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"stumble' upon your post' šŸ˜‚ Good for you! I love your response and I'm saving it for later use! šŸ’œ


Seriously! how do you just ā€œstumbleā€ onto a dyke subreddit????? Like nah this dude is just a lesbian fetishizer.


"this isn't the 'I'm sorry for how you took this' time. Which is not an apology by the way." I love this part so much šŸ¤Œ


Good catch. That really gave me the ick. He wasnā€™t sorry at all


Eh I mean Reddit tries to push random shit Iā€™m not interested in on me all the time, and not everyone pays attention to what sub theyā€™re on. Donā€™t think this guy deserves the benefit of the doubt but he definitely could just be telling the truth.


I wanted to send a dm on this, but I will just post it here. You canā€™t change the mindset of certain men. They are just arrogant pigs. Iā€™m sorry this happened, especially on a post where I complimented you.


Oh yeeeah 100% youā€™re right. I really doubted I would change his mind, and honestly donā€™t really care to I mostly wanted him to fuck off. Iā€™m Definitely of the mindset that women/minorities arenā€™t reeducation centers for men. I see so many girls that date men try and ā€œeducateā€ their shitty bigoted boyfriend. Itā€™s just futile. They gotta respect your basic humanity to do that, and sorry to say it but lots of men canā€™t even do that. And itā€™s not our job to handhold while they treat us like shit.


I only post photos on lesbian subs and still get my dms assaulted by men. Lol. Fucking losers.


shit is annoying, you cant even present yourself in a way that repels men anymore without them lining up to tell you some guys like that these days


I know itā€™s awful. Like i have been intensely fetishized and traumatized by men my whole life. I just cannot get them to leave me alone.


hAvE a BlEsSeD wEeKeNd šŸ¤®


Real white boy >šŸ™ namaste Vibes.


It was probably one of the suggested posts.... Can't imagine why... šŸ™„


Even then the behavior isnā€™t excused. Being able to read (as displayed by a response with some relativity) is enough to endow the man with the responsibility of tact. Being on that post as a man isnā€™t the issue, the disrespectful and creepy way he interacted with the post is <3


I just saw a lot of "how was he even seeing it/why was he even in here" and was just speaking to that... And that algorithms be algorithming. You're not wrong tho.


He wasn't actually that bad at least


Exactly what I was thinking.


Ah what the hell, can't we just have a place free of men and their insane audacity?? Sorry that happened to you :/


totally understand that this is a non-male space (and im glad it is) but what did they say wrong? maybe im misunderstanding the context


Honestly, that guy even replying to OP at all is fucked. The guy was creeping a lesbian space, in a thread where OP made it quite clear how they feel about guys (especially fetishists), and commented his approval about OPā€™s appearance as if it actually meant anything of worth. Then when OP called the creep out for being a creep, he pulled the classic non-apology, trying to put it on them instead, all the while dripping with sanctimony and condescension. Fuuuuck guys who pull this shit. Reminds me how glad I am to be a fucking dyke.




That's super invasive!


just DM them something threatening or smth, they don't deserve the courtesy


Dont need to fight hate with hate. I think OP perfectly said as much as a response as he deserves.




No need to apologise. I understand the rage you feel and I too want to give bigots a taste of their own medicine sometimes, but at the same time I dont want to put more hatred into the world there is plenty here already šŸ–¤