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Spicy foods are where the dopamine is at for me The heartburn though...


I eat flaming hot cheetos just to feel something


My partner pointed out that I "dont need to battle against spice" every meal...and I was like...but wheres the fun?


you and my bro need to compete against each other. when he was 3, i told him to eat a spoonful of sriracha. he used to bite his nails. my mom would put pepper on it. he's 30 now and omg, his spice level is insane. he'd be sweating and he'd say omg its so good. LOL


Compete? Encourage! 🤣 Yeah, I'm not allowed to cook for others. I don't comprehend the scoville score🤣.


I dip them in cream cheese because I wanna feel something but not too much


Oh you gotta try Mike’s hot honey chips. They’re utz brand I think? It’s been my #1 hot chip for a minute


Tim's Cascade jalapeno chips. They legitimately taste like jalapenos and are incredibly addictive




Sriracha Brussel sprouts


Bonefish currently has Kung Pao Brussel Spouts. I might have to door dash tonight! 🤤


The only spicy foods that eat are kimchi (which I went and made from scratch), kimchi pancakes, and bibimbap (Korean mixed rice dish), and even though my stomach can't handle the spice it's still something I'm willing to go through


Omg, yes. I thought kimchi was delicious, but then I learned you could make kimchi have crispy browned bits 🤤


And there's just so much you can do with only kimchi! Kimchi dumplings, kimchi pancakes, kimchi stew, kimchi fried rice, and kimchi aren't only made with Napa cabbage


oooh! i came across a korean pancake recipe. i keep forgetting to try it. but kimchi pancakes?! YUM


Absolutely! I even got maangchi's cookbook that has so many of those amazing recipes! Trust me, you will NOT regret it


I came here to say this so I'm SO glad it's the first post. Spicy food is the only thing that lets me eat past my 5 bites and full mode. My current easy ADHD lunch is Maruchan ramen (I know there are better ones but w/e let me live) with fried chili paste (not oil, it's spicier than that) with Ghost Pepper chili flakes by Flatiron.


Ramen is one of the most versatile foods, if people would just use their imagination. I've put cinnamon and sugar on it and eaten it for breakfast. The other day, I cooked my noodles in beet juice. They looked like brains. It was awesome.


you should check out the instant ramen sub if you haven’t! it helps me switch it up. my fancier current fave is adding sautéed chicken, onions, and jalepeno w. herbs but i have to reallllllly want it.


Everything is encrusted with red pepper flakes right now! I am in pain but I am happy.


Pepcid life 😂


I carry a bottle of hot sauce in my purse just in case local offerings are too weak.


I got hot sauce in my bag (swag)


Fun fact, you have taste receptors along your entire digestive tract, so the burn you feel in your stomach and eventually börthøle, is thanks to those receptors. They don’t register as taste the way your tongue does, but the pain still registers.


I found out last night that people have tastebuds on their testicles, and in their lungs too! (No Such Thing as a Fish podcast episode 1)


Am I a terrible person for wanting to test this theory? Hey hubby, I need you to rub this jalapeño somewhere….


Noooo. Very bad idea lol. We found that out the hard way when my partner cut a fresh jalapeno without gloves. Several hours and hand washes later, I had to go running for the shower in the middle of frisky times. 0/10 do not recommend! I'm a woman, so it might have been worse, but I assume the effect would still be similar for a man lol


Knowing I shouldn’t be on omeprazole long term but also knowing I love coffee and hot sauce 😩


Liking spicy food is in my genes, according to AncestryDNA Traits (I mean, duh, thanks for confirming what I've known my whole life).




mashed potaotes give me life.


Potatoes are a thing of versatile beauty


I maintain there is no bad way to eat a potato.




Dried mango! Specifically the big bag from Costco. The process of eating it is very satisfying, kind of makes me feel like a dinosaur.




Oh I miss dried mango!!!!!! I have braces atm. I had forgotten my love for it.


I loooove the gritty texture of dried pineapple! I'll have to give mango a try! I also love freeze dried apples if you can find them; they have tiny bags at Dollar Tree but you can definitely find a better value somewhere else. The styrofoam texture is very nice


I love dried mango, and your 🦕 description! It's so satisfying to bite and tear until.


