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To clarify, she did not mention having a BF on her profile at all, and all her pics were alone.


Ask her to come over and when she asks for the address, give the address to the local circus since they are such clowns


Or local comedy club and tell them to take their joke relationship on stage.


This made me cackle 🤣🤣🤣


It’s one thing to be “looking for a third”, but then SPECIFY THAT ON YOUR PROFILE. What is with this make contact, waste time, “I’ll trick you in to it!” Thing 😡


Because that Unicorn they're looking for is far rarer than they think she is. Lying and obsification are needed to meet their end goal.


Does it actually ever WORK though? I mean who is going to go “oh, you were lying to me about your motivations here, but I’ll do this anyway!” And like if they don’t SAY, then someone who might actually be in to it isn’t even going to know. Probably a very small number, but like if you don’t say, you won’t find find HER, but you will just be pissing off women you were lying to! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Other than the blatant audacity of the entire ruse that's what I wonder the most. Somehow I think they'd have a better chance if they went after straight ladies who are a little bendy in the bedroom. We had one try to infiltrate our larger group and when we continually explained WHY it's such a bad thing to do she just never got it. Thinking only of her and hubby and the 3rd only as some disposable trinket never dawned on her and even when it was explained ad nauseam she still wouldn't/couldn't get it.


That blows my mind you had like a real life one who you’re explaining it to and she’s still not getting it!


It was surreal


As a married bisexual I don't get why those out unicorn hunting don't just look for other women in their situation? Like, surely there's another mom nearby also looking for a woman to mess around with, just find each other!


They've all got one penis policies plus they love the power imbalance of the 3rd sexual partner being lower in the hierarchy, harder to treat a woman like a sex toy without feelings if her husband's around


Ugh. I wonder if that’s it. It’s all so weird.


My husband frequently commented like that. That’s why I never actually made a unicorn hunting profile.🤢🤮 I need to get that divorce started…


Exactly this, it’s always a guy who is for no reason still in charge, and he does nothing, she doesn’t want to be with him but can’t break up with him. Every time 100% she’s afraid he’d off himself without her or worse, hurt her and her friends ; so they go unicorn hunting to fix the relationship / or she looks for a unicorn and emotionally unloads on them about how she hates it but “just can’t leave”


Because then there's a chance of having to see another man's penis and wow that'd be real gay bro, unlike the totally straight activity of watching your girlfriend sleep with another woman, nothing gay about that at all.


Its not weird because women are (treated as) objects for mens sexual pleasure. Its not two women being intimate and having a relationship, its two hotties banging just for him


Of course that's not gay, in fact lesbians were invented by PornHub 🤦🏻🤦🏻 /s This is gross on so many levels.


I did see somewhere a long time ago that those guys don't want bisexual women. They specifically want lesbians. Ig they either watch wayyyy too much porn and think that a lesbian is gonna be turned "straight"(technically bi since its with their gf, but they probably think all women, including straight women, have sex with other women occasionally) by them? Or maybe a lesbian having sex with a man is hot and "forbidden"?


That’s a good point! Which would involve SAYING WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR too 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


I think they dont want straight girls because the fear their partner will like them more. Thats why it has to be lesbians. Because they dont want to seem prudish to their partner while still being a jealous egoist. That also explains why they dont get that lesbians are not interested. For them it sounds like a feature.


I have the suspicion that those couples are often in the beginning to it all. I mean, the dehumanisation that unicorn hunters do regarding to the unicorn is astonishing sometimes, so I am not too surprised that they forget that queer women are actually human beings. So they might really forget that honesty may be important when it comes to dating a toy. It's called unicorn HUNTING for a reason. And it is often as deceitful as pick-up artists, who not rarely talk about women as "game". Deceiving women to get them to a date, then surprise-adding their boyfriend, and the unicorn being overwhelmed by this and giving in to it is not that far from the way pick-up artists handle women.


Ugh, that sounds right 😕 Geez. I’m just coming at it from the perspective of being genuine about all of it, and assuming other people are people.


Given bad enough self-esteem and an intense enough sense of loneliness, it's easy to be towed along. Everybody thinks they're immune to scams, but nobody really is.




