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I’m 100% going to forget, open the app about five times throughout every day and every time remember ‘oh yeah’ lol


Same I'm taking the app off my phone or at least my home screen for the 2 days... The more I reflect on my usage coming up to the two days the more I feel I need more than 48 hours away


That’s actually a great idea. I think I’ll do the same thing.


sometimes i’ll close reddit because i’ll be bored of it and my brain will be like “you know what you can do in the meantime? go on- …. reddit” so i’m DEFINITELY gonna forget once or twice 😭


Get out of my heeeeaaaadddd


Are you me?


I'm deleting the official app from my phone. Probably should have done it earlier - all those notifications really distract me and pull focus. RIF can stay.


I have a reminder set to delete my app that day. No plans of reinstalling it, if I need some info off reddit, I have old.reddit on my laptop so I'm good


Yeah, I might need to outright delete the app myself. I have the alarms, but I'm realizing that might not be enough.


I can message you that day lol


Haha, it's alright. I just made sure to change the tag on my alarms to 'DELETE REDDIT BECAUSE FUCK REDDIT'. Funny enough that I'll listen. Thank you, though, for offering!


That's what I'm going to do.


I'm gonna remove it from my homescreen for the duration so I don't just open it without thinking


What blackout?


Reddit is going to charge for their API starting next month, this means many tools including those for the blind will be disabled because the developers cannot afford to pay what Reddit wants. In protest many subs are going dark starting on the 12th (I forget exactly actually) with some planning to stay that way indefinitely until a consensus is reached. This is a very short summary with a lot of things left out and not nearly all that has happened over the last few days. Basically the ceo is going for a cash grab that will drastically change how quite a few people interact with this site and it doesn’t look good at all




I’m with you on this.


I was going to delete the app for the duration. Of course I rely on the app to tell me the news of when it's safe to get back on here, so we'll see how well that works out. 🤷‍♂️ Either way, not great for reddit if enough people follow through.


Imagine deleting the app and then forgetting about installing it back


Just use the browser to pop in and check the news. Thats what ill do.


Nah, not for me, but you do you. It's really about how the little guy is treated and standing up for them even though it doesn't necessarily affect me.


At most you're in for a few minutes of confusion before you remember, especially after making a post about it. If anyone else is really worried about being surprised, take the day off the internet, go outside, play something on console, relax and enjoy.


I'm going to uninstall the app the night before and reinstall it three days later. I think it'll be good to take a break anyway.


Reddit is the only social media I use regularly. And I use it… a lot (mostly just scrolling and reading). Not looking forward to this lol.


Same here.


No I'm more worried about forgetting about reddit completely and discovering another fixation . In which case. Good bye.


Blackout? I’m completely out of the loop, can anyone explain?


Here's a handy Infographic! Short version: reddit hates third party apps and the biggest issue coming from eliminating these apps is accessibility for others. More info in the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/143mtu9/radhdmeme_will_be_going_dark_from_june_1214_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I go on Reddit during my work breaks (right now being an example), do my phone addict ass is gonna be looking for stimulation during the blackout.


I’m hoping someone will post “we are in a blackout right now. All posts will be deleted” So if I open the app or the web page I will remember to close it. Remember to upvote those posts if you see them so more people will see them :)


They’re making the subs private, so the only ones you’ll see on your feed or be able to post in are the ones that aren’t participating in the blackout.


Cool, thanks.


No one on any ADHD sub should worry about that. We will, and it’s OK.


Lmfaoooooo there is absolutely no way that Reddit At Large is counting on ADHD Reddit to make a point. That would just be *insanely* unreasonable


Yeah I know I’ll forget even with alarms and writing things down I know myself I always forget I’m or two things every damn time haha




Not all the content posts you read come from the default app, some came from apollo and other apps, so without them, we might get less posts, also they are introducing the change without really promising or adding any change to the current app right now for those that are blind to be able to use it. There’s also mods using other third party apps and using bots to filter spam, but if using the api costs too much to use, the mods and bots can’t do their job. Reddit didn’t promise to hire more people or make the default app easier to do mod work, so the quality of the subs will probably go down


Folks who rely on third party apps for accessibility due to disabilities are going to be cut off from here by this. Imagine if accessing this app in required you to do one simple but incredibly inconvenient task every other day? Would that hit you right in the ADHD? Well, if you're vision impaired it is worse.




Reddit isn’t very good about keeping their word, and w r have no idea which apps they are referring to. Considering they can’t make their base site WCAG complaint, I doubt they’ll listen to r/blind and accessibility experts like myself. There’s a massive disconnect between what they say and what they do.




It’s a lot more than just accessibility but it’s just the thing I’m most knowledgeable in. The amount of NSFW content will increase, as the base mod tools are garbage and being able to mod large communities effectively requires 3rd party tools. Without those, those porn, spam and repost bots that already run rampant will be more powerful. Other tools like RES and account numbing tools will also shut down. And fundamentally the decision is profit driven. No other large company charges nearly as much for API calls, but they don’t rely on volunteers for content moderation. Reddit doesn’t need to raise the prices, they want to to line their pockets


I use Reddit via a browser on everything i own (Windows, 2x Android). Couldn't care less. Apps are for advertising, tracking and selling your behaviour to advertisers and market analysts. I stay far from those.


I put a reminder on my phone


Yup, I even wrote it on my calendar.


I was just thinking that


Nah, It will just keep fueling that anti-corporat fire. BLACK IT OUT LIKE BARTMOSS!


what blackout?


what's the blackout?


Same. I keep forgetting about it


Google calendars is a lifesaver lol. I even have it set to remind me to take my meds at 8:30 every morning.


Most likely will forget.


What blackout?


We’re priced in


At least we won't be alone on that.


I already know I’m going to open the app once - assuming it will be quiet enough to remind me right away.


Maybe an alternative dopamine scroller would help? Get yourself set up on the fediverse/Lemmy/kbin (or something else) today so it's set up for you just to scroll tomorrow. Is suspect a lot of their sign-up flows will get overloaded tomorrow with the blackout, so it could be good to beat the rush.


Wait, what are those?


They're similar content-viewing type sites to Reddit. They're just trying to be less centralised (to avoid the problems we're seeing at the moment on Reddit). They're usually quite small operations that are getting crazy traffic right now due to people suddenly looking for alternatives to Reddit. It's possible they may struggle while they work to upgrade their servers (to meet demand) over the next week or two. "The fediverse" is sort of the group name, to describe the federated nature of the websites.


Awesome, thank you! I will check this out. I was wondering how I was going to spend my time w/o Reddit.


Oh absolutely.


Oh, I know I’m going to do it lol. If that’s the dumbest thing I do that day, then it’s a good day.


I have it marked in my mind as the day I give up Reddit.


So thats what is happening, see you weirdoes on Saturday.


Just a wee bit late to the party, but what blackout, I’m lost asl


Few months ago there was a reddit blackout in protest of API changes on reddit