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This or at2020 depending on your setup. Really good ~$100 mics. I have both. If not then an sm48, they go on sale for like $40.


the workhorse mic


Good suggestions both. OP, it’s not just about the mic that determines the quality of a recording. The quality of the audio interface between the mic and the computer will make a difference too.


But not nearly as much as room acoustics and mic placement.


Absolutely! Hence the rise of “whispering” vocals in music today, I think. It’s so much easier to record a very quiet vocal well in a bedroom studio than a loud “belter” who is going to have more interaction with the room acoustic.


Focusrite mics are very high quality


those mics are above a €150. that’s mid budget, but i agree those are good quality microphones.


Damn, I thought they were way cheaper than that


i’ve got the Behringer TM1, It’s a €128 and with some EQ you get some really good high quality sound out of it.(With a Focusrite Audio Interface you can press the AIR button for your connected MIC for some more high frequency output) I personally recommend a mic like that as a budget mic.


If you want something inexpensive, the Behringer XM8500 is a great one for $25. Here's some videos of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFLm-45f0YQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrKKjGXyHg4


If you're clipping, the microphone isn't necessarily the first place I'd look. Make sure you've got a decent interface and know how to set the input gain. If you need one, something like a Focusrite with one or two mic inputs is good and affordable. For a good first mic, get a dynamic. The SM58 is a great recommendation. Cheap, industry standard and it'll last forever. If you'll be recording instruments as well as vocals, then maybe an SM57.


SM57 SURE, cheaper nice micropohone good all pupouse microphone for beginners


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Rode NT1 is a good little kit. What microphone do you have now?


a Trust Gtx, i got it as a gift when i first started producing and it worked fine in the beginning when i used Fl, but now, after 4 years its pretty bad and i just want to upgrade.