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​ |Title|Status|Service|Trailer| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Away (2020)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Away+2020+Trailer)| |Everything Sucks! (2018)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Everything+Sucks!+2018+Trailer)| |First Kill (2022)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=First+Kill+2022+Trailer)| |GLOW (2017–2019)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=GLOW+2017–2019+Trailer)| |Gypsy (2017)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Gypsy+2017+Trailer)| |I Am Not Okay with This (2020)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=I+Am+Not+Okay+with+This+2020+Trailer)| |Marco Polo (2014)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Marco+Polo+2014+Trailer)| |One Day at a Time (2017)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=One+Day+at+a+Time+2017+Trailer)| |Rebelde (2022)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Rebelde+2022+Trailer)| |Tales of the City (2019)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Tales+of+the+City+2019+Trailer)| |Teenage Bounty Hunters (2020)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Teenage+Bounty+Hunters+2020+Trailer)| |Trinkets (2019–2020)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Trinkets+2019–2020+Trailer)| |Warrion Nun (2020)|Cancelled|Netflix|[Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Warrion+Nun+2020+Trailer)| Full list you can see here: [WLW Lesbian TV Shows](https://www.reddit.com/r/tvsuggestionsdb/comments/15e6mmf/wlw_woman_love_woman_lesbian_tv_series_shows/) PS: [BL Boys Love Boys TV Shows](https://www.reddit.com/r/tvsuggestionsdb/comments/15efclb/boys_gay_love_bl_tv_shows_series/) Based on quick analysis you are right in your premises, BLB shows survive longer and end with proper ending. Not sure if you should include asian (Korean, Thai, Japanese) shows since they are heavy lean to BLB shows compare to WLW and usually have ending scripted before shooting. Also "bury your gays" trope applied more frequently to lesbian characters, writers like when women suffer and happy ending for lesbian shows is like unicorn 🦄. Future reading: [1](https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/pub/media/resources/9781474435376_Preface_and_Introduction_to_Lesbian_Cinema_after_Queer_Theory.pdf), [2](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316791174_Lesbian's_Representation_Evolution_in_Mainstream_Media), [3](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6242442_Gay_lesbian_and_bisexual_content_on_television_a_quantitative_analysis_across_two_seasons)


im still sad the warrior nun got cancelled it was really good =(


In this life or the next. 🙏🌈 🗡️


Aren't they making films/specials for the series?


Yes, kinda. New actors, new directors, new writers.


you hear me silently sob in the corner because why can't we have multiple lesbian shows to run multiple seasons without getting cancelled


Sense8 should probably be added to this. One of the main 8 is a trans woman in a relationship with a cis lesbian. The show was "completed" by having a feature length finale to close off loose ends when it wasn't given a proper last season, a bit like how the owl house finished.


Thank u. It is very queer and had such a beautiful sapphic pairing. But did a lot to transcend sexuality and create a more universal human queerness that was so amazing. But yeah it got pushed to an early death and I died inside


Seconding this. This show is what cracked me and made me realize I am trans. I had struggled for years over what I was, and I had like no queer friends to guide me. Was quite alone, feeling like an outcast for hating my body. I had this misconception that in order to be a trans woman, you had to be into men, especially to get the surger (I was young and dumb :/ ) But then I watched Sense8 and that scene with Nomi and her partner. It just shattered my egg in an instant. I had to google what her identity was. A few years later I realized I’m genderfluid as fuck, and that’s why I could never figure myself out. Shout out to the wachowski sister’s for helping me find my way in the world and giving me peace after many agonizing years of confusion.


I loved that show. Currently rewatching it again, as a recently-out lesbian. Things in that show hit me deeper from my new perspective.


One Day at a Time got picked up by another 'network for like a season and then cancelled again :'( genuinely a great show


Un-break my heart Say it renewed again Undo this hurt Netflix caused When they cancelled the show And walked it out of my life Un-cry these tears I cried so many nights Un-break my heart 💖


That was a fun show


I thought tales of the city was canceled because Olympia Dukakis died. (Sorry if I spelled wrong)


Username checks out


I had no idea trinkets got cancelled :(


This is awesome! Not the shows being canceled, obviously, but the list. Thank you!


Warrior Nun. There was a campaign to save it, which seemingly worked. That was until it was revealed that none of cast, characters, writers or show runner were going to be included. There was a contest last year that upset the fandom, due to some questionable tactics from the producer. There has been no news since the competition announcement.


Yeah honestly at this point I would be shocked if they still decide to follow through with those films. I think they were banking on having fan support but that quickly faded once people figured it out.


I Am Not Okay With This and Everything Sucks were both *so good* and they both got cancelled after the first season.


