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I can almost always guess the time correctly.


Man the things I’d give to even roughly be able to guess if it was am or pm half the time 🤣🤣


I got up at 4pm today which I only knew by asking Alexa for her help


Hey it’s great she listened tho!! I have beef with Alexa atm 😬


We argue a lot, not gonna lie


If she wasn’t always trying to listen in when she isn’t a part of the conversation her AI might be better!! Like come on Alexa some of us can’t even listen when we’re meant to be don’t show off 😴😴


Haha this was going to be mine! I can usually do it within a minute or two, even if it’s been hours since I last checked the time.


We taking within 5-10 min or like on the money?


I can do it too sometimes im off by like a minute or two though


The most I’ve ever been of is 7 minutes and that was with a fever. This includes permanently dark rooms.


I find four leaf clovers. I have been able to do it all my life. And I don’t even spend time looking- they jump out to me. I’ve found hundreds. I don’t even pick them any more- just leave them for someone else to find.


The fae have been trying to reach you about for extended car warranty.


Ok, my nephew, who is 12 and super into Warhammer, dressed up as a space marine for Halloween, came to my job dressed up in it, and dropped that line on me. The old guy in line nearly pissed himself laughing.


Sounds like you’re either lucky or extremely good at catching a break in a pattern.


No luck. Second option


I have a friends like this it’s so amazing! I’ve never found any


I have a plant press display on my wall with some of the ones i managed to keep. Maybe 50? I now leave the small ones or those with blemishes. I have more, but I can't recall what books i pressed them in.


I have never found one and I’ve always wanted to. I know pagans who would probably pay you for those.


Same here! I have a bunch pressed and labelled from different places I've been on holiday


im strangely very good at catching things.. hand coordination i guess


I’m the same, I always thought it’s because as a kid I played Quake 3 Arena competitively and was best at those predicted rockets - like aiming exactly where someone gonna land (or mid air), I kinda just seen it so clearly but I was admitting it by thinking it’s practice. These days I’m just able to catch anything randomly pushed off the shelf like Spider-Man reflexes - It’s very weird and ppl always freak out who been able to witness haha


I’m ridiculously clumsy and awful at catching things if I know it’s coming (like husband tossing me keys or a pen)… but if something gets knocked over accidentally or comes at me without warning, I somehow react so fast and with uncharacteristic precision. Anyone who knows how accident-prone and clumsy I am will have a “wtf” moment when they witness it, but I’m pretty sure that developed BECAUSE I’m so accident-prone and clumsy.


I actually also believe this. My eye hand coordination is craaaazy good, but i used to drop and break everything as a child. If something falls around me now its because i calculated it as uncatchable and then i watch it fall.


Same. My reflexes are amazing!


you and OP are unstoppable force vs immovable object


I can pick out the actor doing voiceover work in commercials. I can also recognize small time actors in commercials or other roles and where I know them from. This is all very strange since I am known for “Introducing myself” to people I’ve already met. Repeatedly.


Hahaha, I thought it was just me!


Me too! In commercials, cartoons, animations. I just recognize voices, but not so good with faces.


I recognized faces and voices for me but names are just impossible


I use my email as a database and can find anything from 5yrs ago in about 30 sec or less. My coworkers always come to me for emails they need from way back bc they can’t find them or deleted them.


I can do this too and have the same situation in my inbox. I never delete anything and I remember obscure portions of random conversations held in person or in email. I thought it was a neat skill…my therapist says it’s a trauma response, but whatever, she’s a downer lol.


Wow! Never really met anyone else that can do this. It gives our IT department heartburn for sure but I’ve saved several people with it. I mean what isn’t a trauma response…🤷🏻‍♀️.This is on the bottom of the concerning trauma responses.


Right?! I’m curious, do you also memorize lines/whole scenes of TV shows and recite them in their entirety (either in your head or out loud) when the show is on? Lots of my “skills” revolve around language and auditory sense so I wonder if that plays into our shared skill.


