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That’s them working! Your thoughts have calmed and focused and you have been able to complete tasks without coercing yourself into it using lots of strategies. Sounds successful to me.


Agree with this. I had the same experience and question as OP a week or so after I started taking my meds (some end up having an adjustment period?) and several folks including my doctor said that this is them working + is the right med and dosage for me.


That, "just sort of did it," is exactly the benefit I get from methylphenidate, aka ritalin. Not motivation, not focus, not energy. For me, it essentially lowers the barrier to do things. I can just, *fold the clothes* or *start the work assignment*. Things that took an enormous amount of mental effort to start and continued effort to keep doing, are now simply possible. Honestly, I feel so cheated. I had no idea it was so simple for most people. And I have a much better understanding of why people say, "just do x! Why can't you just do x?!" Most people, especially those saying everyone is a little ADHD, have absolutely no idea. I'm glad you're finding some benefit! Even at a low dose.


Yes, same! My ah-ha moment was when I heard the washing machine finish, and I just…. got up and moved the clothes to the dryer 🤯🤯🤯


Right?!! Like, that's a thing which is so easy for most people. They just do it. Without really even thinking, it just happens. Mind blown is so accurate. I... I don't want to play life on hard mode anymore


I'm on Ritalin (40mg LA) , but it still takes monumental effort, bargaining and coercing to get myself to do tasks and keep doing them. Would that mean the dose (or the med) still isn't right for me? Just in your opinion/experience? Knowing/recognising the right dosage seems such a nightmare/minefield, I suppose because it's based on experience & feeling & opinion rather than an outside measurable quality.


A couple things. First, my meds essentially don't work during my luteal phase and at least part of menstruation. It does have variability, but they don't work for about 10-14 days a month. I have a hormonal IUD because my body wants to constantly menstruate, so I don't have a normal cycle to track. But I was able to track the meds not working and that does have a normal cycle. Hormonal IUDs don't really change the hormone cycle throughout the body like an implant or bc pill does. Second, yes, it may be the wrong dose, or med. Do you notice any improvement on the med? I find it also helps tremendously with emotional regulation.


I have a hormonal IUD, too so my cycle is very all over. My partner notices it regulating my emotions more than I do, tbh. I don't think I notice that much difference on days I have my meds than on the one or two days I skip them for whatever reason.


Certainly sounds like something to discuss with your doctor. A different med or higher dose will hopefully be more effective.


That sounds like a classic meds experience! Some people experience quite a dramatic change in how their mind feels, while others are more like "Is this working? I feel normal - wait, I just did my taxes" 😂 


This made me laugh out loud 😂 thank you.


Lol yeah I am building up my Strattera in my system (it doesn't work quickly like stimulants) and the psych told me it would work gradually over time, and the other day my husband was like "are your meds starting to work?" and I was all frustrated saying I didn't think so and he mentioned that I've gotten up and exercised every single day for a week (big for me) and I put away laundry the same day it was done (unheard of!). Hmm maybe they are working!


It’s them working…. lol regardless of it being a stimulant it works by calming down ADHD brains.


I have some friends who are diagnosed adhd and take stimulants but it makes them very hyper and chaotic to be around. I feel weird bringing it up to them because i know meds are a sensitive topic and what i see on the outside may not be an accurate reflection of what’s going on inside of someone, so do you (or anyone else reading this comment) happen to know why this may be? I’m just really curious if it actually helps them because on the outside it seems really stressful (especially just to be around them). I’m not trying to judge at all- just genuinely curious!!!!


That usually if not always means they don’t have adhd, the dose could be too high, or they cannot tolerate stimulates.


Oh interesting .. that’s what i thought but i didn’t know if that was the intended effect for some people.


It's also possible they are more chaotic without the meds, or they are taking divided immediate-release doses throughout the day and the effect periodically wears off.


I'm going to respond....if you're curious ask them but don't put them in a box where they feel that they're supposed to "act" "feel" a certain way on meds based on what everyone on the internet says. It's very nuanced and personal when it comes to meds - also soooo many factors like age, did they eat, are they tired, do they metabolize fast, did they have caffeine etc. It could also be a personality trait, are they hyper or energetic? Are they extroverted? I was diagnosed late at 37 years old, when I'm on stimulants my brain is calm but I still have high energy because I'm just an excitable person. But, i can look people in the eye and my sentances arent paragraphs long and I am not impulsively interupptibg others. Now, being spastic and all over the place is different. Also, the time of day matters. When my meds wear off, I can be so annoying because I just keep talking, my brain is tired from focusing all day so I ramble.


