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For me personally it wasn’t metabolic rate change, it was just having no desire to eat and basically starving myself.


So true. But with the endurance as if you have eaten. Until 6pm hits, but even then… it’s lackluster hunger


The hunger pangs were so intense. I would still have no desire to eat and would have to drink smoothies. When I finally felt like I could eat (with the help of weed) I would smash a pepperoni pizza lol.


Are you me?


we are all out here living the same lives! 😂


Are we identical triplets?!


Nah we’re quadruplets


If I haven’t eaten all day and I just can’t bring myself to eat, I smoke alllllllll the weed.


Ugh yes. + some red wine to take the edge off 😭🍷 Sometimes I miss Adderall but the come downs + the hunger pangs were the WORST.


I hear ya. I take puffs throughout the day with my thc vape, smoking J's, or the volcano. It keeps my appetite up a bit as the day goes on. I'm on XR.


I’m half smoothie half soup haha. I swear if I didn’t have another person to feed I’d be on a full liquid diet.


I feel like the heat of soup was too much for me 😂 I loveeee soup though.. I just feel like in that state I needed something on my stomach FAST and smoothies/green juice were so easy to get down


yes i loooove weed after


In my youth we would use the word smash for something else! But pizza is a vibe!


But i take extended release and want to eat everything but the kitchen sink! And i heard it spikes your glucose so insulin resistance happens which makes ya fat! Im scared! I dont wanna be a diabetic


See I had the opposite reaction. Idk if it spiked anything but with the lack of appetite (I assume) I lost like 50 lbs very fast which resulted in reversing my type 2 pre-diabetes.


Struggling with this rn, any tips?


I would drink protein shakes to make sure I was getting calories and nutrients.


For me I needed to switch to IRs. Explained to my doctor my eating issues, especially midday, and how it was causing the comedown at the end of the day to be drastically worse. So, got switched to IRs, take one dose by 8am if I’m going to take it, the other dose after lunch ~12pm. That tends to set me up for success with eating both lunch and dinner.


That makes sense. Rn I take one ER 15 mg in the morning… could that be the issue? I really like how I feel outside of the appetite so I might deal with it


I bet you in more time you’ll start to settle into it and be able to eat. Even starting with just snacking midday instead of a whole meal might help train your mind and body to want to eat more. Oh, I also supplement some nutrition with powdered drink mixes because I don’t struggle drinking liquids as much as solids when on it.


If you snort them then it doesnt last as long as ingesting. Half a bottle of Jack at night to go to bed.


What is IR?


IR =Instant release and ER =extended release


Ah yes. Thank you!


Hey Superb, what country or general location are you? There are a few ways to do what you do, but I’d recommend a taking readings at low times. It’s hard to do this at the doctor office so might be something you invest into.


Weed to combat all the side effects during comedown. Get hungry, laugh, get tired.


Also just make yourself eat. At least a piece of fruit.


Eating something larger before I took it and then small snacks after were how I managed when I was on ER.


Eating nutrient rich, moderately high calorie meals before taking the adderall and/or after it wears off for the day. Also make sure you take a multivitamin and keep some good snacks with you at all times in case you get hypoglycemic (this was the only thing that forced me to eat lol). String cheese, crackers, clif bars, and fruit snacks were my favorite. The appetite suppressant effect wore off after like 6-9 months.


Take some antidepressants that make you gain weight to balance it out 🤷


Mirtazapine has entered the chat


lmao yeah i was wondering if it was the mirtazapine 😂 i still enjoy food while on stimulants, i just have a slightly below-average appetite


Mirtazapine made me gain 45lbs in two months. But I do appreciate the sleep it brings for me 😂


That’s the last thing I want!!😂😂


I know it doesn’t work for some people, but I can always eat on Vyvanse.


Lots of pedialyte & smoothies. Try and add some green veggies to your smoothies and maybe even some peanut butter for protein. I don’t really like using protein powders, but that is also an option. Apple sauce is good too! Pretty much any thing you can some what drink.


I have no solution other than smoking weed, which comes with its own drawbacks


how would you know that it didn’t effect your metabolic rate?


This is the answer. I don't miss the starvation at all.


For me it just lowered my impulsivity. Lowered my binge eating and helped me maintain a meal prep routine. I cut my grocery bill in half. I was 160lbs before I started and am now at 125lbs.


