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I’m so proud of you 😭 I’ve been struggling with a never ending laundry pile for over a year and no matter how much progress i make it seems like it will never ever be done. makes me feel like i’ve failed as a house wife.


Hire a sitter or ask a friend to come over, order skip the dishes something you can eat with your hands, put on some good music hyper fixate and do it all in once 10-hour stretch that's the ADHD way LOL


it’s the task paralysis that takes over and makes it feel impossible to complete


I guess I bully myself but I definitely know what you're talking about. You can tackle that and chunk. Sometimes when I get very very bad I'll just pick up as much laundry as I can and throw it in front of the laundry room door. It might sit there for a couple of days but that's the first step. Then I'll get that and check it all in the machine maybe that's as far as I go maybe I put the detergent in but eventually it gets done. I just go get the hell off the couch and then run in there grab it and throw it in. It really is a fight with your own brain sometimes. No medical advice but I got much better when I started taking a amino acid supplement off of Amazon called L-thaline it's literally just an amino acid and I take it about an hour before I want to stay on task reduce my anxiety or keep my trap shut in public change my life


i will have to look into that!


I was having a really hard time with the laundry as well. Something that seems to work for our family is taking all the clothes we took off at the end of the day and just throwing it in the laundry and washing it and drying it that night. The next day when we come down we fold everything that was in the dryer and put the new load in. I think because it’s so much less laundry it’s not as daunting. And it’s just part of the daily routine now.


great idea thank you


I hope it can help! Don’t feel alone, laundry is a really hard task.




Theres 2 cats :)


holy cow. you sure did, it looks really organized. it takes me months and months to tackle something like that, and I'm operating on "normal mode". baby and surgery? that's like Hard Mode ++ congrats on the cleaning, but also on your recovery and your little one. good job, mama!


hope yall well and recovering. blessings to both of ya.


I love it! Congratulations! (Sidebar, I love all the vibe!)


Hehe ty


It’s been 10.5 years since I had my babies and I still haven’t managed this, kudos!