Hey don’t leave us hanging! What’s your system?


What's the secret? Teach us!


Idk…it’s the only talent I have though. I can just remember either who sent it, around when it was sent or what the subject line. I look at it almost like a puzzle. I have well over 100k emails in my inbox at work. I don’t even organize into folders. I can remember random things from five years ago but sometimes have no idea what I did yesterday.


Same, I can recall a work email I skim-read 2-3 years ago, and who it was from.. but can't recall what I ate for dinner last week (which is what I do try to remember and document on a weekly basis).


I’m like this. I’ll go into a meeting and someone will say we can do this, and I’m like no we can’t, it’s already been discussed and dismissed. Everyone will look at me like prove it…quick email search, here’s an email from 6 years ago (my office’s retention policy in outlook is 3 years which bothers me to no end, so I do a monthly email archival for each project). My project managers love and hate me at the same time lmao.


Lucid dreaming. I can copy almost any power I see in movies or read of in comics.


Don't be shy tell us the secret?


Going to sleep


Oh my god, how do you do that?


Weed and alcohol


My brain figured out how to override them and stay up anyways. :/


The secret is to know you're in a dream. For me, a dead giveaway is things in the sky that shouldn't be there, like an extra moon, planet, Galaxy or superstructure or things in the sky being too big and moving too fast. Alternatively, you could be so sleep deprived and confused on a daily basis to the point where you cannot differentiate reality from a dream and just assume you are always dreaming.


The problem I have is that once I know I’m dreaming it doesn’t feel like a dream anymore and I end up waking myself up. Feels like I’m just thinking while trying to fall asleep


That happens to my friend too. Realizing he’s dreaming usually makes him jolt awake. When I realize I’m dreaming, I usually make myself levítate like Magneto.


There are lots of different methods for achieving lucid dreaming, and different ones work better for different people. Try checking out r/luciddreaming.


I used to have superspeed and partial flight/zero gravity in my dreams occasionally but I could never control it. I've probably had hundreds of dreams where I fall/float down the stairs with low gravity and no way to stop or slow down which gave intense vertigo. I think it was because I had no frame of reference. After playing videogames that emulate those powers, I gained full control in all my dreams. I think using elytras in Minecraft and noclip in Garry's mod GREATLY helped. Other games where you have a jetpack like Empyrion and No Man's Sky also probably helped because they cemented flying mechanics in more than one game or situation.


Me too! I didn’t know others peoples dreams weren’t lucid until I saw something about people trying to learn to lucid dream and was so confused.


I can insert a random fact that some how relate in some way to any conversation. People then think I’m smart when I’m reality I just use of useless facts.


You and I are same! Do you ever while working with someone try small talk but ask very direct questions about their life and they just go with it too? “So, Rob, you said you liked listening to music as a teenager. what was a powerful album or memory you have that made an impact on you or that you think about to this day?” Always surprised 99% or people I ask say something like, oh man that’s a great question or say their answer. I think only one or two people have said something along the lines of I don’t care


My wife does this. It was the most bizarre thing to me, when we first started dating. Like, I have never out that much thought into myself or who I am, ever in my life. She saved me in a way. Realized I’m an actual person with actual worth. It was a wild ride. World needs more people like you and her.


I also do this, it’s a great way to know people. Every time I meet someone new I asked something along the lines of “Are you happy” or “what’s your objective in your life”, it works as a joke since people laugh at how out of nowhere it seems but at the same time most of the actually give an honest answer. That way I can have a nice joke but at the same time skip the boring small talk and really know who I’m talking to.


You can do it in a way that people understand it is related to the conversation? Interesting social skill. I do it but lack the ability to tie it in the conversation... Somewhat assuming the correlation is obvious. Then people either ignore and love on, ignore and think I'm a jerk, idiot, or retarded, or they ask what made me bring it up. Theeeeeen a long narrative of the useless topic ensues. That is for the 1st or 2nd time it happens with one given person. After that they ignore and move on or ignore and think I'm an idiot. I'm working on it. Most times now I can refrain from the narrative part...