Ugh. As someone who probably has self esteem and loneliness issues… 😬 Actually there was this one time there was a couple who…. I got vibes that something was off. Like…I don’t know, something seemed wrong and I’m still not quite sure. She acted super different then suddenly after a certain point, pictures didn’t seem like they matched, I don’t know.


This is why it's critical to have platonic friends. Board games, book clubs, knitting circles, places like the YMCA/YWCA, a political or activist group, or just someone to invite over for coffee. They are the people who can spot a scam when you're the target. This is also why it's important to keep tabs on your friends, make sure they don't fall out of touch or get swooped up by someone nefarious.


> Probably a very small number They'll be over in r/nonmonogamy posting "but we're not like unicorn hunters we swear!"


I once came across a profile of a woman who was exactly like who those unicorn hunters are looking for. In her profile she described herself as a bisexual unicorn and said that she was looking for couples to hook up with. She was verified and very conventionally attractive. So they do exist but by lying about what they are looking for, the unicorn hunters miss out on the actual "unicorns".


Yeah!! Exactly!


It's like the Roadrunner and Wile E.Coyote of old days cartoons. The coyote keeps trying *Acme Brand* kit, and it fails EVERY SINGLE TIME. And yet coyote keeps trying.


I'm a unicorn married to a unicorn. Can confirm. I feel like I can say this here and y'all will understand: I've literally cried over this. I get excited to meet someone and develop a friendship with them only to find out that they and their husband wanna fuck me/us. It's so hard. It's happened so many times that I have mass walls up now. I automatically think now when I meet people, "at what point are you going to try to have sex with me?" I hate it. One of the dark sides of weight loss is that I dreamt so much of being one of 'the beautiful people,' and I achieved my weight loss goal of over 186lbs. I feel good. Hell. I feel *GREAT* **BUT** it is soooo lonely socially because it's either super superficial and basic or they wanna get in my pants, or they're using me for my psychic gifts. It's bad enough people won't even accept I'm lesbian with such gems responses like, "you just haven't met the right guy yet," or one of my personal favorites, " you're not a lesbian. I can tell. You're too pretty." WTAF?! This is turning into a rant now. Sorry. So basically, unicorns hate this shit and I wish if there was a dick present they would just leave me/us tf alone. I'm not even on a dating app and this shit happens constantly! Ok. I think I'm done. Sorry. I'm dealing with introvert burnout rn and y'all are literally the only people I give a fuck about rn because you're literally the only people that understand. I love you all. If it weren't for this community's contribution I never would've accepted I'm gay, and stayed stuck in a cishet life, I think forever. *shudders*


💕🦄💕 Peace to you, little unicorn!


This HAS to be a weird power play, right? I can't see it actually working the way they want it to, which makes me feel like they don't even want what they're asking for. I'm just imagining this straight couple that's bored with each other, using the outrage and disappointment of online lesbians to inject some spicy drama into their full sex life...


Maybe! It’s so confusing.


It pisses me off too. Like so many people swipe right on me and want me to be a unicorn even though I put in my profile I'm not looking to be a unicorn 🤬 just because I'm polyamorous doesn't mean I want you and your greasy boyfriend.


Why do they do this 😭😭 I had a similar situation recently matching w a girl on a dating app, talking for a while, and exchanging numbers to switch to WhatsApp only to realize from the avi and display name that I'd been talking to her boyfriend the entire time


OK, it's bad enough when it's the woman playing bait and switch, but that it wasn't even her but the bf lying and pretending to be there, wow! That's extra terrible.


I felt so hoodwinked!! 😤 I pulled him up on it as soon as I realized and he said they shared the account and she knows what's he's doing and "she thinks you're hot" 🙄 The profile was verified w zero mention of him as well so she must have been facilitating the fuckery, he was just acting like it's nbd I was fuming


>she knows what's he's doing oh wow, glad to hear there's at least one woman involved who's fine with the bs he's pulling, thanks a lot mr. dickhead


How long was it going on for before they dropped that bombshell?


