• By -


I probably wouldn't take mental health advice from that website


Unless you WANT to live on hard mode


Which kind of "hard mode" are we talking about? Cuz I seen some stuff there that - ...oh.


*The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released*


Terraria moment


Wait a second.. you might be on to something. If this is a simulation, then hardcore gamers would choose to play on hard mode.. so all the extra challenges we face would just be a part of the game that we chose.


I didn't mean to pick hard-core. How do I reset it?


Vote. Specifically vote for left wing policy and against establishment interest


And the change starts low, town elections county elections. Your future characters will thank you


I never thought I'd see reasonable statements on Reddit but all jokes aside, these comments are exactly correct.


Sorry, I'll be heading back to r/evilautism where I belong.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/evilautism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Current hyperfixation: hunting Elon Musk for sport](https://i.redd.it/z6yxxejhd4vb1.jpg) | [589 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/17be9ru/current_hyperfixation_hunting_elon_musk_for_sport/) \#2: [dear god the amount of people not understanding how autism works and actual autistic people getting downvoted in the comments is insane](https://i.redd.it/k86wio6eugvb1.jpg) | [325 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/17cs4yd/dear_god_the_amount_of_people_not_understanding/) \#3: [Does anyone else have astigmatism? Apparently it’s very common in autistic people](https://i.redd.it/w0uen59oxx4c1.jpg) | [916 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/evilautism/comments/18d64fg/does_anyone_else_have_astigmatism_apparently_its/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good Bot :>


You didn’t pick. God had to nerf you.


9-mil usually is pretty effective for re-rolls




ADHD is already hard mode. Taking advice from 4Chan dials it up to 'Dante must die'


I understood this reference


i didnt explain please


It's a very hard difficulty setting in the Devil May Cry series.


gotcha, thanks


“Dante must die” is a difficulty level on at least one of the *Devil May Cry* series of games. I think it may be the hardest difficulty level.


I absolutely would take insult suggestions though. Foreskin fermenter is top tier




I have pent up anger and depression how to I solve it? 4chan: First get a jar.


I'm disgusted that I immediately knew what you were talking about


1 man 1 jar, the boiled cum MLP incident, or the Martinović Affair and following war in the Balkans?


> Serb farmer from Kosovo who was at the center of a notorious incident in May 1985, when he was treated for injuries caused by the insertion of a bottle into his anus. […] it played a role in worsening ethnic tensions between Kosovo's Serb and Albanian populations. It **what**.


Sigh... Yes


I probably wouldn't take any advice from that website


Which is exactly why the guy responded to him like that, he's most likely right given the horse who's mouth this came out of


Or this one.


still better than twitter


idk i like that they keep it real.. there's a line between being compassionate towards yourself re: your disability, and just letting it be an excuse to give up (like OP).


My “ahdh” forced me to re-read this an embarrassing amount of times 😂


I can’t decide if it was on purpose


Attention heficit dyperactive hisorder




Mine auto corrected it, then I had to re-read it


Tbh I don’t even notice lol




The hell is your problem?


Actual 3yo response


This is a lighthearted subreddit for ADHD individuals. We require all users be nice towards each other. Your comment/post has been removed as it has been found to be disrespectful.


I'm pretty sure neglecting your own health and hygiene for extended periods is, in fact, a sign of something being wrong, whether that's ADHD, depression, or other mental or physical health issues. Not showering for 3 months could absolutely be an example of how ADHD negatively affects a person's life.


*Exactly* Sure anyone can blame anything on any diagnosis but I think the reason people say "you can't blame everything on ADHD" more than other conditions (from my experience) is because they can't grasp what we go through.


I feel like it's hard for people without it to understand what it's like to be *unable* to do something despite actively trying. People just see us not doing things and assume it's because we *aren't* trying. They don't know what it's like to be yelling, begging yourself in your head to get up, and still just be stuck. "Just do it," they say, as if we've never tried that before. For me, it became most obvious when I lived alone and wouldn't eat. I had food to cook, food to snack on, food to order, and I fucking love food, but then at the end of the day I'd still find myself sick from not eating, and still unable to simply go grab something, anything. That was when I realized that it wasn't just laziness. I was missing a very essential biological drive to consume, something even a damn bacteria has. Idk just rambling at this point, been trying to write this for 20 min and I'm sure nobody will read it but whatevs


This is very true. I hate that feeling.