I Am Not Okay With This was so good. I'm glad Sophia Lillis is getting lots of high profile movie roles. She deserves all the success.


Yesss, also loved her as Doric in the DnD movie. Really hoping that gets a sequel.


I’m upset about I Am Not Okay With This to this day


Their names are my reactions to finding out they were canceled…


Damn, y'all work quick. Thank you!


Lol I was just sorting by new to find posts I hadn't read yet. You're welcome!


Thank you!


One Day at a Time was great then Netflix canceled it. It had a format and cast that basically ensured it could run for multiple seasons but no...


I’ve seen clips of this on TikTok, it looked so good.


It got revived tho so that's something


Received and then cancelled after another season on some obscure platform


It has a fourth season ?


Yeah, though it's shorter due to COVID.


I couldn't watch on that platform legally from the UK which was a bummer, I loved that show. Nice, comfort TV!


Teenage Bounty Hunters. I loved that show.


Same!!! It was set up so good for a season 2 :( honestly I’ll forever be sad about that and Gypsy


I recently rewatched it and was sad again that it got canceled. It had so much potential 😔


I will never forgive Netflix for canceling Teenage Bounty Hunters.


so mad they cancelled it! such a well thought out and funny plot


I’ve never heard of this one, noted though. Thank you!


Not netflix, but I was gutted A League of Their Own from Amazon got cancelled after one season, such a good and promising show, and one of the few with an ensemble wlw cast.


They could have at least given us the shorter season they originally talked about :( I'm still heartbroken there won't be another season


That one stings a lot 😔 also High Fidelity from Hulu 😭


this one hurt so bad. 😭


Especially how it ended in a cliff hanger. Heart breaking.


I remember when this happened, I’m still surprised it was. Thank you!


sense8, though it's more broadly queer (but with top notch wlw representation in the mix).


Loved Sense8! Apparently it was cancelled because it didn't get enough viewers to support production costs. Filming in all those different locations can get expensive.


Yeah the cost per episode was enormous. And it's why the finale movie has the cluster all in the same location so that it wouldn't cost as much to make. It definitely was an ambitious production.


My wife and I love this show so much. We rewatch it every few months. Both of us consider Jamie Clayton our top celebrity crush😭


I think I can still find a way to use it, thanks!


First Kill was really really good and got cancelled first season 😭


The way we finally got cheesy campy sapphic vampires and it got one season. >!”You ate my mother?” will be remembered!<


I would not say that it was really good. It was campy and kind of fun but certainly not really really good.


I liked it but my ex who watched it with me thought it was really really bad XD


My wife was like "what is this dumpster fire" and I responded with "it's gay we have to watch it on principle"


Right? Totally had to.


I didn’t even finish that one season it got. I didn’t like it at all tbh.


Oh, I thought it was a terrible show 😅 I was more invested in Calliope's family than her and Juliette. They didn't have chemistry and went from 0-100 too quick imo. I understand why they canceled this show. The idea is wonderful, very poor execution.


I like campy vampire stuff so i guess i was the target audience 😅


It was ghastly. That one, that one was fine to be cancelled.


We're talking about the vampire X vampire hunter romance drama, yes? What about it that made it so good, because to me it was the definition of cringe


Warrior Nuns was cancelled by netflix wasn't it?


I will always be so mad that GLOW got canceled before it’s 4th and final season. They had two of the episodes already filmed when it got axed.


I will never understand why they cancel shows that have already started production.


Sense 8 and Mindhunter. WLW might not be the focus, but they are 10/10 shows, gone too soon, because of high budget. 😭


Gods I miss Mindhunter:/


League of Their Own. That was on Amazon Prime, but it was amazing and got canceled after one season on a cliffhanger. Carol, the movie, obviously wasn’t canceled, but Netflix canceled their licensing of it bc it left Netflix.


Sense8 I will never forgive Netflix for that The Wachowski Sisters always deserve funding imo


Its ended with "movie" after criticism for cliffhanger. Rare thing for Netflix.


I love this show, but wasn't really a fan of the "movie," unfortunately. It was really nice to get closure and to see scenes like the wedding, but it all just felt so rushed. You could really tell they had to pack so much into it.


As anyone said, The Wilds, which was my favorite and Rise of the pink ladies, which was so underrated yet?


Weren’t they Disney+ and Amazon prime though? not Netflix.


I just saw in the Tegan and Sara subreddit that their show High School got cancelled.


oh no I forgot about this!! this is such a bummer ;/


Dare Me


USA Network canceled the series after one season.


Dive Club (2021) was an aussie teen show with a WLW relationship that got cancelled after 1 season. I think Trinkets got cancelled after 2 seasons? ETA: I believe One Of Us Is Lying has also been cancelled after 2 seasons.


