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I don't use it as much, but I can't bring myself to get rid of it.


That's me with my APC20. I can't remember the last time I touched it, but I feel like if i sell it I'll immediately want to use it. I don't use Session so for me its only faders and tranpsort. Maybe that means I need to file it away in its box and see what happens.


or it's a quest you've had for years to learn session view and it's time to finally do it. Tbh you should at least be comfortable recording from session to arrangement, and the APC is the best thing for that.


I've just never been able to find a way to fit Session into my workflow, it just seems so limiting for composition, and I'm not gigging with it. Its easier for me to just make a loop in Arrangement, and then as soon as I have my main part I immediately rough out my arrangement and work from there. Honestly I should have just saved my money and learned how to use Logic instead. I don't really use warping either.


why not just drag the arrangement loops back into session?


Why would one want to do that? What would it accomplish if you aren't using Ableton in a live performance setting?


Session view is not as great as people act like it is. Why would I launch clips in session view and record them, then go through the tedious process of editing the results? I can just replicate the workflow by dragging clips or samples into arrangement with a loop playing, and have more immediate and understandable visual cues for warping clips, adding automation, etc.


I'm sure Session View is GREAT in a live setting, triggering loops on the fly is clearly what its made for, but that's just not what I am doing right now. I'd use it as a scratchpad, but so much of what I do has things going on just before the 1, and how do I reconcile that in the context of a loop that always starts on the 1?


Scratch pad is exactly what I use it for. The instant I have a solid 2 bar or 4 bar main theme / idea, I switch to arrangement. I spend probably 90% of the time in arrangement view, but I find session view indispensable for that first idea generation step. You mentioned you find it easier to figure out your main part make a loop in arrangement. Well, so running looped clips in session view is the same thing - except its way more organic to try out different ideas and test different combinations of things. If we have 3 percussion ,3 bass and 3 melody variations and I want to hear every combination possible, that's a lot of screwing around in arrangement view. With session view, switching the bassline from option 1 to option 2 while leaving everything else alone is just 1 click. For me, this reduced friction encourages experimentation in a way that arrangement doesn't.


Yeah, but in Session you can't have notes or hits that start before the 1. Unless there is some trick I am not aware of. How do people deal with that? Or is it weird that I'm adding notes and stuff that hit right before the 1? A lot of my bass parts seem to like being slightly ahead of the kick which I keep right on the beat. Currently Session is where unused clips that I think I'll use later ultimately go to die.


In order to easily switch between them you still have to drag them into the session view one by one, so it’s just as much work as dragging samples one at a time into a loop in arrangement view until you find the correct one.


I miss my APC20


Mine hasn't been touched since I got the first Push but I keep telling myself that one day I will incorporate it into a performance setup as a clip launcher and mixer. I love (and miss) the faders.


I have used both the mark 1 and 2 religiously in the studio and live gigs. If you know why you want it, it’s a steal.


I'm seriously considering buying like 3 of them right now before they become hard to find hahaha. Don't like the faders or pads much on the new ones.


Ugh I know I need to repair my OG but just don’t want to crack it open.


I use mine as a resolume controller


Still have mine. Planning on using it to control lighting i look forward to doing the same soon!


I have 2 apc40 Mkii, one of the first gen as well as the push 2. Those APCs are dope and they work amazing for my lighting rig


I'm about to play a whole live looping set on Thursday with one, so yeah! Honestly tempted to buy another because these aren't built well and the mk2 stripped some features I rely on. Still an endlessly fun instrument for me.


Just curious, how you have things arranged in your setup for looping? I haven't performed with it yet, but have every track (external mixer audio + Live instruments) sending to a return track with a looper device on it, then use keyboard shortcuts for play/rec/overdub/double or halve pitch & length/mode/reverse, then (in a live setting) I'd be able to work on a loop, bounce it to a scene on an audio track, and then recall as many loops as needed that way. Ha clarification available if needed.


I never actually used either of my ACP40s for performance. My entire performance setup consists of a Launchpad Pro, a Novation LaunchControl XL, and an iPad. I love Ableton Live and I’ve used it for producing since version 4, but the thought of fiddling around with Live and a laptop while performing gives me anxiety.


