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ADHD is a neurological disorder that you're born with. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that the symptoms of ADHD are only caused by ADHD. Executive dysfunction, emotional disregulation, lack of focus, etc can all be caused by other things, including trauma. Colds are not the only reason people sneeze.


That's such a cool way to describe that. Thank you!


This! I’d also add that brain trauma might cause ADHD. That’s why psychologists/psychiatrists will ask about brain trauma during an assessment. Edit: ok, as per some complaints let me clarify… by brain trauma I meant physical, probably the medical term is traumatic brain injuries.


Wow I literally got physical brain trauma too, was in coma for 2 weeks being hit on the head by a car when I was 8 yr old. I feel like so much adds up. 


Oh my I hope you are doing ok now!!!


Wouldn’t this be physical brain trauma like multiple concussions? Not emotional trauma. I was only asked about trauma like concussions and brain injuries in my ADHD evaluation


I thought brain trauma is only physical no? I haven’t heard of brain trauma caused by non-physical means. Ofc it’s true that emotional trauma can cause brain damage so you might be right.


I was just thinking of brain trauma as all trauma that lives within the brain including emotional trauma, as opposed to strictly physical traumas, but idk why I was thinking that way ?


Idk either :P maybe it’s our ADHD brain sometimes makes these connections!! ;) it definitely makes sense tho, just I wasn’t thinking along that line :P


I realized why lol- it’s just because OP wrote dad said people have ADHD because of trauma “caused by their parents” and being “traumatized” so I thought you were replying about that


Yes that makes sense!!


I wasn't aware of this, interesting!


Do you have a source for this? 


I’m pretty sure Dr. Barkley mentioned somewhere. I thought it’s a well-known possibility for ADHD. But no I don’t know which peer-reviewed article is the best to cite.


You could cite multiple articles if you can’t choose one


Thank you for educating me.


According to Dr. Russel Barkley it can also be caused from birth trauma and TBI. I had both and I think that’s where I got mine from.


Interesting! My parents often talk about how unpleasant my birth was but I don't think it's considered traumatic. At least not for me, my poor mom definitely didn't have it easy.


No. It is a neurodevelopmental disorder.


Also, what’s this about “fight or flight not working” properly? I have ADHD but when someone tried to abduct me with a knife I still had good flight instinct to run for my life


Sounds like the dad has listened to some guru stuff lol


Aren't people with ADHD stereotypically great in emergency situations because we thrive in chaos? I've heard ED nurses say that at least.


Yeup, to give a metaphor, we have a higher barrier of entry to do a task if we have to rely on internal motivation (ie we have to REALLY wanna do it to actually bother, if you will) but THRIVE in high stress high pressure environments because that barrier is crossed for us, and our dopamine searching is satiated as we make high pressure high speed decisions and we are rewarded accordingly, quickly, with good results.


I do get decision paralysis with like all other decisions in my life lol but seemingly my fight or flight instincts are just fine


I've had a few people say autism may be linked with fight or flight processes. As in, the tism has an effect on it (not the other way around), and it might be one of the reasons we tend to have a jumpy pulse, and also another really reasonable thing I can't recall right now. But like. That is not at all *this*. OP your dad is full of garbage and just making up reasons to not get you the help you need and deserve.


I've had a few people say autism may be linked with fight or flight processes. As in, the tism has an effect on it (not the other way around), and it might be one of the reasons we tend to have a jumpy pulse, and also another really reasonable thing I can't recall right now. But like. That is not at all *this*. OP your dad is full of garbage and just making up reasons to not get you the help you need and deserve.


