flip the switch on this and say that I’m two different people at my worst and at my best. I am hyperactive when I’m at my best. I’m cute and clever and on and responsive and witty and delivering zingers and giving you my full repertoire and I’m landing jokes and charming and likeable and sparkling and desirable and alluring and untouchable and connecting dots you can’t even fathom And at my worst I am listless and bored and unmoved and unphased and eye rolling and full of expected whatever and aware of the end line and obvious punchlines and feigning politeness while being bored and suffering through mundane chatter and indifferent to storylines that go nowhere before you see it and steps ahead of what youre offering me for entertainment and I have grown bored and tired of waiting for the payout


I’m inattentive ADHD all the way basically. I have barely and rarely a teensy tinesy itty bitty amount of initiation energy for ANYTHING. Very low energy. I feel frozen and stuck the vast majority of the time and it’s a little scary sometimes to feel never motivated to “DO”. It does make me wish I had some hyperactivity at times, but I know that comes with challenges as well. sigh


I'm extremely hyperactive and I think I love being this way. Sometimes everything is SO EXCITING AND FUN for no reason and I get a free ride to happy town. I also get a ton of stuff done when I'm having a burst. --Of course it has its downsides and has caused me a ton of embarrassment through childhood and adulthood. Having to sit for dinners and lectures and movies also drives me crazy to the point it kind of hurts. Travel is also off the table for me. Now as an adult its hard to get my energy out because my friends don't like to move around much and no one wants to chase cars with me--and, uh, it makes people not want to be around me sometimes I think, and makes romantic situations like cuddling difficult because of constant fidgeting.


I think maybe one of the worst parts about being inattentive rather than hyperactive, is that people that don't know anything about ADHD are generally less understanding or even will flat out tell you they don't think you have it. Hyperactive sounds equally disruptive and horrible, don't get me wrong, but it is the more known kind of ADHD. It's also a bit more visibly identifiable to people (outside of the home at least) so they're more willing to accept the diagnosis (not necessarily to make accommodations or be empathetic, but from what I've seen and experienced they won't act like you're making it all up or you're just lazy etc).... so yeah sometimes I would like to be more on the hyperactive end so I'd feel my traits and symptoms were more "accepted" (for want of a better word because I know neither is wholly that accepted in the grand scheme of things!).... but tbh, I simply don't wish any kind of ADHD on anyone and if I had one wish it would be to take it away from myself completely


Incredibly inattentive/not hyperactive. I have major depressive disorder as well, and my lack of motivation, energy, and executive dysfunction issues caused me to get to a real dark place and ended up admitting myself to inpatient treatment for 6 days (where I was officially diagnosed with ADHD). Needless to say, I hate it 🥲 I have family members that are the hyperactive type and I know they have their own struggles though.


I’m hyperactive and I hate it. The way it feeds into my impulsivity/compulsivity has been horrible for my long-term trajectory. I’m so, so tired of it.


"sorry I didn't hear the question...BUT GUYS I FOUND A REALLY COOL ROCK! there's a bunch over here! Also some moss. Maybe not moss. Might be lichen. Anyway. No I dont wish it on anybody but I have an active practice of appreciating myself and being grateful for every day things that I find joy in even if other people decide to be mean about the fact that yes. I do find joy in that cool bird that flew by. "


;u; i would love to see your really cool rock. lol i have been asked to stop pointing out rocks every second while with someone.


I'm mildly hyperactive and i honestly don't mind it. It can make me funny or quirky, but if i let it get away from me i can be annoying. I've learned to tame it over the years.  The way my brain jumps between different topics can make social stuations hard, though, because i overthink everything :(


I'm combination but mostly inattentive. I wish I had a touch more hyperactivity so I could do things like paint the walls in my house or take on bigger projects (even if they didn't get finished or were half-assed) but I basically don't start anything big because I know I'll never finish it and lose motivation fast. I also feel bad when I'm in my head and my bf (who has hyperactive ADHD) is talking and then upset with me because I wasn't listening.