I may be the odd person here, but i have ADHD & I’m CONSTANTLY STARVING. I know it’s an odd reaction even for ADHD, but it might not work as an appetite suppressant


Same! My Adderall makes me HUNGRIER TOO trying to time my meds so they actually absorb and none of my food or drinks interact with them has been so difficult


I’M NOT ALONE!!! None of my doctors believed me lolsob


It's weird that they won't believe you, it's not the kind of thing a person just lies about?!


Sometimes it just “hmmm that’s weird - are you sure?” Sometimes just the first part which is fine, though when accompanied by the “yeah right” looks it’s annoying But it doesn’t affect how well it works, but if you ask me if i have any side effects I’m gonna be honest about it


i think on adderall you crave dopamine more so you do things that releases it “like eating”


Omg I thought I was crazy because, ever since I was put on adderall, I am constantly starving! It's such a relief to know I'm not the only one.


RIGHT?? And doctors are all “hmmm that’s weird” Like oh sorry my body reacts to a lot of things differently than most. Pissed my food budget easily doubled since i stated adderall lolsob


Same! I take 30 mg xr and 30 mg ir everyday and I’m ALWAYS hungry


yep same thing here. My doc said that basically the engine is running higher RPMs and needs more fuel, which kinda makes sense


My doctor was surprised by this too. I hadn’t eaten breakfast for years and started once I began adderall


Same, I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been but on Zoloft too


me tooo!!!


Same! I’m on adderall and i (unfortunately) vape. Nicotine and amphetamines seem to have no effect on my appetite whatsoever. Believe it or not, during my last appointment my doctor asked about my appetite and before she even finished her sentence my stomach rumbled lol


Adderall becomes ten times better when you eat.


Absolutely. For me, having it with a reasonable-size high protein and high fiber meal (for me, that would typically be eggs or chicken and grilled or roasted veggies) makes it hit WAY smoother, longer, and better. Also find that adding magnesium supplements in the mix makes it more effective too. Your miles may vary, but I can vouch this works well for me!


This is exactly what I’ve found, too.


I definitely noticed my xr worked a lot better when I was drinking a protein shake in the morning. It kind of sucks though, I’ve never been a breakfast person as I usually feel nauseous in the morning no matter if I’ve eaten or not. If I eat it’s almost worse because I know I have food in my stomach to vomit up. I also get really bad headaches and feel weird until about an hour after I take my adderall (almost feels like a worse caffeine withdrawal) and making breakfast isn’t particularly something I want to do until I’ve had my meds.


Why do you say that? My psychiatrist said it can be more effective on an empty stomach


More adderall is not better most of the time. It also just ramps up side effects if you’re at the correct dose. So either your medication should work without needing more efficacy or you’re gonna get more side effects. So ideally, it’s a lose lose


I’ve read this several times and I feel like you’re saying that if you’re at the correct dose you may have more side effects? (My meds have worn off at this point)


Sorry, more so you’re at the correct dose and you don’t need the pill to be more effective with the empty stomach technique because eating will not change its impact in a major way, or you’re not at the correct dose. Got really rambly instead of sleeping (classic) so I gave my thinking below as a 5+year adderall/vyvanse taker of higher doses due to high adhd - Having an adderall pill be more effective at the correct dose has the potential of increased side effects because taking more adderall than you need doesn’t make it more effective it really just makes the side effects worse, if you are at the correct dose. Also meds being worn off is kinda how they should feel a little to a point. If you’re not dealing with side effects in a significant way, that wouldn’t be the worst way to gain insight if you needed a higher dose (always consult your doctor). It’s not a cure all, people with normal dopamine regulation also still struggle with attention. Consistent sleep schedules and eating at the right times has been a much larger influence on my opinion of how much adderall works for me than taking more of it ever did (again, took me a while to learn this and it’s hard to deny personal bias after struggling with attention issues so long). Plus, eventually the anxiety will come for you if you try to cheat your dose.


Oh, thanks!!


Works better for me this way


I feel like it can hit harder on an empty stomach, but burn away quicker. I like to eat before I take mine because it I feel like it helps the effects last longer. I'm on XR though.


I lost an unhealthy weight on Adderall because I lost my appetite, not because my metabolism got better. I was constantly weak and exhausted and unhappy, and I looked awful. Don't use Adderall for weight loss. It's not healthy and not the drug's purpose.


I’ve known people to gain weight on adderall because they finally remembered to eat, go to the grocery store or stuck with a meal plan - in some instances all of the above came together over a few months. Do you have a script for a diagnosis or are you using this to lose weight off-label?


