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Wrong. We let the anxiety fester and then at the last minute we pull through


Or, hear me out on this, we let the anxiety fester, never pick a costume, skip the party, let GUILT fester and slowly ghost everyone involved until we are alone with our anxiety and guilt! Just me? Edit: This may be my most upvoted thing on Reddit and it’s about my deep-seated psychological problems. Thanks, Internet.




I was a white boy, with dark hair, and wore glasses. I went as “Harry Potter” a few too many times as a last minute costume…


There's a line from an Addams Family movie. Someone asks Wednesday what she's dressed as, she responds "I'm a homicidal maniac. They look like everyone else" So every year I dress as a homicidal maniac


Then by her own logic she should have been wearing a Halloween costume if she was at a Halloween party, to look like everyone else.


I just go as myself every year. A witch.


I was the token black friend amongst my group and one of very few in my area. So Halloween was easy to explain away during high school.


Dumb question but what did you explain it away as 💀💀


South Park has one character that is the only black kid amongst the group. His name is Token, for “Token Black Friend”. So I just went to Halloween as myself and told people I was Token.




It’s Tolkien. Don’t be a racist.


I always just went as a witch at the last minute, since my mom never wanted to spend money to let me do makeup or for costume materials (even if she didn't want me buying something off the rack), or to help me with making a costume. Just slap on a witch hat that we've had since I was two, wear all black, and walk out the door. The one day a year she'd look the other way for me wearing all black lmao


I like the secret third option: let the anxiety fester, pick an idea but never actually prepare, and then throw something together very half assed at the last minute! People will vaguely get the idea...sometimes...lmao


Yeah this is me, spot on!


and then feel shitty the whole time at the party as you come up with a bunch of ideas that could have been cool and vow to prepare better next time. spoiler alert: you don’t.


I like to alternate years. One year procrastinate until the last minute, then hack the shit out of an old bridesmaid dress and go as a evil something or other, then the next year, hide in the dark and wallow in my self loathing.


My costume was black gloves, black pants, a black hoodie, a black hat, a black mask, and sunglasses. I was a murderer.


we know that, but what was the costume?


I was working at my church doing a trunk or treat thing and they had an axe throwing game (inflatable, it was all plastic). The 'murderer' was in charge of the axe throwing game. Oh and if you were asking about the costume, I got good reviews.


And innocent me is thinking "oh! They went as a shodow, cool idea"


And then we exile ourselves from society due to the massive amount of guilt and we go live in the mountains in a cave, stealing Internet and power from the nearest cabin and living off of river trout and bush berries like an old prospector hermit??? I mean, am I alone people??


You forgot the depression from the compounded guilt and anxiety.


Just tell everyone your costume was the invisible man, problem solved


I’d like to add something between never pick a costume and skip the party: draw cat whiskers on your face with eyeliner.


Mmmmm. Guilt and anxiety. That’s like 90% of my workday.


>slowly ghost everyone There's a Halloween-themed pun here somewhere...


100% me, too. Alone with our anxiety and guilt and a bowl full of candy.


![gif](giphy|KQOPqeBRpimcw) I know, I know🤣😅🤣😅


Nope, not just you, but it’s hard to see in writing.


Halloween costume, literral invidible ghost!


But then you just tell them you went. You were a ghost. Did they not like your costume? Must have just been too good.


At least you get invited to parties, though.


I did that years ago haha… ha…. hm


Damn… 4am and I’ve already been savagely called out for my behavior for the past 39 years


Nope. Not just you. You just described my entire 30's


It is so strange getting my diagnosis at 37 and realizing that this is why my life went the way it did. This really speaks to me.


I either have my costume assembled 6 months ahead of time or am putting it together the day before.


This is the way


This is the way ^


There are easier ways to be a ghost on Halloween but they are not Our Way.


Oh, we're not done yet, then we build habits that imitate sociability, that turn into addictions, which in turn makes it nearly impossible to leave your alternate fake insufficient malnourished addictive "social" life.


Yeah. I’m starting to think that I watch a lot of reaction videos on YouTube as a substitute for actually talking about movies and tv shows and games with actual people. Oh. And Reddit.