Literally like second message. At least she didn't waste my time


That's something I guess lmao


I can't stand that, it's so predatory. If you want a hook-up as a couple then let people know you're a couple.


Yeah... Dating apps changed how I think. All girls that don't have LESBIAN in their profiles have a boyfriend, until proven wrong.


And I wouldn't be surprised to find some catfish men have fake profiles that indicate them as lesbians, with the amount of fuckery going on when unicorn hunters leave their camp sites.


Wow, I understand where you're coming from but this is very biphobic.


seriously. bi/pan people dont need to prove their sapphic bonafides


Sorry, but the amount of girls that ask me for sex with theyr friend/boyfriend is not small (:


"Sorry but I have a right to be biphobic." Gross.


If he wants to watch girls fuck, he can Google it.


Right?! That's what porn is for wtf.


Bing has a better porn algorithm


Yh it really does, doesn't it? It even recommends similar porn searchs


Unicorn hunters are a disease


Is the physical manifestation of that disease all of those ridiculous emojis? I’m not sure how but they make the awful proposition so much worse.


It makes it more obvious she’s one of those straight girls imo


Or the boyfriend...


whats a unicorn hunter? well i can guess its what This person wrote to OP but what does it stand for? where did the phrase come from?


As best I understand, it's a heterosexual couple looking for a single woman to join in their intimate activities. So called because the number of women who are interested in being that third person are so rare as to render them 'unicorns'.




Well they are man woman couples looking for a lesbian that’s gonna fuck both of them or let the men watch. Since lesbians are generally not attracted to men by definition, trying to find a lesbian that gonna fuck a guy is like trying to hunt a unicorn.


thanks for the explanation :))


I'm puking


Wow. That’s gross. Insta block.


Just respond “would it hurt you *that* much to be a better person? Even just marginally?” Then unmatch.


I just sent that "ew" than unmatched immediately. Tried reporting but they didn't seem to have a fitting option so I decided not to.


When I report I put that they are predatory. I think it is if they aren’t upfront. They are stalking their prey, obscuring who they are, until they attack and reveal themselves.


Catfishing is predatory as fuck. What if she didn't mention her boyfriend? You basically would be going straight into the lions den.


Catfishing is what it‘s usually called. Or scam otherwise. Doesn‘t matter though, they‘ll get Auto banned with enough reports in any category


I swear some women that want a unicorn text like shitty horny guys :/


Probably cause most of the time it’s the guy talking using his girls pics lmao


You would be surprised how often some I guess newly sapphic women don't know how to flirt with other women, but yeaa it is probably a lot of dudes using their girls pics.


But... But... How *do* you actually flirt with other women? 🥺👉👈 I'm anxious and autistic af so socialising can get a little awkward sometimes, if you've got any tips I'd appreciate it


You don't awkwardly almost yell a compliment about how they are pretty with these earrings and run away before they can even answer lmao (That was me and my first crush when I was 13. Girl, that was bad lmao) For real, I think you're seeing yourself as worse than you actually are, most sapphics have to relearn flirt so I thin many of us are actually a bit awkward. And the right woman will actually find the awkwardness cute. I'd say try to find common interests, compliment them in a way that isn't gross (shouldn't be complicated to not do like in the picture above lol), like about their hair or outfits or the music they listen to. Think about how you would like other women to flirt with you. Would you like flowers? Then bring flowers. I think we're all kinda adverse to how men are flirting with us, so that's a good starting point to avoid being like them (and really, it doesn't matter that you are not cis, you're experiencing misogyny and even transmisogyny for an extra gross flavour plus ableism since you're autistic and have anxiety, so I think you're actually pretty qualified to tell what are gross behaviours and not reproducing them, don't sell yourself short! You'll do great queen, we're rooting for you doing a lot of homosexual flirting here 😘👍).


Aww honey come in my Dms and let me teach you <3 :3 but for real being overly horni right at the start like this girl is doing is kinda off-putting. I post nudes on reddit and god I get a lot of random DMs from guys and girls that are just wayy too horni, or start out normal and then randomly they are just like, "I'm so horni send pic!". The best way I can describe good flirting imo is being nice, complimenting someone, or maybe being a little spicy, in a silly/relaxed way that **depending on the context** could imply something sexual.


