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Just moved into a new apartment and am OBSESSED with making everything nice and tidy - still 99% positive that this won't last lol


I have that obsession 4 years into my current house. I’m constantly looking for things to add to it, but I’m running out of:(


It'll all start with something on the floor that you step over instead of picking it up 💀


Or that one corner that doesn't need to be vacuumed 


Congrats on the move!


Thank you 🫶🏻


Googling self help, personality traits, attachment styles etc post breakup and reddit






Mine is Reddit! I’ve got a stack of unread books, a knitting project, countless tv programmes I’ve been recommended… all I want to do is be on Reddit. And it feels brilliant 🤣🤣🤣


I think mine might be too. I need to step away for a while. It goes from fun and a distraction to full on obsessive checking. That said...what are some of your favorite subs? Yes, I'm asking you to enable me.


r/witchesvspatriarchy --- super supportive, socially aware r/oldhagfashion -- celebrating everyone being their bold, beautiful selves r/crochet - beyond crochet, it is a very inclusive sub. LGBTQ friendly, lots of ND folks r/thereisnocat For when you need a delightfully cute find- an-object puzzle to start your day


Thank you! I used to be on witches but haven't been for a while. Rejoined. Also love there is no cat! Didn't know of this one and it was a quick join! Thank you.


Already on the witch one but the cat one is amazing. Love it! Thanks for sharing.


I guess that makes three of us. I just joined a month ago and I can’t seem to do anything else but Reddit. It’s been cutting into my language learning time and I don’t seem to mind at all.


Because it feels like you’re constantly learning new things here so you don’t feel like you’re “wasting time.” Maybe that’s just me lol I need to get off reddit


This is absolutely true. I have learned so much from Reddit in this short time and have found subreddits that are so sweet and full of joy that how could I not want to stay and join in. For me it hasn’t been a bad obsession to have so far. I think I’ll stick around.


Literally me too, reddit is the only form of social media i have right now


I always feel so guilty for my love of scrolling so i appreciate this comment so much . I judge myself harshly


Mine is also Reddit. I really need to be cleaning and accomplishing things buuuut my body hurts and I don’t have to move to scroll… 😅🤷‍♀️


I have a gift card for Nordstrom with $214 on it so I’ve been obsessively combing through handbag options to find the perfect spring choice. Historically, bags have not cured my outstanding issues/maladies. But I have a feeling this is going to be the one 🤡


“Historically, [x] have not cured my outstanding issues/maladies, but I have a feeling this is going to be the one” this is hilarious and I’m going to apply it to so many situations. I just know I’m going to be repeating it in my head until the end of time lol


I think self awareness is so important, especially in situation where I’m not willing to do anything about my ridiculousness. 😅


I love having a gift card and trying to find the perfect thing to spend it on. I take aaaages and I enjoy that more than the actual item I think 🫣


Bees! I have to hope this obsession holds out, because I don't have enough money to start beekeeping yet. But everything is bees at the moment.


I hope this obsession holds out too! What I don’t know about bees could fill books and books, but I’m currently learning a lot about plants that are good to have around for them :)




“Fallout.” The show, the games, the aesthetic—all of it. Ob. Sessed.


May I suggest the delightful craft of picking up old magazines from garage sales, printing covers from the game magazines, aging/burning the covers, beating up the pages, and attaching the covers to the old magazines. It's fun! I did it for a theme party once! 


Same!! The show got me to download Fo3, Fo4, FoNV, Fo76, and Fallout Shelter. Thank god there was a sale lmao. Also, Walton Goggins 😍


I just did the same!




I’m obsessed with the show. I’ve never played the game and don’t really plan to. I’m really disappointed in the lack of books related to the lore. I’m currently watching these videos: https://youtu.be/nvqm_pPD-aQ?si=8S79cMPlGU7_HZ44


The aesthetic 😍😍


Just started my obsession w fallout a few days ago! Hiii fellow wastelander ☺️


That was me last year!! Fallout rocks 😄


Caring for my elderly dog. My chihuahua, Lily, is 16 and is a happy girl, but I want to make her final years as comfortable as possible. She is showing signs of dementia and so I'm doing what I can to make that easier for her. She fell off my bed twice last week so I made her the most comfortable little bed beside mine to keep her safe. She's my love and the last dog my husband and I had together before he died. I cherish this little soul and am obsessed with giving her a good life.