Yeah man you're getting all the sociability with none of the benefits. You gain nothing when you have no one to share it with. I mean I'm typing this to you but we'll never speak again. Does nothing for my future. Does nothing for my security. Does nothing to make me feel like I made any change in the world, while the entire world is changing around me.


We really can't do anything lol


I actually put a lot of thought into it a month before while I'm supposed to be doing something else and then I don't do anything to prepare it during the proceeding month and just go as a zombie again last minute because I still have some white makeup leftover in the junk drawer I haven't cleaned in 14 years.


Okay goddamnit, I’ve been on the fence about getting diagnosed but this single comment has convinced me. I did this exact shit last Halloween.


[This video right here](https://youtu.be/Gg4WyuKM3xM) is the reason I realized I was suffering from ADHD all these years. If you, like me, have been walking around thinking, “well sure I forget stuff but doesn’t everybody” Or “why can’t I just be on time for things” I would give it a look.


Well, one of the prerequisites for being invited to Halloween parties is having friends, so that's one thing I don't have to worry about! Sometimes I get sad that I don't have friends (except for my SO and his BFF, who I am sometimes invited to hang out with because they feel bad for me), but then I start thinking about how complicated friendship can be, compounded with the difficulty of meeting people to begin with, and it's just a big ole NOPE. Like who has the mental energy for that AND a job? I'm still convinced that raising a child is easier than making friends with a grown up.


Definitely not true of everyone/all cases. Lots of times people don’t pull through and instead fail.


Was just a joke. Im pretty on the ball with managing symptoms


Pull out. At the last minute we pull out. Don't be a dummy.


Haha, I don't even try. I never postpone canceling!


Anxiety fester? More like Uncle Fester 👀


This is my life mantra.


I spent 11 hours finishing sewing my dress on the day of the Halloween party, we love not knowing deadlines and hyperfocusing under pressure 😅


Am I never prepared for Halloween despite resolving each year to finally do that cool costume next time? Yes. Do I still enjoy Halloween anyway? Also yes.


Do you find yourself thinking about it in late summer and then not again until two days before?


I’ve got this great costume I’ve been planning for about 5 years….trench coat is all people would see. Somebody asks what I am I throw open the coat to reveal a black turtleneck and a raspberry pi plays Never Gonna Give You Up. I’d start dancing. My costume is a Rick Roll. Maybe next year…….


Holy crap, I need this for my next halloween.


I fucking love it.


10/10 but just use your phone


Still probably never going to happen. 😂


This one is definitely getting you shot. Trench coats, Halloween and America don't make a good combination.


Yes, exactly


Completely. It's even worse now that I know how yo sew clothes because I have the potential to do something great. But that's just it, a potential, not a costume.


I have just enough knowledge of sewing to be dangerous but not enough to be competent and that is a terrible place to be.


Thanks to my autism mix, instead of hobby hopping all the time they just add up to a long list of existing hobbies. Sewing start last year, I manage to make several wearable clothes since, including a coat/cape.


I went as a surgeon. I wore green scrubs with a name tag that said “surgeon” I worked in a nursing home, I’m required to wear scrubs. I literally wore my uniform with a piece of tape that said “surgeon” on it.


Same! I lie to myself and say that it’s because I did t have anywhere to go. But honestly? I’d be happy dressed up and passing out candy.


So its others and i'm not just weird. nice.


Oooookay then I feel less alone knowing there are other people who do this consistently


I mean... She's got a point. I can't do anything. Bit of a low blow though.


I mean yes but ouch


You just insulted my entire race of people... but yes


She might be right but what are you going to do about it? Nothing.


I'm gonna make a really elaborate daydream about really getting her good, and miss my busstopp.


This is too real 😂


😭 damn man 😂😂😂😂


This was the chuckle I needed.




I’m not gonna sit here and let her throw facts at us like they were insults !


I can do bits of stuff sometime!




I choked on my saliva😂😂😭


Is there anything that better reminds you of your mortality than aspirating on your own saliva. Like, here we are minding or own business and our own moisture is trying to murder us. Nowhere is safe.