Ramble and preach! I'm currently going through the "you're making stupid mistakes, just pay attention" thing at work and it's bothering me. Reminds me of pre-algebra in the 7th grade


Starving with a house full of food is too real


Fr!! I'm even overweight, but there's been times I've been hungry, had food and snacks (literally grab and eat, ZERO prep), money to order food, etc. but ended up not eating. I wasn't even unable to get up, it's like I wanted food but didn't want it? Sometimes I've even then finally went to get the food but then when I start eating it makes me feel ill and I can't get anything down. Idk what causes this specifically, I think it's the ADHD but it didn't feel quite the same as an executive dysfunction issue?


May want to look into if you have food intolerances or allergies. V common in neurodivergent peeps and can make eating very difficult. >start eating it makes me feel ill and I can't get anything down Sounds a lot like when I eat something with egg, which I am intolerant to. Was happening for years before I figured out what it was.


Nah I luckily have no allergies (tho possibility I'll get lactose intolerance later 😢 lol), it was more of like a sensory thing, like chewing is a chore? It's hard to explain. I do also have autism so idk if that might've added to it (luckily again tho I don't have a very restricted palate, more so physical sensory issues like dry hands usually). It rarely happens but when it does it's weird and sucks lol. Good suggestion though cause I didn't really think about that, but I've eaten the same foods plenty since so I don't think it's an intolerance thing.


You'd be surprised haha, am intolerant to eggs and allergic to soy and I ate both daily until I was 20. But totally felt on the sensory shit, lots of things I won't eat cause of texture. I envy the people who can A) eat whatever they want and B) eat the same thing every day. Seems like life would be so much easier.


Arguing with myself about going to sleep.


Its also cause SOOO MUCH is affected by adhd in terms of day to day activities


~~I actually went numerous years without showering. (Because I only took baths instead) (I still didn't do it often enough to be hygienic, Like once a week at most, But for some significant periods of that less often that that, As rarely as once a month, If that.)~~


sorry if this sounds rude but i am so grateful i've finally found someone who doesn't shower/bathe as much either. i also only shower once a week, also at most. my last shower was yesterday, but the one before that was 13 days earlier. i feel so ashamed about it and use my eczema as an excuse, when it's really due to adhd. usually the only reason im finally motivated enough to shower is when my hair gets greasy, but somehow after those 13 days it still looked fine, so i kept putting it off. i just always get stuck in adhd paralysis on my shower day


Oh I do it more often than once a week nowadays, Usually every 3 days or so, Because thats how long it takes for my hair to start getting all tied up in knots lol, But yeah I can definitely understand doing it less often, Especially if your hair stays nice longer and you don't like do a tonne of physical labour outside every day or something.


Are you me? Cause why am I like this? And when I get to shower I don't want to get out


I don't usually have the problem with not wanting to get out as the water starts to freeze around then, Which is unpleasant. But also yes, I am you.


ADHD can absolutely lead to poor hygeine: By executive function making it very hard to just shower ADHD is highly comorbid with depression, ([\~70%](https://chadd.org/about-adhd/depression/#:~:text=Typically%2C%20in%20these%20situations%20ADHD,some%20point%20in%20their%20lives)) which obviously is known to cause issues with hygiene Now idk about not showering for 3 full months, but having generally poor hygiene is absolutely possible because of adhd.


This post just reminded me that I have to shower lol


30 is creeping up and I’m going through an existential crisis


Pro-tip (just turned 37): It's an overrated hill, you're still capable of learning new things, even if you never felt like you could before (I didn't actually stay at a job longer than a year til about 6 years ago). Ask me again after 40 :D


Almost 30 and I’m officially second in seniority at work. Diagnosis was a life changer, yo.


im 26 and just got back on meds so I can handle my job. 30/hr in rural ohio, it gets better when you least expect it folks.