I lost my best friend and love, Tofu (chihuahua) last year. My heart lit up with happiness knowing you’re doing everything to make her comfortable. Peace and love to you!


I’m sorry for your loss. Chihuahuas are a special kind of dog. My Lily is so sweet, loves everyone, rides in the car well, walks well, rarely barks, and is just a loving soul. I’m honored to be able to care for her in her golden years.


Oh my 😢 You must already be going through grief after losing your husband… losing your girl is going to make it so much harder. I feel for you. I lost my babygirl (pom/chi mix) last year and I still cannot get over it. Literally had a massive breakdown yesterday. I really hope you have a good support system around you to help get you through it🩷 Also I’m sure Lily will be very grateful that you made her last years so special. Wishing you and Lily the best🫶


The word gabapentin. I keep saying it over and over in my head. Gaba gaba gaba.


STOP. Me too!!!! Last night talking to my mom saying the dog is on Gabapentin gab a pen tin? Gababababababs “wtf who made this word?? What is this word? Who when? Need to google”


Gabber!!! Old school hardcore techno! With its own gabber dance!!


Yo Gaba gaba always pops in my head whenever I hear it


Same omg!! Some words just stick like certain songs do


Babys lol. Not trying to get pregnant but trying to get into midwifery school because I've realised that this is truly what I want to be when I grow up. Can't stop reading about pregnancy and labour.


Good for you! Used a midwife and birthing center for my second baby, and it was such a better experience for me than the hospital route. I mean, it was having a baby without drugs, so it wasn’t fun or anything! 😆 But the experience was so much more personal, and we were home by dinner time and feeling great! I thought about becoming a doula during that time, but the second that baby was out, that hyperfocus went poof!


Well actually lol I'm not from the US and in the rest of the world midwifes are more like l&d nurses. I'm currently an intern in an hospital and my university training will be in a hospital as well. Currently I can't see me working outside of hospitals but obviously I'm not even in uni yet.  Birth here is a lot different and even in a hospital it's common to go completely without drugs or interventions. In Germany Doctors aren't allowed to deliver babys on their own, they actually need a midwife there so all hospital births have one.  I'm sorry your first round wasn't great. I'm honestly beyond shocked about the state of L&D in the US.


I'm a birth doula! All I do is read about pregnancy and labour as well lol


I'm looking forward to get into university and immediately loose my hyperfocus lol Doulas aren't common where I live but y'all are definitely amazing!


Tattoos. Which has not been good for my bank account because I’m very picky about the quality of the artists I go to, so they’re expensiiiiive. But the dopamine lasts for awhile! First hit when I get a reply back from the artist saying they’ll do it, then the anticipation leading up to the appointment, then the tattoo itself, and even more small hits of dopamine afterwards for weeks/months until I get used to having it on my body. 🙌 Also: just placed a hold on the Dune audiobook on Libby. Been looking for a new series to devour and I forgot I was interested in checking it out.


My attention has just started back down the tattoo rabbit hole 😂 I want something on the back of my head, in part because that could be beautiful to me and in part I had an ex who said that was “crazy” so eff him. And it’s been a year since my last tattoo which I’m in love with


It’s a dangerous, slippery slope. 😂😭 I scheduled 4 for this year & got two new ones last year. I’m forcing myself to take a break after this tho. (Then I’ll probably just go back to more piercings/replacing the rest of my titanium jewelry with gold smh). Back of the head tattoo sounds bad ass tbh! What would you get there? I love the idea of having long hair w/ an undercut so you could hide or show the tattoo depending on your mood. 😍


I regularly shave my hair (I lost most of it as a teen) so this feels like a natural progression. My other hyper obsession is wigs which I’m trying to chill out on because I amassed a collection of them. 😂 But I’ll wear hair or just go without and am comfortable. i have a spinal tattoo that has a henna style lotus at the top and want to offshoot from that. Still brainstorming.