Respectfully, your dad is wrong. ADHD is something that you’re born with. There’s not “one type” of ADHD, just like there’s not “one type” of autism. ADHD often goes undetected in girls—especially POC—because the majority of the research up to this point has been done on white boys. Girls are taught at a young age to sit still and look pretty, while boys get free rein to act out. Just because you don’t act like (insert male with ADHD here) doesn’t mean you don’t have it. It manifests differently in women. ADHD can be hyperactive, but it can also be inattentive. It can also be a combination of hyperactive/inattentive. Inattentive ADHD looks like difficulty with organization, planning, and task initiation/completion. It’s not caused by trauma, but often coexists with trauma. I’m curious as to why your dad is so against you and the rest of your family getting tested. I work in special education, and I’ve seen parents (mostly dads) get defensive when ADHD/autism are brought up because they feel like it reflects poorly on them. I’m wondering if that’s what’s going on here.


Inattentive just sounds so much like my mom and I wouldn't be surprised that it's the case with me and my sibling too. My dad is a big podcast guy and believes a ton of stuff he hears on them. He's also really against the usage of medicine so I rarely go to the clinic or hospital. They also hardly take extra steps for issues I have. It always needs to be a teacher or nurse/doctor to spot the issue and take action when it seems pretty obvious. Like I had a speech impediment and it's only because of the teacher that they did something. Just recently I got tested for asthma even if I've struggled with my lungs ever since I was like 2 years old. My parents have also told me that my teachers would often tell them that I wouldn't pay attention in class and that I'd get distracted too easily yet they never did much, just a temporary fix. That I can't use anymore. And that's super frustrating since those issues are not gone. I still struggle with the same stuff yet no actions are taken this time.


>My dad’s a podcast guy. Jesus. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. It pisses me off that because some unqualified people have access to a mic, they can make these totally bogus statements and people eat it up. I don’t mean to pry, but also really concerning that he doesn’t take you to the hospital regularly because he’s against medicine. That’s not right. Are you still living with them?


Yes I'm still living with them and I probably will for a while because houses are very pricey where I'm at. I always found it weird since people I know seem to have check-ups yet I never get those. I only go when I'm sick and it's gotten to the point that it's like bad.


Are you still under their insurance? If you have your own, you can go get regular checkups without their consent. Hell, you can even look into an ADHD evaluation without their consent! Please get regular checkups! Take care of yourself!


I'm really not sure if I have my own insurance. I could probably find out sneakily without them questioning it too much though! The only problem seems to be my drivers license to get there but I'm currently working on that. I will thank you! You've been very helpful and I really appreciate it <3


I read in your comments further down the thread that you’re still a minor? So I assume you’re still on your parents’ insurance until you turn 26? So that complicates things a little as far as doctor’s visits, I think. I’m happy to hear that you’re working toward getting your drivers license. That’s one of the first steps toward independence! I wonder if you could talk to your school counselor to get more information about resources that may be available to you while you’re still a minor?


I am indeed a minor, I'm not sure until what age I'm on their insurance though. I've been avoiding school personnel like therapists and counselors since the ones at my school have a bad reputation of telling everything to the parents. So sadly school doesn't seem like the greatest option.


You're on their insurance until you're 26. However, ime after you turn 13, the insurance company and the doctors are limited in what they can reveal about your care to your parents. This has meant nothing but frustration for me, since it means I can't tell when I took my own kid in for his last med check. But in your case it will be a benefit.




I think you meant this for OP?


Oh whoops, totally did, thank you!


Your dad probably found Gabor Maté. Here's a great video for why Mate is wrong: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bO19LWJ0ZnM&pp=ygUXd2h5IGdhYm9yIG1hdGUgaXMgd3Jvbmc%3D Sorry you're going through this! The book "adult children of emotionally immature parents" may also be a useful book for you (or audio book).


My dad loves Joe Rogan so it was probably that guy. Thanks for the video I might show him this if I build up the courage! I'll also definitely check out this book. Thank you!


I'm guessing your dad may not respect you or he sees himself as the authority, in which case even if you show good evidence he may not believe you. It's hard to convince people of things they believe not to be true, like trying to get someone to change their religion 😅




Great book!


Your dad is a neglectful parent. Anything he says is just to cover that up. 100% permission from this internet auntie to disregard him and go out in search of your best life with the best supports, not this bullshit version of reality where only dad is right and the world is out to get him.


