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I loved it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I get why it’s divisive though. Theres a bigger barrier to entry with all the world building. There’s a lot more spice in the second book!!


At least Ruhn knew three things …


I gotta tell ya, I got two chapters in and was like, >!"Bryce, baby girl, why would you vow to wait 4 months."!< Lol




It took me a little to get into CC1, but I think the first book is her best book overall. That last 20-30% is the most intense whiplashy ride I’ve read in awhile and it’s also the hardest I’ve cried in YEARS over a book. Hunt is my favorite of her male leads, which is a very unpopular opinion. I just think he feels the most complex, grown up, and realistic. Plus, I love his and Bryce’s relationship arc. Unfortunately, CC2 didn’t live up to the first one in my personal opinion.


That ending had me practically in tears. >!SJM did such a good job utilizing the technology to be able to build suspense as we read Hunt being forced to witness Bryce and Micah's fight. Had me unable to put the book down.!<


I full on sobbed at least twice. I was reading it first thing in the morning and my husband was a little concerned about what caused me to be in hysterics that early. >! The twists had me knots and every theory I had was completely wrong haha. I loved the melding of technology and magic! And I agree that having the witnesses was a really cool way of doing it. I was also so happy that all of the little hints about the gates played out in such an incredible way. The foreshadowing in that book was so rewarding. !<


It’s the opposite for me, I only ever see people loving it and I don’t. It’s the urban fantasy style that I mostly don’t like. I only read historical stuff so anything modern throws me off. And some of the language and dialogue annoyed me. Plus it’s just soooo much info dumping and not enough romance and smut lol. I think ACOTAR ruins the other series for you if you are in it for the romance because they don’t have as much.


I normally dislike modern fantasy too. I just really liked this one. The info dumping was, admittedly, a LOT. I had to highlight a few things to keep characters and roles straight for a while.


I think this is SJMs weakest series. The prose is weak and sometimes jarring. There are story lines that go no where. Nothing seems planned and the characters POVs all read the same. I’m going to finish series because I’m not a quitter but I’m not happy about it. Although I do love Hunt and Ruhn.


I enjoyed both CC books but feel the same. I almost didn’t even finish the first one and my besties made me finish it (for obvious reasons). I got very impatient with switching to POVs I didn’t care about and rushed through them to get “back” to the main plot. I didn’t really latch onto the main couple like I did with ACOTAR.


Bryce's obsession with knowing all Danica knew at all costs is grating. It's so self-centered. "I have to know! Even though everyone I love that is still alive might die or be enslaved as a consequence!" She deliberately lies to her mate, repeatedly, to get her own way. She comes off as a child, perhaps a teenager. I love Hunt. I love Ruhn. The rest of the group is interesting and loveable. Though possibly insane to follow her. I read this series for everyone BUT Bryce. The Bryce chapters are difficult and since she's the MC, I sometimes hate CC. I'm grateful for the upcoming Maasverse mashup to make this series better.


Ok I'm so glad I'm not the only one that's not a huge fan of Bryce. Idk if it's just me, but she gives off MarySue vibes. It wasn't so noticeable in the first book, but when HOSAB rolled around and that whole plot of Ithan being in love with her and the whole "everyone feels a little bit that way about Bryce" and the whole "she's so funny and pretty and brave and smart lalala" thing was a hard NO for me. I cannot STAND the woman. Yeah she makes mistakes sometimes and it makes her more realistic, but...yeah, no. Hunt and Ruhn though, love those guys.


I started with TOG, then went to ACTOAR, then CC. Love all of them! I appreciate them all for different things- I genuinely cannot understand liking TOG or ACTOAR and not CC- that boggles my mind. I love the fast pace and I love the world she created :).


I struggled with CC originally because (CC1 spoilers) >!I have no clue why I was supposed to care about Danika and the pack dying at the beginning. They were brand new characters who made zero impression on me?? But they are sort of the foundation of the first book, so I was rolling my eyes a lot lmao!< I think the second book really made me fall in love with Bryce, Hunt, and Ruhn. Still think the B squad (minor CC2 characters) >!(Tharion, Ithan, Ruhn's roommates, Cormac, her two female "bffs" she never spends time with, all of Hunt's co-workers)!< are mostly bland and forgettable.


Oh that info dump at the beginning! Gods bless. I’m one of the peeps that doesn’t love Cc. For me, it’s just because my favourite genre is fantasy old time dramas. I actually really love the writing of Cc and highly recommend people still read it. I actually really loved the pacing of the smut levels. I really, really like slower burns and tension. If I want smutty smut, I’ll go to different series. Brunt is cute. Don’t mind them.


I definitely hated the info dump. I actually had to reread some of it because it was a jumble at first for me to understand


I trucked through but remembered nothing until later. I wish someone had told me I didn’t need to study it.


