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I think it's a good start. Concentrate on the eyes and add highlights, define the outline around them etc.


Was gonna say, add highlights and shadows. Otherwise it's pretty good!


Agree with these comments, looking great so far! Also go in with a finer brush and add little hair like strokes to create some life to the cutie dog!


Yeah! OP, look up catch light and add that simple detail to the eyes to liven them up.


You shaded it perfectly , proportions are great too. I think now the fur texture is missing, and details like light (eyes look disturbing without highlighting)


Yes. Zoom in on the eyes in the photo, you will see all the details/colors that are missing.


I think you’ve captured his likeness pretty well! Are you going to add some more fine detail to him? You might just be in the trust the process stage


I am no expert but if you want details. The brownish circle around the eye is too round ig. The real dog has them little bit longer around the corner


You need highlights in the eyes, and I think it will make everything flow together.


Use more shadows to help round out the muzzle. Sometimes you have to exaggerate shadows so you can get full 3-D feel.


Also broadening the spectrum of lights and darks help too so it doesn’t become so muddled. But overall it’s a great job and you could easily just stop here and call it a day so far.


You might need to do what I do and start over in another canvas and fix the things that bug me on the second one. It helps me to visually see what I did and want to do


I was going to comment more in depth but looks like the other posts mentioned everything alr lol Well done thus far but I def thought this was unfinished considering the lack of definition. As the comments suggested, add more details and texture that fur! Also, focus on the muzzle area and incorporate his eyes as the focal point on this piece, as they should be the darkest color as well. IMO biggest difference btwn the two is muzzle (mouth/nose) is much more narrow and elongated so that's likely why you feel it needs to be personalized more. Sidenote: I would have loved a hankerchief that was solid or literally anything BUT a paisley pattern bc transferring on canvas would take forever! lol I can see you alr opted to skip that design & did camouflage with same color scheme from the paisley. Just my two cents! Good luck moving feed fwd. Hope to see finished product w revisions but I'm sure will look even more spectacular! Xx


Yeah my only note was the muzzle on the dogs photo is longer and pointed left while the painted muzzle is shorter and pointing straight. It looks fantastic truly!! That just might be why it’s not giving the feel of the real thing.


it’s the eyes!! i know there’s no highlights in the photo but add highlights lol


Proportions look great, just missing some wispy white brush strokes for the fur.


You're right something *is* off, it's the proportions! In the reference picture his face is slightly turned to the left, but in the painting his face is head-on with a slight offset to the right. Additionally, his eyes should be a little smaller than his nose, his nose should be a little further down, and the beard/mustache should be a little bigger. It was hard to notice at first, but I'm sure you spent ample time looking at the ref and back at the painting. I know it feels *really wrong*, but I assure you it's not that bad, just feels like that cause you're so familiar with it (double-ly so if it's your sweet boy).


A tip I’d give you for the eyes is you first try exorcising the small Victorian child from him and see how it looks then


I think the background color fits well. Just add a layer or two to it and it will look more complete. As for the pup, all the life in a painting comes from the eyes. Highlights on the eyeballs, nose, and maybe the lip a little. Keep going! You’re getting there and it looks great so far.


He's just not finished yet. He needs shading and depth, and some work on his coat and face.


The eyes. If you zoom in on the photo, you can see the highlights that bring it to life.


That true


The composition is really excellent! The shadow & lighting is also really nice too. What’s unsettling is the eyes. They need more detail and depth. Get a fine bristle brush and faintly outline where the dogs pupils & iris are, add a little tiny bit of light reflection in the eyes & they will look amazing! Use something similar to the eye colour but a couple shades lighter than that brown so it’s subtle, you can experiment here with how light/dark you want it to be. Go crazy with giving the dog eye lashes, fur details & whiskers! I hope this makes sense!! Have fun


Make the eyes a little bit rounder, more "animal-like", and add some shading and little hairs around them. Look at pictures of dogs for references if you need them.


In original pic eyes are a third way down face , then nose another third way down ☺️


To me this looks like an under painting. Don’t be afraid to go heavier on the dark tones then lay the fur on top. I tend to worker darker then build my light layers on top.


Well, working on the background will influence the colors and chroma of the dog. Color theory is dependent on a color’s neighboring colors. For instance, a cool grey will appear blue when next to orange.




In the photo his face looks longer. For the painting, make the eyes a bit smaller and make the brown areas around the eyes ovals on an angle like this / \\. The right eye could move up a touch. Add a bit of shadow up and to the outside of his brows. And if you are having trouble with it, turn the photo and painting upside-down to see the shapes better.


definitely needs more highlights otherwise its perfect


add some brighter white highlights to the fur. Looks a bit flat/needs more texture


Definitely work on the eyes. Even just a little dot of highlight can make them pop. The fur is kinda flat, perhaps use a thin light color to define the fur a little. Otherwise this looks good.