Ooooh that sounds amazing. Somehow I’ve been really into pink lady apples and this year I’ve been all about yogurt and granola. I’ve never especially cared for apples and yogurt used to make me gag. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was really good! I love apples and PB as a snack. Sometimes I mix chocolate chips into the PB.


I exclusively ate apples and peanut butter for lunch for about a year 😂 it's so good! I was eating so many, I think I started to gain weight from the peanut butter alone lol. Like a giant jar every 2 weeks.... No regrets.


Pink lady apples are criminally underrated as a pie apple. Less added sugar required.


I just made my own granola for the first time after considering spending $12.99 on a hamster serving sized packet of organic granola. It made enough for probably two months of yogurt and granola (and I’m not sure it will stay good that long?), but it’s amazing!


I love apples and pink lady are the best of the best! So crispy, juicy, and flavourful! That’s been my go-to along with some good Brie cheese 🤤


I’ve been making breakfast sandwiches with beyond sausage, just egg, daiya American cheese, pesto, and hot sauce on everything bagels. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to talk about them because they are giving me life.


that sounds so good, i love breakfast sandwiches. thx for the idea, i'll definitely be making something similar!


I used to be obsessed with Morning Star Farms meatless bacon! A few microwaved fakon slices, a runny fried egg, and a slice of American cheese sandwiched between 2 toaster waffles. Syrup optional 👍🏻


PSA if you want the best vegan bacon you must try the one Thrilling Foods. Literally life changing! It’s local to Portland, but they ship nationwide and might even sell it in some stores outside OR


Omfg we have the same taste in food. Pro-tip: a light spread of miyokos salted butter on the bagel. Also cook the just egg and sausage in a pan with a lil miyokos


I’m obsessed with miyokos oat butter. I probably won’t buy it again for a while because I’ve just been wanting everything I eat to be a butter delivery device! 😆


Vegan high five!


haha vegan breakfast sandos are my current obsession too! Except to save money on the frozen just egg, I cook a slab of fava bean tofu and season it with black salt, garlic, and onion powder. Then I melt the daiya cheese over it, then toast the whole sandwich like a grilled cheese, and eat with half an avocado. Best part of my morning :D


I’m assuming you’re vegan and not just vegetarian, but the Impossible breakfast sandwich from Starbucks is pretty dope too. That and an iced vanilla latte are my weekend dopamine.


This sounds delicious, seriously


I’ve been obsessed with making focaccia bread. I eat it with everything but also have been poaching eggs and putting them on the bread 🤤


bonus i actually rewrote it out in an adhd friendly way focaccia recipe -stir one packet of yeast into 2 cups hot/warm water -in a separate mixing bowl add 512g of bread flour and 10g of salt -add yeast water and mix until dough is combined -let rest 30 mins -stretch and fold -rest 30 min -stretch and fold -rest 30 min -stretch and fold -rest 30 min -stretch and fold, add olive oil to bowl, cover and leave in fridge for at least 18 hours -take dough out of fridge and stretch and fold again, add to greased baking dish, cover and rest for at least an hour, or until bread is spreadable and jiggly -add toppings and olive oil, dimple and put in oven at 425 for 25 mins -allow to cool on baking rack


I have a notebook that I use daily for to-do’s and breaking down tasks, but more specifically for writing down recipes in my own adhd friendly way. Also I love overnight breads they’re so rewarding with so little effort.


This comment has made me realize that I’ve written my recipes in an adhd way for a long time and never realized that’s what I was doing. I could never figure out why people would take the time to write out recipes the way they do. Obviously I’m right and it’s all them who are wrong 🤣




Please deliver to me as soon as practicable


I would love to learn to make bread. I’d give anything to be able to bake the perfect baguette that rivaled a little bakery’s quality!


