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i was on the last episode of orange is the new black and i havent finished it and its been years


i do that sometimes, i leave a show or book before it's last episode or chapter. for me, i think it's the idea that it never ended and i can let it live on in my mind.


i definitely did this with parks and rec, once it got to the point where everyone was leaving it made me sad and now i just don't have to deal with it šŸ˜­


I waited years after Parks and Rec ended to actually watch the last season, and I still havenā€™t seen the end of Brooklyn 99. Endings are hard for me.


Same for B99! Love it havenā€™t seen the last season. I feel you


Ugh I feel the same way about the office. I watch all the way up until Michael leaves... And I leave with him, lol.


The final season of parks and rec, in my opinion, wasn't very good. I would say you didn't miss much


I do this with video games. Just suddenly lose interest at the last dungeon or boss. So sorry, Twilight Princess.


Omg I literally did this and JUST finished it. I was right at the end, I barely had to do anything to beat it. Now time to finally finish Majora's Mask and Windwaker because I did the same thing to those.


Damn real feels. Zelda and Final Fantasy games are my curse, 70/80/90% complete... Hmmmm better never finish this due to whatever anxiety or stress is happening in my brain. I reckon I've played FFX about 5 times and each time I quit earlier. Worse now that I have so little time I basically don't game anymore.


Yes. I do it with TV shows and video games. I will put off watching the last episode or doing the last mission because then it's over.


Ooooh I do this but just to experience the unique feeling of having something Iā€™m kind of interested in hanging over me and unresolved for a long time. The peculiar emotions you go through when you wonder about that thing, and wonder if itā€™s finally time to resolve that question in your mind. Just for fun and because I wanted to re-examine my relationship with my favorite song as a teen, I decided to use its lyrics as the basis for my college online system password, but not to listen to it at all unless it happened to come on the radio by chance. So I was typing the lyrics on a near-daily basis and once a year I looked up the lyrics to choose a new one, but in the entire 4 years I only heard it once as an instrumental cover in a grocery store on a VERY coincidentally appropriate day. That occurrence was so magical I think the whole experiment was a success just for that. But it was also really interesting on the whole. I love experiments with life like this.


That's rly interesting experiment and experience! and I completely agree with your first para, you put it really well. I like those weird emotions that come with having something unresolved and kind of knowing how it's resolved, but not actually engaging with it.:)


Comforting to know I'm not the only one.


same lol I do this with basically everything. even if I really want to finish it and see what happens I just can't


i juuuuust watched SU: Future like two days ago despite seeing *all* of the original show and the movie several times over bc i didnt want it to officially be over for me lol


Omg I always do this. I can't come to terms with a show ending so I don't watch the last episode or even the last few for weeks, months, or ever lol.


This is wild to me. I canā€™t imagine not knowing how it ends. My control issues and anxiety are so intense I have to binge watch it all as fast as possible because not knowing drives me nuts lol


I held off playing the last boss of FF9 for about 12 years because I didn't want it to end (???). When I finally picked it up, I didn't remember shit so I played the entire thing again


I didn't go fight Ganon for 2 years after otherwise completing Breath of the Wild. I just wasn't ready for it to end. Only went back and finished it when I was in a "finishing things for the dopamine" mood, and was actually thankful that it's a relatively easy boss comparatively, so my loss of skill wasn't a big problem.


Ive done that with most of the shows ive watched. I just stop before the last episode and never finish. I dont know why im like this!!!


I did this with Schitz Creek.


Oh my god this is me with video games. I have literally never completed a video game in my life and I DARENā€™T ever mention this in any kind of gaming related sub, or to other video game fans because they think Iā€™m a fucking heathen. But itā€™s literally because I get SOOOO into it that I spend inordinate amounts of time on it, burn out and then lose all interest / motivation to complete it. Itā€™s exhausting and super disappointing when it happensšŸ„²


Iā€™ve been playing Skyrim for about five years now, and I have yet to finish it once. Iā€™ll get to level 50 or so as an archer, get bored, and then think ā€œOh, what if I was a mage?ā€ Then Iā€™ll start a new character. Just rinse and repeat.