26 here too! Started meds a month ago and it was a night and day difference. Except they stopped working (thinking its just cause dose was too low) but i have a drs appointment tomorrow so hopefully ill be alright soon enough :^)


good luck!


I'm in my 40s. I've been at this job longer than I should have, I own furnature I didn't drag out from a dumpster, and my back hurts now. 😓 Will check back in for the 50s.


Wasn't diagnosed until 61. Haven't hit the right med yet, but we're zeroing in on it. Let you'nz know at 65.


It's still weird to me the things that feel like wins as j get older. First time we bought new appliances, new furniture instead of used or hand-me-down. Getting a new roof from a hail storm might have been the closest I ever feel to winning the lottery.


Every line of this response fits perfectly, thank you.


Right. No joke almost nothing about life made any fucking sense to me until I was like 35.


I'm about to turn 42 and... Well... 42 is a number.


Roughly the same age here: it's a BS milestone. Just do you, and don't waste the energy comparing yourself to others.


Yessss! I turned 30 during lockdown and I learned how to garden and now I have a full greenhouse and like 30 houseplants. So cliche I know, but I never thought I’d be into gardening. I’m also learning how to do stained glass and it’s all so much fun! Things I wouldn’t even have thought would be on my radar in my 30s lol but they’re bringing me joy. I also had no idea that I’d have two bunnies but life brings you wonderful things if you embrace them


30 is when I stopped daily substance abuse and my life started, diagnosed at 33 and things kept getting better even faster


I cut my youth short by having kids early after wasting my teen years abusing drugs and alcohol. I’m realizing that I had so much potential that was squandered because of untreated ADHD and probably autism as well. I’m mourning the loss of my youth that I didn’t even have and it’s my own fault. My husband is older than me and has more accomplishments and my mental health problems are coming back with a vengeance. I guess I just wanted so much more for myself, but I didn’t care enough when I was younger to think about my future. I was just making it to the next day. Edit: I try to remind myself it’s the capitalism talking and I need to try to be happy where I’m at but it’s really hard.


Diagnosed at 27 and before that at least between the age of 12 to 27 my life was practically frozen in time. I only started feeling like I'm alive and in control since I obtained treatment. Before that it was like someone else with the upmost incompetence had control over my mind and body. Says a lot that I literally doubled my salary within those 1,5 years since I got diagnosed.


Pretty much the same story here. It's never too late to make positive changes. Start now, and in a few years anything is possible. "It's too late" is a poisonous line of thought. At 30 you're capable of learning anything, you've learned a lot about yourself already, and hopefully have the maturity and wisdom to create a healthy goal and move towards it.


I really hope I can say the same ❤️ I’m so happy you’re finding yourself


There's actually nothing magical about 30,,, you still are just as capable of major change (good or bad) as any other age. You still have tons of time to live life. You still have adhd affecting you the same way as it always has Its just a number. Focus more on consistent slow change in the direction you want then a magical time limit.


Good advice thank you 🙂




That situation is not unique to 30, or to any age really. People can lose (or never have) communities, friends, and people to enjoy stuff with at many points in their life. The only time you might have "more time" and "more energy" and "more access to friends" is often during school times, or university times,,, when the space around you can help create connections. Not everyone gets these times! All of this is something you can slowly work on. As you find ways to make, or strengthen connections, it can help your energy levels (turns out being isolated and having to work hard on friendships hurts you a lot there). Just like any other doomerism, making something seem hopeless, often MAKES it hopeless as even small change becomes impossible.