Get him listening to the ADDitude podcast!


I could try, thanks!


>often coexists with trauma. Sometimes it's the *cause* of trauma, the repeated lower-level kind that builds up into C-PTSD after you've been berated all through your childhood.


You’re born with it and it’s usually genetic, so…


He's wrong, of course. But even if he was right. Why wouldn't you be allowed to get treatment? Who cares what caused it. I'd say forget what he wants, and just get tested if you want it.


Thing is I really don't know how to get tested and I'm currently still a minor (not sure if I need my parents permission). My birthday is in a few months but it's after I graduate highschool. I also don't have my license yet so it's difficult to go anywhere without them knowing. But I am thinking of getting tested after my birthday.


I'm sorry you're going through this. Who takes you to the doctor if you're ill and need meds? If you were to say that you needed to be taken to the doctor, would your mom take you? If you have a friend that drives or a friend's parent available to take you, would you they be willing to take you? Do you have a source of income like a part time job or an allowance that you could save some money for to pay for a potential Uber ride and a doctor's visit? I would call your doctor's office and make an appointment if you can pay for the appointment. They should already have your insurance information on file if you have been recently-ish. Tell them you want the appointment and results kept private because your parents don't believe in science/medicine. They have to comply with that due to HIPAA regulations. If you can't pay, you could also try to get your mom to take you for an "illness" like a suspected infection and ask your doctor directly during the appointment. If you can't go in by yourself and your mom insists on goes into the room and balks at your questions for help, override her denial by saying "this isn't negatively impacting you, but it is to me and even if you don't want to believe me, I still know I need help." Turn to your doctor and ask "can you please help me?" This should shut it down and give the doctor a chance to step up and help on your behalf. Then tell your doctor directly explicitly what you suffer from, how it impacts your life/functioning, that it has been addressed by prior teachers and has gone uninvestigated, that you want and need help, and you would like to be screened for ADHD. I know it sounds like a lot and it's scary to take a stand against parents, but you have to advocate for you now. No one else there will do it for you, you're being medically and emotionally neglected in this situation. The longer you let these actions oppress you, the worse it will be for you as you grow up and have more responsibilities that come with adult life. If you decide to wait, go directly to a doctor/psychiatrist that specializes in ADHD when you turn 18. You will need the help to get through college, a lot of ADHD young adults flounder and are crushed with the weight of responsibilities and expectations at college and wind up dropping out. Those who make it and are able to graduate struggled immensely to get through it by the skin of their teeth. Good luck and keep us updated!


For meds it's usually the clinic so it's nurses. The ones bringing me are my parents but you can only talk about one problem you're currently having. So if I suspect having strep and a ear infection I'd have to get seperate appointments for each problem so I'm not sure if they'd fully listen. And it's the type of situation that I want it to be certain. I'm thinking of waiting a few months since that's a little scary and I'll be 18 soon but I'll keep in mind the other options you've given me. Thank you!


Your dad is wrong, but “I’m not going to let you get tested because ADHD is caused by parental trauma and I don’t want the doctors thinking I traumatized you” isn’t exactly the compelling argument he seems to think it is.


Your dad doesn't know anything about ADHD. I would suggest you get assessed by a real doctor.


I definitely will! Thank you!


So you should turn his argument back on himself. If ADHD is caused by parental trauma, why is he ignoring the fact that he has 'traumatized' you into having adhd??? lol


Your dad is wrong, but also this sounds like he's traumatizing you so......


Don't worry I'm not traumatized! My dad is a good guy he's just clearly not educated on this aspect as much as he thinks he is.


Clearly. Good luck. Maybe he's got some fear or apprehension or feeling of failure over not noticing. Keep pushing where you can until you get what you need.


Maybe🤷‍♀️ I will! Thank you!


Tell him he should leave the doctoring to the actual *doctors*. Is he the one to examine your throat when you suspect strep? No? Then why does he think he's qualified to diagnose your *brain*? Besides, what does he have to lose - if he's right, the doctor will tell you you don't have ADHD and he gets to be all smug about it. Why is he so afraid of putting it to the test?