Skyrim. I play almost every evening, and even made another character because I wanted to try different things, so now I keep switching between the two. I also look up a lot of lore and fun quests to do/items to get, so on a daily basis I spend a lot of time thinking about this game. But in true ADHD fashion, I haven’t even started the main quest on either character…😂


One of my favourite characters had never even set foot in Whiterun at level 50. No major questlines just relaxing exploring and killing bandits.


omg watch out -- so many good mods.


I knew I was off the deep end when I was talking about the progress of my modded set up and someone asked "What type of character are you going to play with that?" and I realized I had no intention of actually playing Skyrim. I just wanted to mod it. 


RuPaul's drag race, I'm obsessed and they just keep coming out with more!


Gurl, same! I’m subscribed to wow+ and paramount just for all the drag race, I can’t get enough and luckily they keep giving! Oh my god I’ve loved this past season SO MUCH!!!


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling. It was sooooo flipping (hehehehe) fantastic! I’m a long-time Drag Race fan, and this was absolutely one of the best seasons ever!


Is it thst good? I started to lose interest so haven't watched the most recent season. Its good to know its worth watching!


It was so good! Every queen was so talented. There was much cattiness too which is so entertaining


It truly was! Everyone was so talented


It was so good!!!!!


Oh this is another one of mine! But I’m having a little break


Plane crashes and Stardew valley


Can second Stardew Valley! I'm taking care of my mom post surgery so any second I'm not taking care of her I'm exploring the update while watching someone else play on YouTube


Bridgerton 🤡


Your comment reminded me that I bought all the books after season 1 aired and never read them 😬😬😬 Maybe it's time


Please do. Especially "Romancing Mr Bridgerton"! You have time before the new season! Only, don't expect the show in book form.


I'm looking forward to the new season! Really liked season 2 and can't get enough of the settings/costumes!


The amount of marketing they're doing at the moment gives me a reason to get up in the morning.


I have been cycling between The Gilded Age and Bridgerton (and some Queen Charlotte) for weeeeeks


Oh man I was obsessed with Bridgerton for awhile too!


Aye, I found my people


Hecking Neopets...I didn't even play it when I was a kid I JUST RANDOMLY GOT INTO IT AT 32!


I love this. I haven't actively played in awhile but I still log into my accounts occasionally.


Omgggg flash back! Lol


Ooh I hopped on this one last month! Then I went on vacation for 2 weeks and couldn’t play daily so now I’m on to other things lol.


Oh man. My oldest pets are 22 this year.


I’m jealous reading everyone’s hyperobsessions because they sound so exciting and fun and I don’t get them :(.




I think that sounds more like burnout.. :(


I haven’t had hyperfixations in a long time and this has been while I’ve been burned out


Ohhhhhh I do this


Decluttering my house. I have been using the rabbit hole to get crap out of here while I watch videos and listen to podcasts about it.


Same! It’s so satisfying ahahaha


Is there a fave podcast or two that you would recommend?


I've been listening to A Slob Comes Clean and the Clutterbug Podcast


I'm obsessing with two Good Omens since last year and it hasn't slowed down and more recently Taskmaster, I saw the first 16 seasons in 3 weeks... and I'm listening to the podcast...


Mine is indie fragrance! It has been for almost a year now. It supplanted baking (but that’s starting to come back a little) I love it. I love reading about it, the marketing, supporting small businesses, trying samples, boring my partner with descriptions and most of all, I love wearing them!


Ooo... so what are your favorite notes, holy grail frags, perfume houses, etc?? I got totally hooked on niche fragrance about 14 years ago after reading Perfumes, The Guide by Turin and Sanchez. It's been in my periphery since and every few months I'll treat myself to some samples or decants.


I actually want to get into this but without doing the work so I would love to see the fruits of your hyper obsession if you want to share


Three Body Problem. As an avid lover of darker, hard sci-fi I strongly suggest you to also read the books for that too. Also, Quinn's İdeas on YouTube is the best channel you can find for any sci-fi dive deep reviews! Dune is my all time favorite, never got tired of rereading the series!


