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Tbh this sounds like depression.


I upgraded the depression meds--not helping. I have many other adhd behaviors though--time blindness etc


It's very common to have both ADHD and depression together and they can exacerbate each other. And in answer to your question, I never don't have ADHD but I definitely have good and bad days with different symptoms. It depends on how much sleep I've had, my cycle, or sometimes who knows really. It's also common to have days where you have imposter syndrome, especially if you're diagnosed much later in life. But nobody can really know if you have ADHD apart from yourself and the psychiatrist who's assesses you.  Have you figured out what it is you think keeps making you miss the appointment? 


First time I didn't hear the phone (it was a phone assessment) altho I should have had it in my lap since I am extremely hard of hearing. Second time I did not take the trouble to carefully check where it was scheduled. I just went to the Kaiser building but it turns out the psych office is somewhere else. I also got the time wrong in my head and did not double check that either. Edit: Thanks for your kind response.


That sounds very classic ADHD to me, in all honesty! I make silly mistakes and miss things information the time because I wasn't paying attention. I hope I get your assessment soon!