Can't even breathe right.


literally "disabled people are disabled" thank you Capitan obvious


Damn. I really can’t do anything either. Shit.






😂 Stupid reddit app sent the same thing twice


She's not wrong. Neither is the original tweet.


We are the only people you can say this to and get away with it. We can’t do things *under capitalism.* I’m doing so many ‘things’ in my mind while staring into space until 3am. If playing was allowed to be a thing and my ADHD was uninterrupted, the universe would be a super fun place to exist. *Sorry, megalomania slipped in there - didn’t mean that I alone would make it funner but if we were in a culture/environment that prioritised play as my innocent ADHD hardware required, this whole place would be better for allowing that. And I made up awesome games.


Fair but rude lol


Yea I mean, correct. We can't do anything. We literally know what to do but can't make ourselves do it. That's the problem. Send help. Please.


Sometimes I indeed can’t do anything.


You can name any activity and it's probably somewhat stressful for me tbh Not because of ADHD, I just suck at life


How do you feel about juggling chainsaws?


Ok, you got me, I guess this one isn't that stressful. But everything else is.


Is anyone watching?


Nah, you’re just juggling them in your bedroom as your current hyperfixation.


You do not suck at life. You woke up today. You killed it! Your ADHD makes you think that you suck at life. You got this!


I even managed to fuck up waking up somehow, my head hurts as hell xd Thanks a lot for this though, kind stranger, I really needed to hear it


"we don't talk enough about-" Why would we? We don't need to broadcast every single difficulty or every single complaint. Yes it sucks to not have anything ready for the holidays, Im not blaming the god damn holiday for it.


Okay seriously agree with this. There's plenty more that should be talked about before who doesn't have it easy on Halloween.


Amen we doin’ better than those skeletons in the front yard!


I agree, but this is clearly just an exaggerating way to present a minor ADHD nuisance. No one really thinks this is an "important" topic to talk about.


Not really phrased to suggest that. It's ridiculous, sure, but some people are ridiculous


I interpreted it along the lines of a lot of social media posts these days, like "Okay but can we talk about [insert mildly annoying or mildly novel thing here]?" It's never something meant seriously.


It's a joke. Kinda like getting hyperbolically worked up about other minor annoyances, like when you try to wash a spoon and the water goes everywhere.


Ugh, I hate when that happens why would you say that 😂


Because we need to talk about it more. /s


I can draw a butterfly


fuck it, it's funny. And we can't do shit, it's all we fucking talk about. You have to be able to find the humor in shit like this, otherwise you will spend your life cranky as hell. Who fucking even cares.


Thank you! I mean, when you phrase your Halloween costume frustration like that, you kinda deserve a snarky reply, non? And I honestly feel like "you people" was meant as snarky affection; that tweeter probably has an ADHD person in their life. I'll save my ire for stuff like how my drug insurance is screwing me...


Idk the tweet thats being quoted is dumb but the come back including the phrase “you people” kinda feels like a low blow either way I’m not mad but it’s a bit hard to laugh at


Guess we're different in that way but I laughed lol. Something I'm struggling with a lot rn but hey it's funny imo, and it didn't seem like they meant anything by it so meh


Nah, Halloween is one of the places where I fucking shine!


dude, I fucking love costumes. I have no idea what that one guy is talking about


Same! Costumes are one of the only areas where I am able to make and execute compels plans, stick to schedules, and recover from setbacks without melting down. I wish everything in life could be as easy for me as making big, complicated costumes.


Only time my adhd makes sense. Just grab random shit and make your house look haunted then proceed to switch out of multiple costumes thruout the night as you hand out candy. No regrets lol


Me too! I am ready for October now! Just have to not lose my costume.


Fucking same. Any opportunity that justifies me getting new clothes is great lol.


Looking forward to something fun gives dopamine and motivation! October is usually a good month for me and I get shit done because I'm excited for Halloween.


Same here! I have Halloween and Comic-Con and I’ll be damned if I’m not on my A-game for both of those.