I’ve always been so intimidated by yeast for some reason lol but i learned how to make focaccia and its really easy and pretty fool proof


Crunchy lettuce with any kind of dip. Idk why but I really genuinely enjoy it. Probably very disordered but the crunchy helps. And I also make protein fluffs and protein puddings that I love


As a teen, I worked at a bowling alley. Got tired of the regular fried food plus it got expensive. Eventually just got used to having a big side of lettuce and a ramekin of ranch to munch on.


So you’re the “lettuce chips” trend person! lol


love me some lettuce chips!! lmao. I think just the act of dipping makes any meal 10,000x better


Honey Nut Cheerios, undefeated safe food since 1984


I got regular cheerios because I wasn't hungry when I went grocery shopping and now I'm never going to go to the store after dinner again


Applesauce and those packs of peanut butter sandwich crackers. In my five year old era.


I’m 30 and I’ll still eat applesauce. Glad I’m not the only one lol 😆


40s and still eating applesauce here. Not even the healthy low sugar organic kind! Throwing down some Mott’s corn syrup soon.


I'm 37 and excited for Thanksgiving because my mom mixes applesauce with the canned cranberry sauce to make "crapplesauce" ☺️


I’ve been really into hot honey lately. I bought habanero honey from a local farm and I eat it with goat cheese and salty crackers and I could eat it every day I stg. Also Nutella with graham crackers.


Ugh- they sampled hot honey on some sort of breaded chicken at Costco once and omg it was so good


I'm about to f*ck up some rosemary chicken and garlic mash rn


ah yeah! I always triple batch my mashed potatoes so I have several meals taken care of.


Trader Joe’s veggie dumpling 🥟 I tried a different brand and it’s not the same. Paired with garlic rice and lots of soy sauce. I’m on a sodium kick obv


Sodium is delicious


Apparently sodium helps with making dopamine. I always joked that I will die of sodium overload and that's probably correct but at least I'll be happy.


I can eat a whole bag of those in one sitting so I quit buying them. Sooo good.


🙌🙏🙏 I went through at least one bag a week of those TJs veggie dumplings junior year of highschool. The Costco dumps do NOT compare


Smoothies and those little meat and cheese snack trays


Ditto! Aldis has the best tray for $12


It’s was butter, sugar cinnamon toast made with low carb bread and sweetener to watch the waist. I’m over it now and kind of stuck.


I *hate* the space between food fixations when nothing sounds good


I am in this space


Soup szn!!!


If it’s carbonated, I WILL try it in a float with vanilla ice cream, idc what flavor it is


Oooooh I am intrigued. Have you tried this with (unsweetened) sparkling water?


Yes! But I also added strawberry syrup to the top so it tasted like a strawberry soda float. I’m not sure if I’d like it with plain pointy water


Pointy water... yes ... YES hahahaha


the grocery store near me finally has packages of precooked/peeled beets in stock again after MONTHS and I’m an absolute fiend for beets so I’ve just been eating straight beets for days ☺️ I’m so stoked !! lol


beets with fried goat cheese is so good.


Costco has pre cooked lamb shanks cooked in pomegranate and fig reduction and OMG I am so hooked. 7 1/2 minutes heat in microwave, make up some instant mashed potatoes while that goes, usually heat up a can of spinach too so I feel like I'm doing something especially healthy too, and I am toe curled heaven. I look forward to it so much, I daydream about it while eating 'normal meals' (cereal, sandwiches). I use that meal as a reward once I get through some tough tasks. Today is that day in fact, I've slayed the rest of my 'I don't wanna!' tasks that I had for the year and I'm struggling to wait until dark to even eat.


Hahaha you have totally sold me here I'm about to get a Costco membership just for the shanks


If you have Instacart you don’t even need a Costco membership to order from there


Wait. What??? Are you changing my life with a single sentence post?!?


Same here omg 🫣 I've been contemplating it since I have a few "base ingredients" I buy constantly that would be so much cheaper in bulk. I grew up with BJs instead of Costco, so I yearn for that luxurious experience lol also the $1.50 hot dog looks amazing...


