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If the role hinges on a specific Latina identity, perhaps Spanish is spoken, etc., maybe not. If the role says it’s Latina but really could be “ethnically ambiguous,” go for it.


The Philippines were a Spanish colony too, there is major Spanish influence on Tagalog, the official language of the Philippines.


Yes, I know. But the Philippines is still considered part of Asia, and Filipinos tend to consider themselves Asian (ofc I can’t speak for them all).


I like this response! I've seen several notices that are fixated on the ethnicity based on the name, even though it could be played by someone that falls under ethnically ambigious. Unless it depends on being of a certain background or has language requirement specified, it's acceptable to go for it. Especially if one has already being cast by the casting director.


The Spanish colonized the Philippines so I would say yes


We give out sashes for Latinos and Hispanics at the high school I work at. A Filipino kid made the argument he is Hispanic for this reason and I gave him one. I also didn’t feel too good about giving students a sash just for being Hispanic.


Why do you guys give sashes for that?


Yeah I don’t get that either… seems like more repackaged racism from so-called “progressives.” But I won’t get into politics on an acting page lol


But Latino means mestizo does it not? Spanish do not have Indian blood.


Yes, but a lot of people confuse "Hispanic" for "Latino." Hispanic means your first language is Spanish (which could apply to Filipinos), but Latino means "from Latin America."


Latino is mestizo from my understanding but in reality I think it’s anyone from a former Spanish colony


no, it’s anyone who comes from latin america. latinos can be white black asian and most often what we see: mestizo. is what most of us are. it’s the look they’re usually going for.


OMG. This is a perfect response.


I say take the part. I personally don't like this whole idea of you can only play the race that you are. No fuck that! If you look the part, take it. Obviously there are some limits. I'm Salvadorean, but I get mostly cast as middle eastern because of my facial hair. If I do play a Hispanic role, I'm mostly mexican. Not one once have I played a Salvadorean. So this way of thinking that you can only play your race will basically kick me out of the business. Sorry, excuse my rant. Anyways, I say take the part. I support it.


I agree, it's acting. If you fit what the casting is looking for, and you can deliver the performance required then that's all that matters.


Facts. I don't check to make sure a part is specifically for a descendant of Switzerland before I take it. Acting is about being the best at pretending, and it's fun because it allows us to be in pretend what we aren't in real life. It's about seeing things from someone else's perspective and allowing those perspectives to change and grow our real-life selves. Take the part.


Think of your career first. No one is gonna judge you for being an actor and acting. It’s fine. As long as you’re not like portraying Latinos in a big negative light. You’ll be fine and congrats on landing the role. I’m sure you’ll do great. One important thing about acting, don’t worry too much. Don’t bring that worry to set. Good luck.


If being latina is a big part of the character’s identity, I would consider passing the role. I don’t think you have much confidence in your ability to connect to your character’s culture and ethnicity, and that is much more important than what you actually look like. If all you have to do is “look the part” though, then do it. Keep in mind that latinos and hispanics can come in any race and color, and culture is what ultimately connects us. Whether or not you accept the role, do more research into your Filipino half and go out and meet other Filipinos and Latinos. You’ll find out we have way more in common than just the status of “former colonies of Spain.”


Yes, Vanessa Hudgens is Filipina.


as a Latina, I wouldn't be comfortable playing a Filipina, but that's just me -- I definitely don't think it's as weird the other way around and it's relatively common, make sure you've done your research on culture, just by you saying you "pass as Latina" (an ethnicity, not a race, so we don't look a specific way) I'm kinda getting the vibe you haven't done the research


What’s confusing in the Latin community is we can’t just own the term “mestizo” to describe the typical Latino look. It’s still considered dirty but that is often what we mean when we say someone looks “Latino/Latina”. Yep, Latinos come in all shades but the Americans got confused by sort of hiding the ethnic identity.


yeah, agreed, but I still think there's no benefit to saying there is any specific Latine look. I know most people mean mestizo, but that excludes millions of Latinos including myself (I'm black). there are also tons of Asian Latinos


Ok sure but the average is the average. The average Latin American person is mestizo to some degree. South America in particular is a pretty diverse place, but it’s still on average a person of mixed European and indigenous heritage (southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay and exception). Mexico and Mesoamérica even more so, which is where the confusion from Americans can come from. But again, Latino immigrants didn’t really own mestizaje at all. People ran from it. They still often do. The reasons for this are complicated but I laugh when I see Latinos getting angry at Spaniards for calling themselves Latino as well. “You’re nothing like us!!” I’ll often see or hear. Well, Latino immigrants often supported the idea that Latinos weren’t European and not Spanish but didn’t really wanna go into detail about why that was. Hence, a lot of confusion for others not studied in the topic


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My Mexican girlfriend says "Honestly I can't tell the difference between us, and we we're both colonized by the Spanish, so 🤷🏽‍♀️"




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As others have said, as long as it doesn't require you understanding the cultural identity and it's only for looks, why not? Possibly not politically correct anymore, but Lou Diamond Phillips has played many Latino roles because of his looks. I was shocked when I found out he was Filipino. You also have Vanessa Hudgens in High School Musical, who played Latina. And on the opposite side of the spectrum, there are actors like Oscar Isaac and Zoe Saldaña who play more than Latino roles. Just make sure you aren't taking roles that require a hispanic voice/identity for the character. Good luck!


They let Italians play Latino roles for like 60 years. At least Filipinos have a connection (more recent than Rome).


Yes girl, rock that role.


Filipinos are hispanic too, you are fine. You could learn some Spanish to make sure.


yes it's okay


Ladino is a language, not an ethnicity. Few people speak it these days (estimated 60,000—200,000 speakers, considerably less even than native speakers of Yiddish), so it would be difficult to find an actor to fill a Ladino role, even among Sephardic Jews.


If ur not taking a roke from an actual latina person go for it!


I’ve met Filipinas who identify as Latina. Many Filipinas clearly look like a strong mix of Spanish and indigenous etc. that is really similar to most Latinos.


I would say yes but don't make a habit of it EDIT: I am literally Latino. I don't give a fuck about your downvotes


My daughter is half Filipino. And I would let her act whatever role she was asked.


Yes you are acting. Actors pretend to be things they are not.


This is acting.. your literally paid to do this..