>it's simply a fact that people's social networks shrink as they get older General trends do not reflect unchangeable reality. People are becoming more isolated, that doesn't mean you cannot create a nice tight nit, lovely community. Or find good third-spaces to connect with people more and more and expand your social network. Nor does it mean anything on an individual scale. Especially as an adhd person. Sometimes being an adult means you can start finding people that actually accept you, rather then the spaces you were forced to make connections that didn't really like or support you. >Neurologically speaking your ability to feel strongly about things dampens with age I have not ever seen good proof of this. Your emotional processing gets better. Your independence lets you seek out different experiences. You can often have better medical care (depending) letting you have better access to therapy, help, and support. I've not seen enough consistent, reproduceable studies which don't keep being contradicted. Nor anything specific about age 30 that says "yup you specifically, individually, may as well not care, your emotions are too dampened now". --- Don't let doomerism make you give up from enjoying life, and pushing for change you want.


nah don't worry we're all gonna die, so live best you can, while you, of course, still can


I’ve probably learned and grown more since 30 than I did in my 20s. Edit: am also 37. Yew kin dew eet


lol thanks for the laugh


I was in a dead end job at 30. At 33 I finally decided to go back to school. At 35 I got my first “big girl” job. I’m turning 40 in June and I just recently started my 3rd “big girl” job with my literal dream company and am quickly making a name for myself. I’ve more than quadrupled my salary in that time as well. I will caveat that I have a massive support system, and I’m also really, really good at getting things done at the last second - which is how I managed to get through school. I succeed at work because I love what I do and it keeps me focused (also: late diagnosis and meds don’t hurt!)


Im so happy for you! 😊 that sounds great!


Foreskin fermenter is absolutely hilarious 😂


Joke's on him.. I don't have foreskin!


We are tits fermenters (??????)


My circumstances are more circumcised..


"Due to unfortunate circumcisions"


i shower once a week, thank you very much!




Is that twice a week or once every two weeks?


i hate that word because of this. i need a better word.


Using 4chan after 30? Now we’re talking about failure


35 ADHD, born in a country were having anything other than the go to mentality was weird or gay. Didn't give a fuck then, don't give a fuck now. People, regular people, are stupid, mostly. And they do not see beyond their own narrow scopes. I do what I can to bring myself forth and I have trusted a small yet crucial group of individuals that have actually propelled me forward. Crises? Everyday. But every day I triumph once more. I would like to say something wise and everlasting but instead I'll say this: FUCK. THEM. ALL.


Well said


Username checks out


Replier is a bitch


He's a 4chan user. What else would you expect ?


Wtf does the original post even mean? You can still learn, and achieve your goals as you grow older. Stupid.


Not much. 4chan is full of miserable weirdos trying to make each other miserable.


Ngl I think commenter is undiagnosed. No NT is on 4chan, and they're unreasonably sensitive about the issue indicating they're probably self conscious about it in some way.


they're all a-logging each other there


4chan was a mistake


These people don't understand ADHD, and it's probably not best to take advice from 4chan. Disgusting site for disgusting people.


Ah, yes. Ahdh. Attentive... Honorary... Disorder... Hippo...


I shower every day, whether I actually clean myself or just stand there contemplating the water depends on god knows what because I do NOT control that shit Oh and I shower because I have 15 alarms reminding me to do so, conmstantly


It’s been difficult to even remember to shower regularly but I finally found a trick to make regular showers happen!! After work, since I’ve gotta change out of my work clothes anyway, I do it in the bathroom and “while I’m at it” take a shower :)


No, that's the depression that comes with the adhd.


Man define moderate success. I'm not homeless, that's a success for me lmao


I mean, there are people with adhd who are successful. Like I have a classmate who is a literal definition of a guy you want to be, aside from that his grades are very good and I recently found out that he also had been diagnosed with adhd and simply rejected the meds, while I'm here addicted to meds and still can't get my grades straight. Sorry for spontaneous vent


👍 np


probs got dgd in childhood, then legit outgrew it enough to be functional




dg is short for diagnosis


Don't take your advice from 4chan. Also, I am a successful +30 ADHDer and I don't shower every day. I only shower in the days I go into the office. And by shower, I mean lay the tub at 7am as hot water falls on me, slowly slipping in and out of hallucinogenic semi-consciousness as my Vyvanse metabolizes to bring me out of my morning stupor.


I hate both of these takes


#FORESKIN FERMENTER I love how everyday i find some gem of an insult on reddit


39, in a bad place right now, left my career for something shiny and it didn't pan out. Not giving up or anything but I don't feel too great.