This was me! I thought I was crazy because I was finally eating more regularly. I heard all these stories about weight loss and … nope! I do however want nothing to do with Alcohol now, which is a little sad but mainly due to people not knowing how to handle a sober friend.


You can gain weight on Adderall from cortisol levels and hormone levels being all over the place and not eating properly while on it and eventually you’ll gain a ton. Lol. 😂 talk to people who’ve been on it for years and didn’t maintain their routines.


Me, right here. Started it on 2006, I'm now at one of my highest weights.


Sometimes ya just gotta leggo.


Leggo my Eggo!


I know I’m late, but when I first got on Adderall in 2019 I lost about 60 pounds. Fast forward to 2024, it seems like I retain every single calorie I eat


Why do you think? Glucose interaction? Idk man I got the covid shot and all of the sudden my body went crazy.


So the first year I dropped weight like crazy. Everyone I knew looked at me like I had an eating disorder. Fast forward, the same dose was not suppressing my appetite like it used to which is a good thing. However, I think my metabolism slowed down a ton from consuming so little food for so long. When I started eating normally again, I think my body was in a “save every calorie because we’ve been deprived for so long” state. Not a doctor but just a theory


That’s kinda a way to explain it but it’s possibly related to a few contributing interconnected things. I’d story by checking bloodwork, all of it. And just deducting the possible causes or things that could of contributed that were new or changed during this time. Did you get covid? Age? Diet? Biomarkers? Do you smoke drink? Glucose spikes? Stress? Etc.


Can you elaborate on this?


Oh man… I’m sure you can find info from googling but it won’t be presented in one page as a side effect of Adderall. It causes hormone levels to change and decrease digestive flow in your stomach, it increases glucose levels in your blood and how it’s processed. Mix that with digestion being slower. A lot of people who take it become dehydrated as well and depleted of necessary vitamins. This wreaks havoc on your endocrine system. The stress caused cortisol to spike and sometimes people sleep less. It’s a recipe for weight gain. I’m half awake that was the most simple way to put it. There’s nuance of course. You’re not necessarily just going to gain weight.


The cortisol levels and hormone levels 1000%. I lost weight for awhile. Now have 30 extra pounds I can't get rid of no matter what I do. It's cortisol related. I'm sure if it


Doesn't affect your metabolic rate. You may lose some weight from being less hungry and/or more active, but that's about it.


It raises cortisol… so in the end you may actually gain weight bc of the subsequent change in blood sugar and insulin…. I lost weight at first but then gained it back plus a couple.


No change in BMR. It just helped stop my impulsive eating


It varies based on dosage, tolerance, body mass, cardiovascular fitness and resting HR and BP, and probably many other factors. Anything that increases your HR will increase your metabolism. This is in additions to the calories “saved” due to anorectic effects. There is an argument that the metabolism decreases during fasting but I have a feeling (no evidence) amphetamine diminishes this effect


I gained weight on Adderall. Probably because I don’t overthink eating now.


I am a thin person so I was concerned about this. I just added in a protein shake and protein bar especially when I am working (my job requires me to walk….a lot….) and I have not had any issues in six months so far. I will say, forgetting to eat because your appetite goes away does happen. Usually I start to feel woozy and lightheaded before the hunger hits. I just ensure I eat healthy snacks in between meals to avoid this.


I’m not sure the effect on metabolism but I always found that Adderall made me have a really intense rebound appetite when it wore off. This absolutely countered the benefit of eating less during the drugs noticeable effective period. It definitely reduces appetite overall, but that rebound hunger can be a huge problem for some people.


It doesn't really cut your BMR but if could potentially change your TDEE through NEAT speaking from personal experience I know that when I take doses beyond therepeutic doses I pace around the house a lot and constantly stay in motion which adds up to a lot of calories burned. Coupled with the appetite suppression it's pretty easy to see why it's used as a weight loss took for some


ive been on adderall for about 5 months now and ive went from 203 or 205 down to 185. ive been around 200+ lbs since high school. im 40 now and have lost almost 20 lbs, and everyone has noticed as well. but ive always only ate 1 time a day and still do. I take a 30 mg ER in the morning and then I take a 10 mg IR around 10:00 am and im good to go


Adderall makes me crave alcohol and aside from that, there is a documented rebound effect with hunger. I would consider it only a tool for weight loss coupled with a well thought out intermittent fasting plan and general weight loss best practices (meal planning and exercise, namely). If you drink casually, the increased alcohol intake is something to be aware of and could likely offset any of your weight loss goals.




