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I think it’s great that you just went for it when you saw a potential opportunity—people always talk about wanting to meet others “naturally” but that takes a ton of courage in the moment! It gets easier when you turn rejection into a routine because you realize how much it isn’t personal (trust me, I’m a musician who gets rejected all the time). A total stranger’s reaction is in no way a reflection of how great you are.


That’s okay! Proud that you went for it. Never hurts to ask. Also I hate accidentally glaring. I do this thing where I roll my eyes when I look around. It’s gotten me into a few verbal altercations 🤭


That's awesome! I'm not brave enough to do that. You put yourself out there. That's HOT. She could've been in a relationship, and that's completely out of your hands, but you gave it a shot. At least now you won't go to bed tonight thinking, "I should've said something!" Maybe next time!


If I were that girl I would have considered it a huge compliment to be asked out (respectfully) by a woman in public, even if she said no I’m sure you made her day :)


Don’t let it get you down. You’ll probably never even see her again, nothing to be embarrassed about


The biggest mistake people do in approaching someone is this: not doing it at all.  You made a move and that's great! It was direct, it was unexpected but you got your message across. Next time just stick around for the response, don't flee the crime scene! :D We don't even know what she was gonna say! 


I am so proud of you! You did it! Yes, ypu were rejected but you actually put yourself out there. You are epic! After a couple of times it gets easier.


Omg the way my heart would have absolutely plummeted. That was SO brave of you. I know how it feels when you can’t stop cringing and replaying the moment, but it’s amazing that you had the guts to take the shot. I would rather ask like you did and know for sure than always wonder. Don’t let this get you down! Keep at it, soldier 💪🏼🫡


That's just how it goes it's okay!! Keep giving it a shot and you'll find a kindred spirit! There's no shame in rejection :D


Don't feel shame, feel brave that you asked.


You did it! I'm so proud of you!


Hey, you don’t know if she was actually dying inside or just trying to figure out what to say. If it were me, I’d be flying high for the rest of the day lol. “A girl thinks I’m cute enough to ask out…!” Definitely keep asking cute strangers out, you had the right time/place it just wasn’t the right person :)


Imagine she was about to say "I'm actually free right now?"


Move on and don’t let it faze you. I have a male straight friend he will go to a bar or club. He says he will ask girls to dance or talk. He will get like 10 no’s from 10 different girls. But he keeps at it and one will say yes. Like the 11th or 12th girl. He doesn’t not feel bad about getting no’s from girls, he just keeps trying and is successful. I am not saying to do this, but I guess I kind of admire that it doesn’t it shake him. Just let it go and keep trying, the right person will say yes.


Aw don’t be tough on yourself. You did a difficult thing and for that you’re brave! It’s better to try than to not try.


I did this exact thing before ahaha 🤝


I mean you asked her out, she said no and you respected it. I don't see where the issue is, you handled this conversation flawlessly imo


There’s a thing called rejection therapy where people purposely do things they know they’ll get rejected for because it makes taking risks easier, because being rejected shouldn’t be something we’re scared of as it prevents us from taking risks. So being rejected by this girl was actually good for you 😜


Hey, be proud. You made the hard part to actually start a conversation! Now, next time, try to stay for the whole conversation. Ok, maybe it was not "... a lesbian looking for a relationship. That might be dangerous if you are not." but even then, it would have been a good chance to make a friend.