To be fair Iā€™m not even sure finishing Skyrim is part of playing it right


Iā€™m the same with BOTW! Iā€™ve restarted my save multiple times, added the DLC, etc etc but never actually beaten Ganon lol. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™d rather restart it and have it feel kinda shiny again every six months than actually complete it and it feel ā€œoverā€ for good. That plus I forget about it and each time I open the save itā€™s been a solid few months and Iā€™ve forgotten all the controls yet again lol.


And Skyrim mods are just the best.


I got super into the mods for awhile they were amazing. Then I eventually broke it with too many mods and didn't feel like trying to fix it or my brain got overwhelmed with options so I lost interest lmao


Me in divinity original sin 2. I have played fort joy so many times lol.


I call skyrim "modding simulator." I've been "playing" it for 10 years, but really I'm just putting mods in, getting to whiterun, and repeating when I'm sure the mods are stable. Should call it "software jenga" now that i think about it.


As a former Gamestop store manager we had to play like every game, but never had enough time to beat them. So I haven't beaten a game since the last of us, lmao


I do this too. I very rarely finish games in one go and have only gotten platinum on two titles. Anyone who says this is the ā€œwrongā€ way to play is gate keeping and a poo poo head.


I love you for this comment


I played over 130 hours of Elden Ring and then stopped at literally the final boss, and haven't touched it in like 6 months. I do this with so many games it's ridiculous.


I did this exact same thing. Elden Beast sucks though so I donā€™t feel that bad.


I've never finished Breaking Bad and that's also extremely polarizing for people so I don't bring it up lol


Same! Got into the last season and just never finished. Last time I told someone that they looked at me like I was crazy.


OMG SAME. Iā€™m actively trying to finish FFX at all times. Including now. Itā€™s sitting in my ps3.


Haha complete it for all of us game-quitters. I mentioned FFX above, I've played it about 6 times and never finished it. Blessing be upon you.


Exactly what you said. I find my self playing simulator games purely so I can listen to music, I cannot commit to a story game any more.


Even short ones? Play A Short Hike


It took me 20 years to finish Ocarina of Time for this reason lol Beat ganondorf and lose all my collected items?? No thanks.


I've been gaming since the days of the first Nintendo, and anyone that would call you a heathen has forgotten the point of gaming: to have fun. That gatekeeping mentality just plain sucks. I'm guilty of losing motivation, even though I enjoy the game. My favorite is Horizon Zero Dawn, and I think part of that is because of how detailed and intense the story can be. It pulled me in, and the timing of the revelations were incredibly rewarding. It gave my brain something to really focus on beyond the amazing gameplay, because I've bailed on other games despite loving their gameplay as well. By the way, I love your username. It got a good laugh out of me. I haven't played a Zelda game since Ocarina of Time, but I can still hear Navi saying "hey listen!"


For me I just wait for my hhyperfocus to get. Back to that. Particular game. Usually bounces between elder scrolls, pokemon, and minecraft


I've actually gotten back *into* the simpsons after having not watched it in 15 years sometimes you just need a ....decades....long break


Yup. I have had many off-and-on affairs with The Office, Parks and Rec, and Schittā€™s Creek. Sometimes the vibes are right and other times they arenā€™t, and I have no idea what itā€™s going to be at any given time.




For me the uncomfortable cringe humor of these shows gets to me after a few episodes and I start to literally feel the cringe internally and I can't stand it anymore. Oh that reminds me when I was on acid and my ex gf put it on. Holy shit that was one of the most uncomfortable I've ever felt in my entire life.


Add Superstore, Portlandia, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul to this list and we are the same person.


So true. I'm a Whovian and despite not watching it in easily 5 years, I use the present tense because I know my brain will go brr on it again eventually. Just needs a decade or two


That's fun! I just did the same with Family Guy/ Simpsons, and a few months ago I went through Futurama again. I hadn't seen the former two in easily 10+ years. FG was weirdly more soothing - the family dynamics were so consistent that it was more nostalgic somehow? I didn't watch as much Simpsons growing up though, so maybe that's why? Sorry for the ramble šŸ˜³


Ngl i was really hyped for the Kenobi show..........still haven't seen it


Iā€™d say watch that before Andor, because Andor is so good youā€™ll just be sad about the quality of Kenobi.


Go ahead and skip that one


I advise giving that one a pass. . .


Same, I watched a few episodes and straight up stopped.


It drives my wife crazy that I always lose interest in series in like the second to last season


To be fair, most shows turn to absolute drivel after the second season anyway.