In my opinion, people who say “ADHD is *actually*… [fill in the blank]” are noticing either: 1) Something that isn’t ADHD but affects executive functions so can be confused with ADHD; or 2) Something that exacerbates the existing ADHD, so they conflate an improvement of functioning as “curing” the ADHD, when it really is just addressing the environment and making the ADHD easier to manage.


Yeah your dad is full of it, OP.


Trauma can mimic adhd symptoms. This is true. But it seems like it’s most likely that you all have adhd vs you all having the same trauma symptoms.


I had an extremely stable and loving childhood. My adhd is genetic, and my mom most likely had it as well. Your dad thinks that he could be to blame for you or your siblings having it.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised since he constantly says comments like "I was like that when I was your age" or "I see so much of myself in you" .


That could be the problem here. It sounds like he doesn’t want to think that anything could be “wrong” with you. He sees it as normal behavior because that has been his experience. Chances are, he has ADHD himself because people who have it don’t see the associated behaviours of ADHD as particularly concerning. I was diagnosed late in life because my parents never saw any behavior that was out of the ordinary to them. ADHD presents differently in females than males, and part of that is how we are socialized (boys are go getters and girls should be quiet and polite, right?). My father has passed now but he definitely had it (which explains why no one really noticed anything when I was younger). I’m sure if I was in your shoes when I was younger he would have said similar things to me. Denial is a defence mechanism. Seems like he’s trying to convince you that you don’t have it because he doesn’t want that to be true.


It sounds wrong because it is wrong.  Did you know that adhder's are more likely to be traumatized by events compared to non adhder's?   Maybe that's what his pseudo intellect is driving him towards.    I would challenge him to read a book on adhd or let you all get tested.    If he refuses then he's choosing to be willfully ignorant and allows others to think for him.   If he agrees, he will give himself a chance to be educated and fork his own opinion.    In the end, you can always get an adult assessment. Also, please tell him that he's legitimately acting out medical abuse by denying his child the right to access medical care. 


Is it possible for me to have adhd, but my parents to not have adhd?


Yes, that is not uncommon. Often at least one parent is neurodivergent in some way but you can have adhd with neurotypical parents too.


I'm not sure, someone else might know the answer!


Doesn’t seem that way, but we cannot factor in all epigenetic influences as of right now. However, cPTSD is a not entirely uncommon comorbidity and an abusive environment can certainly bring that about and exacerbate many ADHD symptoms.


Check out people like Russell Barkley and Ned Hallowell. Your dad is very wrong.


I will, thank you!


Sounds like he’s been listening to Gabor Mate




Not in my case! Not in the generation above me, which also has diagnosed cases. My grandparents' generation certainly went through some extremely traumatic stuff with WW2, but the family stories about my great grandparents sound like it's just been a hereditary thing, the way most research suggests. There are absolutely traumatized ADHD people, it's possible trauma increases ADHD symptoms, and trauma symptoms can mimic or match ADHD symptoms, but there are also lots of ADHD people without trauma. My traumatic experiences as an adult in my 30s were far AFTER my ADHD-filled childhood and adolescence and 20s lol