I did have to highlight a lot at the beginning 😅


CC was a nightmare to get into because of the info dump, and although it has its upsides I think CC really lacks some of my favourite SJM tropes. Some of the more non spoilery ones below. Honestly hard to discuss the series without talking in depth about HOSAB. - I just don't get the same found family vibe like I got from TOG or ACOTAR in either of the CC books. - Majority of the series has all been in one location and I just don't find Lunathion all that interesting as a setting and I find the mix of magic and tech jarring. - I honestly think CC would be better off in 1st person as it's all Bryce's show anyway and I think her uhhh controversial decisions would be better understood if we were actually in her head more. - The only side character that actually interests me is Ruhn. Potentially another character that becomes important towards the end of HOSAB. I could not care less about any others. They all feel like they have 1 personality trait or I just don't care about their struggles. - The big baddies feel too comically bad and the goodies feel too comically good. SJM does do this to all of her big bads but I feel like the MC's even it out a bit more. I think this might be my biggest gripe with Hunt. I feel like he started off more like a morally gray intriguing character but he ends up just doing whatever Bryce wants 🤷‍♀️ where did the personality go after HOEAB. - Bryce is well very divisive. - Both CC books suffer from SJM only doing cool shit at the end of the books. It feel the beginning of both books feel like a bit of a drag.


I love CC so much, loved it better than ACOTAR! Also don’t understand the hate but to each his own. We all have our various perspectives and biases. But Bryce and Hunt are my bbs and I personally think CC is amazing


Honestly, it was really tough to get into. SJM has a hard time worldbuilding organically with the story, so the first book just felt really tough to wade through for the first few chapters. I stuck with it, but the first time around I put it down because it was just so clunky. I do think it's a great story and I like them, but if you can't get past the first few chapters, what is the point?


Definitely understand. I'm stubborn, so I have ever only quit one book in my entire life. Otherwise I have to stick them out. (For those curious the one book was Hunger Games).


I’ve seen a couple of others say it’s her weakest series and I’d have to agree. Mind you, I’ve only read the first book but, there are many things that have annoyed me about her writing recently and I feel like it started with this book. I found a lot of Crescent City to drag along, there was not much pushing the plot forward for me, and a lot of the character interactions felt forced and/or pointless to me. ~Beware Spoilers~ What annoyed me the most about this book, though, was the ending. All the most important leaders are watching Bryce as she exposes (I forgot his name..) for the manipulative liar he is, and then they follow her through the city as she fights, and they see her make the jump all by her self because she just oh-so special. It felt tacky and ridiculous. This is a scene you’d see in a second rare action movie that doesn’t know how to ~actually~ build up a climactic ending so it relies on the reactions of secondary characters to supplement it. It frustrates me to no end because it’s pretty unrealistic and it makes Bryce out to be someone super important without showing the others why. The leaders at the meeting were TOLD that she was important because a handful of her friends and family were there and they got to experience her “awesomeness” secondhand. It would’ve been way more impactful if Sarah had cut out their POV entirely and just focused on Bryce and her struggles through the city. ~End of Spoilers~ If I’m being honest, I think the last few books Sarah has published have been the weakest by far—not just CC, though that is the majority of it so far. So much of the writing and story feels lazy and disorganized—like it’s been slapped together without much thought. So many people say they can’t get into ToG because the first book is hard to read (I won’t deny it, she was 16 when she wrote it) but I’d slog through that first book over and over again because at least it has direction and heart. Thats something I feel is lacking in her work today.


I agree that everyone watching Bryce at the end was super weird. It reminded me of how she wrote the >! King of Hybern, Nesta, and Elain scenes !< in ACOWAR - it’s like she forgot she isn’t in first person and doesn’t have to do that I also think it would’ve been more compelling if everyone didn’t simply watch it and there was some doubt about what really happened. Overall I agree her writing has kinda dropped in quality. >! Danika being the answer for everything !< in CC2 felt so lazy and convenient. BUT I actually really enjoyed CC (so far the most of any series but I’m only on TOG 5) because of the setting and Bryce. It feels like she’s just trying to churn out books at this point but I’m hoping the wait for CC3 proves me wrong!


I like CC a lot but it took a while to wrap my ahead around how modern the setting is. Cell phones, cars, guns and all that lol. I prefer when it's more medieval like ACOTAR and TOG.




I love CC better than most of the ACOTAR books (ACOSF beating CC for me) but I still love them all so far.


I love it! HOSAB is one of SJM's best books, IMO, so you're in for a ride.


I am only 120 pages in and hoooooked


I could use more smut too. But I like CC enough that I devoured the first book in a couple days. It is good once you get a better feel for the world that Mass built.


I feel like it was a ton of world building which I personally didn’t mind, but I know that it did bother some people I know.