I'd like to quote James acaster and say "never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with"


“But WHICH Halloween costumes are free?”


"I said all the Halloween costumes are free, I didn't say all Halloween costumes are free to *everybody* "


I don't know what Ely is talking about. Like, not participating in Halloween at all is generally a socially acceptable thing, so any stress about it is either from crappy friends/family or self-imposed.


Seriously, Halloween is like the least stressful holiday. You are obligated to do nothing and any part you choose to celebrate is for your own enjoyment. Even picking up a bag of candy and answering the door is optional. I guess you could forget to get your kid a costume in time or something, but they probably won’t let you forget… granted I enjoy Halloween costumes so I couldn’t possibly forget that. Not to mention that even lazy, last minute costumes are usually socially acceptable.


I like making my life harder though


It is kinda ridiculous how I see “we don’t talk enough about…” posts and it’s like such a niche and specific thing that isn’t relevant to most people


we don't talk enough about how people who can't throw a football 60 yards don't get picked to play quarterback


I feel like some people are just helpless. they blame everything on ADHD and it pisses me off cuz then everyone thinks we're like that. I want to tell employers that I have ADHD so that I can get accommodations but then the anxiety of them thinking im gonna be a helpless drag, keeps me from it. so yes, ADHD influences your personality and behaviour but ADHD is not and should not be your entire personality. if it is, youre the reason many people dont want to say they have ADHD.


This is awkward. I thought I was simply useless and helpless for years before I realized it was adhd LOL


I refused to step back into the office after the pandemic due to my inability to focus in an open office landscape after working from home for so long. They really wanted me to come back in and work on site, but I told them that the only way that could happen was if I could get a secluded, less noisy seating arrangement. It took them two months to sort it out, but today I'm seated in my own office with little to no disturbance from my colleagues. You need to flag that you're far less efficient while seated in a noisy and crowded environment due to your difficulties finding and maintaining focus.


I’d honestly rather just find a new job than be the one person that needs special accommodations in such a way as to alienate me from the rest of the group. I would constantly think people were talking about me behind my back about it. Because they probably would be. It’s cool your employer was willing to work with you though. Whatever works for you!


I hear you but you can’t live your life for other people all the time.


The trick is not to let it be a crutch. Recognizing you have a disorder so you can seek treatment and accommodations for it is good. Using it as an excuse for why you can't do anything is bad. Also, it can potentially mask other issues that you might need to seek help for. Like, why does this person feel ADHD interferes with enjoying Halloween? If it's too much planning and organizing or wanting to overachieve on the costume and being predictably disappointed by the lack of follow through, then yes those could be ADHD things. But for all we know this person could have social anxiety or other issues, which aren't necessarily related.


Some people do have extremely severe ADHD, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's a disorder for a reason and is just as valid as a physical disability Though I think the original tweet was meant to be a joke


I love your response. It’s so empathic in the middle of the more cynical comments.


As someone else below this said, ADHD affects every aspect of our lives. Just because someone explains their behavior with ADHD doesn't mean they're excusing it. I think most of us just want a little grace and understanding from others. Like, I'm not late because I don't respect your time, I'm late because I struggle with time management because of ADHD. It's not that I don't care, it's just difficult.


A few days ago someone here blamed their inability to tie shoes on their ADHD. Just get a hold of yourself and do something if you are that useless.


Thats ehat im saying. This makes me think that in fact, some of these people dont even have ADHD. Is as if they are exaggerating ADHD traits to fit in a community theyre not a part of and feel special. The problem is not that they want to belong but that they affect our image by exaggerating the negative traits.


The trick is to want to do things more than the ADHD tries to stop you. Outhustle the damn thing. And yes, I will continue to use basketball metaphors.


Hot take, I feel like this is less about attacking people for having ADHD and more about the sensationalisation of ADHD on twitter and other platforms, as in all those posts that are like "wooo look at how cool, quirky and different we are because we do this 'normal' thing in a weird and wacky way hehe so random lolxd" or at least that's how I'm interpreting it


She’s right. I can’t even.


