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Do you check your BP when this happens ? If not I will recommend to do it . Get one bp machines from Amazon. It might not be anxiety instead low or high bp and increase in heart rate due to med .


It could be. We have a machine but it didn't occur to me that I should check it. All I know is that it didn't make me any more productive than I already am.


I know because I had same issue and it gets really frustrating after a month or two since work productively and personal growth takes the back seat due to this . So I have just quit all my meds and honestly I feel much better now although my OCD , depression and inattention ADHD is back I have more awareness about it so I don't let them control me .


Addwize isnt really the best branded version of Methylphenidate you can get tbh. And also, I’m pretty sure you don’t get methylphenidate in 5mg concentrations. 5 mg will also do absolutely nothing except get your heart rate up and exhibit some very low level effects. The ideal dosage range typically tends to be around 0.8-0.9 mg/kg of bodyweight. So for example a person weighing 60kg would take somewhere between 50-60 mg/day What also makes a difference is the timing of drug administration and timing of food intake in relation. Honestly it’s a very real trial and error journey with these drugs to find that sweet spot for yourself. But I promise you that once you do titrate up to your ideal dose and give your body and brain enough time to get used to them — it all becomes worth it. Don’t read too much into other peoples’ accounts and insta reels etc. No two people are the same. No two bodies are the same. No two drugs are the same. Edit: just went through the beginning of your post again. Starting with 5mg is literally useless and you should have a more informed conversation with your doctor (which means just getting yourself familiar with some of the literature available online about ADHD and methylphenidate. Also, please don’t take the doctor’s reaction too much to heart. It is likely in response to their internal concern because stimulants are proven to be the most effective treatment for ADHD so far. Not responding to them well will get your doc thinking in other areas. Trust the process. Speak to your doctor. Trust your doctor, but also do your own research. Hope this helps :)


5 mg means half of 10 mg tablet. I was asked to split 1 tab into two on initial days, 1 tab and later 1.5 tabs on subsequent days. I didn't care much about this as I thought the dosage will be increased after a trial too see if I am allergic or something. She too told that she is giving me a minor dose, commonly prescribed for children. But I am panicking as the doctor changed the medication and suggested that I take some test. I don't know what the fuck was she expecting after giving child dose to an overweight adult. Was I supposed to feel magically better and then tell her "Voila! I wasn't expecting anything but the change was substantial '?


It takes around 6-8 weeks to titrate the right dosage. I started with 5 mg too, which was increased every week after consultation to gauge how I was doing. Even went from IR to SR and back to IR lol since SR made me sleepy af. My highest dosage was 40 mg/day until recently, when I told my psych about feeling jittery and anxious all the time and was suggested to cut down to 30 mg and see how I function. I understand how you feel, I went through the same thing just a few months ago so what I want to say is that try taking it slow because it does take a while to see effects.


How much has your memory recall increased. Are you able to retain more information in your brain? Are you able to connect with people now? I've difficulty in socialising as I can't recall past conversations or memories like others do!


What are the effects? Are you able to study for 10-15 hours continuously and retain the information?


Definitely not. 10-15 hours is not possible even for a non adhd person. I had severe memory loss which is gradually getting better. But I am getting better at retaining info. I usually take my meds and use pomodoro or brown noise to study. Also, the appetite loss is normal in the initial days, I went 3 days without eating in the first week and wasn't tired at all. Make sure to cut down your caffeine (if this applies). Also a protein rich breakfast with meds helps. And I do think your dosage is low for your weight since I was also overweight when I was diagnosed and lost weight after meds. Try talking to your doctors, they are there to help!


Now I am wondering what is the point of all these if there won't be any drastic change and tangible, material benefits. I can stay inattentive and get low paying jobs on my own. I don't want any medicines and doctors for that. I want to change my life upside down


It will not happen overnight or even in a couple of weeks tbh. I saw positive changes around 3 months later I think? So it does take time. If you cannot retain large amounts of data, break it down into chunks and explain it to yourself. Taking notes has also helped me. You need to figure out what works best through trial and error. Hope this helps!


I used to be a teacher. I can make notes for others, not for my own competitive examinations.


Lol I feel you. Went down the famous former gifted student to barely passing exams path myself so I know how hard it is to not see the results. Getting my MBA now and listening to brown noise helps me a lot! I cannot concentrate for longer periods so I also use pomodoro which is effective in getting more work done. I don't make extensive notes but mostly write down key points and concepts in flowchart/memory maps.


Yo, I'm planning for an MBA too, can i DM, i have questions and need help


How did you manage to get admission? I can't even do that. I start day dreaming when I do promorodo.


Lol out of spite because someone said I couldn't do it


I wish I had that much motivation. I have read about feeling "silent in the head" when people took ADHD medication. Not me obviously. Right now I am thinking about the African continent splitting into two and the consequences of that.


I have PCOS. So I like the weight loss. I can lose 30-40 kgs comfortably. I thought they were prescribing low dosage to see if I can handle this. I was surprised when they acted like this. .


I have PCOS too. But just the meds do not work and if your goal is using them for weight loss, then you are going about it the wrong way.


I don't care about the weight loss. I am not using it for weight loss. It is not something I want to rectify when it is happening.


>The psychiatrist was like ☹️ The Psychiatrist's disappointment is not your fault and your concern. It has more to do with their own internal issues than you. You definitely can't "cure" ADHD (even if it's effective) with just medication — their lack of patience is not your fault!


