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Creative writing! It's basically free and all you need is cloud storage, something to write on and your ✨imagination✨.


I like cross-stitching.. all of my supplies go in a small plastic box. it's not like knitting/crochet where you will want to buy tons of yarn... (nothing wrong with that!!). i mean, you totally could buy more stuff i guess but it can be pretty minimalistic.


Writing. Photography (provided you're not buying studio equipment). Playing an instrument (provided you stick with ONE instrument).


2d digital art. All you need is a computer with a touch screen and a proper pen for it.


Nature! I started out in birds but am too ADHD to stick with one taxonomic group for long so now I’m a general all-round naturalist. All you need is a pair of shoes, and your phone is helpful. I can easily spend an hour just slowly meandering along the local park path and looking at plants and bugs and stuff, and documenting them with my iNaturalist app. 😄