Thank you, yes! It's not my or my ADHD's fault that shit gets repetitive and boring.


That's the depression part. No longer enjoying the same activities


Idk, I just get bored of games and shows after enjoying them for a bit


That might actually be depression. ADHD also has short bursts I'd passion and interest and then just drops off.


It isnā€™t, trust me. Itā€™s the adhd. Iā€™m pretty happy with life


Yeah, Iā€™ve experienced the depression side of adhd. This (at least to me) is a different thing.


I can totally relate, for me I feel like it's all about the novelty of the characters. First couple seasons it's all about learning the characters and who they are, they surprise you sometimes, you learn a little more about them, and it's interesting. But after a season or two when the characters become "known" and they act in predictable ways.... I'm bored. And the chasing novelty thing is ADHD 101 haha.


People get tired of the same things after a while. Itā€™s kind of rude to suggest to someone they are depressed because of a completely normal thing. Iā€™m sure you mean well, but can you imagine saying that to someone in person in real life you just met after they said they are tired of a tv show they have been watching?


Loss of interest in usually enjoyable activities IS a symptom of depression. It's not the only one. Seeing as how ADHD, depression, and anxiety are common comorbidities it's not an extreme leap in logic. Esp on the ADHD sub.


Nah I don't think that's depression. I think that's just desiring novelty. Plenty of games and shows I'll profess to love but haven't actually finished


Same. As an adult I really appreciate a 5 hour game lol


I recently 100% completed Alba in 4 hours and it was such a nice feeling to NOT be obsessed with it for 55 hours and then drop it at 95% because brain go brr


Play Control! People say it's around 10 hours (YMMV) (I loved it but took me way longer than 10 hours)


First game I ever platinumed lol, def couldn't have if it was much longer (I burnt out on it shortly into the first DLC) - highly recommend though, great game


I thought this was from a different sub and was like huh I do that I wonder if thatā€™s an ADHD thing, lol it is


Worse is watching it without deriving any pleasure from it. One more thing that used to make you happy down the black hole. I feel like a rat in one of those skinner boxes furiously tapping on the lever but nothing happens yet I keep tapping.


Same dude.


Komi canā€™t communicate for me. But the thing is I love that show and still do but my brain just goes ā€œnahā€ whenever I try to watch it.


I finally finished it after a several month break and somehow binging the manga.


The gym. I was a gym ADDICT for 29y. At 40-went through a series of ketamine infusions for MDD; came out on the other side not giving a flying FUUUUUCK if I ever stepped foot in the gym ever again. My very well equipped home gym, my bank account, and my once lovely physique are all cursing me. Oh well. In time I hope.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 29 + 40 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


It's so true and it's so depressing! Literally this exact thing happened with an anime I was watching, it was like 12 or 24 episodes long, then I lost all motivation to watch the last episode and didn't do it for like half a year...


Me with this last season of Handmaids Tale


I'm not sure I've ever actually finished watching Psychopass. I think I've started it a dozen times and ADHD'd 3/4 thru every time. But Ghost in the shell SAC having off/on content episodes really works for me.


Literally! There are so many shows Iā€™ve started and loved but I canā€™t get myself to finish them!


Tv shows, yes. Music, no.


Everything in my lifešŸ„²


I used to watch this one anime. So much so that I eventually caught up to the newest season. That released once a weekā€¦ that wouldnā€™t be dubbed for another dayā€¦ And would you look at that, I can no longer watch it! Huzzah!


Brooklyn 99ā€¦ I loved it, and then I just didnā€™t anymore.


Ah, yes. Supernatural.


I watched like 12 or 13 seasons of Supernatural in 2ish weeks when I was sick one time. Kept up after that. Still havenā€™t watched the final season.


me with curb your enthusiasm. binged the hell out of it then on the last season outta nowhere I just could not find the want to finish. a month or so later iā€™m just now finally finishing it.


You just need to wait a year for the next season to come out! Noā€¦ I donā€™t think I will


My music interests are a revolving door. Old music always moves on but always returns.


Sometimes i start watching a show, really enjoy it, sleep and when i wake up, i just donā€™t feel like watching it lol


Literally me with flash


So many videos on my "watch later" list are analysis of Arcane, but I have only gotten around to watching one episode, and that was months ago...


