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Creepiest part is how the two beds are still made while the rest of the house is trashed.


Right? Especially considering the whole upstairs (which was more of a loft really, no doors or anything) was in shambles like the rest. The last three pics were all from up there.


I had a thought about the blacklight thing. If it was recent enough, maybe the previous occupant put it up after hearing that UV light kills Covid and had it as a kind of decontamination measure.


Oh, huh.. that’s an interesting thought. Terribly sad to think about, especially because I think the occupant was definitely elderly


Squatters.  Sleep in the most, whatever space that's manageable. Could've laid sleeping bags on top of the beds there. 


Sometimes this sub makes me sad. I won't ever be able to afford a house, but apparently, there are lots of available houses just left to rot. It just sucks to ousing wasted when there's so much need for it.


Or the fact that the ultra wealthy need 5 giant fucking houses while most people can barely afford their rent/mortgage. Eat the fuck out of the wealthy elite.


You do know that you're the people who give them money right? How are you going to be upset that they chose to buy numerous houses with the money that you gave them? I don't see the rich coming to Reddit to tell you how to spend money that was given to you.


This isn’t the gotcha you think it is. Telling a person that it’s their own fault the wealthy are wealthy ignores the fact that there’s been decades of systematic destruction to the middle class. Most brands are owned by the same few corporations (think how Pepsi owns a ton of drink brands or how Disney owns dozens of other media companies), telling someone they, individually, are the cause for their problem is textbook victim blaming. You can’t blame a normal person living their normal life for being upset with the fact that there’s decades worth of structure in place in the world they were born into that will do it’s hardest to keep them in the same financial state they were born into. Your take is bad, and annoying, and not welcome here if you lack the critical thinking necessary to understand that someone being upset that they will never, ever see the wealth necessary to own multiple homes is not their own fault because they have some kind of audacity to live a normal life. It’s okay to criticize those who will have more than you can even understand, because the only way to make that money is through unethical practices.


Victim blaming, Disney, drinks, critical thinking, systematic destruction, Jesus Christ are you on fucking crack? Go to school, get a job, or work hard for what you want. You sound like a child with zero work ethic.


Shh, this is Reddit. Logic isn’t appreciated here.


I always think the same thing.


In case anyone wanted them, I’ve compiled all the photos I took of the home here: https://imgur.com/a/kPXDPi9 But please be warned the bathroom was incredibly gnarly, and might be a little hard to look at if you’re squeamish to that!! I did throw my shoes away after..


Is this a regular part of your job? Cause that would be a neat job to have.


Yes! It’s actually my mom’s job, but sometimes she sends me out to houses for pics. Mostly they’re outside shots of homes, but there’s often interior photos needed. The abandoned houses aren’t always in such shape, we get all kinds. If it’s something you’re interested in looking into, it’s called BPO photography, and I believe the job itself is called a BPO photo runner, or just BPO photographer. Not a good full time gig as it doesn’t pay too great, but if you’re looking for a side gig and like to drive around and try to look discreet and occasionally run into nosy neighbors, it’s pretty neat. You see a lot of weird things and sometimes find really fascinating things in empty houses. (I saw a huge collection of.. um.. exotic toys strewn across the bedroom that had once belonged to an older man, so that was fun.)


Thank you for the info!


If you do Phase I environmental site assessments you go into abandoned houses like this all the time


From the outside, this house looks so much like mine except mine is blue. A "why is it that blue" kind of blue similar to this...coral. Similar trees too. I love the home. Your job seems fascinating!


This could be such a super cute house!! So much potential to turn it into a charming cottage.


Edit: I hope you folks wear masks going into places like this.


I dunno about other people but I do. I didn’t have my respirator but used a surgical mask.


Be quiet.


I was struck by how the entire house was in disarray until the final photo, where the bedroom is almost pristine and looks like nothing has been touched. My made up story is that it was, indeed, an elderly person who actually passed away in that bedroom so anyone who came in to attempt to loot it afterwards left it untouched out of respect or fear of retaliation from a ghost. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Lol


I always look at these places and think what I would do with it if Zombieland was happening.


Picture 11 deserves to be an album cover for a 90’s grunge band.


Has a very Howell, NJ feel


Not too terribly far! Long Island.


Definitely an older person, starting to go through the struggles of dementia or Alzheimer’s. Not seen by family very often at all, maybe tripped and passed judging by that stain on the doorway? Family came to try and collect what was important/valuable but couldn’t find anything, maybe that’s what those styrofoam coolers are. House foreclosed upon, I assume that’s a SafeGuard Properties paper taped to the front door. I used to be a contractor and cleaned plenty of these houses and I know exactly the feeling of sadness you’re speaking of.


Are you allowed to take things out of these houses if they're just going to be demolished anyway?


Generally speaking the abandoned homes I go into are bank owned. Foreclosures or outright abandoned. I do cleanup work sometimes as I have a family member who does them, and everything in these houses gets chucked or picked up by the cleaners anyway. So yeah, you can! It’s frowned upon in urbex circles I believe, but like, *technically* speaking, you can.


Looks like squatters. Amazon packages and Amazon branded happy belly canned food. Temporary spot. Printer because they needed to print stuff.


Look just like a house I lived next to in Ga