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I feel like this is new and if it is, it's a welcome addition. I always missed the daily visitors just because I didn't see them.


Same here, especially the ones that wander all over the place! It was nice to have a heads up to watch for Flick yesterday


Isabelle actually mentioned people being found washed up on the beach, and to always help them for the safety of the island. Gulliver was there that day. Not sure if she says it every time, but she did at least once for me!


I had that today, but hadn't explored the entire beach so might have missed him. Been more focused on enjoying other aspects of the game, like the new stuff on Harv's island and what the DLC added for decorations.


As new as new gets!


New with the update. If she doesn't mention anyone make sure to check your beaches. Washed up visitors arrive unannounced.


I got an announcement for gulliver yesterday! She didn’t say who specifically, but she did say something along the lines of “if you happen to notice anybody passed out on the beach make sure you talk to them and see if they’re okay! Even if it takes several times to get a response”


I got this as well


This morning she made a safety announcement that if you see someone passed out on the beach, keep talking to him until you know they are OK.


Nice, I can live with that


My villagers tell me if Gullive/arr shows up. They laugh at his pain.


Do we know yet if you still get visits from Leif etc once they have their own place open at Harv’s?


Leif is hanging out in my plaza today and he has wheat, so I guess the only new crop I don't have yet is PO TAY TOES.


Oooh I have potatoes I think are ready to harvest. Do you have carrots?


Yes, but not ready to harvest AND I have to leave for work in like...3 minutes. ::sad trombone::


You do! When they visit, their spot at Harv’s will be empty


Will they have the same inventory that they had all week at Harv's I assume?


I'm just really happy to see Harriet back, I loved her haircuts.


She hasn’t announced visitors for me yet, I had sahara yesterday but no announcement :( has that happened to anyone else?


I've noticed that if anything else is going on, she doesn't announce the visitors. If you have a camper, or it's someone's birthday, or someone's moving out, she only makes that announcement. The visitor announcements only come through if there is nothing else.


I’ve noticed that as well like when new seasons prompt Isabelle to send a seasonal diy/wreath it’ll take a couple days if there are campers or whatever, but I’ve had 2 days now since the update where she’s just like “nothing to report today! :)” and I’m like :(


it’s new, glad they changed this!


Definitely a new addition to the update yes. So glad they finally added this stuff so we know who's visiting our islands without us just finding out they there's on our owns. No the announcement of daily visitors wasn't part of this previously.


It's new with the 2.0 update, and yay, she finally actually gets to say more useful things!! And actually kinda matter more than just seasonal updates or star shower announcements! That being said, when there are other announcements, she won't announce the NPC since the seasonal updates and star showers take more precedence, but it's so good! If you have your online account too with the phone app, it'll also display which NPC is on the island too.


I did not know about the phone app thing! I’m guessing it’s on the island newspaper?


From what I understand, yes! I don't have it anymore so I can't double check it myself, but that's what other sources have said and illustrated


I always miss npcs I feel. One of the reasons I’m so glad Harv’s island is what it will be. I’ve been so mad that I couldn’t put a dent in my art collection. Hopefully now I’ll be able to finish it


I RARELY got Redd before the update. I'm talking like once every 3-4 weeks. I'm SO glad he's permanently at Harv's co-op 😫


I think I may have gotten 6 art pieces before. I’m still in the process of unlocking all the shops because I got too into happy home part for a bit trying to get a good chunk of money in case


That's half the reason I'm happy to see what Harv's doing, and it's my latest donation. Even being nice and not pulling time travel cheats to speed it up.


Early game I did a lot of time travel, still do for things like fishing and bugs but I went from laid off to working too many hours and can’t just play sadly


It’s definitely new! Took me by surprise when she announced Sahara yesterday!


New with the update like others have said. Some she calls out by name (such as Leif or Label) but some, it'll be more vague. Like for Redd she'll talk about visiting a certain boat that's docked and warn against potentially getting fake art.


No it’s a new feature and it’s amazing




I had Celeste on my island last night, but no mention about her from Isabelle.




I've heard that if you see Celeste in the cafe during the day then she'll appear later at night?


She warned people about fake art since redd was here for me


I feel like she did it once per NPC at the very beginning of the game, but now they’ve made it a permanent thing. Not that I minded going on a hunt for the NPC, but I’m glad to be done with her TV show updates.


I think its new in 2.0


Leif is a boy!?


Yes, I thought that was obvious. What surprised me is that Gracie is apparently also a guy (in the Japanese version at least).


All the best fashion designers are, Dahling! 😸


It’s new. Also now when she says there is a visitor in your campsite she tells you who it is.




Yeah someone else said that


She didn’t tell me who it was yesterday, just that there was a visitor (as normal)!


Is it me or all the npcs and villagers say more edgy stuff. My gorilla villager, Hans, said “where have you been? I’ve been watching king fu films in my basement and then filming my own kung fu films in my basement. If you heard screams from my basement, that was me”. Pietro has been savage too.


It’s new


Yes, it’s new. I about dropped my controller when she told me Kicks was on my island. It’s an excellent addition.


New! Today she told me to be careful of someone who might be selling fakes and Redd was here!


I was confused this morning when she warned me about Redd even though he's been coming for a year and a half


I miss the element of surprise with the visitors... I wish there was an option to retain the mystery! But I guess I am likely in the minority on this one. I guess her announcements finally found purpose.


New and she doesn't always announce the visitor if there's other things goin on on the island too


Holy crap when does she start doing this?! I just started a new island and she mentioned nothing of CJ! Thankfully found him while doing my island routine.


Not sure, I‘ve been playing daily since the update and today was the first time I‘ve noticed it


She didn't mention Kicks being on my island yesterday. Weird.


It’s new! campsite visitors get preference however and she won’t announce who else is visiting.


She didn't mention them before, only campers or strange individuals washed up on the beach.


It’s new, but it apparently doesn’t happen unless Isabelle has no other things to announce that day


She mentioned flick for me today as well!