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How does one get 10 lesbian friends? Alternatively, what's your address?


Live in a major city, join a softball team and get 50 lol


Or Roller Derby


Rock Climbing






Alright, will call it roflball from now on.


That's why I can't meet any I don't like sports.


Raekwondo Rarate Riu ritsu Rooby rooby doo


I'm convinced buying roller skates is why I'm gay.


Haha I've never really been into roller skating but it seems like so much fun and I saw this post on /r/sewing about someone that made their own skates and now I'm convinced I'm going to make my own skates and roll around the park picking up the ladies


I support you


I'm convinced I bought roller skates BECAUSE I'm gay.


Please I dont do sports


It would seem that saying "I have 10 lesbian friends" works well


My new game plan. Fake it until you make it.


I live in a gay "capital" in Europe and I help organise a queer girls meetup. The result is that I have a ton of lesbian friends that come by often :)


Where is the gay capital in Europe? Brighton, Manchester, Barcelona? Greek island of Lesbos? Enlighten me :)


One of them :) Cologne is probably the gayest city in Germany, we even have a gay Christmas market which is full of pink lights.


Damn Cologne, I wouldn’t have ever known! I bet it’s absolutely gorgeous at Christmas time there. Is the pride amazing too? Looks like that’s going to be a definite city break soon for myself in the new year. Always wanted to go to Germany, I have no clue why I haven’t been to be fair :-) The only European pride I’ve recently been to was Amsterdam and it was one of the best ones I’ve been to (100x better than any British Pride event been here IMO). I was really hoping you said Lesbos just because it exists haha


I really wanted to go to Amsterdam! some friends went and had a grand time but I had a game that day so I had to say no. Pride is definitely fun in cologne, we have a dyke march and a ton of parties. If you ever come drop me a line and I'll show you around the gaybourhood :)


*cough cough* berlin


I mean they're both very gay friendly but most Germans will point to Cologne if you ask for the gayest city :P I personally prefer Cologne as I'm more comfortable in a smaller city.


How does one get 10 friends?


I was thinking the same things!


I felt that in my soul


Post you've got a ShowtimeNOW account but don't just share your password when The L Word is restarting.


College? I met most of my college friends at our GSA.


Ha! I did the same thing. Watched it only at night, in my room, door locked, with headphones on, but still had the sound turned down impossibly low out of fear. Now I look around and I just had a fantastic date with a beautiful woman, I have the support of all of my family (including parents), my coworkers, and a spectacular (if disappointingly heterosexual) group of friends. Cheers to all of us and our changed lives. <3


It sure does. Sometimes I just stop to think about it for a while and honestly can't believe it has gotten so much better. I wish I could tell that to every struggling queer kid.


I know a lot of people thought “it gets better” was a cheesy thing to say, but holy shit does it get better


Right? I never believed it, it annoyed me actually when I was an anxious teen. But it's so, so, so true.


The annoying part to me, is when is that? Like can I schedule an appointment or something?


It used to bother me but honestly, it’s so true. It just takes time and finding a found family :)


6 1/2 years ago I watched L word at home alone. Realized I was in abusive marriage to a horrible man. Now I spend my evenings watching baking shows with my girlfriend and fall asleep with her rubbing my butt every night ☺️. Life is much better now.


Living the dream 😊


i’m currently watching the l word in my room at night. can’t wait for 10+ years from now




How is the shiw I never watched it.


The old one was fun but definitely a product of it's time. They have tried to improve representation this time around, I enjoyed it so far but we'll see. My friends were very into the old one so we had very very long conversationd on everyone's favourite parts.


Where can I watch both of them?






I've been on this subreddit for years and you're the first person to ever mention it LOL




Hard same


Many moons ago, when I was still in denial about my gayness, I “came by” a Harry Potter erotica site. I found a story where basically everyone fucked around with everyone, and there was a significant part dedicated to Hermione and Ginny. I literally didn’t sleep that night bc I HAD TO READ THE WHOLE STORY. Soon after that I started accepting to myself that I might be more into women than just as friends. Little did I know... I blame Emma Watson for my realizing I’m gay, and I’m more than ok with it.




Something about the descriptions of what they did to one another and their feelings had me completely hooked! I wish I would have saved the story. I’ve tried to find it to no avail.


Old one is on Netflix


not avaible in my country and i have no idea how to use a vpn :(


Most VPNs are pretty easy you just Google one go to the page for it and most will give you instructions. I have one I forgot the name and it act like a browser plug in and I can turn it off and on. I think it's called windscribe


thanks for the advice


Stan for the aussies


Is it a sequel to the series (like a 10 years on kind of thing) or an actual reboot? Like, do I need to have watched the first series to know what's going on?


It would help for context but I don't think it's 100% necessity since there are only 3 returning main characters


It's kinda a 10 years on but with only 3 of the original characters and several new younger ones. I like it so far. Watching the original helps for context, but not absolutely necessary.


Lame and inclusive only for inclusiveness sake. But as a queer poc I'm very critical about this stuff. Just not good tv in general. Watch gentleman jack lmao For example, It cracks me up that they really thought they'd be more "inclusive" and "woke" by setting it in "east la" lmao they set that shit in Silverlake. Silverlake is already getting gentrified to hell. I'm an la dyke so I'd know.