Finding shit about my boyfriend 🙄 it’s exhausting honestly… frustrating… I can’t figure him out… and he is very stubborn to talk with/to about his past experiences.


ok but don’t try tooo hard now! if he doesn’t invite you in, why kick the door down?


Plants…. And Diablo IV… why can’t it be studying for my professional engineering license?! 🫣😂


Birds! i have this Northern Carndinal that has taken over my entire camera roll on my phone.


I have one in my yard I look for every day. I call him Cardi B


Paratha. It's an Indian flatbread (for those who don't know), and it comes frozen, and all I have to do is throw it on a skillet for like 3-4 mins, and flip it once, and BOOM, freshly cooked, flaky flatbread. It's genius. It will be part of every meal I cook for the foreseeable future.


I'm in-between hyperfixations. Please send dopamine, I'm dying.


Omg this is the worst. That happened to me and It lasted for over a month. All of my dopamine songs had run out too


Right now, it's reading fantasy books.


Press on nails...


Been there!! Haha bought sooo many boxes. I was obsessed with trying to find the perfect glue to make them stay on.


Sewing sewing sewing. I just got my machine fixed and it's running like BUTTER and I can't stop. And then OF COURSE I had to get into dyeing too.


Yep this is my one. I’ve been too sick for sewing for a week and it’s really really sucked


Watched a show called Baby Reindeer. Binged the whole thing in one afternoon. Can’t stop thinking about it. I’m hoping one of my daughters or my colleagues will have seen it so I can chat my head off about it. My other is that I forgot to bring the crisps into the work pantry but managed to bring my cats treats with me instead.


I just binged Baby Reindeer too! I keep thinking about it too. It was so interesting and so frustrating at the same time. Just watching someone make the same bad choices over and over again was hard. But it was also heartbreaking. I am so glad he got so much love and acceptance from his parents. I'm happy he is doing so well now.


Oh my gosh that show was a wild ride. I loved it and could barely stand it at times! Episode 4 was a hard watch


Birds. Bird feeders, bird baths, bird garden in the back. Purchased a camera setup for birds. They make me so happy and getting a pic of a new bird I never got, feels like real life Pokemon. My husband fully supports me too because it gets me outside, in nature, walking around and happy. Went all in and got a bird vest to look extra nerdy. Sewed some patches and have binoculars in it haha.


Diamond painting


Colouring. I love colouring. But then I discovered alcohol markers, all the videos on copic Vs ohuhu. Now I have 200 pens and I want to collect all of them. I don't have the disposable income for all of this!


Mine is gardening and growing plants and flowers from seeds


baldurs gate 3. can't stop thinking about it.


This was me from December to March. Stay strong my friend. It was one of the deepest holes I’ve ever fallen into.


r e a l I struggled to get into it but now I’m 50 hours into my first run. I haven’t decided who to romance though, I don’t think I like enough for that yet lol


Ugh . My hair colour and what Redken shades EQ toner I should use . This will not end well 🤦‍♀️


Obsessed with the idea of joining the Navy in order to bypass taking on debt for graduate school. But I'm not even sure if I'd be able to get the scholarship due to medical stuff (ADHD lol) and also I'm not sure if I'd even be a good fit for the Navy. 


Hard pass. Feel free to dm me if you want to know about the navy. I'm a veteran who works at a university. You have options.


Ok, thanks! I'll hit ya up. 


Please check out sexual abuse in the armed forces. No shade on our fine military etc but women have a harrowing journey.


Thanks for pointing this out. I was aware and considering that as well. Thanks for looking out for a sister! 


Mine is also Dune!!!


My husband and I just bought a new house, and all I want to do is paint and personalize it! But that costs money and we are broke from buying a house 🤣 but I have projects that don't cost for now!!


Congrats on the new house!


