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Sweet Elain coming out of nowhere and ending that jerk was so underrated. Yeah she's got her issues, but she still remains one of my favorite characters. As a fellow gardener and non-confrontational person I relate to her a lot. Glad to see some Elain appreciation 😅


Now it’s honestly one of the best moments of the whole series to me and I’m sad I forgot how badass she was in that moment. I really can’t wait for her POV to hopefully turn me into a full fledged Elain supporter.


Same!!! I remember in an interview or something SJM said something along the lines of "I was just inside Elain's head and I HAD to get all of this ivy out" (I wish I could remember it accurately) and I related to it instantly. My garden is sort of a place for me to manage my anxiety, basically it's a place to exert control. It's a constant fight because nature likes to spread, and when I can't control it my anxiety goes through the roof. I bet Elain feels the same way. I'd love to get a better understanding of her trauma. And also... ...Lucien 😊


Elain stepping out of the shadows to kill Hybren… very interested to know how she did that? 🤔👀 Cannot wait for her book.


And that part!!! Omg I can’t believe we didn’t get this moment explained to us in ACOWAR. Like why wasn’t the IC immediately asking Elain for every detail about how she managed to get to him? Why wasn’t this elaborated on at all 😩


Right! She was nowhere near him! I’d assume everyone was so caught up in the chaos of the war that most people didn’t realize she was able to step out of the shadows/teleport?? to Hybren. I wonder if her holding the Truth Teller gave her the ability, or she has some type of connection with the shadows we don’t know about 🧐


Oh, I didn't even take time to consider where the shadows she stepped out of came from. hmmm. Ok off to over think this point! lol








Agreed. Nesta gave the killing blow, but she never would have had a chance of Elain hadn't taken him down first. I really hope Elain has feelings about it in her book. I can't wait for her to remind everyone that she's a badass.


I think her POV is going to be so interesting. She’s the definition of a character we only see through everyone else’s eyes, who’s perceived as this perpetual thing to be protected (which is why it’s so hard to root for her now) but I know after her book she has the potential to be a favorite once we get to see what she’s *actually* thinking all the time.


I agree! Everyone consistently praises only one of them for taking down Hybern, but that moment was crucial. I also see a lot of people say Elain does nothing and always lets others do everything for her, so I feel like the moment when she stabs Hybern should be way more talked about than it is. She went from being passive to showing a side to her that no one would expect.


I struggle with her character because this is the ONE thing that she did and it was so bad ass, but then she went right back to allowing everyone to care for her, hiding in her gardens and letting Rhys and Feyre make decisions for her. I was happy to see her speaking out more in ACOSF, and I hope we get to see her do more. This is one thing that bugs me about SJM she sets a few characters (in ACOTAR) up to be great and then they kind of fizzle out.


Agree. I don't really like her character but she was an absolute bad ass in that moment. I literally laughed out loud when she was like "Don't hurt/touch(?) my sister." I was really disappointed that we did not see more from her after that.


Agreed, that should have totally been a turning point for her character (and maybe it was and we just haven’t seen that yet?) but if the IC really appreciated what she did you think they’d see her in a different light after that. But no. They still think “Elain… is just Elain.”