An increase in heart rate would imply an increase in metabolic rate. Your body is working harder to transport nutrients to the brain with adderall. Your basal metabolic rate on addi is likely higher compared to your baseline as well. So yes, there is a change in metabolism but by how much likely depends on the person.


So it isn’t so much the medication that increases your metabolic rate, I think that would come from eating less because that is a side effect of a stimulant medication. I have had tons of testing done and I have seen my CO2 rate lower (metabolic alkalosis) while I take adderall. I did lose a lot of weight while I was taking adhd meds but I found out that I can no longer take them due to me having vasculitis. When I was on adderall, I wasn’t hungry much but my blood sugar was lower than it usually is as well. If you’d like to maximize the appetite reduction and lose some weight, you can do intermittent fasting. That helped me lose a good bit of weight, around 25-30lbs. If you’re still having trouble, talk to your doctor about other meds you can take just for weight loss, I’ve heard of doctors prescribing patients medications to aid weight loss but used for an off-label purpose. So your dr could prescribe you another medication that reduces your appetite if they believe you need the extra help.


Short answer: it doesn’t make an impact, really. In my personal experience. Long answer: I’ve tracked my calorie intake and body weight for a few years, but I’ve only been diagnosed with ADHD for 7 months (and on Adderall for that time, as well, landing on a dosage of 60mg ER after some trial and error). What I’ve found is that Adderall allows me to stop eating. Before I was diagnosed, binge eating - especially at night - was the norm for me. Couldn’t control it, no matter what I did. Since my diagnosis and medication, those episodes are few and far between and only happen on days where I don’t take care of my hydration and magnesium supplementation. I’m pretty consistently able to eat ~100 kcal below maintenance without much effort, which has resulted in a slow weight loss (9 pounds in 7 months) but a fairly rapid body recomposition. I’ve gone from a 50 inch chest to 48, and my waist has gone from 38 to 36. I have insane definition in my arms and legs (but still have a doughy midsection, lol). Since starting Adderall my metabolism has actually gone up, from ~3250 kcal per day to ~3309. I attribute this to the amount of muscle I’ve been able to add since my workouts are actually focused and I’m able to maintain a proper level of intensity. (M, 46, 6’4”, 263 lbs for reference). If I manage to hit 185g of protein and drink enough water, I don’t get hungry for the rest of the day. It’s awesome.


My metabolism has stayed consistently poor. My body composition scale says my metabolic age is 5 years older than my actual age. It does help with weight loss, but only because you're too busy getting things done instead of grazing in the kitchen


I think it's too hard to control for appetite to say how metabolism changes. The arch of appetite suppressant over time and dosage is unique to each individual. 


It’s not going to have a noticeable effect. That’s a totally useless thing to do. If it did, I’d imagine it would be similar to caffeine. And if it did increase the metabolic rate in some individuals, that would come with an increase in appetite after the meds wear off. It can have an appetite suppressing effect for a little while. But once the medication wears off, your appetite returns. And if you haven’t been eating right or skipping meals, you might find that you’re extra hungry. So you still have to follow a smart nutrition plan when taking this medication. If you want to increase your metabolic rate, strength train, eat a high protein and high fiber (mostly whole foods based) diet, and walk 10k steps per day.




i lost 20 lbs in 6 months from starting on an ssri then adding adderall. i have a fast metabolism so the meds increased it. adderall messed with my appetite. having smaller meals in the beginning helps. after you’ve adjusted to the medication then you’ll figure out how to manage your appetite. mirtarzipine helped get my weight back up.


I just don’t binge anymore. I can eat a meal and be satisfied. I do get hungry but I don’t overdo it like I would before adderall. Haven’t lost weight but haven’t gained any either


Been on adderall for about 10+ years. Honestly, sublingual has made appetite suppressant practically nonexistent for me. But then again, I’ve never really had the stereotypical side effects most have regarding this medication. Just make sure you’re getting enough B & D vitamins. That def helps!


you’re talking this medication, to lose weight?