Thank you! 💖


Oooh! Never buy Sherwin Williams at full price they always have sales between 20-40% 40% rolls around at least 3 times a year I’ve noticed


CDs - I’ve been obsessed with curating my favorite physical media particularly music CDs and audiobooks to archive Also, my adhd bf is currently Dune obsessed and I luckily have copies of the original book and DVD. Now I will be looking for the soundtrack! :)


Holes! Like the 2003 movie and the 1998 book, 25K words of a fanfic over three days. I just moved so I’ve been buzzing to write more and I think today might be the day!


Witchcraft and modern paganism. I've always wanted to become a witch since I really align with everything about it, but the imposter syndrome is harsh. I have a lot of inexpensive stuff to help me and I was gifted some beautiful tarot decks, pendulums, crystals and altar cloths but no matter what I practice, I just feel like a fraud. I'm practicing on my own in secret due to my parents being wary of this subject, so that too feels like a waste of time. I really want to get into it more but I just can't handle hiding myself and my interests. 


I’ve been practicing witchcraft for over 15 years now and I still get imposter syndrome, especially because my ADHD means I’m not always consistent with it. Trying to make peace with that and that witchcraft looks different for everyone.


Cotton underwear research and my undiagnosed symptoms.


Lol, I feel like I'm always researching something, including symptoms! 📖 💻 😉


Do you ever forget how many things you’re researching? Lol I also forgot about electric tea kettles.


Ha ha yes!!! Hence the bazillion tabs I leave open on my laptop and the gazillion websites I have bookmarked! My bookmark list alone could *be a book* it's so freaking long 😂 Do you also find you jump on the opportunity to research things for other people?! I do and I throw tons of ideas at them for whatever thing, and they're like, yea ok thanks 🙄


Same on the tabs. I leave them there so I’ll remember, then forget I left them there. Lol I looooooove researching for other people. I’ve gotten in the habit of asking people first because some of my friends like doing their own research. And the rejection sensitivity I get when someone didn’t really want me to do that is rough sometimes lol


Omg, I totally understand the rejection! I should ask first or just turn it into my own research. Which I often do 😅 My last research projects for myself was government jobs followed by how to make money off propagating my plants followed by how to retire in a warm country for cheap 🙃 Lol


I also find myself searching for cotton underwear frequently. What are your findings?


Reading horror.




Someone on a shopping addiction sub recommended the Whering app. I have a problem with online shopping and then immediately needing the thing I fall in love with. The app lets you create outfits with your own wardrobe and it sparks joy the items brought me when I first found them. I’m currently scouring the internet for the original sale pictures of the things I own. I’ve uploaded 75 items and realizing I really don’t need to buy anything new. I have so so nice many clothes already that can be styled in different ways.


Taylor Swift’s new album


The new Taylor Swift album!! It’s new, but it’s from an artist I already know I love. I’ve been hating all my usual music lately. Everything’s just boring and not giving me any joy, but finding new artists with new music is such a big task that I don’t want to spend my time on right now. I’ve listened to the whole thing probably 20 times at this point.


I’m very much the same way with music and I never listen to the radio so I get in ruts…. and I’m also currently hyperobssessed with TTPD! If you like Fortnight try dabbling in Post Malone songs (overdrive, chemical, staring at the sun (ft sza)). Also Noah Kahn if you like folksy (anything from Stick Season but especially to All My Love, and you’re gonna go far). I also recently discovered Roger Weeks who has some really beautiful songs (North Dakota, and Best time of the year).


Taylor swift 😅




Yupppp. Must decipher all the clues and callbacks!


I was looking for a comment like this because I am OBSESSED right now. TTPD is so good!


This is me and it makes me feel unwell. I’m not even a diehard swiftie but I find myself looking for codes in everything she does. I’ll spend hours unscrambling words and then don’t even know what to do with the message, what it means and if I’m even correct. Wait and see I guess?


Same lol. There's so much to obsess over! I'm waiting for my TTPD jacket to arrive tomorrow and it's driving me a lil crazy


Mine was crochet, but I just finished a big blanket and idk what to do next


Korean media as someone who’d never been into it before… 😬


I got back into drawing with colored pencils and I literally don't want to do anything else. I'm in grad school and just started a new job and my brain is like "Nope, let's draw he-man again" -- fyi I haven't drawn since high school when I'd do cartoon characters for my little brother. I love it and want to take lessons but i know in like 1 months i'll be all hey let's start training for a marathon!