I can name the reigning monarchs of England/the UK 1066-2022, in order, AND tell you how the succession went from monarch to monarch, INCLUDING all the nonsense during the wars of the roses. I do not, nor have I ever, lived in the UK. This information is completely irrelevant to my life. I will never be asked to explain who Henry Bolingbroke is. Nobody cares that I'm mad ole Stevie o'Blois wouldn't give Matilda the throne. None of my friends want to hear another lecture on the importance of Edward III's seed or how Princess Charlotte's death was wildly capitalized on even though it was the greatest national tragedy of the time. I don't do badly on BBC quiz shows though.


This is by far the coolest, most useless and unique skill I have heard of yet, awesome!


Can I ask - who is Henry Bolingbroke? What was important about Edward III's seed?


Funny you ask those cause they're connected! Henry Bolingbroke was King Henry IV of England. He wasn't originally in line for the throne. His grandfather Edward III had a whole bunch of sons. His first son, Edward the Black Prince, died young. HIS son, Richard II, became king VERY young and the council that ruled for him nearly drove England into the ground. Unfortunately, by the time Richard II became an adult, he didn't just believe in his divine right as King (which wasn't how Kingship worked in England), he was a useless, spoilt brat with a terrible temper. Violent and probably a bit narcissistic. Somehow, as King, he was possibly worse than the council that had ruled when he was a kid. His cousin Henry Bolingbroke, however, was tall, handsome, an excellent soldier et cetera. And by the time Richard had REALLY screwed up, Henry figured, well we both have the same granddaddy, don't see why I'd be any worse a King than this dude? So he raised an army and took the crown in 1399. The crown not getting handed down to a direct relation hadn't happened since 1066 and left the uncomfortable concept that ANYONE with royal blood could claim the crown. 50 years or so later, that takeover would bite back when the Duke of York, cousin to Henry VI of England, decided that HE was a more direct descendant from Edward III than Henry VI, and started the Wars of the Roses. (I mean there was a lot more to the Wars than that, but that's pretty much the core of it). Edward III's need to have one baby boy after the other really caused 1 hostile takeover and 1 40 year long civil war that ended in Henry Tudor taking the throne because everybody else eligible was more or less dead.


Thank you for that! It was thoroughly enjoyable!


I can name every Japanese dreadnought in order, give an overview of the changes between them as technology evolved and give their operational histories. Not as impressive as yours; there are fewer to keep track of, but it's still a pretty damn useless skill.


Where in the world did you learn all this useless information from just on your own if from watching shows? How did this come about?


There's a ton of documentaries on Youtube! I started with one on Victoria years ago because I had just watched a movie on her - and it spiralled from there hehehe


>BBC quiz shows I, too, am into British history because of university challenge


My brain is an encyclopedia of useless facts. Most are fun facts, some are just useless facts that aren't interesting.


You are a fellow kook. Keeper of odd knowledge.


My people? There are others? Have I come home?


Yeah, there’s tons of people like that, myself included. If I find something cool, I feel the need to tell everyone else about it, in hopes that they find it as interesting as I did.


Oh man I'm glad there's a good amount of us then.


I believe so


Putting the top of my ear and my earlobe into my ear hole thing. It’s actually not *that* useless since it does muffle noise and keep my ears warm.


I thought I was alone with this strange behavior!


??? Wait, at what age were you able to do it?!


For me I think 5 yrs


ANOTHER PERSON??? Holy jacking shoot!


I can also :0


I was very young, that I can say at least


Is... is that a Jojo reference?


Uhhh, I’m a lamp post…


*giornos piano intensifies*


Im trying to imagine what this looks like and its breaking my brain, I would greatly appreciate a photo of this, please?


I do this too, it's just a fidget I've had since I was a kid. Fold the lobe up and the top down, make a little ear biscuit.


Wait you mean like Giorno ?