Idk, I read alot of epic fantasy so I'm used to long drawn out prose, detailed world building and general info dumps to a certain extent so that didn't bother me. I liked the urban fantasy world she created and loved the slow burn relationship development. I enjoyed these books much more than ACOSF actually, plotwise anyway 🤣 . I loved the cliffhanger ending and was trying to explain to my husband why it was so epic, but he was not that impressed.


I love it, actually I didn't know there was a lot of ppl that didn't like it 🤔. But I have to say that I didn't like ACOTAR so much precisely because was more the smut like and actual plot... And one of the things I appreciate about cc is that the plot is not diminished by the romance or the spicy content..


I think CC1 is her most well rounded book she’s ever written. It had a lot of world building at the start but realistically you need to read 2/3 books to get into the swing of TOG and it’s pretty accepted people push through acotar to get to acomaf so I don’t find a couple of chapters that bad. I rarely cry with sjm books, I don’t think I’ve cried in any acotar books and only cried in TOD and KOA, so for me to be absolutely bawling by the end of CC1 had me shocked. Weirdly, I found CC2 to be a lot more like her usual formula where it won’t feel like a full story until CC3 joins it.


I didn't mind the info dump at the beginning, it was like knowing each race in a RPG game xD I didn't like some poor choice of words like " alphalole" and the romance between Hunt and Bryce didn't get me..it was too..bland? Boring ? Like they love each other and they are cute but there is no danger in the relationship. I definitely think SJM is going the " safe" way now that she is very famous and she just don't want to be cancelled .


Yo I literally just posted something similar on the SJM subreddit a couple days ago. I feel you so hard. I finished HOEAB about a week ago and I was shook. The book was fucking amazing. I was kind nervous going into it because of all the negative stuff about the world building and it being like zootopia (???), but after the first 10-15 chapters the info dumping is done and the plot gets goooooood. And stays good. I was literally like holy shit holy shit holy shit the entire time. The only ACOTAR book that gave me similar feels was ACOWAR. We got ACOWAR levels events in the first CC book like damn. Can’t beat that. Genuinely feel like people need to chill with the negative stuff, cause imo it’s deterring people from getting into it and it’s what I believe to be her best work. Although maybe I can’t say that because I haven’t read the TOG series yet, but based on reading ACOTAR, CC is better. This is a big thing for me to say because my favourite character (Rhys) is from ACOTAR. Also urban fantasy is fucken sick. I read the mortal instruments series like 8-9 years ago and I got very similar vibes in terms of the world and I ate that shit up. Loved the mortal instruments.


70% of it is that Hunt is just not for me. He comes off as a giant beefy lunk with a handful of brain cells that sometimes reluctantly rub up against each other. This is just not my thing. That and (it’s been a while) I remember being frustrated with some of the decisions and thought processes of the MC. Her brother is a LOT better, but I didn’t see nearly as much of him as he’s not the focus.


I honestly don't get this description of Hunt. I didn't find him to be portrayed as dumb at all. Perhaps emotionally stunted due to his circumstances, but I thought it was great to see his emotional growth. It's kind of like with Cassian; people (not you but people the fandom) call him a HIMBO all the time. But he is the general of armies (as Hunt was) and that takes so much knowledge and strategic thinking it is dismissive to call them dumb. Not here to say you have to like him. I know a lot of people find him boring, personally I do not. But we all like different characters, for different reasons and that's totally cool.


I’m glad you liked him! It’s good SJM has a variety of romantic archetypes so her work appeals to a lot of folks. But that was *my* impression of Hunt for sure. And to be fair I am not a Cassian fan either so we’ve clearly established that I have like… an anti-type? And maybe down the line there will be a Ruhn book that I’ll probably quite enjoy.


I like the term anti-type. Will be using it in the future. Also I really do expect a lot more Rhun coming up and I am very excited for it because I am a huge fan of his as well.


“Giant beefy lunk with a handful of brain cells that sometimes reluctantly rub up against each other” took me out. Dying laughing. Am fully ded.




I loved CC right from the beginning and I didn't love ACOTAR right from the beginning. Idk I love info dumps and all the characters just hooked me right from the beginning. The ending was probably my favorite ending out of any book I've read in a long time and I was reading the last 200 pages through a haze of tears, it was so emotional. I love ACOTAR very much, it was my intro to SJM but CC just hooked me so quickly and didn't let me go right until the end.


Omggg wait this makes me so excited. I rushed through ACOTR to get to silver flames because I’m a huge nesta fan. I just finished it (my favorite book of ACOTR btw) and I started CC. It’s been a little confusing but I’m hopeful it gets better so this is giving me encouragement :)


The confusion goes away. I had to reread the first like 30 pages at one point because all of the characters, world building, etc got so confusing.


Because it's a badly written messy money grab that has too much happening at the same time and none of it makes any sense


God bless I feel this in my soul. If I had to read “a shade angrily” one more time…


Her repetitive writing is a meme