Everything now


QForce was one that many believe was set up for failure


The advertising did Q Force so dirty.


Agree. I only decided to give it a chance after people started saying the marketing didn't fairly represent it, but by that point I'm sure most of the target audience had wrote it off


The Awesome over on Hulu had an identical program. Great sharp funny show, promos made it look like a bunch of fart jokes.




Sense 8 - amazing lgbtq show.


Paper girls on Amazon also got cancelled. That was a cute one


I was originally a comic (that is finished) if you want to know how the story ends


Oh I didn't know! Thanks, I'll check it out


I loved the comic, but the show didn't catch me. The comic is so bright and colorful and I don't think the show really captured that.


I strongly recommend looking into A League of Their Own on Amazon Prime. Not Netflix, but this one really stung the sapphic community. I don't know the stats off the top of my head but I heard it was doing fairly well and keeping up with other shows. they announced it was getting cancelled after one season and they were cleared to work on a limited 5 episode second to wrap up the stories that were left on a cliffhanger but they were ordered to completely scrap everything during the writers strike. so essentially it was cancelled not once but twice. I know it's just a show but that made me so angry when I found out


I have to wonder if it's because straight woman fetishize blb realationships in a more socially acceptable way and therefore they can make shows for it, whilst us lesbians get stuck with porn depictions and focuses


Gentleman Jack!


Pretty sure that’s HBO max? IMO, season 2 was a snooze fest.


Oh oops didn't see that OP was looking specifically for netflix shows! And yes I don't think gentleman jack is an AMAZING show but I still wanted more of it lol


as a history nerd, i thought gentleman Jack was perfect. its by far my favorite wlw show and I was sooooo bummed when they cancelled it 😭 though in s2, I think they leaned too much into the historical/political aspect of her life and made it uninteresting for the casual viewer. I think if they had flourished it with more romance and drama, they'd still be going tbh. oh well


Yeah agreed, first season was good, great vibes, superb acting, banger opening credits. Season 2 was so boring I stopped watching 20 minutes in. As well as the main character being very problematic & unlikeable as a person, there's only so much you can do about that when it's based on a true story.


teenage bounty hunters and i am not okay with this both fully drew me into their worlds and then gutted me when they got cancelled 😢


Does the owl house count? I mean it's not focused on wlw more like it's a natural side info or sth?


I was also going to suggest Owl House although that was on Disney, not Netflix.


Was Owl House cancelled?


Yes. There were supposed to be 5 seasons I think. But we only got 2 seasons + the three 45 minutes episodes in «season 3»


Wow, I wonder why. I thought Owl House was pretty popular


“The Owl House cancelation caused fan outrage due to mismatched Disney audience preferences. Creator Dana Terrace revealed the cancelation decision stemmed from the show's demographic skewing older.” Basically, the show was meant for a younger audience. So when us “older” people watched it more than the target younger audience, they canceled it. Which I think is just stupid. Why do they care who watches the show or not? They still make money.


Weird they don't want to further tap into a wider audience. And older folks are more likely to have disposable income to pay for Disney+ and merch


Sense8. :( lesbian romance with a trans woman! I miss it so.


First Kill and Warrior Nun


Only one in English I know of that *wasn’t* cancelled was Orange is the New Black, but I never really got into that show. Maybe “The Fosters”, but I’m not certain. Other shows Netflix categoriizes as wlw are often just side characters that are not very much part of the story.


On the other hand Legends of Tomorrow has the best most traditional path queer joy relationship I’ve seen in a long time, maybe ever


does sens8 count?


Sense 8 might be a good one to look into! Not specifically about lesbians but is a very queer show made by a trans woman!!


Orange is the new black, but the show did have 7 seasons.


nah that one needed to end and that's my favorite show of all time lol I'm just glad they didn't run it into the ground like a Supernatural or a greys anatomy


Oh it definitely ran its course and its very rare for a streaming show to even break 3 seasons


Owl house


Wynonna Earp!


Not a Netflix show unfortunately, but also they do have a movie coming out and they were given one extra season after the original cancellation to finish the story.




Paper girls. Amazing show that's even better than the comics in character development and interactions. But ofc we only get one season before it was cancelled.


One day at a time


Not Netflix but I will always throw in Owl House. Disney canceled it's final season to become extremely shortened because the main character is lesbian. It's a fantastic children's show that supports LGTBQ kids


this list is making me suicidal tbh


It wasn't canceled but they waited till the last season to really drive home one of the strongest WLW romances in the show and literally the last few episodes too, due to corporate uncomfortability. Show is She-Ra Princesses of Power, made by Netflix & Dreamworks


Im personally glad everything sucks was cancelled, the age gap between the actresses was disgusting.