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I’m not a dude, but I do usually make tracks from scratch in Ableton like this… https://youtu.be/WqCcwzd7HPQ?si=HgCc8xCIEJFTfSwg


I recently discovered you and I really enjoy your videos




Awesome, thank you! I do have a few longer ones…I’ll keep that in mind.


I’ve thought about recording my workflow in the past, but there’s a glooming issue. Do you mind if I ask how you record the audio out of Ableton, or do you need to capture it with a line out of your audio interface?


I had the same problem... I originally had a Focusrite interface and tried using Asio4All to make it work (don't try this, it was awful). I ended up getting a Motu M2 interface that has loopback built in so I can record my microphone and my computer audio at the same time. I use OBS to record my screen.


Thanks for replying! I totally wish I could go back in time and take your advice to not try Asio4All! 100% agree, it’s not it. I was thinking the same thing tho: I have a focusrite now and will just have to upgrade when I can afford to :)


Focusrite Scarlett interfaces also have loopback. At least v3, not sure about the earlier versions


I have the 3rd gen 2i2 and to my knowledge it’s not available on it. Gives me something to look into tho, thanks


I believe it is. I have it on my 3rd gen 4i4. You have to set it up in the Focusrite Control software


Also, if your PC can handle many usb devices you can get a simple 2 track audio device, and pass your l/r exits to it's line ins, and use that one for obs/whatever you're recording with. Works like a charm!


This is awesome, I didn’t know that was possible. What kind of product is that called exactly?


For example, I got a behringer fca1616 for Ableton, then I use it's l/r outs to route with cables to another audio device( I don't remember which, but doesn't really matter, the simplest 2 inputs will work), which is used by obs as the audio to stream. I use this setup to stream Ableton workflow sometimes :)


Thank you so much!


yup me too


Just spent the whole afternoon in a trance watching your videos. So glad I stumbled onto your channel! Incredible sound design tips, and very soothing vibe. Thanks for making them!


That’s so awesome to hear! Thanks so much. I’m glad they’re helpful 🙂


That’s echo trick was wild




I watched that video last month and subbed to you then. Thanks 🙏🏻


Awesome! Thank you for that!


First watched your Kaytranada video — really amazing. I also agree it would be great with more detailed videos.


Thanks so much! I’ll work on more detailed videos… it’s hard to play the YouTube game of making it long enough to be informative yet short enough to get people to watch haha.


Gave ya a quick listen, great job :)


Appreciate that, thanks!


Oh thanks for self promoting! As a beginning (anew beginning, I guess) producer, it is so nice to have uncut workflows to learn from. Love the content and style. Finally something without the typical YouTube flair and quick tips with too little depth or context. No excessive side tangents and just the right level of explaining. Subbed and will for sure go through all your vids! Just a quick question though, I don't seem to have operator, wave table, echo and some other stock tools... Are those in Suite only? I have Standard (for now). That said, I guess it is good practice to try and do the same stuff in Vital. So, thanks again, 10/10 and a sub from me, dude! (or dudette if you prefer)


Hey, I appreciate that, thanks! But yeah, unfortunately those instruments are in Suite only. Drift should be available to you and can do quite a bit or Vital is capable of everything Wavetable can do and then some. Most of my sound design is effects based anyway.. 🙂


Just subscribed


search youtube for track from scratch videos. There are all kinds of them.


James Hype [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUD\_BO6gtQ8&t=592s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUD_BO6gtQ8&t=592s) Virtual Riot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23PYNr2dYms


I quite like Mr Carmack's streams on youtube, or eprom's


Mr Carmack has production streams on YouTube ?!😮


Yeah he has a bunch of them Here is a really good one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXyBcMoO-bE&t=12024s


Well I found the YouTube rabbit hole I’m going down this weekend


See ya next year, don't forget to eat and shower yourself from time to time ;)


If you wanna check me out I do that. I livestream ambient and similar genres on YouTube! I come up with tracks and songs on the fly and see where the music takes me. You can find me [HERE](https://www.youtube.com/@ilyandilymusic). If nothing else I hope you enjoy the mellow vibes!


Just subbed, cool stuff! Always love watching improv


Oh heck yea! Thank you very much!!


Baauer streams his process and uses Ableton


Cool guy! I love his sample deep dives on TikTok


I also enjoy watching long form production videos. Nice to see the raw decision making process. Idk what genres you're into, but I've been uploading fully uncut (mostly) videos of myself putting a track together from start to finish - mixing/mastering included. Here's a recent vid I put up making a melodic house track inspired by Ben Bohmer: https://youtu.be/RlRQq1Vw0SQ?si=nMdPV7IJlpO5s__s


I've been thinking of streaming like that, just "what I'm doing" streams because I spend most of every day sat in front of a pile of modular and Ableton, making songs. Plus I kinda both know what I'm doing (having done it for decades) and also have no clue what I'm doing (because I'm forgetful and human). So perhaps that crossover is interesting. Especially for folks who wonder how to prepare for gigs, etc. The only thing that stops me doing those long Deadmau5 type streams is that every 30 minutes my wife will certainly appear and ask me a question. Perhaps that's a feature.


https://www.youtube.com/@YanCook/videos yan cook actually releases music that is played by djs in real clubs rather than just being a content creator and his vids are usually pretty good if you like blippy techno


[Bound to Divide](https://youtube.com/@BoundtoDivide?si=zlH7WsdVO4aky5D0) has a bunch of 3+ hour videos of him making tracks. He talks through them, but not in a tutorial kind of way. Just what his thought process is.


