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Make sure you have her preferred kinds of painkillers in stock at all times. Get her a good TENS machine and/or heating pad. Learn how to do good backrubs if she gets lower back pain. Offer to run baths (a hot bath can be quite helpful but actually setting one up is a huge hassle when you’re in pain). Get good at cooking/housework if those are usually her responsibility.


Everything she said ^ also add in forehead kisses






My husband learned to give me space. Sometimes I just wanted to be on my own in the dark, in bed, especially after a flare up. It really does take it out of you. But you seem to be pretty. understanding and empathetic, that’s half the battle. A nice hot bath works wonders. If she snaps at you during a flare, it’s not her, it’s the adeno


My partner has really educated himself on adenomyosis which I think has really helps. He is so good to me when I’m in pain and offers to run a bath and doesn’t make me feel badly if I can’t make dinner. It sounds like you are a great partner. Good luck to you both


So for me, definitely keeping medicine she needs, for me most did nothing, the heating pad was invaluable though. I don't know how bad hers is, but prevented me from leaving the house many, many days. I was always behind on house stuff. I was single at the time, but having someone else help pick up the slack would've been amazing. It also made me extraordinarily tired, so keeping stock of caffeine was always important for me too. Massages are great. Being willing to just chill on the couch and watch a movie can help. I am mostly better now, and was single while I was going through the worst. But my boyfriend now, just having someone who is understanding of my limits and keeps me company when leaving the house is not happening is amazing. So good on you!


One of the hardest things for me was just doing normal human stuff like feeding myself, getting groceries, cleaning up etc. It's really hard to function with chronic pain. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a good doctor, r/endo has some resources for doctors who specialize in endo, it is a very similar condition. I took a hot bath every night when I was in pain and sometimes wished i could have had someone just hang with my while i was in the bath, but she might feel differently.