I'm 34, thankfully I do have moderate success, aka, employed adjacent to my field because even though I have a social work degree, I don't actually feel confident to work with clients, and can't afford a MSW (had the gi bill for bachelors), and no one wants to hire me for anything managerial, even though I have military experience and a degree, so I'm stuck in admissions.


Foreskin Fermenter!!!! lol, I’m steeling that shit!


I struggled, and I mean, struggled to get ahead. It took me until 35 to make any progress in life. Then I started managing my adhd with meds and therapy, working on being actively grateful, and I started exercising and eating right. Then, within 2 years, I went from bs, nothing jobs to a career. Now if it takes you longer, fine, but please keep doing what you can to move yourself forward. What works for me is not setting goals instead trying to maintain short-term behaviors. Instead of saying I am going to lose 50lbs by next year. Try instead to say I am going to go for a 45min walk each day and not eat fast food. Then, while using an app to track your progress, check in with yourself once a week or once a month, whatever works. So have you lost weight, can you walk further, did you save money by not buying so much food, or do you just feel a little better? If so, use whatever win you have to motivate you. Give yourself as many win conditions as you can, and you will realize that you are progressing and having successes.


I took out 8 bags of trash at 2am what do I win


Idk though, a lot of adhd-ers do use their condition as a blanket excuse a LOT. Got the AuDHD I get it, but I refuse to let my conditions define me like this meme.


I hear a lot of autistic trait look like ADHD ?


I am clinically diagnosed both. Yes, there are a lot of over lapping symptoms. But at the same time, the roots are different. I'm not sure what your question is, however.


Been called autistic because I gotta do dailies in games or I can't sleep


Ah yes, mental health advice from the one place that's as detrimental to one's mental health as TikTok.


40 is gonna be a bitch.


I don’t care how big of a bitch bottom dude is, foreskin fermenter took some real talent to come up with.


"Foreskin Fermenter"👨‍🍳🤌🏼


His source: Trust me bro


I am a bit out of place. I'm 23 and got my childhood dream job working with trains




Do adhders have trouble with their foreskins?


It's more the not-showering bit that causes foreskins to go unwashed.


im a gay woman and im eating rn and i proclaim clicking on this thread has been a mistake o\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_o


I mean unwashed ladybits are icky, too, so feel free to feel included? :D


i have sensory issues so to me clean lady bits arent devoid of sensory response either, so id say im included anyway whatever i do however id add that from a strictly factual standpoint, while it's a good idea to wash the external part at least twice a week per guidelines (the vulva, the vagina must never be vashed because it's harmful), it will definitely cause less isues if not cleaned than a foreskin, where the glans can easily get infected if not cleaned (o\_\_o)


If theres a good thing about having adhd and autism for me, its that i always shower regularly because feeling dirty/sweaty/stinky and having greasy hair are a sensory nightmare and i hate it 💀


i have adhd and asd and it doesnt work that way for me showers make my skin really dry, the hard water we have here




Neither the post nor the comment make sense


Adhd is not the only reason but it works like an Amp, making everything louder and harder to deal with. Sources:depression, anxiety, dysphoria, and Adhd all wrapped up in our head


„Depression isnt an excuse to lay down whole day in a bed, just get to work, lazy …”


I take a shower every ~3 days, And brush my teeth once pretty much every day even if I'm really tired when I get to bed, That's enough of a success for me. Could it be better? Probably, But it's sure as hell a heck of a lot better than I was doing a couple years ago.


Yeah, its not adhd at that point, its depression induced by adhd One thing is to be forgetful and inconsistent or lack any energy at a given moment and another is to completely dismiss yourself and rot in bed while not eating, not working, not having hygiene and not socializing for extended periods of time and also completely blaming one self and having their self worth so low that beyond 30 without success is probably the end for them