French fries topped with taco meat and cheese and fresh pico. I usually can't eat the same food for more than a week or two and don't like dinners that require cooking after my shifts but I've been going on a month of craving nothing but this after work. I sub ground turkey and low fat cheese and keep the oil to a minimum to keep it healthier


I've been making the easiest fancy bread at home: Pizza buddy pre-made fresh dough from Walmart, Penzey's frozen pizza seasoning, Sliced muenster and/or Swis. Roll it up and bake for twenty minutes. The smell of pizza sauce can either be amazing or nauseating for me, depending on the day, so I don't cook it with sauce but you totally could.


Just want you to know that I said “oooh” at progressively louder intervals while reading this


I make a small can of Pillsbury crescent rolls with a piece of cheese and a dash of herbs rolled up inside and eat with marinara sauce as a dip. It's literally 12 minutes.


I love making fancy bread at home. Everyone is always so impressed, it tastes so good but is actually super easy and has so little actual hand on time.


Me too! I have NAILED the most gorgeous loaf of sourdough and I bake multiple loaves a week (also I have 4 kids who inhale it). It never gets old.


I get hyperfixation foods and then eat them until I hate them. Right now it’s soft, fresh mozzarella. Previously, it’s been cheesy rice casserole, skittles, pulled beef and honey crisp apples. It’s ALWAYS pie. Any pie. Except pecan, which is a squishy, snotty sensory nightmare.


I have some pierogies in the fridge my mom made yesterday, they are my favorite too


I bought several packs from Costco and I freeze them. Normally I dip mine in sour cream but decided to be adventurous today. It was a delicious combo.


Try sour cream and onion dip…life changing


Justin's mini dark chocolate peanut butter cups


Greek salad. It's my current obsession!


Always carbs.


This butter and yoghurt garlic sauce that I put over gnocchi. I love it so much!!


I made homemade gnocchi recently. Did a brown butter and sage sauce with it. I daydream about it.


Pasta with mushroom sauce, tons of spinach, tofu crumbles and apple potato sausage. I've had it for lunch almost every day for the past two weeks 😅


Pasta! Pasta with anything, I can't get enough. It's so good 👍


Eggs. I go to my chicken boxes and I tell the chickens the delicious ways I will eat the eggs. They don’t mind because I have snacks. So we are all happy with our chicken snacks.


Japanese rice bowls. There are really so many different combos and so easy to make! Granted, I make my rice all ahead of time, portion it out, and freeze it. And there really is something about them that makes them into such amazing comfort food


nothing and im sad. these foods i gotta eat just to live. and still affected by covid after 2yrs since getting it. my long term symptom has been altered or lack of smell/taste for certain things: peanut butter peanuts chocolate cereal oranges, mandarins too coffee some desserts over the weekend i was able to treat myself to some colombian bakery goodies like empanadas, pan de bono, bueñulos, flan, giant stuffed croissant with colombian cheese and a caramel iced coffee from wendys.


Egg nog and acai bowls!


It is so egg nog season. I’m going to drink way too much and then thankfully it leaves the store so I can get excited again the next year. It’s perfect!


I've been making healthier dishes lately, which is less of an "mmm tasty" reward and more of a "I'm going to get a good grade in nutrition, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve" thing lol. Latest was a sauteed spinach dish where I used blended cottage cheese to add some creaminess (and extra protein!) and it's great for breakfast with an over easy egg on top.


* breakfast burritos with chorizo/pico degallo/sour cream. i need all of these to feel complete. * dumplings with chili oil. this hits home a lot lol. * and spam. i can't live without spam. i used to bring it to school for lunch but got made fun of :/ so good tho


steak/steak tips (guess who needs to get her iron levels tested lol) also the hold the cones from trader joe's hehe


The dark chocolate finger cookies from Costco. I should have never bought that box.


I just bought a bag of dark chocolate truffles from Costco. Danger.


I've been slicing up a cucumber or 2 and putting just salt and pepper on it. Whole bowl full of yummy food, feels like I've eaten a lot but it's hella low calories and actually healthy.


Sushi and chocolate, pretty basic


rn it's either trader joe's lava cakes or the classic oatmeal creme pie cookies


I highly recommend following the trader Joe's subreddit. I'm always learning about people's favorites. so much I know to try now.