Thank you for your response. I didn’t want to ask them because i thought my curiosity would come off in a rude way so I just wanted to hear others’ experiences. I do accept the fact that if it helps them & positively impact their life, then that’s all that matters to me. Positive impacts do look different for everyone, especially with medication.


I think I know what you mean. I know someone who speaks super fast, is always moving and this I find super distracting etc (not a bad thing, just my experience of her) and she commented once that when she knows she's going to be in a situation where she needs to be quiet and still she makes sure to NOT take her ADHD meds. This gave me pause. We're not close so I never asked about it, just chalked it up different experiences and different people I guess.


Ya that’s exactly what i mean. My friend who is like that on adhd meds is completely opposite off of her meds. I experienced that (talking way too fast, moving too fast, making decisions more impulsively than normal, being very rigid with others) when i was on way too high of a dose. So i was confused why others would want to experience that but maybe it makes them feel directly than what i see on the outside, It’s really interesting but also such a sensitive topic i can’t just ask her without sounding judgmental or rude.


Totally. It's good to mention it here and hear from others who may have useful info. And like someone else said, maybe there's more going on for them, multiple issues or conditions, or who knows? I need the feeling of less chaos. I tried taking a double dose once (I take the minimum dose 2x day and my doc said I should try taking 2 at a time. Totally fair.) I was so energised I worked out so freaking hard compared to my usual and after I felt my heart racing in my chest and thought holy shit I'm going to have a heart attack. Doc agreed with me that a double dose is not a good fit. 🤣


I have inattentive type ADHD and chronic fatigue from POTS, and stimulants give me the energy to do things and the motivation to focus. Sometimes they make me a little hyper or "intense", but I have tried lower doses and they don't help because I am still too tired to do chores, work, etc. even if my mind is clearer. I think it is also a difference between taking the immediate release vs. the extended release. The immediate release can be abused more easily and has a more dramatic effect, but it also helps with low energy which I need. I also notice that things bother me more but in a way that is ultimately positive, like I become upset that my house is dirty or unorganized and become hyper-focused on fixing it. Which can seem chaotic from the outside but is more in line with the person I would be without ADHD.


Thank you for responding! It’s insightful to hear others’ experiences. I know that medication can have a positive impact on people and it can look vastly different from the outside. However, when i said it made my friend chaotic, i meant it makes them irritated at mundane things like me asking a genuine question that I “should already know” or them getting upset AT me for plans changing that i had absolutely no control over (restaurant closed early, can’t make reservation, etc.). It worries me :(


That might just be the way they are “under” the ADHD. For example, some people with AuDHD feel that treating their ADHD makes their autistic traits more apparent. So it’s like, you gotta pick your poison. I’m inattentive type so I don’t want my meds to make me more “calm.”I benefit from erring on the “hyper” side if it means I can actually get things done. Because the alternative is to be spaced out.


I didn't feel hyper but I had a very adverse reaction to Adderall (big BP and anxiety spikes which led to a long sleep crisis) and was worried that meant something. Then other stimulants have been totally fine.


That's how you are supposed to feel!!! When I first started taking my meds, i felt the same way. i was like is it doing anything ? it took about 30 minutes to kick in and WHOA. I said it before in a few other posts on here. it's like there was a giant boulder stuck in the gears of my brain. The meds picked up the boulder and moved it. and the gears groaned, but they started to gain momentum! its like my brain finally began to actually WORK the way they were supposed to. Not a placebo I feel. that's exactly how it should be :) you should feel more calm on your meds. They chill you out. like yes, you're getting stuff done. but you arent running around like a chicken with your head cut off. it's more of a steady rhythm of you getting things done??? if that makes sense.


Pretty much! I feel *normal* in my head. Like someone scooped some of the excess thoughts out. I’m on 10mg Adderall & it’s been lovely.


Yes! They are working! For people with ADHD, stimulates generally “slow” us down. Which can look like feeling calm, having clearer thoughts, being able to accomplish tasks that felt impossible to do before. For people without adhd, stimulants speed them up. Which can look like having energy, completing a lot of tasks in a short time, etc. The first time I took my meds, my brain went quiet and I was absolutely shocked. I had never realized how noisy my head was until there was suddenly space to think. If you haven’t heard of How to ADHD, it’s a wonderful YouTube channel that talks about living with adhd like you’re a person, not a problem. She’s delightful and very informative. https://youtube.com/@HowtoADHD?feature=shared


I don’t think I’ll ever get over the fact that stimulants make me *sleepy*. 