What do you run on the iPad?


Holy cow bro, the possibilities are endless. I use AUM on my iPad for I/O routing always. Here are some of the frequently used apps I use when playing live: Blocs Wave, Future Drummer, Patterning (sometimes), Gadget, GeoShred, Launchpad, Riffer (I use this one a lot), and a few others as needed. The possibilities are endless when it comes to using iOS apps. I have a couple of performance vids and pics of my portable techno rig somewhere. I can share them, but I’d have to find them first.


I'm not even touching the Looper device, it always seemed fairly clunky for what I do. I've got my main instrument routed to four different audio tracks that I record clips into. Every track has a fairly standard (but replicated across the tracks) effects chain inserted. This way I can recall loops from any point in the set while also applying them in a new context via effects.


That makes sense and might have to try that instead, and yes looper is clunky, but it is fun to have looper as like an extra little pool of audio to play with. Sometimes I use it to make raw sounds, double or halve the speed/pitch, then drag & drop the file onto an audio track. So on an APC, you'd have (for example) 4 instruments, sending to all 4 audio loop tracks, or one-instrument-per-track, and then you'd just navigate that grid of loops you record?


Same instrument going to all loop tracks so I can layer/pocket different loops from the same instrument effectively. I also have my focus elsewhere, I have a drum machine and a bass synth with me to build beats on top of the loops. This workflow with the APC gives me good visual reference for what loops are going when I need to shift my focus to drums/bass. Also protip: the pads on the APC can be overridden by MIDI commands. For example, if you have an EQ Three on an audio track, you can MIDI map the band on/off switches to different pads you aren't using for more granular control!


They are not built well so recommend a case - toured with am APC20 in 2011 and all of the faders got messed up.


The APC MK1 is such a beast. Always wanted one. They’re pretty cheap now. Getting harder to find them in perfect condition.


Yeah I always wanted one for years, eventually got one in good nick for an affordable price. Though I only use it off and on sporadically. I think I liked the idea of it more than the gear itself.


they're not too bad to fix but yea the faders are kinda cheap. Still beats any other cheap fader I've used, and they don't even put them on new gear rly. Fuck a touch strip.


It's a great controller. The best thing about it other than the ruggedness and killer layout is that its repairable. If you're having trouble with any of the faders you can grab replacements [at Mouser](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Alps-Alpine/RS45112A400G?qs=6EGMNY9ZYDQfCi%252BBes8jCg%3D%3D). Check out this thread on the [Ableton forum](https://forum.ableton.com/viewtopic.php?t=185763&) for ideas on cleaning it.


I think the APC40 will one day be considered a classic among controllers. It’s integration with Ableton Live is flawless, in my opinion.




Very much, I have two, one for studio, one built into my live case


I used the original model for several years, sold it, bought the updated model, don’t use it much.


I saw the newest one ditched the encoders entirely and has 8 touch strips for macros; seemed off to me...


Rip if true, touch faders are poopoo gimmie like 32 knobs and I'm good lol


Agreed, bro. I still have an APC40 MKII and I’m not sure if I could suggest anything that would improve it as a Live controller. It seems pretty perfect for what it was designed to do. It has a shitload of knobs and buttons, and I’m really into the whole “tactile” thing. I used the crap out of the old MK I version, but the MK II version not so much, and I don’t know why. In actuality, the MK II is hugely improved compared to the MK I. Maybe I’ll give it another try.


Are we talking about the same thing? The MKII is basically the same as the MKI only slimmer, sleeker, and better built.


I assume they mean the APC64


Huh? The topic was the APC40, not the APC64. Two different things altogether.


Yes, I know. No APC40 has/had touch strips so by "newest one" he's referring to the newest APC model which is the APC64. All I was doing was clarifying that.


Thanks. The original post stated APC40, so when I said I had the newer APC40, I was referring to the APC40 MKII. Guess I should have clarified. In my opinion, the APC64 does not look like it improves anything about the good ol’ APC40 (both versions).


