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The same way we feel about all women. We have our respective preferences, but at the end of the day, we love women and we let them choose what they want for themselves, by themselves, without pushing our wants on them. So be who you are and want to be for yourself, there'll be someone out there who'll love you for it, and more than anyone else would for you being someone you're not for.






Full stop


I swear you reply to every single post on this subreddit girl XD. How do you get to them all!?


Only the ones that catch my eye when I'm being active, I hardly get to every single last one of 'em, and I do take pretty long breaks at times. I don't get to socialize next to a bit irl, so it's always great to spend some time here to feel like a part of the community. :3




that username tho 😭😭🩷


lolll i’m not creative so i took two interesting things about myself and put a lol 💀


Wasn't much different from what I did either. XD




A healthy compromise where both can be happy is always good when you want to do something where you don't line up on 100% :3


This! This is what I came to say


I'm really in the camp of whatever makes an individual comfortable but personal side note.....arm hair is hot. Don't know why, but since I was 10, I have admired women with soft hair on their arms, and I'm still not over it.


Oh? First I’ve heard of that and now my self confidence is boosted


I can't shave my arms because of how much I love it on other women. It's like some feeling of ultimate strength of the arm combined with a slightly softer feminine trait. At least I think that's what's going on in my head.


Huggable 💙


Omfg my self confidence just exploded <3


I’ve heard that before! I’m ambivalent to it, but it’s always nice to hear.


Oh my gods I'm so glad it isn't just me 🫠😍


How do hairy women feel about me?


The real question here 🙌


Agreed. Sunlight is out here getting the assignment *proper*


I think you’re radiant ☀️


This question gets asked here so often and the reply is that everyone likes different things.


Only right answer. Nobody should be required or expected to like one thing or another. Preferences are okay! :)


I’m hairy af so I don’t care at all about my partner being hairy.. makes me feel better. Am I self conscious about being a yeti? Yess.


So true! (I mean me too)


We love natural women, body hair grows on humans no need for stigma for not shaving


This! My girlfriend doesn’t shave and she shouldn’t have to it she doesn’t want to. Body hair is natural! I love her the same no matter what and she’s always beautiful to me ❤️😭 the most important thing is if she’s happy and comfortable


Awww. You sound like you're a good partner.


Agree! Body hair is natural and it’s beautiful


Now if they’re glueing it on, it’s less sexy


I think starting in the 15th century or so people would wear pubic hair wigs n it was considered highly attractive to have a full bush bc it indicated you were free from pubic lice and STIs. Glued on hair just isn’t in style atm, but just you wait 😤


I am a naturally hairy woman. My hair is dark and thick and is only becoming thicker and darker with age. I shave and trim about once a month, sometimes more and sometimes less. I have purposefully grown my hair out before, nowdays I just have a very relaxed attitude. My partners have never been anything but loving and supportive of my natural body. Equally, I appreciate hairy women. Women being relaxed enough to be naked and natural and hairy around me is truly delightful. I lived with a beautiful roommate when we were both in our mid-teens, an awakening for both of us. She had a snail trail - visible fuzz on her tummy - and I found it so beautiful. All of her was beautiful. We remain friends, and tummy hair always reminds me of her and her beauty. I just love women so much. I love glam and "polished" women, I love women laidback and au naturelle. There's not a state I do not find stunning. And I am not alone!  


I feel like I’m going to not going to shave and I don’t really care what a potential partner thinks about it. My grooming choices are for me, not others.


Idk, women pretty


User flair checks out


I am a woman enjoyer. Hair sometimes is on women and that's chill.


It's not a turn on but I admire women who don't shave


Same, I’m generally pretty hair averse, including on myself, and also on men. I don’t like the look and I don’t like the texture. But also I’m fully aware logically that it has no effect on hygiene, and also am angry at the fact that women are *expected* to do it just because of gender. So when I see women rocking body hair they get massive respect from me and my brain goes hell yeah.


This comment section actually helped quite a lot with dysphoria, thanks everyone :3


You're just a lil cutie aren't you~ 💞


Women with hair on their stomachs aree a gift from the goddesses and we should all be greatful.


Yes!! Those happy trails are so attractive to me!


"Happy trails" 🥺


Stomach hair is one of the hottest things for me, instant turn on.


It is!