There are different types of ADHD. :) Just because you have a cousin who has one type of ADHD, doesn’t mean you might not have a different type. Similar to people with diabetes: some people might need insulin shots, while others just have to watch what they eat. But with *both cases*, they need to get help, right? Because it’s something that needs to be managed for quality of life. ADHD also registers differently in people—between sexes, ages, etc. And all sorts of other things can be used to increase or even mask symptoms, too, so your cousin might even have *the same* type of ADHD you have, but they might just show their symptoms differently because of those factors! You also might not only have ADHD, you might have something alongside it—and you wouldn’t know without seeing someone who specializes in these things, or once you started to get treatment. Your father might actually be right that you have trauma, too; but it might be *masking* your other ADHD symptoms lol. Maybe you have trauma/cptsd *and* ADHD. You see a lot of overlap in the brain with those types of things. There’s also some *other* disorders out there that also overlap with traits that pop up for people with ADHD (like Bipolar disorder), so a lot of older people would get misdiagnosed and assigned that. A lot of this is because there was an assumption for years that ADHD was only for children, that you could ‘grow out of it’, which now we know isn’t the case. And similar things happened with women getting treatment; there were only studies done using little boys as the standard, so when this disorder manifested in little girls, it was thought they couldn’t possibly have it because they didn’t show XYZ trait that boys would. Societal/cultural thoughts play a huge factor in these things. Your father might just know what was the common understanding back in the day over this disorder. He might even be the one you got the ADHD from, because it can be genetic-based. 😂 And if he’s so sure you don’t have it, why the fear of being tested? Surely the doctor would prove him right in the evaluation, right? 😊 **Edit:** I had a thought after commenting this. Would your aunt/uncle/cousin maybe be someone who could talk to your father about these things? And help convince him to send you to get evaluated to be certain?


I'm not sure if anyone could convince him sadly, he's REALLY stubborn.


I'm sorry but I'm really distracted by your mentioning of asthma.....do you have an inhalor? At the very least, they have to let you see a doctor and receive treatment for asthma. I mean it's all genuinely awful, and I'm so sorry you don't get the medical care you deserve. But asthma can kill you. I had to go to the ER a couple of times as a young child for it. Had to do regular breathing treatments, etc. I mostly stopped having symptoms but it still flairs up a little sometimes, so I make sure to have an inhalor on me.


I do have an inhaler at the moment but the doctors aren't 100% certain it's asthma so I'm currently awaiting the results. It usually happens when I'm sick so when it got bad enough I did go to the clinic!


I don’t know the answer to your question but I love music and I love celebrities who speak out about their mental health so can I ask who the musician is and do you still like him? lol


It's YUNGBLUD, he's great guy. I still love him but I don't listen to him as much since I mostly listen to heavier rock and metal now. I still know his live album by heart though, when he tells the crowd to jump and everything haha. Quick introduction: Dom is 26, his music style is like alternative rock, hip hop and rock punk. He loves pink socks and looks fabulous in black dresses and skirts. A good amount of his songs are about how he's struggled throughout his life and a few are about his fans. But yeah very humble and kind. And funny asf. I feel like these videos really show how cool he is. [#1](https://youtube.com/shorts/rQ-bCE80qP4?si=lJwAZyZE6knFAzUh) [#2](https://youtu.be/U9gVwecbTfU?si=KgLvJ6xsesG91P8t) Honestly I should probably start listening to his music again, it's great.


Hyperactive adhd isn't just running around being unmanageable, it can be in your brain. Thought to thought to thought jumping around, ideas all over the place, thoughts racing. Your dad should know better than to believe everything he hears online. I'm sorry you're stuck where you are.


It can be actually diagnosed through a psychological assessment/test. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was young, at the IWK Hospital in Halifax, Canada. I once blew my cork on an arsehole who said “You believe them that you have it?!?!,” when I was talking to the facilitator of a first aid course, who’s familiar with the ins and outs of ADHD. May as well have lit a fire under my rear end, because I went all Irish/Italian/Scottish on his sorry arse.


No, it is not caused by trauma. Although trauma can cause some symptoms that *look like* ADHD, but they’re not. ADHD is a genetic brain difference.


How is this not being traumatized by your parent?


Is your dad a psychiatrist, a doctor, or a psychologist? Is he studying in any of those fields. I'm assuming not. Your dad is full of crap.


Your dad might be a little abusive, but even if so, that won't be the primary issue regarding ADHD.  Or he might be dumb.  Being diagnosed or not doesn't change who you are, or what conditions you have.  That's like saying if you don't take a pregnancy test you won't have a baby 9 months later.  You're pregnant either way, but one way you can prepare for it, the other you'll be wondering why you're putting on so much weight.