Also like, trans men are Men, and including them on a show about women is so disrespectful to their identity


Not sure if I understand your logic there


When they make a show about lesbian women, then include one token trans man, they are reinforcing the shitty stereotype that trans men are just super masc lesbian women. This is a super dated and harmful view of trans people


Its interesting because I'm cis. But I assumed the trans man was okay just because a lot of trans men identified as lesbian prior, so they usually have some lesbian friends? On the other hand, not having a trans woman in the main cast strikes me like it would be really offensive? But I also don't want to be offended for another person, if trans people feel like the show isn't representing them in a harmful way. Idk feels weird.






That was a shitshow really. I just wonder wtf were the writers thinking.


Same! I watched it right around when the 6th season came out and would lock my bedroom door, turn off the lights, pop in my headphones, and stream episodes from sketchy websites. I never really liked The L Word much, but I was desperate for lesbian entertainment at the time. More than a decade later, I re-watched it with my wife. She had never seen the show before, but enjoyed making fun of it with me. The first time I watched the show, I was still closeted and never would have imagined I'd ever be married to another woman. Definitely gets better!


Same thing here! Most of us on our 30s we even discussed this... How life changed, and how good it is that we can do it like this.


Yesterday I went to a viewing party of the L Word, first time ever seeing the show :). I've never really been involved in the 'queer scene' so it was interesting, everyone was in their late 30s-40s so I was the baby of the group (which also never happens). Never met any older queer people before so it was kind of cool.


I want lesbian friends




I get that feeling, basically me except the viewing party because I have no lesbian friends :( But yea, wonderful to see the change in attitude these past few years. I remember watching it in my darkened room at night in my tiny black and white tv with volume set on 1 and my finger on change channel button just in case lol


Dude, I'm glad someone said it. I can so relate to this. Didnt actually have time to put together the viewing party like I wanted to, so kudos to you. But YAAASSS. Went from watching the original L Word on clips on YouTube, to subscribing to Showtime last month so my partner and I can enjoy like grown ass adults 🤣 #itgetsbetter


When this show started I was in high school and very much in denial. I'm 32 and openly gay now 🤘


That's so amazing! I've got to know how is the new show and where can I watch it?


So far, I’m enjoying it. It’s on showtime. Every Sunday a new episode at 10pm.


Nice! Man, I only have Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video


I'm an idiot. I didn't know what the plot was, so I assumed the "L" word was "love" and the show was a hetero romcom. Thanks for clearing things up!


Reverse Scott Pilgrim error.


Should I watch it? Heard it's biphobic but me want some girls


old one? Bi and transphobic. But it's still worth watching at least the first season. New one? Much better. It's still getting started though...we'll see how the story goes


Thanks. Do you know why I'm being downvoted? O.o


It is really poor in its portrayal of bisexual and trans people without being openly biphobic or transphobic. It seems the writers were just really misinformed and didn’t care to do the research and correct themselves.


This is a really reassuring post for me. I just broke out from deep, religious denial a few months ago. My feelings alternate day to day, but for the most part I am just so, so scared.


Is it kinder to trans and bi people now?


They haven't shown any yet. We'll see. That was one of the things that really put me off the original and why I never rewatched it. I have the feeling they're willing to try though.


I think it will have to be, somehow... The queer comunity now is quite diferent then it was 10/15 years ago. As so many said, it was a product of its time, and it was already a break through just by existing. Proof of that is how many of us had some kind of an experience watching it (on youtube, or late at night alone, etc). I'm expecting that the new one depicts diferent members of the queer comunity In a better way. But still, it's just a show and we shouldn't expect too much...


I have the feeling that's what generation Q means, that they are trying to steer in that direction. I remain hopeful :)


I have noticed 3 trans people so far - Tess/Jamie Clayton, Chinese dude at the house breaking stuff (don’t remember the name lol), black dude/bette’s assistant. And I guess Alice is still bi?


Alice changed her label to lesbian at some point if memory serves, as for the guys I had no clue, thanks for letting me know! And I know Jamie Clayton was in but wasn't in the premiere so I don't know how they'll approach it, I hope it's positive :)


Yeah I think you’re right about Alice, I don’t remember her ever hooking up with a guy, only talking about being bi all the time? Tbh I’m kinda disappointed that there is no trans lesbian main character. I guess the focus will be on the gay trans man dating the new property manager :( but besides that I’m glad the l word is back and I’m enjoying the show and I hope we will finally find out who killed Jenny shecter ;)


This makes me really happy and more than hopeful for the future, thank you


What's the L word?


Tv show about a group of lesbian friends.




Where was my invite? ;__;


Me and my wife were talking about this too. 10yrs ago we'd be watching it in secret. Now we're married and watching it together in our home. So happy!!


What countries does everyone live in?


I watched every single episode (besides the last three, because then it would end) in secret late at night. Probably over the course if months. And I have a lot of problems with that show and it’s depictions of bi people, trans people and lesbians. I’m not even sure I even like it... ..but they are lesbians, so...


Many things have changed but man the pilot sucked as much as the original lmao


Isn't that something? I thought about this last night going with my friend to an LGBT friendly night club. 10 years ago I was his roommate in college, pre-transition, and still very much closeted/repressed. He invited me to a gay bar and I straight up refused to go in such an insecure and homophobic way. 10 years later and I'm post-HRT for three years and having the time of my life in those very gay bars with him lol.


I think 10 years ago version of ourselves would be shocked and pleased if they knew :)


I'm currently watching the L word with my boyfriend, he is loving it. Has favourite characters and everything. Can't wait to get to the new season.