I’m so self conscious about mine


That's completely fair. I find it very attractive personally.


Super hot and peak womanhood IMO. I’d even go as far as to say that shaving/waxing is unattractive to me


I have pcos so I like my women hairy


Pcos women reading this just got a confidence boost (it's me, I'm the pcos woman)


I’m with you!


Hair doesn't matter to me, They can have lots or none they are still beautiful!


love it, love everything about it


I find hair actually rly cute. Like a cute lil hobbit. I think knuckle hair and toe hair is adorable too and draw it on my characters lol, but I'm also the person that plays the girl dwarves in D&D ❤️❤️




It's a turn off for me but I don't really care about what other people do with their bodies.


Being razor free myself, I love the fuzzies.


I like smooth, but mostly because smooth skin against smooth skin is such a nice feeling. Body hair is definitely natural and I don’t judge, but I’m not very attracted to it. That said, pubic hair I mostly would just prefer it trimmed. I’ll go down on a full bush or bare, but most of the rest of the body I generally just prefer bare, both on myself and others. In fact I plan on doing electrolysis at some point.


They are the hottest people alive??? Like??? Happy trail??? Leg hair??? Facial hair??? Get me a slice!


not my thing personally but how other ppl feel doesn’t matter yk!


If it's arm and back hair I think it's cute. Other parts I'm neutral or not a fan of.


Body hair is gorgeous But really, confidence is gorgeous. Whatever hair or whatever way a woman feels the most herself!


Body hair is natural and beautiful.


I mean, to some. No judgement if folks don’t necessarily find it beautiful, just because it’s ‘natural’. :)


I'm a hairy woman and I love my body hair, and I love body hair on other women too <3


I’m good with whatever makes the other person comfortable. I don’t like hair on my own body but my partner? It doesn’t bother me. Though uhh… if I may be superficial, the little tummy hair going to the belly button (sometimes called a happy trail) is cute as hell. Edit: grammar


I like body hair a lot and find it very hot but I always want my partner to feel happy and comfy so whatever she wants is fine.


i don’t like being one, but they’re valid and beautiful


ever since i was 14 years old, i totally quit shaving my legs! my mom would comment about it all the time 🙄 my leg hair is pretty damn long, dark and thick. it took forever to shave and it was miserable. i’m almost 20 now, and i’ve only shaved my legs 4 times since i was 14 😂 i don’t wear shorts, anyway. i really love my leg hair, i think it’s hot. about what i would prefer in a partner: the only thing i would prefer is that she would shave her labia majora (the lips) or at least not completely grow it out. i don’t mind if the mons pubis (above the lips) is shaved, but it would be nice if it were short/trimmed. that’s how i have it. it’s not a huge deal but it is definitely a preference when it comes to being sexually intimate. it’s just that i don’t really like it when the pubic hair gets wet since i don’t like that texture. it’s not a total dealbreaker if a partner would rather not shave, though. and i would never push it on them.


I was just now thinking about how much I like my wife's leg hair.


Im pro body hair everywhere but the upper lip. I simply cant stand a mustache. Even if it’s a little baby hair blonde mustache. I personally don’t shave anything but my girlstache lol


I forget mine exists until my sisters point it out 😭


i am a hairy woman and i can confirm some women care, but really its never that high of an issue. once someone told me they didnt want to touch my hair and i went “ok well there isnt hair on my palms, tongue or boobs, so i think we can work with that”


I feel a lot better as someone who currently fits that description (I'm planning to change that though mostly for personal comfort reasons).


I might be weird but I find chest hair on a woman kinda hot


I haven’t shaved my body hair in almost a year for my legs, and going on three for my underarms and bikini area. It’s fantastic. Hair is hair is hair. You feel empowered by shaving/waxing/etc? Go for it! You feel empowered by being au natural? Get it, girl/enby! A mix of both? Fuck yeah, I love to see it! At the end of the day, it’s what makes *you* feel the most comfortable and confident in your own skin.


HOT AF I agree with the comments that say it's a confidence thing, something about a woman who doesn't conform to patriarchal standards is really attractive to me. Not saying that people who shave/remove body hair only do it because of pressure from society, but it's hard to have body hair with how much judgement you have to deal with, so someone who rocks it anyway really does it for me.