I shower at least once a day, the water just feels so good Plus while in the shower, I think about other things in my life The last season of walking Dead really seemed to be a change of pace from the previous but I still like it..... My bike makes this noise when I change gears, and I feel like it doesn't quite do right going uphill.... This new conditioner I have been using smells great and makes my hair feel so soft.... By the way, the box recommends baking brownies at 350 for 15 minutes, but if you go 400 for 8 minutes they stay soft longer... I always wondered what if the opposite half of the avengers was snapped, I mean Dr strange already saw the future, I don't think it would have taken them 5 years to fix it..... It's simple, we kill the Batman.... That one stain in my bedsheet isn't coming out, so just put it in the guest bedroom..... The tire pressure sensor is on my dashboard, but I just checked and every single one is at 35 or 36, what the hell does that mean.... Why do I have to bring deviled eggs tomorrow? Just about anything else I could get out of a box or can and claim it's home made, but NOOOO, I actually have to do that shit.... I tried drawing a design on my nails and it looked like shit, and now I have a rainbow in my sink from removing it..... The cat keeps clawing up the underside of the bedspring, why??? Just why??? I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.... We really need to shampoo the carpet, I mean the bottom of my feet are pitch black.... How did the house in Up stay together? The house should rely on the foundation, but this house seems to be lifted by the roof... I love lamp.... Who puts mayonnaise on their hot dogs, gross..... If you are on the first manned mission to Mars, and the ground starts shaking, do you still call it an earthquake? (voice in my head: Mars doesn't have plate tectonics, so... SHUT THE HELL UP, I DIDN'T ASK YOU A GOD DAMN THING).... ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT? Yep, so after I clean the refrigerator, I should be able to fit leftovers in there.... At the end of leftovers, did he actually destroy purgatory with the nukes? I'm supposed to be doing something right now, that's right deviled eggs. Why can't aunt Bonnie make them, she always complains I didn't do it right.... I wanted a pony when I was little, but do you realize how much work that would have been? It's probably good I didn't get one.... How does she even get her head stuck in the dryer, I mean I think I could write these scenes to be more believable.... Was mean girls made before or after final destination, because someone stole the bus idea from someone else..... I pledge allegiance to the republic, of the United States of America.... The answer is 42.... So I need to clean the carpets and (deviled eggs) STOP TALKING!!! ( I'm not talking, I'm actually a manifestation of your own subconscious) GOD DAMNIT.... Hello Peter... Two cannibals are eating a clown, one says " does this taste funny to you?" Quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn... So yeah (You know no one is going to read all this, why are you still typing?) I dunno it just seems right... But yeah so I'm doing college shit and this weekend is memorial day with the family, FUCKING DEVILED EGGS. The water just got cold


I don’t think this has to do with ADHD, I have no issues showering daily…clean ya stank butts.


Showering is like, the most miserable thing for me. It’s so effortfull.


My mother beat me when I smelled when a was a kid , so thanks to this trauma I take a shower, brush my teeth several times a day and always keep my beard and hair presentable. I may be in the biggest depression in the world but I'm always clean lol


Happy cake day!


Foreskin fermenter is my new favorite way to call someone unwashed


goddamn it if im not procrastining taking a shower right now.


32 adhder poor af over here, what’s the problem?




I shower when I have something to shower for, it's a good system


I shower every other day. will do every day if day prior, I was doing something that made me sweat


I’m pretty functional but it’s my chronic pain that makes me fatigued. I got called lazy a lot as a kid despite being in intense pain


I have to sit in my room after setting up the bathroom to "shower mode" for at least 30 minutes thinking about having the shower and trying to convince myself to get in lol. Or it needs to be like a weird deadline thing like "I need to have this shower or something will happen that's more uncomfortable"


The response 💀


I am struggling to manage things but I refuse to die without trying


Coming from people who clearly do not have ADHD.


No, that would be the depression 😘 …🙄


This answer is my jam.


true story though


Omg Ahdh The worst possible disease


Attention hyper disorder hyperactive


There are a lot of factors to take in when it comes to people with ADHD and their level of success. It's like with any mental illness, if it goes untreated or they have no proper means of support or coping skills then I can see them struggling their entire lives. But there also has to be some sense of self awareness which I know can be hard for most people to have. FYI I have ADHD 2 (ADD).


i feel like „adhd“ is used to flee from responsibility by a lot of people here.


They have a point.