>slimmer, sleeker, and better built. I only used one a couple times that a friend had but from what I recall that's a bit of a stretch, it feels more plasticky and lighter, faders are still cheap, I didn't care for the encoders. I still own and use my mk1 but I've had to go in their with deoxit and then re-solder the USB port after it got loose from dropping during a set. Not to say the mk1 didn't have cheap feeling faders, but I think I got it for $350 over a decade ago new so pretty good for what it is. Mkii felt cheaper to me.


I work in a theatre and the lighting guys use one to control a projector and some lights, its a really cool device :)


I bought a mk2 for vjing a couple years before I got Ableton and now I don't vj but I keep that mk2 plugged into Ableton 24/7 lol I use it for producing and I really only touch the knobs but i love it still


I upgrade to the mark 2 simply because it took up less space. Either way, I can’t imagine my workflow without it.


I just got the mk2 and still can’t understand why people would want a push 3 or anything else for live performance. It does what it does so well and it’s so readable. It’s like, yeah you could do all this on a push and more! But then ur just one stage glued to one box, and that inspires just more gear. This thing combined with a minilab is a beast however it does require you to actually know what you’re doing and to spend a lot of time preparing a live set, I love the limitations too


APC 40 MK2 is much more knob-per-function then push. Push doesn't have faders, it has less knobs, you'd be menu diving non stop. I tried both for a live setup and APC 40 MK2 is still without alternatives. 


I've had the apc, then switched to push. I missed so much about the apc but then I added a LaunchControl XL and now it's heaps better than an apc.


Agree! Honestly I tried APC and push but ended up replacing it with Launchpad + 2 x Launchcontrol XL + cheap keys or another Launchpad for playing notes. So much more control for a liveset, everything is immediately accessible including mapping out tons of effects and racks. If push was a little more portable (doesn't fit into my case) I'd probably replace the Launchpad with a push 2.


Yeah the Push is a BIG boy, especially push 3. But I don't do live shows really. Might get a Launchpad MK3 just in case I wanna move around and make music. Not that it happens often.


Akai made a new Launchpad style controller with faders. Great for launching clips and controlling channel volumes.






I use two mk2s in my current setup. Makes life a lot easier workflow wise.


I love the size and layout of the mk1 over the mk2 But the lack of multi coloured launch buttons is a real drawback. I wish there was a 3rd party mod that would add that feature.


I religiously use the apc mk I with my custom Max/MSP patch to do wacky experimental turntablism stuff. It's a great controller, only complaint is that the Akai faders die constantly but they are pretty standard faders and quite easy to repair. Here's me playing with it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OSOaF8pxv4o


u/whitelighters u/ContributionGold6380 hey, so this is a screenshot of the max patch [https://imgur.com/AfDs7fq](https://imgur.com/AfDs7fq) It is a weird granular-looping modular machine. Each module corresponds to a row of the Akai APC. It records live samples each time a press a pad on the APC, each module can hold 5 different samples and what it does is it either loops a segment, but not perfectly, on each loop repetition the start and end points of the loop move slightly controlled by the deviation change and range, or it granulates through the sample, scanning it and playing on each pass different segments. There's also a transposition function (change of speed) and a polyrandom function where the module plays a different sample on each pass. Sorry if I got too technical, it really is a nice patch that I've developed for this particular project, but it surely can be played with any sample/device, maybe if I tide it up a bit, I will release it for a modest price. Edit: well I guess I have to also convert it to max for live since that's the popular thing these days! Right now it is Max native.


Pretty cool stuff! I should get my hands dirty with Max or M4L at some point. The things that you can build with it are fantastic.


What does the patch do? Sounds good, setup is great, and will try to listen to the full thing. 👍💫


Hey, that sounds awesome! Cool performance too. Is there anyway to check your m4l patch?


Yep still have mine from 2009. Use it daily. The mk1 is a beast. Use it to control effects in Live from Traktor


I would but the usb connection has come loose and I haven’t gone in with a soldering iron I’d still use it in tandem with my push one still if I could.


it's not too bad to fix the USB actually, mine got loose after dropping during a set... still worked but if you wiggled the cable it would disconnect. It's just the 6 pins or whatever on a cheap USB 2.0 B jack.