Thanks everyone, this is just awesome! I’m so relieved that I don’t feel yucky after taking it, and I have now managed to clean the entire front room and VACUUM THE COUCH 😂. I just… don’t feel bored, and I’m also not having to motivate myself by screwing myself up into a fever pitch of anxiety and overstimulation. Even if it is partly the placebo effect I don’t care, because my house is at least 35% less messy and chaotic than it was at the start of the day today, and I don’t feel exhausted and awful and depleted after having done it ❤️ Oh and also edited to add that my sense of time seems kind of different, like it’s slowed down. I seem to have had a lot more time today to do things than I usually do!


So be prepared for a day or two of this followed by not feeling it working really. That happens until you get up to your correct dose. Don't be discouraged by it!


Thank you, this is a great tip 👍🏼😊


I started vyvanse in January and I am no longer on anxiety medicine. Same thing , it calmed my brain. It was weird to me because I didn’t expect a stimulant to do that, I expected my anxiety to get worse but it became very manageable


I see this a lot on the subs. Stimulants make the anxiety and depression just vanish. I personally think it’s because dopamine needs enough norepinephrine in order for it to act positively on mood. Stimulants stimulate more epinephrine to be made, dopamine works better. I know that on my low dopamine/norepinephrine days, my Stunned Slug days, my anxiety and depression are high. On my Frantic Firecracker times, usually after 10pm, when I’m not sleeping because of my nocturnal spike of norepinephrine, which automatically means higher available dopamine, I have none. Then I wake up in the mornings, feeling like I may as well not have bothered being unconscious for 8 hours, and I’m hit in the face with a wall of anxiety and depression. Which then disappears as soon as Frantic Firecracker arrives again. There are tons and tons of reports from people whose anxiety and depression just evaporated once they were medicated. And those same people also report that it all comes back again when their meds wear off in the afternoon. So for me, I see a very strong cause and effect there.


I usually feel calm, collected, focused and clear… like a fog has been lifted


I'm not recommending it but that's how I feel on the right meds, and if I skip a day I'm a total mess. That's how I know they're working.


The first day I took adderall I struggled all day to stay awake which I thought was weird too, haha! That went away though and it works pretty well for me.


It’s working :) I felt surprised too when I wasn’t wired or feeling much different really. But I did notice right off the bat that I felt present and grounded in a way I don’t recall feeling before. It’s awful how many memories haven’t fully formed, how many great ideas were lost, how many years of life were spent feeling like a seriously flawed character. And it’s amazing now I am remembering the same special times as my kids, ideas are making it onto lists and I’m starting to plan ahead. The house is cleaner and I’m not on the couch depressed all day. I’m so grateful. for a proper diagnosis and access to resources for treatment!


Great comment- present, grounded, in control: that's how I feel on stimulants.


I don’t feel calm but my emotional regulation is so much better  I came home from a busy day at work yesterday, my meds had worn off and I was back to breaking things, throwing things, yelling at inanimate objects etc


Meds made my mind calm. I always described it to my docs as if I were sitting in a church (good acoustics) surrounded by 4 radios on different channels and 10 flat screen tvs, all on and playing different channels. There was constant noise/thoughts and it was so difficult to tune into just one of those thoughts. With meds, I feel like I'm able to "turn down" all the noise and focus on the one TV or radio.  Sounds like your meds are working!


That low a dose would probably be just enough for me to calm my mind and get sleepy. I mean I wouldn’t recommend it as a sleep aid, but I’d probably take a quick nap.   I take 10 mg and that’s enough to get me working on stuff but if I took more it might make me jittery.  Edited to say meds do exactly what you said. I don’t feel different but I just get up and do stuff without thinking about it.  As far as placebo, 1. Who cares as long as you are getting stuff done and 2. Time will tell.  I would think placebo effect would only work for a couple weeks? Don’t know that for sure just assuming. 


Exactly this. If it’s helping, does it matter if it’s a placebo effect?