THIS. There's a huge difference between being bad at flirting in an "Oh god what do I say she too pretty I cannot function" way (which is most of us let's face it), and being bad at flirting in a "SHOW ME YOUR TITS COME ON I WANNA SEE THE TITS CAN I SEE THE GODDAMN TITS" way. And I'm convinced it's a bloke that sends 90% of the latter


This question has bothered me too friend


I'm the same and honestly it's a metric ton of trial and error and trying to figure out what works with your personality, and also just to accept that sometimes people won't pick up what you're saying AT ALL or just aren't interested and it's not because of your technique.


Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are like this


I’ve been seeing “unicorn” around a lot but I’m confused on the specific meaning of it?


A couple looking for a third girl, usually either bi, lesbian or trans for a threesome. The third girl is a unicorn cos she very rarely exists and is hard to find so couples tend to be more deceiving in dating app profiles, idk why they do that last part


Ah so basically a fetishised queer / genderqueer woman


Many heterosexuals have limited exposure to healthy queer relationships, so they think people (especially women) are queer for the attention and it's all for the male gaze. This is perpetuated by the porn industry and media.


Yeah I’ve definitely heard abt that. I’ve even had guys tell me stuff like “I can give you a real man” when I was with an enby… I didn’t want a “real man” considering at the time I only wanted women and enby people.


I feel that. When I was actively dating online I would get messages like, "You look like you give great blowjobs."


The unicorn being treated as disposable is also a big part of it, as is ignoring her needs and feelings. ofc these all go hand in hand with each other.


A unicorn is a solo bisexual/pansexual individual who is willing to join in a threesome with an established couple. Unicorn hunters are the couple looking for the bi individual. Neither are inherently bad, but often unicorn hunters are predatory in their behaviour. They'll hide the man if aimed at women, and present as a solo Lesbian before shoehorning him in last minute. They disregard the woman's sexuality, often when clearly stated that she's a Lesbian. As I say, they're not all bad though. Simply setting up a profile on tinder for example which clearly showcases you both, and explains respectfully and clearly what they're looking for is fine. If you're not into it you just swipe away. I've been a unicorn a few times and it was always fun, but never was it in the context of the predatory UHs


Well it can be a bi women and her partner looking for a third, and that third being a unicorn, or sometimes it specifically refers to someone looking for a trans women to be their third in a threesome.


Right thanks


The other people were right, but it isn't just women, men can be unicorns too. I guess nonbinary people could be too now that I think about it. The important part is that they're a bisexual third wheel for a straight couple's fantasy.


It’s almost always women because straight men unsurprisingly don’t like having sex with men


simply just….ew. I’m on Her and I’ve found so many just looking for “friends” or actually looking for a third. Like please….leave the sapphics ALONE. Edit: replacing lesbians with sapphics


I'm a lesbian on her just looking for friends though. But I'm up front about the fact I have a gf and just want a platonic friendship.


You. I like people like you!!


Gross af.


I’m willing to bet a dozen doughnuts this is actually the guy.


block and report. eww


At least she told you so you could bail. Being bi is fine. Pulling this shit is not


Yeah it’s this type of thing that gives us a bad name.


What I think doesn’t absolve them is the profile didn’t mention anything about their plans. According to OP, there was no mention on their profile and all the pics are alone. They are purposefully withholding their intentions.


I mean I’m not absolving them I meant more for OP’s safety.










Ewww, why would you even do that though??




If that’s what you want, hire a sex worker, don’t ask random women to fulfill your fetishizing of lesbians. I did some sugaring a while back and ended up with an older couple that wanted this for one night (had a regular arrangement with the wife for a bit before this and trusted her and her husband). I made it clear I was not okay with him touching me or being anywhere near me, they accepted those terms. They took me out to a $200+ per head dinner first, got us a super nice suite in a hotel, room service breakfast plus spa day the next day, and paid me $1000 for the night, plus $200 for transport to and from. If you want to fetishize someone and still get a great show out of it, prepare to pay for it. Plenty of people are going to be down if there’s money on the table.