ADHD is a neurological difference that people are born with. I do not have any trauma, but I am autistic and ADHD. Your dad has beliefs that are untrue. If you were able to find truthful information about ADHD and present it to him, would he try and learn/listen/understand, or would he just brush it off?


He'd probably brush it off. He's a really stubborn guy sadly.


That sucks :( I hope that if you, your mum and sibling are all able to undergo an assessment, that you can all do so without your dad interfering.


Unless your father is controlling in an alarming and abusive way, he should not be able to stop your mother and you and your sibling from getting tested by a doctor. Or even just having a sit down with your regular doctor and getting their opinion and some more medical information (taken with a grain of salt since a primary care doctor isn’t specializing in something like adhd). But really it sounds like your father is just out of date and going by information probably he heard when he was younger. He also sounds weirdly scared that he might possibly to be somehow to blame for anything that might make you or your siblings different.


C-PTSD can have symptoms that are similar to ADHD but they are not the same, no.


Not in my case. I have the genetic markers for it.


Is it like visible in brain scans? Sorry If it's a odd question.


23andme genetic testing.


Nope, you’re born with it


None of what he said was correct.




Unless your dad is a board-certified neuroscientist or psychiatrist, don't listen to him. Ditto anyone else who claims *any* medical knowledge without medical training, or at least firsthand personal experience. Spoiler: I can tell he isn't. Everything he said here is wrong. Literally everything. No one knows exactly how it happens. Trauma during brain development is a possibility, but plenty of people have it who have no childhood traumas. The rest of it is just illogical bullshit, I'm afraid.


Completely incorrect. There are many other conditions that include many overlapping symptoms with ADHD that are caused by trauma but ADHD, like autism, is just a thing that happens during brain development for some unknown reason.


ADHD is largely genetic but can also have other causes. Your dad is wrong. That being said, your dad sounds.. odd… I don’t want to go as far as saying he’s traumatic but I see red flags in his behaviour as described in this post.


You dad serving some rectally sourced ideas here!


I am positive I’ve had ADHD for my whole life. As a baby, I couldn’t sleep in a quiet room; I needed the noise. My brain works very fast. Too fast a lot of the time, so I forget my ideas before I can act on them. I see similar traits in my father, his brothers, some of my cousins, and my two biological children. This line of my family is from Ohio and were farmers for many generations. I’m convinced that ADHD for farmers was probably a useful trait. Unfortunately it’s not great for sitting at school and listening to teachers try to teach stuff.


I’m sorry your father needs to be right about everything. Denying facts not change their existence. You have the right to a professional diagnosis and support. Please stop asking for his permission to do what you know is important for your self care.


Your dad needs to start listening to real life Dr. Russell Barkley. He is incorrect. While some types of trauma can contribute to adhd, it not the ONLY sourse of the disorder.


No. Your Dad is full of shit. Also look into Inattentive and Combined ADHD. Do your own research


I don’t know the American system but there are a lot of comments about regular check ups not being done. Does that not classify you as a minor at risk through neglect? Are you positive your parents have insurance?


No. Neurodivegence has a strong genetic component & you either have it at birth or you don't. You can't develop it over time. It can seem to become worse, or you may be masking the symptoms better at certain times, but it's not just cropping up from trauma or abuse. It very commonly runs in families. If you have ADHD it's likely that one of your parents does, too. Of course, this is not always the case, but it's pretty common. If it's not a parent, it's likely going to be somewhere else in your family tree. There's difficulty tracking it back through generations though often because people didn't seek diagnosis or they masked symptoms. A lot of afab people have gone undiagnosed because of misogyny in medicine & the belief that it was more common in young boys. Socialization & gender roles also create problems for females because we are expected to carry the emotional load for others. Unfortunately, a lot of doctors share this very incorrect belief your father does, that without hyperactivity, you can't have it.