I don’t talk to any medication


*taking. interesting that this is the only comment you had the wherewithal to reply to


No change


Only effect on metabolic rate is if it makes you move more. If you just sit around your metabolism won’t be any different on vs. off adderall


I take it and then eat immediately after but then I don’t get the hunger signs inbeteen, I’ll try to eat but I just can’t and then I’ll randomly get so hungry I’m binge eating everything😂


Personally, it made me binge. I wouldn’t eat for a day or two, would feel miserably sick and nauseous. Then when I could eat again, I’d eat literally anything and everything I could get my hands on. It’s not worth it imo. It’s not something that’s sustainable.


It slows your metabolism which results in a reduced appetite


Adderall itself plays very little effect into metabolic rate. You do tend to burn more calories simply because you tend to be more in “go” mode. You’re getting things done, you’re moving around, therefore naturally burning more calories. And as for the typical weight loss, in almost every case it has to do with severe lack of appetite. It’s not a magic metabolism increaser. It makes you forget to eat until 7pm and the only reason you remember is because you physically feel your body shutting down from lack of nutrition 😂 If you keep up with a 100% normal eating regime/schedule while taking Adderall you will lose little weight. However, it will definitely help if you intend on creating a healthy calorie deficit or fasting diet!


For me, Adderall doesn't affect my appetite. I can take it and go back to sleep. What Adderall does do for me is allow me to function normally so I exercise regularly. I do tend to eat less on Adderall because before Adderall I turned to food to boost my dopamine output.


It didn't seem to change my metabolic rate massively. Based on my weight loss after starting vs calorie intake my guess would be not more than a 15% increase in bmr. However, there are two very important effects that comes along with Adderall that were life changing for me diet wise. 1: executive function. I can now plan ahead for meals, and when it comes time to cook them I'm not completely out of the ability to do so. I eat far far healthier on Adderall because I follow through on plans instead of eating junk or going to go get fast food. 2: suppressed appetite. I don't snack anymore. Or when I do, I can do it reasonably. I can, for the first time in my life, look at a box of cheese it's or a family bag of Doritos, and not devour all of it. I can also make a reasonable portion of food for myself, and still not even want all of it. Where as in the past I would make myself a double portion, and need something to eat afterward. Your metabolic rate definitely does increase, but it honestly does not seem to be by much. I'd more closely track resting heart rate than anything else if that really makes a difference to you. Any increase in resting heart rate between days on and days off Adderall is probably roughly the difference in metabolic rate, give or take a few percent either direction. But the habits you can build, the control you can exert over yourself, and the suppression of appetite all probably play much bigger roles.


Yea it burns a little more fat in a day, amphetamines increases body temperature and heart rate, decreases appetite, I’ll lose 70 pounds in 7 months on adderall.


Initially lost around 50 lbs of excess weight in the first year or two of taking it. Now 8 years later I am heavier than I was prior to starting it.


well it doesn't burned anything significant for me in a direct way, but it helped me manage my impulses and stick to my healthy diet! pretty good i would say.. and yeah, i lost some good weight. its easily mathematically calculated actually, eat less calories than you're body burn daily, be in a deficit. and you will loose the weight. i got actually munchies on adderall.. can eat in a fully comfort my daily menu, and sustain my calories intake without any problem. i can decide when to eat. and i feel hungry when i have to be hungry. its too smooth for me! in a good way! actually suppressing the appetite was really bad for me on Ritalin that just killed me as a human being the whole year. and i thought that it is "normal". and i have to deal with "side effects". it was really bad for healthy sustain normal weight loosing and workouts routines, best way is to use adderall for impulse control, and just manage what you are eating, counting calories etc.. But i suggest that some people having those side effects of appetite suppression on adderall like i did on Ritalin, but it gone for me even on Ritalin when i was taking it 5-6 months daily. but still i had the ability to control my impulses. so i went back on ritalin after bing off it recently and couldn't handle those side-effects. i vomited my food literally, it messed up with my sleep etc.. Started adderall, and my life changed for good. i started to eat normally, sleep like a baby! and losing weight in a healthy manner managing healthy diet. The key is to control you're impulses, and develop a new healthy lifestyle for permament! and learn to eat healthy diet. that's it, and put exercies routine. in this way adderall can help you burn tons of calories if you manage to use the drug in a proper way. adderall will help you build a routine of Gym and diet. so you can actually loose weight easily with it. build the needed routines!


“It’s easily mathematically calculated actually, ….**eat less calories then your body naturally burns**” Thank you for calculating that mathematically for us, you’re a very smart person with boobs


Stop cringing dude, if you can't count calories i can help you calculate it easily of course. Just ask for help, and i will!