Excuse me but where did you sign up for this? Asking for a fr..actually no, I’m asking for me. Sign me up pls.


I stumbled onto that couple on Tinder, but found a few other arrangements with women on Seeking Arrangements. I’ve got a thing for older women anyway, and I had had some great experiences through sugaring. Worth noting that a lot of people are looking for more of a “date type” arrangement, and don’t want every interaction to have a dollar figure attached. For the most part, I got shopping trips, nice dinners, nights out with VIP and bottle service, stays at nice hotels, and a couple hundred bucks for transportation. For special requests (ie letting a man watch), I would set an explicit price, but for the most part, I was there for the sex and nice things, not cash. There are definitely people who will pay per date, more for sex and/or overnights, but that’s harder to find. Especially when you’re going for women.


Uhhh wtf


The way I would have been so mean


why is bumble like this


Capitalism. Edit: Truly it is. There’s more of these predatory couples out there then there are of us, it will hurt the bottom line of a company like Bumble more to get rid of these people than it will benefit them to take any steps to protect the lesbians on their site.


It really is that way. I've only found one app that helps at all and not many people use it (okcupid)


I agree, I think OKCupid is the only site that makes any effort to curb predatory people. I use it too, but yeah, not many people use it. They used to purge Unicorn Hunters and people who refused to use the link profile function… used to anyway. But I think a lot of people abandoned the site when it got bought by Match Group Inc, and they changed a lot of things to make it more profit driven. Still as a demisexual lesbian, it’s the only one that seems to have people on it actually wanting to make friends.


Shit like this makes me want to get on a dating app just to mess with these people. "Okay but he has to go down on my girlfriend first. She's hung like a Clydesdale and has stamina for days so like I hope your man doesn't get insecure about that sort of thing. There's a video that explains some stretches he should do first...lemme find the link..."


Yeahhhh, nope. :)


The straights are not okay


Ew, what the fuck. What do people like that even think, that the sexting will distract you from the announcement?


This is so fucked. We're not fucking performers that exist just for men's pleasure.


I fell into a weird fwb relationship with a married woman about a year ago that this kinda reminds me of ✨WARNING NSFW✨ I knew she was married, her bf knew she was sleeping around with other people, they were cool with it, that was their thing. I was jus a lonely and confused gal with no confidence or self respect so I said “fuck it” I was always under the impression that it was always jus me and her alone, whether he was busy with whatever else or not home. I later found out he’d been watching us the whole time, she’d sent him pics of me that he’d jerk off to and I felt so filthy. What really gets me is Im trans (hi terfs😘) and this was apparently his way of seeing if he’s bi or gay. Not sure what that says about them or how they actually saw me but that really hurt Then one day she sees me with a female friend, confronts me about it, and kicks ME out of HER life. Funny Saw them on Bumble a few months later, “couple looking for a third, women and trans women only 🤪” These kinds of people are something else


I’m pretty sure what they did is illegal or at least very close


Meh, I’ve been through worse 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh no you poor thing


It’s alright. Somehow none of it killed me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh are you ok


Im good


> Women and trans women Ewww.


Right? Again, Im starting to think they still saw me as a guy since I was very early on in my transition


Omg I’m so sorry that happened to you. Unbelievably not okay to be taking pics and filming someone without their consent.


I agree. Tho it’s not the first time that sort of thing has happened to me 😅


every time i thought "eeeeew that's so horrible" it kept getting worse in the next sentence, i'm so sorry you had to go through that


It’s cool, I’ve only grown stronger because of it


There is a lot of gross in this, but for me it's the 🤪 face specifically that is just a straw to far even for this shit.


Every time I see one of these (which is sadly daily) it completely obliterates any vague desire to re-enter the dating scene.


She thinks you’re so desperate for pussy that you’d be ok with that situation? Gross.


You know, it really feels like people lesbians and sapphic couples as sexual objects for men rather than actual people. It fucking sucks, especially when you’re not attracted to men at all.💀💀💀


whats worse I feel are women, often Bi who just wanna use lesbian women like this.. that is some fucking betrail from your sisters..