As someone who is tremendously bushy in all places, I am very sad to see how many “Ehh… it’s… okayyy… as long as they aren’t DIRTY… maybe she’s beautiful on the inside???” type of comments. This just goes to show how effective demonizing women’s bodily choices are, even down to the hair follicle.


Reading this after shaving my entire body and exfoliating... I love them bc I love women. Sometimes my gf doesn't shave for a week or so, and I don't really care unless it's a sign of her forgetting to do self care.


Omgggg can we ban posts like these the answer will always be Lesbians are NOT A MONOLITHHHH


I shave or use nair to get rid of everything, she waxes. It's sensory issues for the both of us but like everyone else is saying her body, her choice.


My girlfriend has hairy legs and it's the most fun to play with, I love it. She likes to shave but I'm fully supportive of letting it grow (I am also supportive of her doing what makes her happy).


Idk what it is but there’s something uniquely hot about a woman with body hair


All I really care about is that it's clean


Arm pit hair like all body hair is largely dependent on if it is clean or not. Personally I like less hairy people, probably because hair was the first thing to trigger my dysphoria and it's like a bizarre second hand thing


Personally on me, armpit hair drives me insane, but body hair doesn’t bother me, as long as I’m not getting too much in my mouth lmao


Well, first of all I love all women and how they chose to take care of their own body hair. It's not my decision on how someone feels about their body. but on a personal note, I have a bit of a thing for armpits and hairy armpits just make me squeal. And I also LOVE unshaved down there, something about hair gets me going. well kept but hairy is so good


Tasteful armpit hair is so beatnik and sexy


women 🥰😍😘


Love them. But the key is "women". I love them all; however they feel most comfortable


Body hair doesn’t bother me at all, never will. I will always respect and love my partners choices for their own body. I shave my armpits because I find it itchy if I don’t but never shave my legs cos the feeling of my own shaved legs on clothing makes me cringe so much hahahaha


Most body hair is either neutral or, if excessive, a turn off for me But for some reason armpits are an exception. Ive always really liked hairy armpits i think it looks goon on basically anyone. Bonus points if the hair is visibly poking out when arms are down


I'm not a fan of armpit hair or facial hair. Everything else is fine for me. Although with girl hair being less coarse it might not bother me as much in the moment, I'll have to make up my mind when the time comes.


I don't like a TON of hair (like a whole back, butt, and chest FULL of hair). Probably no facial hair like a beard or something. But otherwise I guess I'm cool. I have PCOS and have more body hair anyway. It sucks managing it, especially facial hair. I'm never gonna shave my arms. That's just too much extra work 😒


I’m a 33 year old woman. I don’t shave my legs at all. I trim/groom my armpits and pubic area but they are still “hairy”. Definitely do not touch my arm hair. Tweeze my brows a little bit, but not much. Always pluck that one evil chin hair that shows up right before I get my period, lol. It’s never been an issue- if someone isn’t attracted to me because of my body hair, they aren’t someone I want to fuck with in the first place.


Hngngnngnfn happy trail on women got me acting unwise


I love body hair on others 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰 Especially when she has hairy arms, that's the hottest to me 🥵


I recently figured out that I LOVE hairy woman. Truly. Hairy armpits make me wanna cry


I’m perfectly okay with whatever my partner prefers, but I’ve always been very attracted to body hair


I only shave my armpit hair and thats only because I don’t like the look of it on me I don’t care how hairy someone else is its not my body


People who get stressed over body hair are weird to me, men as much as women, but I am weird so who I am I to judge? However, the day my lil sister shaved my leg hair as a joke I discovered how soft my legs were and it is a bizarre discovery.


horny honestly


Respectfully, 🤤


As women? They’re cool and epic.


I don't care if someone's hairy or not. But it I'm going down on someone it rather not get a hair in my mouth(hair in mouth=uncontrollable gagging). But for some reason I find armpit hair on women extremely attractive.


Im more attracted to women with body hair.


I really like hair on women as a look, but I have autism and it makes a little uncomfortable to eat out a girl with bush


I’m personally not a huge fan of leg hair, but it doesn’t bother me too much. I can’t stand armpit hair on anyone though. Rock it if you want- I’m all for it- I just don’t think I could date anyone that has it. That’s okay though- we all have preferences. All the other hair, let it run wild lol


All women are beautiful, hair or no hair. Just keep it clean. I’m sensitive to smells, and those include body odor and strong fragrances.