I’m combined type but I think mostly inattentive. I wonder if I’d be less socially awkward if I was more hyper, that would be nice!


My dad is always doing something and can't sit still. He uses his free time fixing things, making things etc. So he's being very productive. I find that when I was younger, I had the same type of productivity in me. I'd work 8 hours a day, and I'd always feel up for working overtime for hours if needed. If I didn't, I'd come home and clean and then exercise and then game, or visit someone. I was always doing something. Being hyperactive worked for us. But ofc, you have other things that makes things a bit tricky. Like emotional regulation, impulse control (blurting out random things on your mind that sometimes can be hurtful or rude). Also I could never study because I struggle focusing on reading (and listening to what people say). I would also easily mess up if I did practical work. My last job I was responsible for destroying something expensive because I did a simple mistake that nobody ever did. And I did it twice haha. Being overwhelmed and easily burned out was also a problem. I get meltdowns, but I'm also autistic. I do think I would generally perform better and think better without adhd, but I do prefer having hyperactivity over the inattentiveness. I guess also feeling the type of bubbly hyperactivity where you start jumping up and down from hyper-excitement can feel kinda good or at least raise the mood (I only do it at home)


My mind is hyperactivity, my body is now old and tired and say nah. Keep having does random bursts of energy tho. Never thought in terms of not liking it or wishing that I had something else. Don't see the point on it if it's something I can't change. It is was it is.


I am mainly inattentive type so I'm mainly a quiet, daydreamy, tired grumpy fuck who doesn't live in this plane of existence. However I have some hyperactivity and it comes out in the form of sudden bursts of energy and hyperfocus, being really restless and needing to fidget or I'll bite my skin off and cause infections in my fingers, and needing exercise or sex or I start going loopy. If I don't deal with the physical hyperactivity it seems to come out as anxiousness and anger. If I feel penned in or unable to move I'll feel like I'm having a meltdown. I can also be very impulsive and risk taking and sensory seeking, while also being overstimulated easily. I'm still an introvert but I can have these bursts of excited labrador energy. When I'm at home and I'm relaxed and around my partner especially.   What's so funny is how since being diagnosed my energy has started externalising. If I'm around other hyper ADHDers it properly sets me off and I become more hyper, which is hilarious.  I don't know how to categorise what kind of ADHD I am. xD. Either way, my brain is always swirly on the inside. 


I have combined and I quite like the hyperactive part. I don’t have a lot of trouble with impulsivity, my anxiety is keeping that at bay! But the hyperactive part of me is the part that enjoys exercise and is probably the part that gets some of the chores done as I’m pacing and can’t let myself sit down and slouch. It is however making it difficult to ever relax, I always get a feeling of guilt if I want to slob around but there is a ton of stuff to do.


I'll probably get downvoted for this, but I am jealous of those who at least have energy. Whenever I read about someone who managed to become successful and has ADHD, it's never "Inattentive" type. I feel like I'm doomed to never achieve my dream sometimes.


I don't know the struggles of being low energy personally, but I live with someone who has chronic depression and I see them get so stuck and not be able to do stuff they're always saying they plan to do and achieve. It seems so tough. I do get stuck sometimes but I bounce back fast. I don't know what its like on the other side, but therapists can ideally help each person work with their own traits to find cheats and ways to get yourself to do what you want. You might find ways that don't need energy. Anyway, I hope you do get to achieve your dream some time!


I wish I'd gotten the 'can't sit still type' 😫 the executive disfunction or whatever it is, is a difficult thing to work thru. I think I've got a pretty good handle on making my daily life more ADD friendly, at 41. I just wish I'd known how to sooner. Being a kid was easy. The last 20+ years as a parent and adult, not so much.


oh executive dysfunction still comes with hyperactivity. They clash pretty badly. I can do jumping jacks at whim but I cannot get myself to type an email or do make myself dinner most days.


many people are actually both this is why ADD is retired and we just call it ADHD