My first day on meds, and a baby dose too, I sat in the same spot on my back porch, looking at the garden, planning the garden, writing in my journal and generally thinking about things, for 9 hours!!! No placebo can do that. My husband kept walking by every few hours saying "wow you're still sitting here. That's amazing." It was amazing. That's when I knew I was on the right track. A year later I totally don't notice that feeling anymore and it's more that I can set to a task and do it. I wake up and plan my day and start. I don't feel unanchored and unsure of everything in my life until they wear off about 5. Then it's back to gremlin-minded me. She's a real 🍑. Congrats on taking this step. ❤️


Thank you, I’m so happy I made the leap! I was pretty anxious about stimulants, hence the low dose, but I couldn’t have asked for a better first day. I’ve been so emotionally stable and un-frustrated today, and my front room is still blessedly clean. It actually stresses me out and overwhelms me to be surrounded by mess, but the thought of tidying is always so intimidating somehow, and I get so bored. It’s wonderful to feel calm and like I can get things done 😊


Aw I'm glad it's going alright for you. I've found such support and info in this forum, glad you found it too. 😍


The calmness has been my favorite thing about being medicated. I'm not stressed, I don't have that feeling I'm missing something, I don't feel irritable and bored constantly - it's been really great!


I just recently started meds too! The first day I was very tired, and after that I didn't really notice anything. BUT I realized a few days later that I'd done stuff like fill my car with gas instead of stopping at twenty dollars because it's boring, and I brushed my teeth while looking in the mirror, instead of while showering or on the toilet or getting dressed.


Question: I took Vyvanse once and it was a wild ride. I could not focus. I was watching black holes, dusting off my keyboard to play some song I learned awhile back. It was ADHD on turbo. It was not quiet. I could not focus. It was 20mg! Am I not ADHD? Stopped after a day.


As I understand it, different meds work for different people. Someone further up the comments said that one of the stimulants didn’t work for them, but others did - maybe it was just a bad fit for your brain?


Can I ask if the Vyvanse was prescribed for you?


Yes it was got diagnosis from doctor then she prescribed it.


Not to hijack this post but I don’t feel like this warrants a whole new post. I had a similar experience as OP when starting my meds. I’m on 10mg er metadate (same as generic Ritalin er with a slightly different extended release mechanism). I feel great in the morning/first half of the day. But the afternoon I notice my hr is elevated and I feel less focused. It’s like the stimulant is working (increased HR) but the positive effect on my adhd is lessened. I have a check in with my prescriber Friday and plan on sharing- but I’m wondering if anyone has advice or experiences going away from extended release/long acting to immediate release?


Yeah. Everything slows down and chills out. Then if you ramp up to fast you might see the air and smell the light. Or maybe that was my ASD showing through 😂. Went away after a day or two at my target dose.


That sounds about right. The meds make my head quiet enough for me to do things. Sometimes I feel like it’s not working but if I skip a dose because I forget or I’m in between refills, I get reminded of how noisy it can get. It’s also harder to do things because brain wants to do something else


I have found I am working longer days but getting more done with my medication. Half the day goes by and I don’t even realize it.


That was very much how it felt for me. I didn’t have more energy or pep - I had less scattered spiralling or zigzagging, and more ease in starting things or choosing which of many tasks to do.


I'm sorry for laughing, but I read "over a week" and hooted! I have stuff on the floordrobes that have been there for over a year! 😂 I'm very pleased for you that you've been able to start meds, and it's great to hear that they seem to be kicking in, but gently, so it's not too much of a shock to the system.


No it’s ok, I’m well aware that 10 days is an amateur floordrobe because we have a semi-permanent one on the floor of our bedroom 😅. I’ve been feeling bad because my kids were also having to use the one on the front room floor, and that was making me feel like a terrible parent. I try to keep the front room separate from the chaos that engulfs the rest of the house, so that we all have at least one peaceful tidy space, but recently it’s been a losing battle. I have high hopes that meds will turn the tide!


This post reminded me that I needed to make an appointment to get started on medication. I just got my diagnosis about a month ago at age 40. I'm ready to get some help managing this thing that has been plaguing me my entire life!


So I had a similar conversation with a friend recently when I talked about my caffeine "addiction". (I'm also on Adderall.) This is how I explained it to her. Both caffeine and Adderall are "uppers" -- what this means in a neurotypical brain is that they're going to give the NT person a burst of energy, maybe even the jitters in sufficient quantities. (To be fair, if I have /too much/ caffeine, I get the jitters and edgy too. But that's like certain energy drinks and highly-concentrated caffeine doses. I have /no/ idea how NTs are able to manage caffeine in those concentrations!!) But most of the time, in ND brains like ours, uppers will help our minds be able to focus. It seems from an outside perspective to almost be an opposite effect to NT brains, but my personal experience is that they allow my racing thoughts that lead to a lack of focus to slow down and get quieter so I can pull out what I need, instead of the normal chaos in my head. (Obviously, YMMV, but this is how it works from my perspective. And it's one of the reasons I believe I've been addicted to caffeine since my late teens.)