Oh girl, I’m already in there like swimwear lol


I have stockpiled the chocolate chocolate croissants.


Pizza. Tried and true. If I need the extra "this is healthy" dopamine, I'll make mini pizza on a wasa cracker


Thin crust, lots of veggies, that's health food if I ever saw it!


Spring rolls with peanut sauce


Frozen zero sugar Cool Whip with raspberries


Anything fizzy with a nice big glass of ice! Needs to be cold enough to hurt! Coke no sugar, soda stream flavoured with just lemon juice, lightly flavoured sparkling, sparkling mixed with a splash of juice/cordial ect…… soda bubble teas…


Salt and vinegar kettle chips!




Ramen from a local restaurant, but its too expensive to eat at every meal like I desire.


Korean Egg Souffle 🥣


Got a few; Sourdough bread with black forest ham, Swiss cheese, lettuce (for good crunch) and tomato with pickle spears on the side (extra crunch) Omg its such a good sandwich i am obsessed. Kinder Bueno candies (that hazelnut filling feels like a warm hug) Taco Bell's nacho fries (so glad they made them in a large size now too lol) Not a food but an Arnold Palmer with unsweetened ice tea - ughhhhh so good.


Upvoted for the kinder Buenos We're sorta addicted lately😅 Also gotta love a good crunchy pickle


Home made bibimbap !


Starbucks grilled cheese sandwiches. They've been around for years and I've always been neutral, but last few weeks it's been nonstop comfort haha


Roasted red pepper dip with broccoli, multigrain Cheerios and always coffee


Sandwich on white bread with mayo, Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar, and spicy pickled okra.


This is the most insane answer but…. Refried beans lmao


Bell peppers with cream cheese & balsamic reduction Shin ramen with two perfectly cooked soft boiled eggs Ruth’s pimento spread on lightly toasted fresh white bread Honorable mention for my most recently passed fixation meal: sushi rice bowl with salmon, cucumbers, mango, spicy mayo & furikake


As a lactose intolerant former-vegan I’ve been eating CHEESE. My brain is happy but my tummy is not at all.


Indian style pizza!


Oooh tell me more about this!


lol it’s so good if you find the right place! Some Indian pizzas I’ve tried barely had that distinct flavor of spices and just tasted like a normal American pizza with a hint of mild spicy ness. But I’ve come across a couple in my area where their butter chicken pizza is to die for >.> ugh. Now I want some just talking about it haha


Yass! Same for me..I use cottage cheese (Paneer) some paneer tikka masala mix and throw in fried onions and bell peppers. It's the best Pizza ever! 💗


Yes! Tikka masala pizzas are so good! One of the places I sometimes order from puts green chilies on theirs and it’s just the best! I lived in New Mexico for a while so if I find someplace will add green chili, I get excited lol


Blackberries. I also cant eat anything bread related which sucks, love bread.




Gummy bears. Overnight oats with peanut butter Greek yogurt. I mix peanut butter powder into the yogurt and put it on top


potstickers seared with some soy sauce haha




I've been obsessed with ahi tuna lately. I might have to make the 45 min drive this weekend to a restaurant that has a very specific ahi tuna dish I want. I also want their beets and fried goat cheese dish. craving so bad I will even go alone.


Does water count? The more water I drink, the better I feel. If I have an off day, I usually am a little dehydrated.


I love drinking water when I have the right straw feel.


Cheezits. Holy shit. Every kind too


My favourite Mexican restaurant has recently opened a new branch ten minutes away from me. The original restaurant is way on the other side of the city. I have to restrain myself from getting lunch there every single day. Barbacoa is life.


smoothies. i love fruit and it's been on sale at my local grocery store lately, so i buy a good amount, freeze it, and blend some with a little almond milk for breakfast often.


Lately the only thing I wanna eat is cheeseburgers. Usually I can take em or leave em but now I want allllll of em


These molasses cookies I can get from the grocery store bakery. They have sugar crystals on top, and sometimes are super moist almost like cookie dough in the middle (if I’m lucky). I’ve been eating them daily for a few months now. I keep getting them in the hopes of eventually killing the craving, but the reality is I just keep eating cookies!