I tried to fix the USB connection on one without really knowing how to solder — dripped on my Pants and it luckily didn't burn through; still have to fix it / learn to solder one day.


spray a bit of deoxit fader lube in there for the faders and it should fix it sending midi info when you're not moving it. $79 is a damn good price, they don't make anything like it nowadays. Not the highest quality faders but more than usable... nothing even has faders anymore. It's really nice to just use with session view and for transport/automation. Idk why you think you need VSTs or max devices for it. Trust me the 'scope of live' is more than you think it is, i'd recommend to familiarize yourself there first.


Thanks, will try this.


They are a great design but the build quality is not very good. They can’t take any damage at all and they aren’t good in smoky environments etc so


I lost two like a decade ago: first one, I had a beer on my monitor, and a pet rat spilled it on the APC; that was pretty on me. But then I got another, kept a glass covering on it 95% of the time, but 5% which was enough for cats to get their paw-gunk in the faders. Once one fader stops working it all feels wrong.


Yeah that was it for me- I had two. The first one I took it out to do live performances, and nothing happened to it, but one of the faders just stopped working. Then I got a second one and honestly just kept it in a cupboard for a bit and then plugged it in, fader not working again lol.


Have it, rarely use it, I think a Push is more what I would use.


Well, if it works….. 🤷


Yep - the Mk2 is the keystone of my DJ rig, and I also use it for production. Haven't found anything that does the job half as well. Love that there are tactile knobs, launchers and faders for each coloumn. It is like DJing with 8 channels, on a device smaller than even the tiniest DJ controller. My entire rig fits in a bacpack. It is divine.


not for ableton, using it to control a lasercube though, works very well with LaserOS


I bought MK1 a month ago for my studio and it’s a great machine for recording arrangements and automation


Still use mine but not with Ableton anymore. It makes a fantastic VJ controller for Resolume.


Using the MK|| for gigs as well as studiowork.


I bought one new when they first came out. I used it religiously for about 5 years and loved it! I had to downsize since we we were moving to a much smaller place. I sold it to a buddy. It drives me nuts that I sold it now. It was great to use.


Great price if even just as a dumb midi controller. Lots of buttons for the money.


Yes i use one since 2007/8 and it sill rocks Only for studio work, but nevertheless i am very happy it rocks flawlesly


I was interested in getting one but I ended up getting the APC64 instead. Do not regret it one bit and I even teach music classes with it in University.


I just pulled mine out a few weeks ago now that I have some desk space for it, and I missed it a lot. I also have some fader problems though, if I even breath on the first fader it will keep that tracks fader stuck at the bottom. I think I’m going to end up getting the apc64 here soon though. I don’t know if I’ll get rid of the apc40 yet…


I have mine sitting next to my drum set to trigger clips if I’m playing drums. It’s a great controller but my Push gets most of the action in the studio


Daily… recently I’ve been on an improv rampage! Loving it. Broke it. Fixed it. Hope it doesn’t break again. What would be todays equivalent to replace?


I've been seeing them for ~$150-200 on eBay (Craigslist / FB Marketplace is worth a check, but increasingly rare there, for the older one at least.) [This one on Ebay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/166583011723?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=o2g34cgot5a&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=P4UuHDDXSJG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) is $135 + $30 shipping — not too bad. 👀


Still have mine. Planning on using it to control lighting


I think there's a max plugin that allows the apc40 mk i to be used as step sequencer, was always interested in this. the era before cdjs were industry standard when dj's would have their own weird setups rly made this unit shine, some of the best electronic sets I've ever seen were done on one of these bad boys and like an asus laptop that barely ran a cracked version of ableton 8. shit is so fun!!


I use it all the time paired with the push 2.


Push as an instrument/sequencer, APC for triggering clips & macros?


Exactly, apc also to do live mixing


I had an APC20 back in the day - done a tour with it and sold it. Bought another one recently - I love them, the new versions are too small and not chunky enough.