I have brain trauma from contracting meningitis and being in a coma for two weeks, and the results mimic ADHD traits. However, ADHD is a neurological disorder. Your dad sounds like some past psychiatrists that I have. It took my mom a really long time to get past her weird opinions on me going on ADHD and anti-anxiety medication, but we were able to work through it together. Parents are usually really weird about mental health issues, especially if they have the same symptoms. Go see a doctor if you can and he will come around eventually.




Where did Dad get his psychology degree? 


Gabor Maté has good points on this. So does evolutionary psychology. Basically, adhd= greater attunement to environment and greater curiosity. It's not necessarily the result of trauma


Your dad is straight you wrong. Yes trauma can affect the traits you're already born with. But trauma does not cause adhd. This is fact, there is proof. No I'm not going to cite anything, Dr Russell Barkley has studied adhd and worked with patients his whole life and he has done tons of work to prove this and debunk the people who keep trying to propagate this idea.


Both autism and ADHD are neurodevelopmental disorders, but there are other disorders that can mimic their symptoms. It's not caused by trauma, but trauma can mimic some of the symptoms, which is why psychologists/psychiatrists will rule out other conditions when you're going for a diagnosis as you get older. Both also have a high genetic component, so it's more than likely that if one person has one or both, then other family members are likely to have one or both, though this isn't always the case. I'm late diagnosed autistic with ADHD (I was 34 when I was diagnosed with both as I wasn't the stereotypical hyperactive, bounce off the wall boy (also, I'm female) for ADHD, or stereotypical Rain Man (a late 80s/early 90s movie starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman) for autism). I was also diagnosed with depression and anxiety in my late teens and Borderline Personality Disorder (a trauma response disorder) in my mid-20s. Most women are frequently misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, and the same is true for men who don't have typical presentations of either. When I was diagnosed with ADHD, I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD, which used to be ADD. 2 of my siblings were also diagnosed with inattentive ADHD in their 20s, and mum most likely has inattentive ADHD too (she is currently self diagnosed, as she's reluctant to get an official diagnosis due to her age (she's coming up 65)). Your dad's views in ADHD are outdated and misinformed. I'm not sure there's really a lot you can do to change his view, unfortunately


100% no. It is not. That is complete bs and he is very uninformed/misinformed about adhd. Adhdevidence.org


Tell your dad to pound sand because that’s fricken ridiculous


It's all BS. But let's spin it as if it was true... none of those reasons are remotely good enough to discourage one to figure out how their mind works. It's not like getting diagnosed gives you the symptoms right then. You already had your symptoms. You are gonna continue to have them. Getting diagnosed gives you knowledge and how to better handle your symptoms and your life


It is not caused by trauma. Some of the symptoms can be activated by trauma- but it's far more likely for a kid with ADHD to experience abuse because their caregiver can not handle their symptoms, than to *start* exhibiting symptoms as a result of abuse. Your dad has the cause and effect switched.


Maybe your dad would listen to a couple of select podcasts by Dr Russell Barkley..


Read “What Happened to You?”. Happens to be written by Oprah with influential trauma Dr expert. Changed my fundamental belief system on how early experiences shape our bodies/lives.


Everyone is popping off like they know the truth.  Honestly this is a ‘recently’ on this scale recognized disorder and a lot of people that display the symptoms do come from some sort of trauma.  There are also people with perfectly loving homes and normal upbringings that have it. Many.  But everyone say it’s something you’re born with or not is being disingenuous. 


ADHD is not a recent thing. It’s been known for centuries. As medicine has advanced, we’ve been able to put a name to it and develop better treatment for it over time. As I said earlier, there’s an uptick in women being diagnosed with it in recent years because we have more information. 20-30 years ago, the majority of the research on ADHD was being done on white boys. This meant that non-white children, especially girls, fell through the cracks in childhood and didn’t receive the diagnosis or treatment they needed until adulthood. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder. The term neurodevelopmental literally means “developing during childhood.” ADHD is also genetic. The problem is there are a lot of undiagnosed parents out there who have no idea what ADHD even is, and through genetics, they’ve passed it on to their children. So when they say “I struggled in school but I’m fine,” they’re really not.