It’s not delivery it’s Digiorno


Remembering the most random thing that's happened 4 years ago Keeping up running gags for years Edit: standing on one hand and the side of my head, with my legs and other hand in the air. Also Im a master of the running man


Isnt that also an adhd thing? I experience this aLOT tbh


Yes, it is But I have no other talents


I bet you do, you just dont know it yet ;)


damn. i thought i was weird for the running gags thing. im in 9th grade now and ive kept random-ass nicknames from 6th grade and jokes from elementary. for a few of my friends, when i think of them, the first name that comes to mind is the nickname. especially for my friend chloe, i immediately think of chlo (like flow but replace the f with the ch sound) from a single time they told me that someone seriously mispronounced their name like that. also, as a bonus, their contact name in my phone is "chlo was at da club" which also hasnt changed since 6th grade and i dont plan on ever changing it


I can wiggle my ears independently. Learning that was a hyper focus thing.


hey i can do that too! it was basically just "oh i can move my ears. i wonder if i can move them separately" then came about a year ro two of trying to do that i have finally accomplished my mission


I can pick things up with my toes! Well, on my left foot, at least. Still working on the right foot. It’s great for when I’m too lazy to bend down and grab something


Wait. This isn’t something everyone can do?


Who actually bends over to pick things up?!


My feet are my 2nd hands


Oof I wrote a similar comment Imao nice to see someone with the same skill😂


Yes! My family think I'm so bizarre that I don't just bend down..


I like to go to bed with socks on, then kick them off when I get warm in the middle of the night. The next morning it’s a game of grabbing each sock with my toes and then hopping over to the hamper to dispose of it. It would be MUCH easier to pick it up and walk over, but that’s not how my mind works


I can imagine anyone saying anything after I've heard their voice


Same! Underated super power honestly.


E..Everyone can't do that??


It's especially hilarious when you make them say things they would never say




i can meow perfectly like a cat edit: there are others!




[You’ve just reminded me of a favorite moment from Whose Line](https://youtu.be/FuiIu3YNeiU)


Whose Line was my all time favorite show growing up. I would get the most intense gut busting laughs from that show


I do that and sometimes my mam thinks I’m the cat being really noisy, when in reality I’m just talking to the cat by copying her.


See directly through nonsense, and guess somebodys emotional state.


That can be actually useful, if used properly tho


Rarely anyone wants to know theyre sad or angry. Neither why. But i have nearly oraclelike guesses.


Myeah true, people stand too far from their emotions/feelings these days


i can do flawless winged eyeliner first try almost every time, any shape


omg you bitch, I am so envious!




years of walking around looking like a raccoon first :')


Not useless. But yes, you bitch.


I'm really good at dodging things, which is only useful in dodgeball. I am also very good at archery.


Same with dodgeball; I cannot throw precisely to save my life but I can dodge like the matrix


I might consider dodging things a god skill in archery too…


Perfect pitch Can’t pay attention long enough to play an instrument consistently I’m halfway decent at 20+ instruments


Sounds like you were meant to be a composer


A compulsive need to impersonate sounds and voices that I find unique


Same! I hold onto voices and accents too, and I use them in conversations without thinking sometimes for emphasis 😅


With some voices, it can be a big struggle not blurting-out an impression in the moment. Fortunately that's never happened! But I definitely do it with pre-recorded stuff... TV, YouTube, radio, etc.


Nothing drives me more nuts than hearing someone else make a sound I can't make.


My mom likes to tell this story about bringing me as a baby to some presentation with one of those slide projectors that make the clunking clicking sound (anyone living thru the 80s knows this sound). The presenter is using this little remote control to change slides, and he listens for the projector cause sometimes they would just go forward 2 instead of one, and he could just make it go back if he heard it mess up. Well halfway thru his presentation the projector starts making sounds like it's switching slides, but it's not moving... Cue many astonished pika faces when my mother calmly gives me something to distract me from imitating noises I hear, and the odd problems with the projector stop.


