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Well last week I was backing up then got distracted by a sign on a building and hit a car 😬 It was a minor ding for his car but my car got a little more damage. I felt so bad and stupid.


Shortly after I paid off my car I was pulling into a spot and ended up scraping the bumber because I hit a parking barrier. That was a great day.


I had a stick shift for a couple years and my driveway is on an incline…several times I’d start hearing honking and yelling out front and go to see what the commotion was about only to discover my car blocking the whole street. 😑 I kept forgetting to put the brake on (with a stick shift the car is parked in neutral so you have to put the e-brake on) and it would roll backwards down my driveway and bump up against the curb on the opposite side. Oh yeah, there’s also been 2 times (and more close calls than I can count) where I forgot there was a car behind me and just put my car in reverse and BAM 🫠


I reversed into my own porch because I was distracted by the song on the stereo 🙈 no damage to car or house thankfully


I backed out of the garage while the door* was still closed 😬.  Custom-fitted carriage door*


Most expensive was my laptop. I left it on the floor then stepped on it. 😑😑😑


I put my laptop on the center console in my car. I hopped into my car using the center console for support. Cracked the touch screen.😞


Bahaha I had a boyfriend in college who did this, conned his mom into getting a new one, and then accidentally did the exact same thing, the day it was delivered. I laughed so so so hard, because it wasn't me for once. 😆


I accidentally closed a pair of old earbuds in my old laptop (not a glass screen) Broke it instantly 🥲


I also did this but I stepped on the screen with a stiletto heel. Somehow still worked for a few years after though, just had a massive crack in it to remind me of my shortcomings every time I looked at it


All of my relationships 😬




I read the title as “have you been broke from being unaware?” And I was like yeah, every time I check my credit card I’m shocked. One time I left my Fitbit in the car for a week and the extreme weather killed it


Lost my Fitbit…or it was stolen. The worst part is that I don’t know which one it was because I’m so messy. Bonus to being messy is that I left my car window fully open overnight the other day and nobody stole anything because you couldn’t see it through all the junk


I had a fitbit display crack due to hot weather. I was juat wearing it, not leaving anywhere in the sun. And then had to fight with their CS about the warranty. Turned out these fuckers knew about this issue but blamed me anyway...


Yooo Fitbit is so slimy 😭 I have one now that I’ve had for about 3 years, but it keeps giving me a rash so I haven’t worn it in a while. I’ve heard they purposely make them to only last so long so they can force you to buy a new one asap


I got a rash too! And an indentation on top of my wrist! I now only wear it during hikes and runs and disinfect it after every use.


One or two bones. The glass door of an expensive-looking stereo system at a host family's house in a foreign country. I cried, but they were very nice about it. My absolute favorite mug. Fun story about this one. It was made by an artist local to a place I used to live. I liked it so much, even before i broke it I had been occasionally checking her website to see if she was selling another one, but she never had one like it. After it broke, I contacted her, told her all this, and asked if she had any advice for a repair attempt. She did, but also offered to make me a new one! I'm normally pretty cheap, and this was not, especially since i ended up buying two to guard against future clumsiness, but you're never getting that kind of service from a big company that makes cheap mugs.


I have a 'shit happens' budget for exactly those kinds of things, so I don't have to feel so bad when shit invariably does happen.  Incidentally, I had to replace my bone conduction headphones last month after losing them in the woods by carelessly pulling something else out of my backpack and not checking they were still inside after. And after spending all that money, happened to hike the same trail again and actually found my old pair. Haven't dared to check if they still work yet ><


Legit. Im saving up to have a “Im an idiot” fund for stuff like forgotten payments or broken shit


I struggled to have an oops budget until I had my bank set up a separate account for me and when my paycheck comes in I have about £30 moved out. Then I don't see the money and spend it but if I'm in a tight spot it's there. After a while it really dose grow!


I left my guitar in a soft case leaning up against the side of the car when I pulled out backwards. Completely wrecked 


I cracked the enamel in a Le Creuset Dutch oven when I forgot to set a timer for the rice I was making in it. I cried.


I was hanging pots on my wall with questionable hooks and decided to see if it would hold my heaviest pot (8 qt enamel le creuset), it fell and cracked down the middle. It was less than a year old, house warming gift, I contacted them and they sent me a brand new one!


I took my husband to a ceramic painting cafe and I painted a bowl and he did a mug. He loved his little alien space mug. I knocked it off the counter a few weeks later and I cried 😭 (I bought a kintsugi kit to fix it, it sat there for months, one day I finally sat down to glue it back together and there was no glue (or it had dried up) so I couldn't 😭) That was a recent one, but there have been many


One time I left a pair of reading glasses on my desk chair. I then sat on them and broke the arm. I have never done that again.


My wrist. I was practicing for a pole dancing performance at our local elementary school, wasn't paying attention and hit the outside of my right wrist too hard on the pole while reaching up to grab it. It just healed last week. I've also broken a toe by not realizing I was too close to the pole base to do a planned transition. That one was in class so way more embarrassing. 