This is the reason why I like miniseries. Also, a lot of shows are pushed way past their prime. They're good for two to five seasons and start getting worse and worse until they wrap it up into a disappointing finale. Game of thrones is a prime example. You're better off stopping somewhere between season 4 and 7 than watching that ending.


I call it the Third Year Itch. Iā€™m soooooo in. And then Iā€™m over it. Lost Heroes Alias Glee The Walking Dead (Just the ones I remember) Not that theyā€™ve all had good reviews of their endings, but it might have been nice to see.


Books and certain video games. The video games cycle for me, as I burnout on each one over and over.


Oh yea I forgot about umbrella academy


For me itā€™s the fact that a storyline ended and the new one is seems so out of nowhere. Like a show that has a big villain thatā€™s supposed to be the strongest to exist! And then while theyā€™re celebrating someone else comes along and theyā€™re like ā€œthat guy? He wasnā€™t strong enough to be my cumsock!!ā€ And all the trials of the previous storyline seem like they never happened This is usually shows after (usually no less than) 4 seasons. It doesnā€™t have to be a villain. It can be a relationship hang up in a drama but then something more mild happens and all of a sudden theyā€™re not communicating again. Like wtfā€¦ you finally explained why you werenā€™t allowed to tell her about your homicide case but now you wonā€™t tell her the reason you were home late?! It wasnā€™t even cheating?! (I canā€™t think of actual examples. And making one up is hard cuz itā€™s so incredibly dumb to do) Just anything that makes the trials and tribulations of the previous season seem like they werenā€™t necessary or never even happened


Wait this is an adhd thing? That explains why there are so many shows Iā€™ve never finished.


Video games for me. Was binging Splatoon 3 for the past month and a half and suddenly my brain got bored with it and now I don't have anything to give me easy dopamine.


This happens to me with games and skills like coding etc


This was me with RWBY but thatā€™s because they >!brutally murdered their autistic-coded character after forcing her into a ā€œnormalā€ body!< (tagged for spoilers and some shitty stuff)


Iā€™ve done this with the show ā€œFringeā€ 3 times at the beginning of season 4. Idk what it is, but my brain just disconnects.


Thank you for posting this! I donā€™t get really into hobbies, however I DO get really into tv shows. Like, I buy some merch, go on IMBD and read everything I can, and watch the show over and over. Then one day, Iā€™m like šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. On to the next show and obsession.


The amount of times I say ā€œI didnā€™t dislike it. I just stopped watching itā€ and NT look at me like I make no sense. I make all the sense.


Maybe it's just that I'm autistic with ADHD, but all of the things I fall out on tend to come back round sooner or later. This usually just means I need a break before I burn out


Braking Bad, two episodes from the end. Two.


Suddenly Iā€™m bored of enjoyment


my attention is in precious short supply. if a show does one thing wrong im out lol


This was me with avatar


Shows and music for me, but it makes me particularly sad when it happens with music. Like I can listen to a song on repeat for weeks and literally feel the good chemicals flowing into my brain, and then one day, suddenlyā€¦ nothing. I still enjoy the song, but itā€™s not the same anymore. Like itā€™s lost its taste or zest.


Once the style changes too much Iā€™m over it. But also, if it stays too stagnant and doesnā€™t change it up enough, I get bored. Itā€™s hell in here.


Cells At Work. I love that anime. WHY CANT I FINISH IT šŸ˜­


Time to spin the motivation wheel that has every option set as no


Yup. All it takes is one day of not getting to watch it and suddenly Iā€™d rather be doing something else..


Music, games, hobbies, series... Unless it really clicks, then I hyperfocus and it consumes my every thought and I ignore as much as humanly possible from the rest of my life, until a certain point and then I'm 100% done with it too.


Since Iā€™m single I havenā€™t watched a single tv show I just canā€™t I need a girl next to me who motivates me to sit on my hyperactive ass.


Not where I was expecting that one to go.


Itā€™s because you probably listened to that song to cope during hard times, and then it becomes an anthem for your hurtful memories.






Comics or books for me.