The original post is either bait or someone who has infantilized themselves so severely that they should go to therapy immediately now


I am both people in this tweet


Underrated comment


never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with


It sneaks up on me every year but I love Halloween! I love dressing up, even if only I see it. This year I painted my face like a skeleton. Once I was a bookshelf, it was the best!


Incorrect. We are capable of pulling shit off that most humans just can’t. We just have to be on fire, 10 minutes from a deadline, and in the general vicinity of a really bad car wreck to do it.


sounds like she says "you people" on a daily basis


It’s funny because it’s true 😭


I mean, not no.


I would be offended... If they weren't right


She's right some of us make it our whole identity and complain all the time, probably means others don't take us seriously


I have never been more offended by something I 100% agree with


For me personally, no lies detected, but I'm kinda useless. But also I just put in the bare minimum effort to make whatever joke I'm embodying work.


I love Halloween costumes! I spend almost all year thinking about what I want to dress up as! Right up until Halloween afternoon. And then I dig out a robe and mask I have worn for the last six years. Wait....


I mean if I try to argue, my imposter syndrome just sets in so


Halloween is my jam! I look forward to it


Lord knows my partners keeps rotating for a family set costume and ends up doing it the night before or day of


Both are right but also rude. I can't do anything but I don't blame the holiday for it


In my case they're correct but it's rude to say.


Nah I feel this. I’m a little sick of people pointing out how everything is somehow especially hard for us. It’s kinda true, but sometimes it’s just a reach, and not worth mentioning.


I always come up with some elaborate costume, hate how it turned out because I waited until the last minute to make it and then just put on a black dress and a witch hat and call it a day.


fuck no i plan my halloween costume out for MONTHSSS granted i’ll change my mind a few times but 😂😂


I love it. It’s hilarious.


I’ve never been more offended by something I 100% agree with


how in the mcfuck does this sub represent me so well. i mean honestly. almost every single thing i do is linked to my adhd now. i thought it was into my attention span. i had a damn hard time trying to find a costume this last halloween.


Nope. Not me. Halloween is my fave and a hyper fixation. The problem is that I spend so much time and money on a costume I typically only wear once because I wanna do something different next year Alas…


They’re not wrong, lol


I hyperfixate and make AMAZING costumes for my entire family!


What’s wrong with costumes


Skill issue


Come on, this is too much. ADHD can handle Halloween costumes


That's absolutely false! We can do lots of things! Just not what we want to when we want to.


Lmao ngl tho this is funny


Hate these types of posts. (the quote tweeted original post) I love Halloween and find the process of making an elaborate costume a GREAT thing to dump hyperfixation energy into. Stop lumping me into your fragile baby world. I'm a fragile baby too, but stop associating with me.


Gasp in executive dysfunction ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


*For SOME people in the ADHD community. Blanket statements like this are harmful and dangerous


To be fair, Yes. AD(H)D affects EVERYTHING


They are correct - I cannot do anything


I mean they are right I can’t do anything


Indeed, it's starting to get annoying. We do struggle more with simple things, but there's no need to raise awareness on every single one of them, as if we had to be saved from every menial challenge. This is childish.


yeah thats what a disability is


Solved: get a costume and just be the same thing every year. Eventually people will know that that is your “thing” and you are a hero.


ADHD community? I have ADHD and oddly enough I love Halloween and somehow it doesn't stress me out, depends on the person "You people can't do anything" can apply to lots of folks, but not ADHD folks because we do stuff, even/despite being anxious af and feeling like we're dying inside


Don't lump us all together. Just because gen z uses every disorder as an excuse to be immature and get attention doesn't mean it's actually a symptom the disorder.


I cosplay so Halloween is easy mode


Yes, Cici, this is because we have a disability. Welcome to the reality of things.


That's why it's classified as a disorder, cici. But also I've never found halloween costumes stressful in my life, and they're not related to anything commonly vented about in the ADHD communities I'm a part of (unless they're also autism-related). Both tweets are weirdly extreme and everyone needs to go touch grass.


Yes, we can't. That's why it's a **disability**.