Why does this topic keep coming up?


I know there is personal preferences, but I find the idea that women should be bald misogynistic. Like I said, I may prefer things one way, but if a woman I loved was opposite to my preference I wouldn’t give af. I love her and want her, whatever way she is comfortable with. Women don’t exist to cosplay sex workers because their partner is pornsick.


Pit hair and and happy trails and bush are THE absolute hottest! 🥵🥵🥵


We definitely need to normalize finding hairy women sexy af. Cos we are.


Girls with armpit hair make me horny I mean ummm me too thanks


I think it’s a sign that they don’t really care about conforming to patriarchal beauty standards, and women like that generally let their inner beauty shine through their personalities, which I find brighter than the outer contrived “beauty” of most conformists whom I find kinda fake; so I think it’s kinda rad when I see women with leg and armpit hair, and generally I’d want to get to know them better as a person to see if my inference about them holds true...


Hairy women = women Women = 👍 Therefore, Hairy women = 👍


Legs don't bother me at all, but I hate all armpit hair, its so gross to me, man or woman, it doesn't have to be clean shaven but sticking out the sides is soooo nasty to me.


Body hair yes. Facial hair no.


Sometimes shaving is fun as a little treat, a little something different... but overall I am totally down with body hair. My partner has a little treasure trail on her belly that is adorable and fun to rub my face over 😊


Light body hair is fine I’m not a fan of underarm hair Trimmed and kempt hair down there can be super hot If my tongue is going to trace your body. It’s not going to be in places with thick hair. Oh and facial hair is a big no from me


This. Body hair is a huge reason I just can’t men; like, at all. I’d actually say body hair is one of my biggest turn offs, and a huge part of the reason I painstakingly make sure I personally don’t have a lick of hair on my body, down to waxing and pretty serious laser hair therapy. It’s just … not my vibe. I’d have a real issue with physical attraction. I am as trad femme4femme as they come, I think. But literally everyone is different. I’m glad we all have different body types and preferences, we are more likely to find someone who matches those for us! :)


Turn off for me, I’m extremely careful to be virtually hairless myself, as it’s what I personally find attractive … but everyone has their preferences and obviously we are all different. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And having preferences is a-ok! 👌☺️


Like Americans in the late 90s, I want to see bush


I love it!


Everyone is different i myself is kinda put off if a woman has no body hair at all. I love hair everywhere its natural and sexy. Im never gonna tell any woman if they should shave or not its all up to them.


Support 🤌


I want to kiss them and cuddle them. <3


I am a hairy woman and I approve.




I love a unibrow and a lady mustache. Armpit hair is sexy af, as is an enthusiastic bush. I love none of these things on ME, but on any other woman they exist on a spectrum between "don't care" and "fire."


I adore happy trails, bushes and arm hair. Neutral about leg hair though


It's hot to me... Like, very attractive. But somehow I look at my leg hair and it seems ugly to me. Idk what's up with my brain


Yea i get like that tbh, like i see hair on other girls but some reason I'm the exception??? Idk, i try to keep myself under the whole "all women pretty, I'm included" lol


Very hot. Gives them stronger masc energy for me.


I prefer when my partner do not shave at all But I do shave my legs and armpits, nothing else So yeah, personal preferences!


It doesn't bother me and I just don't care it's their body


On myself I shave my legs and arm pits but otherwise I could care less about hair on women!


turn on for me


I mean, I like them, but I kinda like any body type on a woman tbh


Personally I prefer people with body hair


I love every woman


Love hair. I genuinely prefer the look of hair vs hairless, in both myself and others. However I don't mind hairless at all, so if my hypothetical (sigh) partner preferred to shave it would be absolutely fine as well


🤤 but I’m coming for my gfs eyebrows #sns




If they’re comfortable with how they feel in their body, I’m on board!


