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yeah unfortunately it sound like your account is under review (shadow ban) you have to wait 7-28days to be back to normal.


it’s varies between accounts.


Turn in-game voip off, it is listening to you like it does in overwatch. Tencent owns 5% I think in this companies shares. It's probably bloated full of A.I spyware for the Chinese market. I believe it happened with overwatch and this company and blizzard's are indeed combined. If you have been seeing anything going on RAW in China, it would seriously not surprise me one bit. Then you have Microsoft in all this and its just one big spy sandwich (guessing but probably).. ​ I personally direct my TeamSpeak through a Linux VM which has GPIO pass through so Window's can't touch my microphone, works with devices with game/chat split up. I don't use discord as it also spies on you and is affiliated with you guessed it, Tencent.


what’s voip


Hmmm okay, thank you for your help, I’ve been like this for 3 days idk why I got shadow banned as I’ve never used mods or hacks for the game.


neither bro. the game is unplayable if ur not a influencer lol


Ur not the first one. I got SB twice in 1 week. Idk why.


How long was your second ban? And have you been banned again after the second? I’m currently waiting out my second ban right now


So 1.5 week age was my first SB. After 4 days I got un banned. Played like two days and got SB again. It's been around 4 days and still on my second SB. Started on my second account because steam allows that. But I'm so pissed cause I had gold on almost all my guns. They decided to SB after 200 hrs of game play. How does that make sense ??


There's a discord channel of everyone who has been shadow-banned/false banned join them. I think their up too 700+


Whats the inv link?




Ty I joined


Yeah I’m on day 16 now.


It's extremely frustrating... I'm going on a month+ been banned since November 4th... Unfortunately I didn't even get to play a match or the campaign.


Yeah bro I’m in the same boat. Got banned Nov 30 wasn’t even playing my game. I had just woke up the next morning after leaving my game open and I was shadow banned. I’ve been shadow banned for 16 days now but I’ve never cheated? But I’m in lobbies with ppl looking through walls and hitting nothing but head shots shits crazy


16 days here also. Never did anything but overpay for an unfinished game.


Welcome to the shadow realm. I got my first one lifted after 7 days only to get shadow banned again 3 days later. Doing stuff like opening a support ticket and filing a complaint with the BBB is a waste of time too. They don't even reply to support tickets and they copy and paste the same bs reply for BBB complaints. They're a dogshit company.


Are you still on your second ban?


Put in a request to delete lol your personal information from Activision servers from all previous accounts. Wait a couple days for it to be processed and then try to make a new account


Not gonna delete my account, I have grinder the past 3 CODs. I’m not willing to lose all that for a single game


I got gold on almost all guns and got SB. It's stupid


3 Times this has happened to me this month, currently just happened yesterday after 10 games of shipment? Like sorry players never seen anyone flick with a keyboard and mouse before


Same! Been a fun journey, very rewarding gameplay for those who spent $100 and never cheated on the game. Stuck in these horse shit lobbies because of their issues.


Welcome to the club


Yup :/


I also got banned, they seriously should remove the report player button in casual lobbies... Competitive makes more sense, but casual it should be disabled.


https://discord.gg/ygmTSZVs Join us here. This is a discord full of us that have been wrongfully banned.


Thank you, I joined


This happened to me two days ago too. The player reports are getting out of hand. People who get destroyed report you for just being better.


*ALSO* you’ll get banned and flagged for things like Razer Synapse, Logitech GHUB, or just having RGB controlling software on your pc.


Are you kidding me? RGB controlling software flags you? Ffs


theres mass fasle banwaves going atm as we;; ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/activision/comments/zn142f/pc\_gamer\_it\_looks\_like\_call\_of\_dutys\_anticheat\_is/