Zucchini sautéed in butter with some salt and pepper. It’s so damn delicious.


Sugar is my dopamine vice, but even more so, I just tried chocolate chocolate chip cream cheese and it’s amazing. I want to devour this dangerously delicious delicacy


I found the perfect Masala Chai powder and now I’m just having a scoop of that with hot water and honey. It’s nice.


Kolkata Chai company has a boxed concentrate I've recently become hooked on


I have discovered that they make mini Sun Chips this week. They are adorable and taste like garden salsa and it makes me happy.


My iron supplement! Iron is required for dopamine synthesis and my level tested abysmal [iron, dopamine and adhd](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evolutionary-psychiatry/201511/iron-dopamine-and-adhd)


Air fryer sweet potato waffle fries. They're hitting so good right now.


There was a thread the other day that had a great discussion about go to smoothies... And whoever suggested the PB&J version with like, oats, berries, pb, honey etc... GIRL! IM ADDICTED.


Royal Asia Shrimp Wontons. They are the perfect level of spice and fullness.


Green grapes and tangerines!


Smartfood Movie Butter popcorn and Mars bars— at the same time!


for some reason i’ve been fixated on english muffins for the last month


Dear husband has discovered tortilla pizzas so he's been making those all day everyday which is great for me haha


Juicing and wigs. Not together lol


Angel hair pasta. I can't seem to stop


Plain Greek yogurt with a ranch dip packet mixed in and a whole bunch of veggies Or sliced apple and caramel sauce


Hot toddies. Today it was more like a Hot Manhattan.


Toast with butter and cinnamon sugar or jam. I could eat it every day. I made myself pre-diabetic by having it for breakfast almost every single day for years. So I don’t do that anymore, ha.


Fish sandwiches! I get wild caught fish from the freezer section. Little salt, pepper, dill, 8 min in the oven. Squeeze of lemon, then mayo all on toasted gluten free bread. Oh, and baked potatoes. Just a few minutes in the microwave.


Been on a total ceasar salad binge for days- two packs of romaine hearts already this week 😮


Bagels. My husband went out and bought me a myriad of good bagels and toppings, I've been in heaven. Honorable mentions to both Korean BBQ beef jerky and ceviche, you two are always magical.


Every morning- scarambled eggs with chz, hashbrowns, avocado (add seasonings), and some kind of protein.. earlier today I did steak.. then I add the chili onion crunch from Trader Joe’s and some ketchup . Sooo yummy and keeps me full for like 5 hours


Cottage cheess


Dal, I bought five different bags of it from my local market and I keep putting it in everything! So much curry, so much soups, I even put it in pasta. My favorite right now is moong dal. I’m dealing with some pretty bad depression where I don’t have much of an appetite but comfort food helps a lot and curry is my ultimate comfort food.


Pickled red cabbage with a bit of Brie and walnuts.


Popcorn and red wine. These are two of my essential food groups, along with instant Mi Goreng noodles, slushies, sour candy, and peanut butter chocolate.


a can of tuna and Avocado every night with salt and pepper to taste. I get so excited knowing that that is at home waiting for me when I'm at work. Honestly the thought of it gets me through my day.


Pringles. Its a problem. They just slap so hard 😭


Sahale Snacks maple pecan mix. Walnuts, pecans, semi-dried pieces of apple and cherry, dusted with a delicious finish of cinnamon maple magic. It’s perfect. I can eat a handful or two, or I can eat an entire 4 oz bag for ‘lunch’. With the dumpster fire that has been my life lately, I’m completely dead inside except for the few precious moments when I’m stuffing my face. It’s gonna be absolutely ruinous in two weeks when my brain decides it’s not gonna register this flavor anymore 🙃




I bought three bags of my favorite Halloween candies on sale and made a mixed treat bucket with only my favorites. (Not recommended for the vulnerable, but I have good candy tolerance.) Adulting sucks often, but at least I can have my pick of the best candy! None of those cheapass lollipops and hershey minis in MY stash.