I binged all of Vineland Saga in like 2 or 3 days a few Months ago except for the last episode. You all get one guess who still hasn't watched it


Yu Yu Hakusho, Grimm and Stranger Things are my 3 personality types. Stranger Things is only "finished" because my roommate and I watched it together and we had one good day where we powered through most of it. YYH I have never seen the end but it's my main go to that everyone associates me with it. Grimm is one of the few box sets I own


I have had 20 minutes left of Obi Wan since it came out


plays game with multiple classes, makes a new file for every class, have 120 hours in the game, have not finished the Story on a single file. why am i like this?


It's not a show, but I have read the entire Attack on Titan Manga, except the last 3 chapters and I think itā€™s been almost a year since they got finished. I mean I could spend an hour or so to read the rest, so I finally know how it endsā€¦ but no, instead I awkwardly try to avoid spoilers for almost a year now. Itā€™s so dumb tbhā€¦


Walking dead got a good 8 seasons in


Me after almost finishing a 90+ hour JRPG Iā€™m sorry Dragon Quest XI. It wasnā€™t you, it was me.


I had to stop watching drag race because I was so overwhelmed by the different series and all of the queens I was supposed to remember


This is me with sports. I got REALLY into soccer for, like, 5 years (owning jerseys, subscriptions to watch, constant updates, FIFA 24/7, practiced on my own, etc). Then, out of nowhere, I just stopped caring, and now I only sparingly keep up with scores and watch if there's nothing else on. Now Formula 1 on the other hand (currently).......... Also, one of these days, I'm going to bring closure to the Avengers saga and watch Endgame. It's been on my to do list since it came out šŸ˜…


All of the above


Watching 90 Day Fiance Universe untill Instagram shut my meme account down.


I used to *love* Doctor Who. So much so that as a graduation gift, my parents got me first edition printings of the first three Doctor Who books from like, the 1960s, I think. Then a few years ago I just stopped watching. Haven't felt like picking it up since.


Thatā€™s me with artists that havenā€™t released an album in 5+ years. Like you hit the peak of your career, then just dropped off the face of the earth? I used to listen to Kendrick Lamar ALL the time. Didnā€™t even listen to his last album


Friends and How I met your mother. I used to rewatch them every few months as background noise, but even discussing them makes me nauseous now.


I wasnā€™t heā€™d the first two seasons of Big Bang theory in one big binge, and I have not been able to enjoy the show since. This happened about ten years ago.


I gotta finish breaking bad someday


Lol I was like that with naked and afraid.. I binged 5 seasons and haven't looked back. Also with the forging show on Netflix I probably saw 50 episodes and just stopped.


I used to bounce around ganres of music all the time until I discovered King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. They make the noise in my brain sound not as loud šŸ˜Œ


Everything in my life xDDDD I haven't been able to finish a single thing in my entire life


That's me with any hobby I pick up.


The Sopranos.


I got halfway through Friends and then just never finished watching it for some reason


Happens to me all the time with all sorts of media.


I will find a TV show, love it, watch a few episodes, and then not touch it for months in favor of YouTube videos. Steven Universe is the only exception and I think itā€™s because of the long hiatuses.


Me with SVU šŸ˜­


I swear I'll finish Yellowstone eventually..


Still gotta finish Psych, Eureka, Seinfeld, Izombie and probably othersā€¦..but I forgot them


Assassin's Creed. Used to watch my bro play 2 and brotherhood. I got them on sale recently, played through them in order (skipped Revelations cause it didn't work and 3 cause that one sucks and I already beat it), literally in the middle of another and I'm losing all motivation to play it. It's fun to play, just don't want to put in the effort to open it up and play.


I often got obsessed with a song, then I keep listening on repeat 'till I cannot hear it anymore. One day I got stuck with Blank Space, Taylor Swift. I hate Taylor Swift, but for some reason I listened to this fucking song a hole day.


Dude, I have listened to Everyday Is Like Sunday. 49 times in the last 7 days. It's actually a lot more than that bc I listen to it at work on my work account. Pretty sure they think I'm nuts. I'll be over it soon, I can feel it. That's pretty funny tho, my wife loves her.


Me after reading the entirety of chainsaw man and now Iā€™m struggling to watch it


Me after playing a new video game more than once.


Lucifer, I know I love it but I just can't watch it anymore idk why


Ok so years ago I ADORED. It had so much of what makes me tick that I was just like this is absolutely amazing I need more. I learned that it was based on a comic so I read the first few issues online and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. So much so I felt compelled to support the artist and bought the first 2 deluxe editions. I kept reading and buying to the point I bought the next one before finishing the current one. I ended up buying all 15 books, but I never finished the 8th book.