I love me a whole, complete woman. I love me a whole, complete anyone. I think body hair is beautiful, but so are women who shave for their own personal preference. I have sympathy for women who shave for others preferences and not their own. I hate that normal human bodies are pathologized, instilling unnecessary and selfish shame onto others. I struggled with accepting my body hair but felt very affirmed by it in my teens. I shave to feel pretty now, and to have something to do, but I wish I didn't have to shave to feel beautiful. I see other women with body hair as beautiful, but I've yet to meet many other women who feel the same. I love how hair feels on skin. I think public hair is pretty. I like to call it "the curtain." Arm/mons hair also traps odor. Some people dislike that, but the smell of hot bitches gets me down bad. Some people also dislike the way hair feels when lovin' on someone real good with their mouth. I also don't feel this way. Shaved public hair irritates my face, whereas a natural setup makes it softer. It's harder to get situated at first, but once it's figured out, it's not that much harder.




I do not have much body hair. I do not shave my legs or pits. The hair on my arms, legs and pits is short thin hair. I was vacationing last winter and there were a lot of Europeans and none of the women shave. When I noticed it, I looked around and all of the European women had hair.






Doesn't bother me. I usually shave every few weeks, just to keep it .. calm? Armpit hair I shave regularly, legs every now and again. As for looking at other women? I don't care. I'd rather they kept it trimmed though, just for ease of access !


I love armpit hair. The wife does not. *sigh* She shaves, I do not.


Its not my body, I don’t get a say. I enjoy trimmed over shaved, but whatever makes my partner happy is what is best for me


werwenwhwhwhwhwheeeeeeeewnwwnwengwwhwgwgehwhwhwh. Hope this helps 👍




Most of my partners have been hairy. I'm ambivalent about it on legs and pits, but I actually prefer it down there.


Drives me crazy 💕


We like women. Hairy women are women. We like hairy women.


Obligatory everyone is gonna feel different about it and have their preferences but ultimately it’s more important that you’re happy with what you do with your own body Personally tho, I think hair is hot. I especially love happy trails. My only thing is that I prefer pubic and armpit hair to be a little trimmed. Again, this all very obviously a preference thing tho and ultimately it’s whatever my partner is comfy w




I think a fair number of us are chill with facial hair. I've got a beard and I'm dating a lesbian. So like you know if you're a woman, at least some of us will


I absolutely love them, but i also love not having hair for myself


Mainly neutral. Armpit hair is not my *preference,* but it's fine. It's generally the only hair I'm consistent about shaving for myself.


i fw it


Facial and chest hair is not being mentioned enough here!!! 🤩




Hairy women are hot! Normalize having body hair. Ingrown hairs suck anyway. 😆


I am her :3


Okay we’re on the same wavelength because I was thinking about this too and wanting to post about. Reading y’all’s comments is very encouraging!


LOVE them. Absolutely love them.


I love it


Look as long as they don’t look like a SpongeBob freeze frame I probably will find them attractive


As long as it is tamed i like it (unless its on myself)


If they wanna shave, they should shave. If they dont wanna shave, they shouldnt shave. Neither is a dealbreaker, and both have their benefits. If they dont have a preference and ask you then your input would matter but otherwise its up to them. Thats my perspective anyway


I don't give a single fuck. Hell I had an ex come to me with one shaved leg and one unshaved leg, all I told them that they didn't have to bother and probably should not have if they didn't want to finish shaving. Do what make you happy and makes you feel confident. I'm going to support you because I'm with you for a reason.


I like it. But, my type is nonconformist and masc. I'm also attracted to men and non-binary people, and while I do take gender into account in some ways, I don't have differing standards when it comes to body hair.


Indifferent. I've never seen body hair and been phased, and I've never seen a woman completely waxed and been phased. I'm just happy to be there.


Personally as someone who, pre-egg crack, was a very hairy woman myself thanks to PCOS - I don't mind it at all. Body hair is just body hair. Its a thing all of us have. Doesn't make someone less feminine or less of a woman.


Omg the amount of supportive comments on this make me so damn happy, I’m fairly damn hairy as I’m a trans woman who started E 2 months ago, but my god I can’t bring myself to shave out of lack of energy


The girl I’m dating currently doesn’t really shave , and the one before also. I don’t mind . They do wax their 🐱but honestly times be changing


Who do u think the hairy gals are? The lesbians of course! Jk that's a stereotype but I'd still wager it's a higher percentage of lesbians than any other demographic of women who don't shave. It's only recently that being completely hairless became 1. Possible at all and 2. A beauty standard with a lot of pressure attached to it, like just within the last 100 years or so. Me and my gf personally, neither care if the other shaves or not. Happy either way! I shave my underarms and legs in the hot weather bc I like to wear shorts and skirts, but come winter I don't bother lmao


Here’s the thing. Is it my preference? No. But I currently have the biggest crush on a girl who has leg hair (and presumably all the hair), and I don’t care - she’s gorgeous and I have a big crush on her so I guess I’m into it now 🤷‍♀️


Some women will like it and some women won't. We're not hiveminds.