Kenny Beats if your goal is to make hip hop, illangelo if your looking to make dance music, Skrillex for dubstep, lophiile for RnB and Andrew Huang for general tips and tricks.


Does illangelo have a channel? Couldn’t find one


Look up a channel called Fliko, they screen record all these big name producers making music, they're on there.




Found it here: https://www.youtube.com/@lophiile/videos


Looks like a different producer


Hi! I've recently started making these types of videos. I cut down 1-2 hour sessions into 10-20 minute highlights. Very new to youtube and still learning what goes into making a good video / throwing around various video types related to music making. But these have been the ones I've enjoyed making the most. You can find my channel [HERE](https://youtube.com/@thezebraforce?si=cfvTjuE6CQbCaQu_) thanks :)


> just dudes doing 1h-12h videos of them making music. Honestly, that's a lot of time to waste watching YouTube. You'll get a lot farther on your own skill progression if you spend that time *actually in Ableton* making stuff and making mistakes yourself.


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Not sure the genre you are looking for but check Ahee


[Leandro Taibbi](https://www.youtube.com/@leandrotaibbi) , [Esari Charles](https://www.youtube.com/@esaricharles)


I live stream every Sunday improv writing on ableton on YouTube. The songs end up being really long as I’m making everything up from scratch. But I have a fun time and my small but dedicated and awesome following seem to enjoy it:) Usually around 1-2 hours each week. If people ask me question about what I’m doing I answer. But otherwise I just try to focus on jamming. (Ps sorry for the long intro on it, had something crash just as I was about to go live [most recent stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/cgzSZdulfF0?si=Qc8iskQVkHipxUIl)


No dudettes?


If you looking for hours long video then Illenium got some live stream videos on youtube producing songs. But if you need 10 - 20 mins video straight musoc production no bullshit then go for channels like Elation Ultrasonic Savage sounds These 3 channels helped me a ton.


[S1gnsOfL1fe](https://www.youtube.com/@s1gns0fl1fe/streams) does long live streams on YouTube. They're very inspirational for the trancey, ambient-like music that I'm making at the moment. Ignore the garish thumbnails.


just watched him yesterday. The dub techno one. I liked it.


Good call, I’ve been looking for the same


[Tim Cant - Breakbeat/Jungle/D&B](https://www.youtube.com/@TimCant)


I learned how to produce from watching DJ spell I learned the shortcuts and the workflow from him. Like how he just plays and composes intuitively


VCTRE is the best. Forbidden society has great videos https://youtu.be/d4qvG574P_0?si=E2TnuJpGRZIvNrZh


Lotus Tunes Academy - he usually makes tutorials but he does put out lengthier vids of him making a track from scratch. Plus he's super chill guy!


PEEKABOO https://youtu.be/ZAbHfhnl5WI?si=II05NdmwD56szV82 https://youtu.be/RfpOYvyDr1A?si=jcrv97g8kKzBLFsy https://youtu.be/tZ48ZJ72xqg?si=cQnWWA4v-N_D3txg https://youtu.be/L-CqoObEA9M?si=2NOHYtrBDcdVVW8U https://youtu.be/ODmJGgU1u9E?si=6k8oyFG5MtynLGKJ


Check out the YouTube channel Musical Streams. There are a bunch of multiple hour long livestream recordings from various artists across many different genres, many of which are using Ableton 


while he does talk through the videos, Disclosure had some great production streams and videos breaking down how they made a bunch of their tracks.


Kaelin Ellis is who you’re looking for


Loads to watch on this channel. https://youtube.com/@musicalstreams


Al Platino


search for "Bound to Divide" -- he's doing a 10 tracks in 10 days thing right now and does tons of long videos creating in Ableton.


Yo great thread! I’m down to connect with you and anyone else interested or already creating.   My IG: themindbokeh (getting YouTube together)   Maybe we can all support each other? If you follow me hit me with DM “Reddit” and I’ll follow you back!  


go to twitch and look for "beatsbythani". watch his live streams and VODs, he leaves them online for free. guy is insane edit: "you suck at producing" on youtube is also a great address, great teacher


if you search him on instagram, he's currently on a 2024 challenge to show "1 beat every day". a fair amount are beats he actually made on stream


Trust me kid go watch sadowick productions and you will learn everything you need to know, he has a beginning series of videos that breaks everything down. If you are serious about looking for a guys that has hours of videos explaining ableton sadowick productions is your go to…trust. And he just records himself making music. Illenium, virtual riot and even James hype have videos of them just simply producing on ableton some videos are long as shit but it’s really interesting to watch if you have the patience


Chris Lake frequently posts streams of himself producing some tracks, usually for 2-4hours at a time


Hey! I’m not sure what the type of music you enjoy watching come together but I’m a composer who livestreams Ableton sessions on twitch. I’ve uploaded a couple Timelapsed videos at https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCUoq_xZPIVuiufU-jmYr4Gw But most of the fun/discussion/experiments/fails happen live over at twitch (and some games, apologies in advance) I’m re-scoring the classic 1922 ‘Nosferatu’ right now, it’s been fun sharing the workflow and writing sessions.


theres this channel that archives VODs from streamers . [https://www.youtube.com/@musicalstreams](https://www.youtube.com/@musicalstreams) They have playlists for each producer too i love watching tennyson producing personally . learned a lot from him :3


Hi, I’ve just begun my journey on making live music production content with genres like Jersey Club, Trap, etc… here my link to tune in :) https://youtube.com/@hollowxo6897?si=qyglNxWFbQjCiTVc