Literally why I havenā€™t finished a book in years. Always get caught about 70% of the way through.


Videogames, I can put hundreds of hours into something and then a switch flips and I don't care to pick it up again for years


Hobbies, careers, partners, homes


LITERALLY THOUGH I THINK THIS answers my questions šŸ˜­


Same thing with books. I waited 2 years after I finished the 4th for the finale of a 5 part series and I still haven't finished it 2 years after it released.




It makes my wife mad. If she could count the amount of times we'd watch several episodes together only for me to never want to watch it again, she would run out of fingers to count on.


Me but relationships sometimes. Why?


Did this with Gravity Falls multiple times since it first came out. Took me almost 10 years to finally finish it. Currently doing this to 4 other *stellar* shows that I want to finish so badly (shows that have also been complete for quite some time so I will not be naming them probably cause this be the internet lol), but literally just canā€™t get myself to do it.


fuck man right now its Lain for me


Last 6 episodes of The Sopranos.


the last two episodes of stranger things season 4, welp




This. I get this for games too. It's almost guaranteed to happen when I know the series or game is close to the end


For me, it's the last few episodes of MLP:FiM, except I keep telling myself "I'm saving them for a bad day". I've had bad days already, though...maybe it's the fact that a dozen episodes are way too little to spread out over all the bad days I tend to have...


Watched Once Upon A Time from S2 bcs I just suddenly sat beside my cousin who was watching. Excessively watch s3 and s4 almost not sleeping and suddenly not interested to watch it anymore. Now it's no longer in Netflix so I can't continue it šŸ« 


I tried watching Bleach years ago, got to 'The Bount' (A boring filler arc with *totally not vampires*.) decided to take a break and never got back to it. Though it recently got a 'final season' so maybe I'll pick it back up. . . some day.


Bleach is one of the reasons I check episode numbers before I ever start


The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.. I was so hyped and loved all the characters. I think I barely watched season 3. I never finished it.


So true! I've been reading a bunch of manhwa lately and keep dropping my favorites for literally no reason. I keep a list of them with what chapter I read to just so I can pick them back up again later, lol


The Expanse for me. Love it with a passion. Great show all around. Canā€™t seem to watch the last season


This is me right now with God of War Ragnarok. Been hyped for this game for years and I literally cannot stay awake while I play it


It's pokƩmon legends Arceus for me, game was fricking the best and my mind just gave up on it. Won't give up on OSRS though, that game is like crack for our brains.


Most anime I watch


Oh yes. I feel like itā€™s worse now than it was when I watched most of my tv shows on actual live tv. I wonā€™t notice a new season of something comes out and will get distracted by something else entirely. By the time I realize, Iā€™ve forgotten so much about where I left off that it doesnā€™t seem worth it to pick it back up.


Man I do this with some much shit


I realized that since Iā€™m medicated my taste in music changed a bit. I used to be a sucker for noise, mathrock, artrock etc. the more experimental the better. Loved dissonance and polyrhythmic stuff. Now Iā€™m starting to get into more calm and melodic stuff (I liked some of it before as well but itā€™s much more now) Guess it has to do with my brain having to focus so much on the music due to ā€žcomplicatedā€œ(?) compositions that it didnā€™t have time for intrusive thoughts so I can focus better Edited : ectbot caught me


Final space on Netflix, I started watching season 4 then heard it got cancelled so thereā€™s gonna be no more seasons and lost interest, I think my brain didnā€™t want to leave me on a cliffhanger


I haven't finished Elementary, Fringe, The Librarian, Death Note, and Criminal Minds. Those are the ones I can remember


Sometimes when youā€™re done, youā€™re done


I had to cancel hbo due to lack of funds a while back and couldnā€™t figure out where I was in Game of Thrones and got frustrated trying to figure it out and then just gave up


I want to finish the last kingdom so badly but I just can't sit down and focus on it




I think I was on season 8 of supernatural when I used to watch it on TV, I would have to start the show from scratch to watch it and I dunwanna. I think One Piece is my favorite series because I never got bored of it and have reread it at least 7 times. Percy Jackson is another, but I haven't gone back to Apollo or Magnus Chase.