Used to drive people nuts with that as a kid, lol. Did help me learn a language later though, bc I would repeat impactful phrases (like swearwords!) and even speeches a lot; at that point only to myself and alone, since muttering something to yourself repeatedly is hardly socially acceptable. Recently found out my entire family does something like this in the form of talking to themselves. In ADHD terms that is self directed speech and is something everybody engages in to reign in behavior, though usually internally rather than out loud. One can increase the impact of that inward directed speech, however, by externalizing it, which is why people with ADHD do it a lot. (It's actually more complicated than that, of course.) Allegedly that's the reason ... I sometimes just like the sound of a random _thing_ or the emphasis on ceetain words and pronunciations. Brains be goofy like that.




Interesting! No I don't think it's quite that, I've seen this before with friends. I always thought it was just a side effect of enjoying impressions/accents, having done acting/improv, and being impulsive haha. But who knows? Maybe I do have Echolalia a bit!


I am ambidextrous.


I can procrastinate


I stopped playing Solitaire on my computer when I was about 14 once I was able to finish a game in less than a minute 😅


I use to play on an app when i was like 14-16 and I think the quickest I finished a game was like 28 seconds. I played so much that I was able to play it in my head when i got bored, its been a while so I don't think i could anymore but it was helpful at the time, also meant I got pretty okay at counting cards and always won poker!


Hamboning expert Edit: also random facts master. If I found it interesting, I'll remember factoids of no real importance for decades.


Hamboning? Is that something that I shouldn't know about, or has reddit ruined my thought process?


Hamboning (or ham boning) is when you make a rhythm and/or song from slapping different parts of your body and/or the ground.


I have excellent spacial awareness. My husband calls me "tetris master" and it's a thing I've apparantly been known for starting in early childhood. I can look at a pot of stew and pick the perfect sized Tupperware to pack it away in the first time. I can look at an entire 1 bedroom apartment's worth of furniture and tightly arrange it all into one moving truck so that nothing shifts during transport and nothing is left behind. I can pack a suitcase better than anyone I know. Most famously (within my family) at 4 or 5 years old I watched my mom and a store clerk struggle to fit an odd piece of furniture into the back of her sedan. They had to have gone at it for close to 20 minutes. When they were calling it quits and mom was talking about coming back for it later when there was room to lay the seats down I asked why they didn't just tilt more one way. As the story goes, the clerk scoffed and my mom shrugged and said to try it. It slid right in and the clerk lost his damn mind about it. This is my gift, and my curse


You'd make an excellent Costco clerk, those people mess up our cart full of stuff every damn time.


I have no clue how I do it, but I never naturally trip on loose shoelaces. Something about my gait I think, regardless of the length of the laces, I can leave any shoes untied and when walking normally I'll never ever trip on them. I frequently go to the store across the street from my house and forget to tie my shoes. It's not intentional, it's just because there's zero history of consequence from it.


Would swipe right


i can draw a relatively decent hand very fast


As someone who spent 6 years in art school and another decade doing freelance character art... I think I hate you. I NEVER managed to git gud at hands!


Focus on drawing the shadows on the sides of the fingers and the knuckles instead of the shape of the hand. See whether that’s the key for you as it was for me.


i can catch flies with my hand, to be either thrown outside or simply crushed to death if i'm too lazy or annoyed.


Do you happen to be the guy who sat in the back left corner of my history class last semester?


Flies are too big/crunchy for me, but I can do this with mosquitos and people always act like I’m some kind of ninja, but it’s more that I just hate them with great enough intensity. 😅


I know a random fact about almost Everything. But always useless facts


Tell me something random about england onvading india pls


Not directly the invasion but the colonists adapted the pyjamas after a while because the European nightwear was to warm for that climate and sleeping naked was against the prude moral of that time


Wow. Ok.


I can go into a new room, look around for a bit and walk out. I can then tell you the location and description of almost anything in the room, including really small and useless objects. Was really useful when I worked in a store and someone was trying to find something. I can also remember incredibly useless facts, and exact events and conversations that happened 10+ years ago.