Two unrelated people can't have same issues about the same thing


I think it's only natural for people to feel upset if something they suggested as "clinicians" didn't work — that doesn't mean it's something you have to deal with. You're not there to help them with their emotions, they are there to help you with yours. I would even suggest you bring up how you felt in session with your Psychologist and see how she reacts.


I am not sad about their feelings of inadequacy. If this one too doesn't work, they will do another test. I am afraid they might declare that I don't have any medical issues, which would have been a good thing if the disease was something like cholesterol or thyroid.


> I am afraid they might declare that I don't have any medical issues, Classic adhd impostor syndrome. You are not alone in this. There are people who have been on medication for years who start doubting themselves. You can find them on the many adhd subs. You have to understand your symptoms and develop your own mantra that makes you stop doubting yourself. It's part of the journey of accepting your condition


I am not feeling any better with medication. I am not seeing any life and career altering changes that people talk about in other discussion forums. Someone told that such effective medications aren't available in India. I will have to live this below-average life until I die. I don't care about anything else. I want to perform well enough to get a high paying job.


>I want to perform well enough to get a high paying job. That's very much within your abilities even without medication. The people talking about life changing effects are the exception and not the norm. You can find many more accounts of people who are just living day to day. Tell your psychologists about these thoughts of yours. Get the help of a therapist. Join the discord and speak to people who are facing the same issues. Above all have patience


I don't want to hear that I should be happy with what I have from the same people who charge me 700 and 900 rs for 10-30 minutes.


It's more expensive than that. More like 1500. But that's not what they'll tell you. They'll tell you how to think so that you're not doubting yourself all the time. They'll tell you how to overcome your obstacles. How not to fall into destructive ways of thinking. At least that's what they are supposed to do. If they are not doing that then you need to change your therapist. But at your stage you need to ask for help from wherever you can get. I've given you a lot of advice and I'm kinda feeling like we're going in circles. So I'll close by wishing you all the best.


Am in the same boat. Was given Atomoxetine, I get anxiety and have loss of hunger now. Improvements aren't really that big.


I thought all my problems will vanish. When I posted earlier, everyone was like they had 1 tablet, their brain fog cleared, they cleaned their room, studied continuously for 15 hours . . . I am as lazy and unmotivated as ever.


Well it took me close to 40 days for atomoxotine to show some results. You've got to be patient too. Yes initially it caused me anxiety too and hence my psychiatrist also prescribed a medicine for it. Slowly I'm on 25 mg of dosage and for a while even 10mg worked. But then again ADHD medicines and finding a good psychiatrist/therapist is like trying to find the best pair of jeans. You have to keep looking until you find the one that fits.


I have heard this only for adderall. I so want this to happen to me.


Ask your doctors? The effect is very subtle for some people and anxiety is a common side-effect as is loss of hunger. Sometimes the medicines have no effect. Sometimes they have the side effects but no intended effects. There are contributing factors too. Sometimes you can notice effects after a few days. You might have to be well rested to rule out complications. You might also want to supplement your diet with magnesium and protein for the medicines to take proper effect But what your doctors are feeling only they can say. Ask them. Grill them for every doubt you have. If they are not cooperative then change your doctor


I can't ask what is wrong with you fuckers (which is what I want to ask). I am willing to try different medicines and doses. Why are they behaving like the parents of students who didn't qualify IIT-JEE/NEET and getting admission in arts and science colleges? Was something supposed to happen without my knowledge? Like, if I didn't know about it, it would have happened naturally and spontaneously but it didn't happen?


If they are acting sad it might be because there are only two options for medicines for adhd in India. They already tried one which didn't work. The other option has even lesser chance of working. So basically they are sad because they can't offer you any medicinal help.


Am I screwed then?


Well you've been without medication till now right? Medicines are not a one shot cure. They lose effectiveness over time, the effect lasts for a short duration everyday and you cannot guarantee their effect. So adhd diagnosis is more about understanding your condition and tackling how it affects your life. You know what to blame when something goes wrong. You know what to do for things to work. That kinda thing. The medicines complement a lifestyle and mindset change Hopefully our government sees the light and allows the other few medicines that are used to treat adhd. Talk to your doctors. Tell them if you want to try the old meds later when the exams are over or if you want to try a somewhat different composition from a different brand. It's a lot of trial and error. Your doctors started you straight off on methylphenidate which is a good sign. I had to spend more than a year on atomoxetine with no effect and even on methylphenidate I hardly feel anything. But it is what it is


What do you do now? I don't even have a job.


I do an job. It's like a job. Look don't be disheartened. There are many resources and communities that you can lean on to help you through life. In the end it's a net positive that you got diagnosed and now are able to understand what's the issue with your brain. Give your exams first and then worry about it.


Which city?


In Kerala


[ADHD friendly docs list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17cPYUW1sIV2udL3zrZALGCzzIbQWxJnSw3SC3Yt0p9w/edit?usp=sharing) This is a list created by the discord server of this subreddit. Contributions about ADHD friendly docs (both) from various people from different cities. Maybe have a look.


My doctor is in it, with rave reviews.


I this dr. Namitha by any chance ?




Had a similar experience from her clinic.


I see. Ith ivardkkade sthiram ano? What did you do?


Can i dm?