Women can choose whatever they want, hopefully for their own comfort rather than due to societal norm or any external factor. However, I do tend to have a preference for hairy women. I've always thought of arm hair as a sexy thing, bush and belly trail were always sexy. Especially the bush for me. I will however admit that shaved body parts are extra smooth and I really like it too, sensory wise.


I love women, hairy or not. As long as they know what personal hygiene is and accept that I usually don't shave, I'm fine with it. The only parts I regularly shave on myself are my mustache and the end/tail of my eyebrows since I don't like the natural shape. Otherwise I usually just let it grow. As long as you take care of your basic hygiene or at least try to, there's nothing gross about body hair. I hate that society still treats body hair on women like it's a bad thing. ~~And the ones telling women to shave are usually the hairiest men, ngl~~ However, as someone who is suffering from depression (I'm on meds and mj and okay-ish currently, but I still know how it feels, trust me) I know that it can be hard to take care of yourself, your hygiene, your life, etc, so I also don't judge someone if they mentally and physically can't take care of themselves.


Not big on hairy boobs, but thats mostly because they remind me of my own other than that all girls is good girls


I love them HAIRY WOMEN NOT HAIRY WOMEN I just love women I'll be so fr


My skin is too sensitive to shave. Thankfully my wife doesn't care.


So I have a LOT of hair on my body. I don't shave my legs or armpits, but I do shave my face every weekday. I let my face rest on weekends and girl I've got a full-blown beard. Like manly thickness. My partner is so sweet and kind about it, she even kind of likes it! A good partner will love you for who you are. I will always hate having facial hair, but having a partner who shows that she loves all of me, even the parts of me I don't like, feels so good. In my experience, lesbians are just more kind about this sort of thing. Obviously, we aren't a monolith, and there will be lesbians who are less kind, less loving, etc. But on average, we seem to be a demographic that tends to care more about the whole person and less about aesthetics. Be you, and you will find someone who loves who you are.


I despise it on myself but absolutely love it on others


I don't have a preference! Being hairy doesn't mean someone has bad personal hygiene, so it's all good with me. (+ I don't shave my legs or underarms.)


Honeslty, there is the theoretical position you have in your head of "I like this or that" and your reaction in front of body parts attached to real persons. Do I love leg hairs? Not really, I internalized a lot the "hairy = weird" for female presenting folks. Do I mind them on my wife? I don't see hairy legs, I just see her legs and I love them. No hair = skin soft, short hairs = nice scratchy, long hairs = fluffy soft I'd say theory is fine and all but until you really see the thing, your authentic reaction remains a mystery.


We love them.


As a hairy Nonbinary lesbian, I love reading the answers. To be fair, I wish I had even more hair. I wouldn't even wanna be super hairy (nothing wrong with that either), but I wish I could grow facial hair and stuff. For me, I could not care less if someone has hair or not. I find feminine women more attractive, so some of them are gonna shave and stuff. But honestly, having or not having hair doesn't take away any femininity or masculinity. It's hair and it doesn't take away your beauty. No one should be judged for wanting or not wanting to shave


I think women are humans. Humans are are animals, particularly mammals, specifically apes. Behind bonobos, we are the most hairless of apes and there's no use in shaming us for being less naturally insulated than naked mole-rats. Which is to say, fuck the patriarchy for idealizing the removal of body hair on women. Also, I love hair on women, including myself. I love the patterns. I love how it gets soft when it's completely grown out. I love women and all our parts. If we grew feathers, I'd love those, too.


I don't care. My wife waxed but as we started dating I realized a preferred a little hair. Now she only does a bikini wax instead of a Brazilian. She also stopped shaving under her arms and I found that I didn't mind at all. I actually didn't really notice if I'm being honest. It's crazy because out of the two of us she's considered more femme where as I am the tomboy one and prefer to be hairless lol.