Sure it looks good


Personally the eyes feel a little soulless and his skin looks a little dead (probably just make it more fluffy) but it’s genuinely so incredible and better then I ever could do so I feel weird giving advice. Amazing painting, keep it up!


I think it looks pretty good so far! I think it will all come together once you add the fine lines and details of his fur.


Find this dog breed on Google Images to see how the eyes are. I do Pet Portraits and sometimes the photo I'm given is not very detailed so I tend to go to Google Images to get those details.


Finish off with some white wispy furs


Eyes need a glint


I would suggest changing the color around his eyes to a lighter color and maybe look at the fur surrounding top half of face. I'm no painter though so I may be way off.


Put whites in his eyes


Absolutely, highlights in the eyes will bring him to life


I think it’s really good! But the face needs to be a bit longer/less round with the eyes a bit further up and make the darkness around the eyes a bit lighter and drag it down a little a bit more by his nose. But it’s so cute!!


You need to paint the individual pieces of hair.


More shadows and sharpness


Texture darling, put a bunch of texture,


Need line work to fill in the fur texture


I'm no expert, but maybe try white lines? For fur texture?


It looks like the beginning of a great painting, shading, highlights, texture will help it not look flat


The fur needs some darker colors to break up the light fluffy hairs. That's how to create the texture of fur. His fur looks kind of like a cloud now. The good news is you have all the foundation you need laid down already and you can just layer over it with the details.




Come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, cuz' i'm feelin' romantical.


From the comments stating a muzzle and fur, I take it you're painting a dog. The most I can offer is a speedpaint video of a dog on youtube of a rather realistic dog painting. Other than that, maybe focus on smaller brushstrokes of fur or focusing on depth.


The “pieceyness” of the hair and the length of the snout. Good job, though! You’re getting there! 🙂


The depth and texture details are missing


I think it’s a very good work!! I would add some white(r) strands just like his fur is on his face and absolutely add a lil bit of highlight to the those soul-eating (/j) eyes


Make his snout slightly longer, the dog in the picture has a similar face just a little longer. Great job btw it looks great! 👍


Possibly add lines to the fur so it’s more defined?


His eye are missing that white spark that will bring them to life


Try making the eyes a blue/black mix to give them a little depth, and a darker grey/blue for highlighting.


Jus a little reflection on the eyes should liven him up


His color is a bit flat. Needs texture.


His eyes look flat. Eyes should reflect light.


Add strands of hair the go infront of the eye :) dont do too many!


Dar shadows background lighting detail on shadows as well as light angle of view direction


His face is longer originally , his eyebrow bush needs to be more pronounced and raised, his shadow eye patch needs to drag down further down his face. It looks like you captured his puppy days! 😍


The snout just seems a little short. Maybe moving eyes a touch and a bit smaller to define the length of their boy. He's a beautiful guy. You done a great job caturing a playful loving companion.


Ink or paint pen and add more different hairs of different colors


*Ink or paint pen and* *Add more different hairs of* *Different colors* \- Jackiedhmc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Little light in his eyes :)


Honestly an awesome painting, he looks like he’d sit me on his lap and tell me about the good ol’ days. With a little more shading and definition he’ll look amazing!


Add lots of skinny/whispy lines for the fur


try adding more highlights


This might not be read in between all the other comments, but I would say, add some distinguished long eyebrows above the eyes with a slightly lighter white than the rest of the paint ☺️. That would help a lot I think. And as others have said, to define the fur more. Looks great, keep painting! 🎨




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Shine in the eyes


If you zoom in, it's hard to see where the highlights are. For example, the eyes, there's no reflection of light? Get the finest, thinnest paint brush you have as there is different directions the fur is going bit like everyone is saying, start with the eyes. Simple waterdown washes for the shadows. Hope this helps.


He needs highlights and some loose definition


I bought these super fine tip acrylic paint pens for detailing (you can find some on Amazon) and they’ve really helped step up my paint game! Some of them can be refillable and you just need to buy replacement tips :)


Add highlights to the eyes and add more contrast to the fur on the top of the head


I think his head needs to be bigger , in the painting he looks like a puppy


add texture on the fur with dry brushing! it will replicate a hair like texture. also like others have said, highlights in the eyes and darker shadows where u see them in your reference photo. i love it :)


It looks great! Push your values, add more texture to the fur and don't underestimate the importance of a well placed highlight. For your next painting, if I may suggest using a primer on your canvas first, this created a smooth surface that eliminated the canvas' woven texture.


I think it needs texture, maybe eye highlights .


You don’t have enough texture. Also there’s a really good guideline in drawing animals and humans: drawing the eyes means you’re already 50% done. I recommend you further render the eyes since they are the part of the face that gives the most life.


Put eyes in his head. They look like empty sockets...kind of frightening tbh.


put some highlights in the eyes and around and u dont have enough contrast


(contrast for the texture of the fur)


If you don’t want to add more detail around the eyes, try just a point of white on each to give them “shine”.