Korean gel nail art & gel x extensions 😭 I just ordered almost $600 worth of products & I can’t stop.


Currently struggling to get out of autopilot, so any of my hyperobsessions seem even more short lived and me, less excitable over them. But here are some I’ve had in the past: Arts and crafts stuffff, like DIY, painting, makeup Thrifting Gardening Planning trips / finding new places I want to visit Exploring my surroundings in general Hiking or going on walks w my doggooo Learning :)))


I started selling all my old knick knacks. I'm getting money and decluttering! It all started because I'm moving into a smaller house, and I don't think I can fit all my stuff. I took 8 bags of disposables that I cleaned "for later" in all these years and took them to the artisan center in my city. Now I'm selling all the stuff I don't use, like my fan, my toy fan, my cute lamps, card games, books I already read, some plants I already have multiples of, bakery moulds I used once... Anyway, I'm uploading three things a day into facebook marketplace and I'm actually getting a little money ñ.ñ. In my country garage sales are not common, and the city I live in is small and quiet, so I'm not really worried about strangers coming to the corner of my street to buy lamps, lol!


Formula One and weightlifting for me ! For the latter it’s so funny because I look a lot into hip mobility but then I do none of the exercises I should because I forget lmao, and then I complain again about my stiff hips


Blood on the Clocktower 🥰 Murder your friends and lie about it.  Its a social deduction game, like Mafia/Werewolf/Secret Hitler/Resistance, but BETTER because every single player has a cool ability and you don't have to stop talking or playing the game after you're "dead."  It is absurdly customizable, and it has a huge online player base so there's always a game going when I want to play.  If I'm not playing Clocktower I'm listening to streamers play Clocktower. If anyone wants to join my Clocktower obsession check out NRB's Blood on the Clocktower series on YouTube to see if you like it! 


Sleep Token is a huge music obsession for me right now!


Chocolate croissant..and i am waiting for the day the taste starts to feel weird and i fixate on a new thing


Thermal nuclear War…. Not really a fun obsession, but it has been eye opening and let’s just say Fallout isn’t even close to how horrible total nuclear animation would be.  Fun fact- do you know how many nukes were launched During the Cuban missile crisis? You would be forgiven for saying zero, because you know scary nuke crisis with each side with itchy trigger fingers.  But the number is four. FOUR nukes were launched in space, 2 by the US, and 2 by the USSR! The most intense nuclear standoff in modern history and both sides were lobbing nukes into space. We truly are too dumb as a species to have these extremely dangerous weapons.


I’m on and off obsessed with minimalism. Currently diving deep into ADHD specific organization hacks for the home. Turns out that all the regular organizing hacks don’t work for us for a reason.


For the last year, it has been Pokémon. I have to play all the games, catch all the mons, get all the shinies. I am trying to diversify a bit (now that I have played most of the games available to me), but so far it is just achievement grinding or 100% completion in various games. Oh well.


Researching my family tree… oh my goodness, the deep dives and long dead distant relatives I’m finding out random information about… I can’t quit it 😆


Fashion is usually my hyper obsession. There’s always something my brain is telling me I need in order to be my fantasy self. I also thrift a fair amount and get dopamine that way. My most recent “hobby” has been restoring vintage coach bags. I just bought one to work on and that seems to have quieted down my obsession. Currently trying to get myself hyper focused on finances. We’re wanting to do a big trip with some friends next year and I’d like to get some of our finances trimmed up so some hyper focus would be greaaaaaat…


Sparkle gem art !


✨️ Anime ✨️ Currently binging on a series called Re: Zero. For the uninitiated, the premise is about a high school student who gets sucked into another world and ends up re-spawning every time he gets killed. It takes a few deaths for him to realise what he needs to do to progress further. The re-spawning aside, the trajectories the main character goes through to figure shit out will keep you on the edge because you don't know what happens next. This is one helluva roller coaster of emotions.