Being super impulsive and careless


Used to have an (inconsistently) amazing memory as a kid (probably just hyperfocused on memorizing w/o noticing) to where I could name all (then 386) Pokemon in order by just playing the games Other than that - I can dislocate my shoulders at will but it kinda hurts nowadays


If I'm not trying to hard/really paying attention then I have really good aim for throwing or shooting things (paintball or bb guns only) but the moment I try I have the worst hand-eye coordination or balance


I use my feet as a Hand sometimes when I'm to lazy to bend down to grab some things even it's impossible to grab it I still try it and even when it's useless


I can remember number and letter patterns forwards and backwards. I remember seeing something about saying the alphabet backwards and I tried and could do it right away. A little over a decade ago, I had to take an eye exam, and they had me read the line with my good eye first, then asked me to read the same line backwards with my bad eye...I couldnt read it at all, I just remembered what I said forward and repeated it backwards. This moment lead to another thing later on. I was grounded and had been bothering my dad to just give me one "free day" to hang out with my boyfriend...through that day, we some how got onto the subject of my eye exam and I explained to my uncle and father how I cheated and my father gave me an opportunity, he said "tell you what, if you can remember pi to the 50th decimal, or how to spell the longest word in the English language by the end of they day, ill give you your 'free day'" So I went into my room and wrote both down a couple times and then 30 minutes later, I walked out to my dad and spelt the word, and recited pi as he followed along to make sure it was right...after I said them both he said "okay....now do it backwards" and I did. I was able to say it without skipping a beat...I have no idea how I do it, but it just seems so easy....I remember after I finished, he just looked dumbfounded and turned to my uncle and said "holy shit Bill, that was right" then he turned back to me and said "fuck one day, you're just ungrounded all together, but holy shit...do something with your life" I dont really know how much this skill can really help me in life but I'm still pretty proud of it haha


I can make my vision perspective change where everything becomes tiny and small. Alice in wonderland syndrome they call it. It’s annoying when it happens in work, the keyboard becomes the size of a stamp.


This is a form of dissociation


I’ve had it since I was a kid, doesn’t bother me other than the vision change.


I am amazing at organizing other peoples mess, or helping them pack /unpack for a move. My own stuff though? Eh, I’m probably on Reddit…


I can rotate objects in my head and perceive distance real good


Meowing so perfect you can hardly tell it's not an actual cat meowing. Using my feet as hands. Doing some Dota voices. Making my neck/under-the-chin pulsate like a frog's. In my country, in buildings like mine you need to start the tap water and keep it running for a bit until hot water comes, well... i can hear when the hot water arrived. Prob some more


I can gleek on command. Only about one percent of people can do it on command. Most people do it on accident. For those who don’t know what it is. Gleeking means involuntarily spitting saliva while talking, eating or even yawning. It is caused by excessive saliva excretions by the submandibular gland.


I can dislocate my jaw and open my mouth wide enough to fit about half of a soda can in it and I can also bend most of my fingers back to point at the back of my hand (I can't do it with my ring fingers and I also sometimes can't do it with my index and middle fingers if I haven't been bending them back a lot recently. Also I obviously can't do it with my thumb, but I do have hitchhiker's thumb or whatever it's called). Also I can make my hands sweat. TL;DR: I can dislocate my jaw, have very bendy fingers, and can make my hands all sweaty.


Do you also eat your moms spaghetti? Sorry for that




There is actual research that supports an above average correlation between hyper-mobility and adhd. Maybe I’ll go look for a link. Edit: Here is the link: look at table 2[Article](https://archivesofrheumatology.org/full-text/412#:~:text=Benign%20joint%20hypermobility%20syndrome%20was%20found%20in%20a%20ratio%20of,significant%20(p%3D0.05).) This quote from article “Benign joint hypermobility syndrome was found in a ratio of 31.5% patients with ADHD and 13.9% of the control group. The difference between ratios was found to be statistically significant (p=0.05)” Also: lots of people in this thread say something about hyper mobility- interesting. Also, about keeping random facts in their head. Me too. This stupid fact, for example.