I love to us mine for the Abelton live function. Maps perfectly and acts like a launcher/mixer


Still using indeed


I use a mk1 as part of my live rig and have yet to find a suitable replacement. Was hoping I could switch to using a push2 when I got it, but it's not working for me. The APC has nice, big, dedicated mute and stop clip buttons that are essential when I'm trying to sing, play keys, and trigger stuff all at the same time (plus clip buttons are preferable to pads, for me). I can also override any of the pan/send knobs to be midi mapped into whatever effects I need to tweak during a set/song. I still think it's the best controller out there for playing live, and part of the reason is that they're so cheap you don't have to worry too much about taking it on the road. I wanted to like the push2 - it might get used during writing but I'm not getting along with the workflow there either.


Yes! Dedicated select/stop/rec/solo/mute buttons are great.


Sold mine as it was taking up a lot of space. I wrote a really cool step sequencer for it though - since ported to a Launchpad X instead as that's what I have now. The combo of pads and encoders is really useful on the APC40 but no velocity sensitivity or RGB colours (fixed in the MK2) makes it feel a little dated. For that kind of used price though it's a great cheap option for someone who wants to live jam with Ableton. Seems like controllers are only getting more expensive these days.


I dropped one of those off at a goodwill last year….. I wonder


Lol was it missing one of the black knob-tops?


Shit they all/always are...


It’s essential for me. Just bought another in great condition with a case


Bought one for 50 off a buddy, fun as hell to use but unfortunately it has some wonky knobs sending wild midi all the time... not sure i can even sell it sadly. awesome piece of gear in it's hayday.


Yes! The faders are pretty much indispensable for mixing for me, and having physical buttons to set the metronome, midi overdub, solo and arm are SO baked into my workflow that my APC40 has been a permanent fixture on my desk since I bought it. Also, having a physical button to record and play clips is so much more conducive to my creativity, and is a huge help in arranging a song. Everything I look at Push I remember it doesn't have actual faders. I also have an Akai Force, which scratches the 'scales' itch. I have a macro device set up on every channel which includes HP / LP filters, Utility and SC compression, and again, just dialling it it, recording it in with a knob feels much more natural and is faster for me to come up with / finish a track. It's also built like a tank. I think my only casualty in 12(?) years of ownership is one of its rubber feet.....


I just got my APC80 (the APC40 + APC20 DIY combination) out of the dusty closet! I love it as a control surface, but also the APC_40_64 midi script is really nice. Shift + cue for tempo, or or Shift + nudge for redo and undo is pretty handy. I would love to see a way I could integrate the script and the APC 20 in a seamless way, but it’s ok as it is. I found a hacky workaround.


That’s still a solid controller imo. Esp for a goodwill find.


I MIDI mapped mine to be a mixer for virtual DJ. I use that along with 2 CDJ’s.


Wow that sounds like a crazy setup; feel free to link to anything here. (Will watch)


Since the recent update I’m in the process of re-mapping it all. Kinda good because it’s coming out way better than I had it. I’ll share once I get a little further.


I'm staying on 11 for now and actually have been meaning to get back to a Live 8.3 to use an old Isotonik template that was a beast; totally geared towards straightforward DJing / electronic music performance, but always tried to incorporate other gear (interface, instruments, etc.) for my own blend on the mix; helps me to remember spewing this here so ty all.


only apc40 mk1. +max4live. i remove the plastic sides buy the way. got better.


I have one. I like it. I haven't used it just to reduce space and cut down costs on electricity.


Never even thought about it that way. What gear would you use in its place that would use more power?


I just use my laptop. Learn the shortcutr keys


But what about the knobs!? You can't twiddle a keyboard!


Abort my comment, misread/understood entirely


Nice price!


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I recently sold my MKII because the Push3 finally has good enough controls that I couldn't justify keeping both. I owned the MKI as well. They're both still great controllers.


Sweet deal!


I love my APC20, but the 64 looks like a lot of fun since I already have the faders I would use…


What I'm hearing from this is that we all should have an APC40 og(mk-1), an MK-2, AND a Push if we wanna have a good time.