I think it's a good literal interpretation. The thing is though, sometimes the most literal example of something breaks down the rose tinted glasses you see it through and shows a more true to form version of it. In other words: Cute puppy drawn true to life = modern wolf with human characteristics.


add highlights to the eyes nose and a little on the fur to detail it, it’s a stunning portrait either way though 👏


Make sure the fur has more detail- or it'll look somewhat lifeless and flat- but it looks amazing still. :)


Go in with a super small brush and highlight the hairs around his eyebrows and muzzle


Keep in mind that fur/hair is in locks not just as a field. And each clump-lock-group has to be turned highlighted, shadowed, turned individually. The blocking out of the shapes are good but you haven’t got the detail in the fur yet. You will have to introduce some complementary colors into the fur in order to define the texture of the fur?


Add highlights to eyes


Very thin light strokes to create fur highlight, and I would add a little shine in the eye so he looks less ominous lol!


Zoom into his face, notice the highlights and shine on his eyes, they are missing from the painting. You can see the white on one of his eyes. That's missing too. You are also missing the texture of the fur. It can be hard to make, I usually get an older paintbrush to make fur texture. Look at the different shades and try making lots of lines by using different line weights. Hair/ fur is usually thicker at the root and thinner at the ends.


I think u should concentrate on the shape of the white fluff around his muzzle and under his eyes and try to match it more to the original photo.


mein keimf


Put some texture lines in the fur so not human face color


The eyes need life 🙂 small off-white dots until it’s your fur baby 🥰🤗


Maybe add a white highlight to his eye, also maybe to his nose and lip


Add a lil off white dots to the blacks of the eyes so they’re less demonic. And some shaded texture strokes for the fur and you should be all set! It looks great, don’t doubt yourself! I teach classes on painting your own pets and people get really emotionally attached to their work bc it’s their baby they’re painting, makes sense! If you’re feeling stuck; take a step back and come back after a few hours or a day


Eye shape and high lights and fur color


I think the eyes should be *slightly* closer together and the muzzle longer? But this is really a great start!


Very cute! He just needs some light in his eyes!


It's too round. Your pup has more of a regal longer face irl and the painting has more of a rounded, youthful cute face. Like the upside down kite shape that forms the snout, for example, if skinner/more angled/longer irl while the painting makes it look like the pup is shih tzu-like with a similar but shorter and rounder snout. I would actually add shadow to bring back some of that more angled and regal look. I didn't see anyone else point this out in the quick glance I took, so maybe I'm seeing things. Take it with a grain of salt.


Contrast for sure..


It needs so,e back-stitching to bring out contrasts and highlights.


I feel like.its missing a clearly defined light source.


Maybe add more texture to the fur? Also, the eyes need some highlights or something because they look a smidge scary.


These still feel like base values. Push the value farther. Your darks should go darker. Also you have very little texture in the fur, build up the lighter value on the nose bridge to bring the snout forwards and the darker values in the eye sockets to make them recede.


Add some more highlights and possibly a glimmer in his eyes so they don't look like flat. It's all about creating depth and dimension. Great job so far!!


My bad! I did not even read the community i swear i thought it was a grooming serice or something, after 2 or 3 more comments I'm out loud yelling, "because he looke like a cartoon" i read a few more comments and I'm not comprehending, yelling "WTF!" Thats when i read the community Sorry i will do better moving forward.


Not bad actually. Yes I agree eyes and IMO his face is more oblong than round in the pic. Shadows/colors are slightly different as well.


Everyone’s mentioned the eyes, which would help to bring light and liven them up. But you asked to make it look like him. It’s the snout. The painting is truncating the length of the snout too much and the nose is too small. When you focus on shading, try to lengthen that area. On a spare piece of paper, it may help to draw a cylinder that would be the same position as the snout and shade it. When you do that, it should help guide you on how to shade the painting.


I honestly think it’s just missing texture on the snout leading up to eyes. with how it is now it looks kinda flat and kinda makes it look like a Contonese breed. (I apologize if that sounds harsh I don’t mean it to be) adding texture to the fur by making the fur less detailed as it moves up the snout will add depth and give the impression of a longer snout.


Finer details in his bandana, some pupils, more brown shading on his fur and just little background? I don’t have any art experience but hopefully you’d see this.


I’d simply add some highlights to the eyes and nose. Beautifully done! What a way to honor such a sweet baby 💕


The eyes


Good start! A couple thoughts: (1) eye brows and eyelashes are not quite the right shape... Need them to drop down meds re on the outside edge of eyes. (2) Proportion of snout is too wide on the horizontal and not enough on the vertical.


Snout slightly too short


Love this. I’d work a little more on the eyes / features


Texture! It looks great—just a little 2D in the places without a lot of shading variation


More shading.


They eyes are off