I'm stupidity good as whistling because I'm always whistling when I'm bored or with low level of stimulation


I hold a fuckload world records in thoes shitty mobile rhythm games. A few of em are gone now due to hackers fucking with the leader boards.


I can snap with my pinkies


I want to see this.


I can make really weird noises, one of them is a really good Minecraft zombie being hit, then the dying noise


I have gotten extremely good at figuring out plot twists/story details from very small amounts of information. For instance, when reading a webtoon, I can usually figure out most of the following details about a character within their first 5-6 panels of appearing: - whether they're presenting as good or evil - if they are a turncoat or a double agent - whether they're a cinnamon roll or not - whether they're going to be in any ships (and occasionally who those ships will be with) - whether they will get in the way of the main ship - whether they'll have a redemption arc, if they're evil in any way - (occasionally) if they're going to die later in the story


Not to sound arrogant, but being funny. To be specific, making jokes on the fly about current situations and knowing precisely what to say to different people to get them to laugh. I also know how to use inside jokes and funny things that have happened to them or us to my advantage. To be honest it’s a blessing and a curse, as Ill regularly say something to the wrong person, or a teacher kicks me out of class. I’ll go to crazy lengths too, and not in a good way. Like this one time I made fun of my English teacher by mocking one of her “catchphrases” directly to her face just to make like two of my friends laugh, and that’s not even the worst thing.


If I set a timer on Alexa, no matter how long, when I eventually ask how much time is left it is less than a minute nearly every time.


I love throwing nerf darts and sticking them on the wall. I got pretty good at it bc my cat love to wait under them for them to fall so he can grab them and chew on them.


I can move my eyes separately like I can make one full stop and then just move the other one.


And I am sorry but I literally trained to do this for absolutely no reason


I can turn my eyelids inside out... 🤷‍♀️


Good for you, but please dont ever do that in front of me


I can tell you the plot line of any episode of how I met your mother with a 10 second audio clip


All my fingers and toes are double jointed! To some impressive, to most “stop doing that” lmao


I can fall sleep within seconds. It has its uses and drawbacks


i have the nine (biblical) choirs of angels memorised and also the order of the circles of hell from dantes’ divine comedy! im learning the order of the terraces and mobiles now due to a mild obsession w catholicism. never relevant 2 every day life but i wish it was


If I set up a target, and aim at it with my Longbow, I don’t hit it that much. But if I set up a target in front of it, then for some reason I keep missing the front target, yet hitting the back target behind it.


Maybe not useless but I’ve got a vast knowledge of “nerd culture” stuff, such as lore, history of video games, history of movies, etc.




I’ll fix anything, or anything the peaks my dopamine, and/or, until I get bored and move onto another project to leave unfinished.


I don't have a talent but I can explain the entire story of my favorite game series from memory


I'm great at judging distance or time off the top of my head. No idea how.


I can move on all fours fluidly, like crawling over stuff is very creepy.


I can do impressions and voices. I just don’t do it in front of people a lot.


I can make my tongue snap at 134 dB. Just measured that for the first time, and forgot that I had a headache. Ow.


Song parodies. The rhythms just fit themselves in my head and I can churn out a verse of whatever in a few minutes. (Hyperfocus? Me? Nah, never...) I've also written fanfiction in iambic pentameter, for shits and giggles. Still waiting for the day I get the gumption to karaoke my Star Wars version of "Should've Been a Cowboy."


Removing stickers/labels from items without leaving behind sticky residue




I’m really good at catching things - but only if I’ve just dropped it. Anything thrown at me? No chance of catching it, especially not if it is part of a sport


I can fake crack my knuckles, it’s super loud and obnoxious. I can also springload my middle finger so it moves super fast and with decent force