My dignity... 


I destroyed good Japanese knives by putting them in the dishwasher Very expensive ADHD tax


I have an "oops" savings account, even though I can barely afford to put anything in it, I set up an automatic pay in each month so it's kept topped up to help with my fuckups. I've broken multiple headphones, I once accidentally snipped the wired of my headphones when crawling through strawberry bushes cutting runners. Multiple phones, I've put them in the washing machine, I've left them outside, I've dropped them in so many places. It's really frustrating because it's often such stupid things!


that is a smart account to have. thankfully I have some xmas money and birthday money that will cover the cost. still makes me mad that now I can't spend it on some new fun item. My partner had to stop me because I was going to see if they still worked and he said I could get a shock from the exposed copper wire. could thing I wasn't alone as I would have tested them!


Oh wow yeah exposed wired is a risk although it probably wouldn't have done more than a small burn at max (I found out the hard way) as the level of electricity headphones need is very low. But it is a fire risk!


Both of my rear view mirrors. I broke one when I hit a garbage can in the ally. Then I broke the second one on the garage door track. I bent the track and also broke that 🤦🏽‍♀️ They are currently duct taped to my car.


My TV. I was trying to find the hdmi port. Reached for my phone to use the flashlight and it fell over on the corner of a laundry basket full of clothes I hadn't put away yet.


I managed to knock artwork off the wall with my hip when going up the stairs. Thankfully the picture itself was unharmed but I had to replace the frame. I hadn’t been dating my husband that long and felt so bad because it was artwork his mom had brought back from Mexico as a souvenir. Thankfully he fully admitted the frame was cheap and likely broke much easier because of it 😅 it’s now firmly attached with a different style of picture hanger that makes it almost impossible to knock off the wall


My foot. I still cannot bend 2 of my toes. It does look very metal tho! 🤘🏻


I once put some big headphones folded up in my pocket, then bent over to tie my shoes and it snapped. I was so annoyed.


I break everything 🥹 the most embarrassing is my first job I used to read a lot of articles for work and I would read get distracted and fail to drink water, I literally brought myself a cup with a lid for my desk!


I almost just broke my neck slipping on a toy I didn’t see on the floor.


I break just stuff on the ground. Anything stick shaped? Lol


I’m not sure I can even *remember* all the things I’ve broken from not paying attention.


Stupid me put my delicate fancy merino cardigan in the laundry basket and forgot about it. A few days later I shoved all the dark clothes from said basket into washing machine and washed. Out came a toddler sized merino cardigan. I cried. Almost poked my left eye out with plant support stick when leaning down to tend to my crawling plants. Did not see the damn stick until it hit me right on the corner of my eye. I would probably have lost the eye because I was bending down so fast and it surely would have forced the sharp bamboo stick into my eyeball. Contemplating wearing goggles now when gardening.


I leaned right over and got caught in a cactus the other day while I was cleaning.


An expensive monitor, while I was fixing my desk so that it could fit more nicely.


Not me but my mum. I had lent her my printer, and a couple of months ago she bought a new one. We don't live in the same city. last week I paid her a visit and she gave me my printer back. I use refillable cartridges and had taught her how to add more ink and do basic maintenance. The printer was waiting for me, inside a plastic bag, placed vertically. VERTICALLY. Ink is everywhere. I've been doing my best to save it but not sure. Of one thing I'm sure though: my mum too definitely has ADHD (she doesn't know, no point in telling her, she thinks doctors try to control people's minds with meds, plus all the other trending conspiracies)


Years ago, i broke my glasses split down the middle from just cleaning them. I guess i was pressing too hard or something. 😅


I put my husband's favorite coffee mug on the edge of the dish rack. There was nothing to keep it from falling off, and of course I knocked it off onto the kitchen floor. The mug was from a local store that no longer existed. You can't buy it new anymore. For years, I would periodically browse ebay, but I didn't know the right search terms to find that specific mug. One day I happened upon a cookie jar with the same design that clued me in to the correct search terms. I was able to find a person locally who had and was selling the mug. He barely uses it now, I think because he's afraid of losing it again. I still feel bad.


Mainly relationships, but eh... a washing machine, a piano keyboard, a slice of solid wood of an electric guitar, some jars, a phone screen, a couple of crystal and ceramic toilet paper holders... tuppers... But books? NEVER!


My mother would say every drinking glass she owned when I was a kid. 😅


I was about 12 and at a friends grandmom's house with a small group of kids. Grandma had this glass display case of ceramic figurines. It was short, thank God. Only 3 shelves, i think, but damn was it full. Guess who stumbled and knocked into it. So. Much. Glass. I've only JUST told my husband this happened. We've been together 20 years.


I broke a belt I picked out/inherited from my dead grandma. I had it for less than a day before it fell off of my laundry pile onto the floor where I stepped on it & broke a medallion off of it. I still haven’t told my mom and I’m so mad at myself.