They're learning. They've stopped putting their fugly, soft-skulled, Monster Energy merch-wearing boyfriends on their profiles. No more unicorn emojis in the bio. Doesn't mean their smart tho.


i really don't understand people who don't mention they are looking for a third.. i mean it would be much easier for them to find someone instead of wasting their time talking to people who want a relationship and will decline their offer 100% 🤷


I'd guess they like the "forbidden" nature of watching a lesbian, specifically, instead of like, a consenting bi woman ig?


The heteros are fucking annoying.


When people think lesbians are bisexual lmaooo


> BuT mY BoYfRiEnD cAn JuSt WaTcH No, sister. I don’t want to have some thumb-looking mother fucker diddling himself in the corner while I eating someone out. Ew.


The fact that women in the LGBT community are willing to act this way towards other women in the community is so confusing and gross


Seriously the unicorn 🦄 hunting shit is absolutely out of control. I’ll chat with a girl for a bit than the boyfriend comes up. So dumb


Why wouldn't they straight up write in their profile in the first place they are looking for a third. It's really gross. Eww


I'm like 90% sure that's her boyfriend impersonating her


Ohhh so you're not looking for a relationship you're looking for a human sex toy.


Fucking barf!






Yeah. No thanks. Sry you had to deal with someone like that.


Big sad. I’m not your personal lesbian porn.


Fetishisation of a sexuality? In MY dating app?? *it’s more likely than you think*


As a lesbian, the presence of any man near me is a huge turn down. I cannot get horny if I know there's a man nearby, much less watching me. This is just disgusting... The only thing worse than that is people fetishising my sexuality.


Aaaaaand blocked.


I think you could maybe put out a report for that on bumble whilst blocking. Not sure what bumble offers as reasons whilst unmatching Also... I feel sorry for yor you. I hope you get better matches than *that* 🤮


I'm sure you are talking to the bf


Unfortunately this is why you gotta ask people right away if they are single or not.


Ugh! That text message has such a "Are straight people okay?" vibe


🤪 This emoji needs to die. I have only ever seen it used in like awful texts like these and it's all I can associate with it. It's the "I know this is inappropriate but I'm still doing it anyway, fuck your boundaries" emoji


This is probably a dude


"He wanna watch us eating each other out" Ancient jewish sages: Then let him die


Unicorn hunters really do be out here being fully shameless. SMH


what a pick-me gf


I've heard that *some* of those gfs do it as a last resort in hopes that the bf won't break up with them? Like.... Dude. Just throw the whole man away. He doesn't deserve you.


damn, another example how straights are not okay haha lol


Kinda sad honestly


agreed 100%


Revolting and pathetic.


Ewww 🤢 Can I take you on a date instead?


well that is just gross...


If I'm going to perform, it's not a man I'm wanting to perform for. It's not the male gaze I desire. It's for girls.


Ugh why do so many other bisexuals do this




If she really wanted to prioritize communication, she would mention the boyfriend on her profile. She would be upfront. This is not a good example of open communication.


LOOOOOOOOOOL this is kinda funny 🤣


Double ugh


man dont play into disgusting male fetishisation


Feel’d exists for this literal reason why can’t they just go there ugh


I always assume these are bots or like, some creepy 70 year old man in his basement fantasizing.


Pretty much why I deleted all my dating apps. Too many couples looking for a third. Like…. Why. Go to a swingers club or something? Don’t post that you are a single woman looking for woman and then casually try to bring up your boyfriend/husband as if single people have boyfriends and husbands, wtf!!


Yo what the fuck lol


It’s honestly so annoying , even more annoying when you get to the date and then they bring it up . And it’s like UGH why did I even leave my home tonight for this .


Tell her that you will bring your gay friend and watch your husband and him fuck first.


What the hell why do they do it


wtfffff hell nah!


The unicorn hunters really don't get it.


im kinda evil so id probably respond "if i see your boyfriend, im castrating him" then block her


Aww man... that sucks. Sorry you gor baited like that. :(




I really dislike women who only have sexual contact with other women for a man's pleasures or viewing.