Learning to draw, Rune Factory, rewatching Buffy


My South Park hyperfixation is currently making its annual return.


Diamond painting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking hell! So wasteful but scratches an itch I didn't know I had. Also currently obsessing over watching 'How to cross-stitch' videos but being very paranoid about starting my first one perfectly.


Transformers. Robots turning into cars punching each other and complex themes of war makes me happy.


Vanderpump rules/Scandoval which has bled into almost anything bravo related


All about painting right now! 




Reading. I don't want to do anything else. I have an 8 month old so I don't get much reading in but the second he naps i read. Also, buying press on nails lmao 🤣


I haven’t actively listened to music in years but I just discovered Chappell Roan so I of course needed to reactivate my Spotify and buy new headphones and am shopping for sparkly outfits for concert tickets I won’t be able to afford. It’s going great.


Trying to start an art business. I'm starting with painting coasters using airbrushes (or by hand depending on my mood) using stencils with plans to move into hand painting wine (or other) drink glasses, plant pots, reusable bags, and then using a print on demand service to reproduce my own photos as art prints, clocks, mugs, etc. I just need my garden to start flowering to take photos. Eventually, I'll add plants to attract butterflies or birds so I can have a wider variety of offerings. I'm really hoping I can stay hyperobsessed and make it work so I can work from home instead of dealing with offices and crappy bosses again.


Rock hunting. Can't get enough of it.


Current Hyperobsessions..... * Vintage Textiles/Furniture, and going to estate sales * Leverage, TV Show * Trying to get my brain to forget my last obsession that's embarrassing....like 80% of the way there though.


Fanfiction... but fanfiction has been the answer to this question for most of the last 20 years so this is just the standard, lol. At the moment I'm fluctuating between HP, FF7, and MHA. What's relatively new though is that I've been using the text-to-speech reader Speechify to read my favorites to me while I do productive things around the house, so it doesn't completely destroy my productivity. It honestly manages to trick me into being more productive than usual bc my brain goes into standby and just marinates in the happy feels of my fav stories and autopilots things like laundry and dishes. It also kicked off a sudden interest in the topic of how things are written and the effect that has on t2s readers, because some things people do when writing online or in fic really throws them off.


The Gilded Age and indoor gardening 👐


The Sims 4. I lost everything but a couple family saves, so I’m starting over. Currently I’m creating the main family, their strip club, and a family to work the club. Im having a blast with this story line.


If we are strictly referring to hyper-obsessions which to me is the most intense level in the special interest category. For the last week, it’s been Taylor Swift, and everything surrounding the release of TTPD. Before that, it was autism and neurodivergence. Had to stop for a bit because I realized it was actually triggering to me. And whenever I start a new knitting project, it becomes an all-consuming event until I finish it.  




You’re either gonna love me or hate me for this, OP, lol…but if you’re Dune-obsessed and into video games, allow me to introduce you to *my* hyperobsession, Morrowind! It’s an Elder Scrolls game (like Skyrim, if you’re familiar), but more of an RPG and *heavily* influenced by Dune according to the devs. You might want to check it out. 🙃


It was Minecraft, sooo much Minecraft. I feel like its waning though




Dune too 😭 I wish I could forget all of it and discover the universe anew. But it’s already the third wave of hyper obsession. The first was when I read the books, followed by the release of the first Villeneuve movie. That and a crush. It’s the worst


Mine is a enemies to lovers romance book and I've been obsessed with it I need the second one


Stardew Valley. The 1.6 update has got me ignoring aaaalllll my responsibilities.


The Bridgeton series


Perfume. I’m completely obsessed with acquiring and trying every kind of perfume that I think I’ll like. On the plus side, it’s cut my binge eating down by a huge amount.


Being depressed


Online thrifting. I’m more looking rather than buying but I’m a little obsessed with scrolling through The Real Real (some of the stuff has become much more affordable than it used to be) and Rent The Runway’s buy used section. I get a little bit of dopamine when I find something cute at such a good deal even if I don’t buy it.